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May 27, 2020 [ttr-live-v2.6.8]

Chip n' Dale's Acorn Acres
• Acorn Acres' Picnic Games have been re-written from the ground up for stability and more features!
• While playing Picnic Games, the GUI has been updated with more flair and better indicators.
• Even if you aren't playing a Picnic Game, you can see the game board move in real time, even from afar!
• Rewrote the instructions for Picnic Games to be clearer.
• Reduced the volume of some MiniGolf sound effects added in the last game update.

• Implemented measures to reduce memory leaks and reduce crashes on Intel based systems.
• Increased the speed at which you can deposit and withdraw jellybeans from your Jellybean Bank.
• Corrected a crash that occurred while visiting a friend gardening at their Estate.
• Fixed an issue where names such as "D.J." would be blocked due to no vowels and all capitals.
• Re-named "Juggling Balls" to "Juggling Cubes"
• Addressed various bugs and glitches throughout Toontown.

• Added a new option in the Options Menu to adjust text quality.
• Adjusted the scaling of '3, 2, 1, Go!' in Kart Racing to be visually clearer.
• Fixed a graphical bug in the 'Cog Thief' Trolley Game.
• Fixed the text alignment of the 'Options & Codes' title in the Shticker Book.

• Implemented Organic Gag indicators in the battle menus. There's no need to say "ORG" anymore!
• These indicators also affect Toon T.A.G.S. - so you'll never have to worry about if your teammates have come prepared.

Cog HQs
• Re-added room name tags within the Sellbot Factory. Now you'll never be lost!
• Fixed many "grey screen" loading bugs in the District Attorney's Office and in Cog Golf Courses.
• Fixed various cutscene bugs in the Sellbot V.P. Battle.
• Implemented detailed reward information at the end of the Lawbot Chief Justice and Bossbot C.E.O. Battles.
• Adjusted the names of some Cog Bosses within Boarding Groups and SpeedChat for consistent grammar and style.
• Adjusted the "How to Play" menu in Cog Golf to be less confusing and visually cleaner.