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June 6, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.3]

(This includes release notes from all revisions of v3.8.3).

•The Fruit Catcher Cap is back with fabulous new texturing! 'Catch' it on sale twice a year: June 1-30 and Dec 4-Jan 4; once for each hemisphere!
•The Outset name tag will now be available in Series 6 Issue 2. This was previously awarded after the New Years Toon HQ Takeover event.
•Dates for the next Cattlelog delivery & Rewrite eligibility will now appear in the Calendar in your Shtickerbook, and can be filtered via 'Show Only Misc.'

Miscellanous & Mishaps
•The Gag Shop is rolling out their newest, remastered styles of Birthday Cakes to celebrate ToonFest: Birthday Bash!
•Fluffy should show up less often and perform tricks more often when he does.
•Fixed a rare district reset related to the Cashbot Mint.
•Implemented support for content pack creators to provide per-zone overrides of audio.
•Restored the ability to have non-greyscaled eyes for content packs.
•Fixed an issue where parts of facilities or streets would not load during periods of high server stress, causing crashes.