November 29, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.3.0]
• Implemented the all-new Options Menu! Check it out by clicking on the remote icon in the bottom right of your screen, or by pressing SHIFT + ESC (by default).
• Fixed a crash that occurred when using a Toon Rewrite while using the Spooky Purple color.
• Corrected an issue that could cause sound effects to continue playing after disabling and re-enabling sound effects.
• Fixed a minor typo in Cog dialogue.
• All settings that were only accessible through the settings.json file previously are now available in-game. This includes Anti-Aliasing, Animation Smoothing, Discord Integration, etc.
• Adding WASD support to Toontown was our most requested feature EVER! We've now done that, and much more.
• All keys that can be used in game can now be reassigned in the Options Menu. Use the control scheme that works for you!
• Toons can now slow down and walk rather than run when holding SHIFT (by default).
• Reworked walk controls to feel more fluid. Toons will transition to running and stopping, rather than maintaining a constant speed.
• The new control system has been heavily tested by the team. However, if you run into any issues, please email so we can get it fixed as soon as possible!
• Music and Sound Effects can be individually adjusted to be quieter or louder.
• Visual SFX Indicators can now be toggled from in-game. If Sound Effects are disabled, Visual Indicators will always be on.
• Implemented support for borderless fullscreen display mode, which is now the default on Windows and Linux.
• Legacy fullscreen support has been removed for macOS Toons, in favor of Apple's integrated system. If you’re using a Mac, you should instead use the green maximize button to toggle between Windowed and Fullscreen modes.
• Added ability to turn on a Frame Rate Meter from the Options Menu.
• Implemented Toony GUI transitions, which can be disabled for a more classic Toontown feel.
• Fixed a longstanding bug where nametags and chat bubbles couldn't be clicked after changing the game's display mode.
• Implemented animation blending for more natural Toon movement. Animation will no longer start/stop abruptly, but instead blend from one to another. This can be turned off in the Options Menu.
Shticker Book
• The Street M.A.P.S. icon is now hidden until hovering over the Shticker Book to avoid screen clutter.
• Fixed a bug in the Toontorial where the left/right keys could be pressed to view other pages of the Shticker Book while talking to HQ Harry.
• Simplified the Options & Codes page to combine the two tabs into one.