April 6, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.5.0]
• Engine Upgrade! Toontown Rewritten has been upgraded to Panda3D 1.10, the latest version of the technology which powers Toontown.
• Game performance has been significantly improved. Toontown is now smoother than it has ever been, especially on lower end computers!
• Decreased loading time when entering new areas.
• Fix a common problem related to game settings that would crash the game on startup.
• Fixed many miscellaneous crashes throughout the game.
• Corrected various typos in ToonTask dialogue.
• Updated label of the Shticker Book "Options & Codes" page.
• Fixed a bug causing the "Enter" key to stop working after getting a boarding group invite or friend request.
• Boarding group invites and friend requests can no longer be accidentally accepted when pressing the "Enter" key.
• Implemented additional logging to help us balance various gameplay elements in future updates.
April Toons Week
• Silliness is off the charts! The Silly Meter will provide double Silly Points and a significantly decreased cool down time for the rest of April Toons Week.
• Removed random Toon sounds and effects due to community feedback. Some jokes get old after a few years!
The Silly Meter
• Doctor Surlee has returned to Toon Hall!
• Improved appearance of the Silly Reader's "Inactive" state.
• Fixed a bug causing the "Next Silly Cycle" text to fly into the sky.
• Added a message to the Silly Stats page when Loony Labs is still calculating Silly Points.
• Fixed several street crashes related to animated objects.
• Fixed a bug related to the Silly Meter which caused districts to occasionally freeze.
• Fixed a server crash related to the Toontorial.
• The "Items Recovered" screen at the end of a battle will now display how many of each item was recovered.
• The "Items Not Recovered" screen will no longer display items that have already been found.
• When walking into a Cog that a Toon has started a battle with, you'll now join the battle with them.
• Anti-aliasing is now set to "off" by default on fresh installations of Toontown Rewritten. If you're still experiencing performance issues, we suggest going into the Options Menu and disabling Anti-aliasing.
• GUI Animation has been added for almost all in-game pop-ups. This option can be changed on the "Video" tab!
• Improved instructions for the Toon Slingshot minigame.
• Reduced the volume of the Hype Train furniture item.
• Improved Doodle path-finding. They should have an easier time interacting with you at your Estate!
• The streets of Toontown have been given a visual pass to improve consistency and accuracy to Toontown Online.
• Fixed most cases of texture and sign flickering on building exteriors.
• Fixed a longstanding bug that caused certain street signs to disappear.
• Restored tunnel and elevator signs for Cog Headquarters.
• Restored shop signs on the interior of Toon buildings. This is a feature from Toontown Online that has been missing for years, but has finally returned!