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Daily Alpha Giveaway: A Clean Slate
Posted by Sir Max on December 5, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Heyo! Welcome to Day 2 of the Daily Alpha Giveaways. I know you are eager to hear these winners, so I'm not going to waste any time.
But actually, I'm going to waste a little bit of time to talk about this. First of all, we had 4,500 entries. No, seriously. 4,500 entries. We were expecting 200, maybe 500. Not 4,500. And guess who had to count all 4,500 of those out by hand? This guy! No, not me. This guy behind me, Fat McStink.
Well, at least, he was counting them out. He got to 70 when one of the Lab guys stopped him to say that we could put this into a machine to do the counting for us. Did you know that they sell contest counting machines? Who knew.
Now, before announcing the winners, let's talk about today's contests for the 4,480 of you who are about to be disappointed. Winners, you can get your glory in just a few paragraphs. First of all, we have today's giveaway. We've got another question set up for you over on the Giveaway Page: What's something in Toontown that you never want to see changed?
Next, we have the secondary contest. We're starting with a clean Slate- literally. We asked Slate to make herself look nice, because we want her to do the first community giveaway. Slate is an awesome YouTuber who has been livestreaming videos of our Daily Updates, and she is also one of our team's texture designers. You can head on over to her channel to get the details about her contest, and we'll be announcing the winners right here tomorrow!
Now, without further ado, here are the first 20 winners!
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!
Today's Question:
"What was the worst part about Toontown, and why?
How can it be better?"
1. Ace of Spades
For our first secondary contest, us team members picked 10 people from the community who we really want to see playing in Toontown Rewritten.
1. Coach Zucchini - YouTuber
Thanks for checking out the winners, and be sure to enter for tomorrow's giveaway over at Slate's Livestream or the Giveaway Page!

But actually, I'm going to waste a little bit of time to talk about this. First of all, we had 4,500 entries. No, seriously. 4,500 entries. We were expecting 200, maybe 500. Not 4,500. And guess who had to count all 4,500 of those out by hand? This guy! No, not me. This guy behind me, Fat McStink.
Well, at least, he was counting them out. He got to 70 when one of the Lab guys stopped him to say that we could put this into a machine to do the counting for us. Did you know that they sell contest counting machines? Who knew.
Now, before announcing the winners, let's talk about today's contests for the 4,480 of you who are about to be disappointed. Winners, you can get your glory in just a few paragraphs. First of all, we have today's giveaway. We've got another question set up for you over on the Giveaway Page: What's something in Toontown that you never want to see changed?
Next, we have the secondary contest. We're starting with a clean Slate- literally. We asked Slate to make herself look nice, because we want her to do the first community giveaway. Slate is an awesome YouTuber who has been livestreaming videos of our Daily Updates, and she is also one of our team's texture designers. You can head on over to her channel to get the details about her contest, and we'll be announcing the winners right here tomorrow!
Now, without further ado, here are the first 20 winners!
Daily Alpha Giveaway Winners:
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!
"What was the worst part about Toontown, and why?
How can it be better?"
1. Ace of Spades
...The worst part of Toontown districts are therefore the most played in the 'Nutty River' and with that, many players were limited to playing in empty districts without the chance to go on a VP, or CFO, it was really sad in Toontown...2. Connor
The worst part of Toontown is the greeners! How can it be made better you ask? Well, you can fix that glitch that greeners used for hundreds and hund- well, just a couple of years, that made toons stuck on the VP lobby! That'd be toontastic, because no toon deserves to be greened.3. Grabovski
...The worst part of Toontown is the trolley because you need to play minigames that don't grant you many jellybeans...4. Fireball
I dont really like the matching game, I wish it could give hints...5. Donut Cannon
The fact that you can have 6 gag tracks...If the game was limited to 5 gag tracks per player, there would be a lot more teamwork-based strategy in the game.6. Swat
The hackers was my main problem. I got hacked many times and I'm sick of it.7. Super Spike
Limited to 50 friends. Too many trolley games that I didn't like. You could ask the toontown community what games they would like instead of you putting all of them back into the game, put the ones we want.8. Princess Melody Kookyton
...After thinking of what you guys have done, I'll say fishing is the worst. I would like it if fishing could be based on statistics a bit more than luck...9. Fireball (Popular name, eh?)
In my opinion the worst part of toontown is when the CFO get a safe and put at his head and we need to throw a safe to get the safe off...10. Blueberry Duck
I think gardening is the worst part of Toontown, and I think you can make it better by making it so plants will grow faster...
Developer Picks:
For our first secondary contest, us team members picked 10 people from the community who we really want to see playing in Toontown Rewritten.
1. Coach Zucchini - YouTuber
Coach Zucchini, or "Coach Z." as most call him, is the most subscribed Toontown YouTuber of all time. He does many rants about the good and the bad in Toontown, which is exactly the kind of feedback we want with Toontown Rewritten.2. Flypikachu - MMO Central Forums Member
Flypikachu said something in a thread yesterday that really caught our eyes. "I hope that everyone is happy, no matter what happens, if you win a key, and if you don't win a key. A true toon stays happy even though they don't win anything. Good luck everyone, and for those of you who win a key tommorow, have a toontastic day."3. Amanda - #ToontownPS Veteran
We hope that you have a Toontastic day too, Flypikachu!
Amanda is one of the toons who has been following Toontown Rewritten very actively since the very beginning. She has been very helpful the IRC and never complaining. In fact, I once accidentally gave her alpha access and had to revoke it. She didn't mind at all, even though that was a bad move on my part.4. Shorty - Toonbook Member
Shorty is a pretty active guy in the community, and a talented artist as well. He is one of the winners of a logo contest that Toonbook held a few months ago when gathering ideas for the Toontown Rewritten logo, and he also made this awesome video after TTR was announced.5. Ugly Corny - Community Gossiper
Ugly Corny may not be the most cheerful of toons at times, however he has made a name for himself in the community by devoting time to find information about the rumored "Toontown 2.0" or "Downtown Toontown" that Disney had been working on. Maybe one day he will be leaking things that we're working on!6. Roxy and Taffy - MMO Central Forums Member
Similar to others, although she has never won an alpha key, Roxy has been keeping watch on Toontown Rewritten since the very start. She is being a very active and helpful part of the community, and I hear that she is even arranging some sort of Christmas present for the community. You can head on over here if you want to help her. No worries, we haven't peeked!7. Fastfestival - Toonbook Member
Fastfestival is a long-time supporter and active member of Toonbook. She is very nice to the members of the site, and has been patient as well while waiting for Toontown Rewritten. Thanks for your support!8. Captain Flippenhopper - #ToontownPS Veteran
Just like Amanda, Captain Flip has been around for quite a while. He has kept a positive attitude in the IRC, and we like having him around. See you in alpha!9. Colorless Rainbow - Toonbook Member
Colorless Rainbow has added a lot of color to our community since Toontown Rewritten started. She is one of the many artists on Toonbook that generously donates their time and talent to brighten a fellow toons day.10. Owooo - #ToontownPS Veteran
Once again, we have someone who has been following TTR since before we even had a name. Besides, how could we pass up on someone named after our favorite SpeedChat phrase? Owooooo!
Thanks for checking out the winners, and be sure to enter for tomorrow's giveaway over at Slate's Livestream or the Giveaway Page!
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Gog said on December 5, 2013 at 2:03 PM
i hope i get a alpha key i just want one i so bored watching tv all day
i hope i get a alpha key i just want one i so bored watching tv all day
Miniguy said on December 5, 2013 at 2:03 PM
Thanks for giving out more keys! Keep up the great work!
Thanks for giving out more keys! Keep up the great work!
Prof. Skipper Thunderspeed said on December 5, 2013 at 2:05 PM
I will have the power to play TTR with Sir Max the hilarious story maker!
I will have the power to play TTR with Sir Max the hilarious story maker!
Vert said on December 5, 2013 at 2:05 PM
Congrats to the winners of the first day! Good luck to everyone else for the next 9 days!
Congrats to the winners of the first day! Good luck to everyone else for the next 9 days!
Duke Popcorn said on December 5, 2013 at 2:05 PM
Sounds great! Good luck to everyone. :) Don't be sad if you lose, you'll still get another chance to play Toontown again when Beta or Public is released! :D With 300 testers, things should go along faster because we will be able to spot more bugs.
Sounds great! Good luck to everyone. :) Don't be sad if you lose, you'll still get another chance to play Toontown again when Beta or Public is released! :D With 300 testers, things should go along faster because we will be able to spot more bugs.
Doctor Oswald said on December 5, 2013 at 2:06 PM
I just wanna say that everyone who has an alpha key, you're very, very lucky! Congratulations :)
I just wanna say that everyone who has an alpha key, you're very, very lucky! Congratulations :)
Peppermint said on December 5, 2013 at 2:09 PM
Awesome! I can't wait for everyone to receive their prizes. Thank you!
Awesome! I can't wait for everyone to receive their prizes. Thank you!
James Blonde said on December 5, 2013 at 2:09 PM
Whoever wins, congrats!
Whoever wins, congrats!
Blue Seas said on December 5, 2013 at 2:11 PM
Wow, I can't believe that Toontown is back! Here's my story. I was about, 5, or so. I saw a commercial for toontown, and my brother said, "Let's try that!" So, he got an account. I wanted to try too, and made one of my own, and red mouse named Jerry. I played him for a good few years and my brother joined in too. Later, I made a smaller toon named Blue Seas. Eventually, I went to other games such as Wizard101, Roblox, Minecraft. it was about 6-7 years from when I started Toontown, when I decided to check on Toontown, to see how they are doing. I learned they were closing. I was heartbroken. Toontown was the reason I can type, make friends, and be amazing on the computer. Then I found this, Toowntown Rewritten. That is about all for my story. But soon, fate will tell the rest of this story.
Wow, I can't believe that Toontown is back! Here's my story. I was about, 5, or so. I saw a commercial for toontown, and my brother said, "Let's try that!" So, he got an account. I wanted to try too, and made one of my own, and red mouse named Jerry. I played him for a good few years and my brother joined in too. Later, I made a smaller toon named Blue Seas. Eventually, I went to other games such as Wizard101, Roblox, Minecraft. it was about 6-7 years from when I started Toontown, when I decided to check on Toontown, to see how they are doing. I learned they were closing. I was heartbroken. Toontown was the reason I can type, make friends, and be amazing on the computer. Then I found this, Toowntown Rewritten. That is about all for my story. But soon, fate will tell the rest of this story.
Mack said on December 5, 2013 at 2:15 PM
Congrats on whoever wins
Congrats on whoever wins
Super Sparklemuffin said on December 5, 2013 at 2:15 PM
I'm so excited! Thank you so much for releasing more keys! You guys are amazing! :-)
I'm so excited! Thank you so much for releasing more keys! You guys are amazing! :-)
Royal Blue Dog E said on December 5, 2013 at 2:16 PM
Thanks for giving us this opportunity! You guys are the best!
Thanks for giving us this opportunity! You guys are the best!
Azaelia said on December 5, 2013 at 2:21 PM
Am I the only one being super impatient and constantly clicking refresh over here...?
Am I the only one being super impatient and constantly clicking refresh over here...?
MysticalMagic said on December 5, 2013 at 2:23 PM
Baking pies just in case...LOL you guys make it great to be a toon
Baking pies just in case...LOL you guys make it great to be a toon
Lilac said on December 5, 2013 at 2:25 PM
Thanks so much for doing this! Can't wait to see the winners! :)
Thanks so much for doing this! Can't wait to see the winners! :)
Peppy said on December 5, 2013 at 2:25 PM
I hope I get it I've been waiting so long please I went on toonbook everyday and said to people do you have a spare alpha key but now is the chance I hope that chance comes true
I hope I get it I've been waiting so long please I went on toonbook everyday and said to people do you have a spare alpha key but now is the chance I hope that chance comes true
AndyTechGuy said on December 5, 2013 at 2:27 PM
I have never pressed the refresh button so much in my LIFE!
I have never pressed the refresh button so much in my LIFE!
Amy Rose said on December 5, 2013 at 2:29 PM
I hope a get a key because i have played toontown all my life and i couldn't stop crying until i found out about this :)
I hope a get a key because i have played toontown all my life and i couldn't stop crying until i found out about this :)
Sheriff Toppenzap said on December 5, 2013 at 2:34 PM
Good luck to everybody these next few days!
Good luck to everybody these next few days!
Sheriff Toppenzap said on December 5, 2013 at 2:34 PM
Good luck to everybody these next few days!
Good luck to everybody these next few days!
Roxy said on December 5, 2013 at 2:37 PM
Wow, I wish I Won! I am keeping checking my email and still nothing. Good luck to everyone!
Wow, I wish I Won! I am keeping checking my email and still nothing. Good luck to everyone!
King Waldo said on December 5, 2013 at 2:38 PM
I love seeing the updates they really make my day when i get home from a long day at school. Cant wait until the game is done and open to the public you guys are making excellent progress keep it up.
I love seeing the updates they really make my day when i get home from a long day at school. Cant wait until the game is done and open to the public you guys are making excellent progress keep it up.
Lady Cuddles said on December 5, 2013 at 2:43 PM
Congrats to everyone who entered and won!! (:
Congrats to everyone who entered and won!! (:
Rhubarb Fuzzyberry said on December 5, 2013 at 2:45 PM
Congratulations to all the winners! Hope you have fun playing!
Congratulations to all the winners! Hope you have fun playing!
Melody (Purple Mouse, Laff 108) said on December 5, 2013 at 2:46 PM
Well done to Ace of Spades, Connor, Grabovski, Fireball, Donut Cannon, Swat, Super Spike, rincess Melody Kookyton, Princess Melody Kookyton, Fireball and Blueberry Duck. I hope you enjoy Toontown Rewritten.
Well done to Ace of Spades, Connor, Grabovski, Fireball, Donut Cannon, Swat, Super Spike, rincess Melody Kookyton, Princess Melody Kookyton, Fireball and Blueberry Duck. I hope you enjoy Toontown Rewritten.
Autumn Storm said on December 5, 2013 at 2:47 PM
Too bad, better luck next time! :) Major congrats to winners!
Too bad, better luck next time! :) Major congrats to winners!
Deputy Poppy Nickelhopper said on December 5, 2013 at 2:47 PM
I don't know but, do you make a new entry every day? Or just do the toon name and question?
I don't know but, do you make a new entry every day? Or just do the toon name and question?
Furritz said on December 5, 2013 at 2:51 PM
Congrats to today's winners, and good luck to everyone else!
Congrats to today's winners, and good luck to everyone else!
King Leroy Mega Zilla said on December 5, 2013 at 2:55 PM
I can tell that i am not going to win. I have never won anything in my life. sorry sir max for spamming your toonbook page with memes
I can tell that i am not going to win. I have never won anything in my life. sorry sir max for spamming your toonbook page with memes
Edna Allan Pony said on December 5, 2013 at 2:58 PM
Congratulations to all the lucky toons who won today's giveaway! And good luck to everyone entered/entering in tomorrow's!
Congratulations to all the lucky toons who won today's giveaway! And good luck to everyone entered/entering in tomorrow's!
Good Ol' Chip ThunderTooth said on December 5, 2013 at 2:58 PM
Aww.. I didn't win! But I must never give up! Thanks for giving Alpha keys away!
Aww.. I didn't win! But I must never give up! Thanks for giving Alpha keys away!
Soon to become toon said on December 5, 2013 at 3:02 PM
I think the worst part about toontown is that when you don't play for a few days your garden dies. I think toontown should change that because some people can't play every single day! Thanks for being toontastic!
I think the worst part about toontown is that when you don't play for a few days your garden dies. I think toontown should change that because some people can't play every single day! Thanks for being toontastic!
Mr puppy lover said on December 5, 2013 at 3:03 PM
Thats really cool! I love the idea that you make more people come! yay!
Thats really cool! I love the idea that you make more people come! yay!
Lady Dottie said on December 5, 2013 at 3:03 PM
Congrats toons on getting your keys! (Also yes, Fireball does seem very popular, doesn't it?)
Congrats toons on getting your keys! (Also yes, Fireball does seem very popular, doesn't it?)
Violet said on December 5, 2013 at 3:04 PM
Darn, I didn't get an Alpha Key! Oh we'll, there's always the next nine days :). I'm determined. I WILL get to play if it kills me. I love this game so much I have to be one of the lucky people to play early. Either way, congrats winners!
Darn, I didn't get an Alpha Key! Oh we'll, there's always the next nine days :). I'm determined. I WILL get to play if it kills me. I love this game so much I have to be one of the lucky people to play early. Either way, congrats winners!
Tattooed Heart said on December 5, 2013 at 3:07 PM
Wow! So many people people entered the contest. Congrats to everybody who has won a key, and I hope you will enjoy it! I am so happy for all of you. Good luck to everybody entering for tomorrow and I can't wait to see the other ten people who will be picked. Thank you so much to Joey for giving away more alpha keys, so people can enjoy their favorite game they played for years!
Wow! So many people people entered the contest. Congrats to everybody who has won a key, and I hope you will enjoy it! I am so happy for all of you. Good luck to everybody entering for tomorrow and I can't wait to see the other ten people who will be picked. Thank you so much to Joey for giving away more alpha keys, so people can enjoy their favorite game they played for years!
Paranoid said on December 5, 2013 at 3:10 PM
Oh! Congradulations to all the toontastic entries! And a big congradulations to the winners! It really doesn't matter I didn't get chosen. I reallllllly like the entries that WERE chosen! SO much better then mine! :3! Toontastic job to everyone! ~Paranoid~
Oh! Congradulations to all the toontastic entries! And a big congradulations to the winners! It really doesn't matter I didn't get chosen. I reallllllly like the entries that WERE chosen! SO much better then mine! :3! Toontastic job to everyone! ~Paranoid~
Darkstar said on December 5, 2013 at 3:15 PM
Good job for those who got the alpha keyes tonight, Good luck to everyone for tomorrow!
Good job for those who got the alpha keyes tonight, Good luck to everyone for tomorrow!
Vert said on December 5, 2013 at 3:21 PM
Congratulations to the winners!
Congratulations to the winners!
Cookies N' Cream said on December 5, 2013 at 3:22 PM
You guys are amazing! I have told some of my friends about this that used to play Toontown, and they looked at me cheerfully! I could tell they were excited! I told my friend (Not saying name) that I'd tell her that when they start giving out Beta keys I'll give her a call. That was on Wednesday! Isn't that a coincidence? Even if I don't get a key, I just love to see the daily updates! When it had first started, I did beg for a key, but I've learned that no matter what, I should be glad for those who do have keys. I hope everyone feels the same as me, key or no key, we are all toons here, and in Toontown, we ARE toon enough!
You guys are amazing! I have told some of my friends about this that used to play Toontown, and they looked at me cheerfully! I could tell they were excited! I told my friend (Not saying name) that I'd tell her that when they start giving out Beta keys I'll give her a call. That was on Wednesday! Isn't that a coincidence? Even if I don't get a key, I just love to see the daily updates! When it had first started, I did beg for a key, but I've learned that no matter what, I should be glad for those who do have keys. I hope everyone feels the same as me, key or no key, we are all toons here, and in Toontown, we ARE toon enough!
Good Ol' Knuckles MacPow said on December 5, 2013 at 3:23 PM
4500 entries?!?! Wow, that just proves that you guys are doing an outstanding job with development of TTR! Keep up the great work, and Congrats to the winners!
4500 entries?!?! Wow, that just proves that you guys are doing an outstanding job with development of TTR! Keep up the great work, and Congrats to the winners!
Tas said on December 5, 2013 at 3:24 PM
Darn, I didn't get one this time, but that's not going to stop me just yet. I'm going to keep Flypickachu's quote in mind. You know what the say, "a happy Toon is a healthy Toon!"
Darn, I didn't get one this time, but that's not going to stop me just yet. I'm going to keep Flypickachu's quote in mind. You know what the say, "a happy Toon is a healthy Toon!"
Vaan said on December 5, 2013 at 3:30 PM
Congratulations to the first set of winners! I trust that you will all be a valuable asset to the TTR team, and that you will help make TT better than it ever was before! I do have a quick question though: Why were only 15 names revealed?
Congratulations to the first set of winners! I trust that you will all be a valuable asset to the TTR team, and that you will help make TT better than it ever was before! I do have a quick question though: Why were only 15 names revealed?
Tyler said on December 5, 2013 at 3:36 PM
This game is so much better then roblox! :D
This game is so much better then roblox! :D
Captn Ryan said on December 5, 2013 at 3:39 PM
Congrats to everyone who won! Play for all of us alright?
Congrats to everyone who won! Play for all of us alright?
Master Droopy Dynodoodle said on December 5, 2013 at 3:58 PM
4500 ENTRIES!?!? That's insane! Who knew so many people were following this :).
4500 ENTRIES!?!? That's insane! Who knew so many people were following this :).
A Thank You said on December 5, 2013 at 4:16 PM
Thank you so much Toontown Rewritten. When Toontown closed down, I think a part of all of all of us was lost. But thanks to you, the part has been fulfilled, but only partway. Toontown Online memories will fill the other part. Thank you! Trixie Pedalswirl
Thank you so much Toontown Rewritten. When Toontown closed down, I think a part of all of all of us was lost. But thanks to you, the part has been fulfilled, but only partway. Toontown Online memories will fill the other part. Thank you! Trixie Pedalswirl
Masterjake said on December 5, 2013 at 4:25 PM
Nice job I would have never thought of those ideas but yes nutty river hacking greeners and 6 tracks were all really BAD problems toontown was to lazy to fix
Nice job I would have never thought of those ideas but yes nutty river hacking greeners and 6 tracks were all really BAD problems toontown was to lazy to fix
Manning said on December 5, 2013 at 4:50 PM
Congratulations Ace of Spades, Connor, Grabovski, Fireball, Donut Cannon, Swat, Super Spike, Princess Melody Kookyton, Fireball, (The other one) and Blueberry Duck! :) Best of luck to everyone who enters tomorrow's alpha contest as well! :)
Congratulations Ace of Spades, Connor, Grabovski, Fireball, Donut Cannon, Swat, Super Spike, Princess Melody Kookyton, Fireball, (The other one) and Blueberry Duck! :) Best of luck to everyone who enters tomorrow's alpha contest as well! :)
Lady Vicky Featherfipper said on December 5, 2013 at 5:17 PM
Oh well...maybe next time :). Congrats to all you toons who won! Good luck testing and stay toontastic :)!
Oh well...maybe next time :). Congrats to all you toons who won! Good luck testing and stay toontastic :)!
Miss fluffy (My old name) said on December 5, 2013 at 5:52 PM
good luck to everyone out there i will still be happy to hear the updates even if i don't get and alpha key but i wish i could i'll just ask my magic 8 ball. and if it says no i'll still try!
good luck to everyone out there i will still be happy to hear the updates even if i don't get and alpha key but i wish i could i'll just ask my magic 8 ball. and if it says no i'll still try!
Diego said on December 5, 2013 at 6:05 PM
Hey I'm just a kid and oh my gosh you are remaking one of the best games ever!!! Thanks!
Hey I'm just a kid and oh my gosh you are remaking one of the best games ever!!! Thanks!
Candy said on December 5, 2013 at 6:44 PM
Wow, I had no idea there would be so many people entering the contest! Even though this many people makes it harder for me to get a key, I'm super excited that there are so many people wanting to play TTR. The sense of community in TT was my favorite part of the game and I'm so excited to have that back. Of course I'm still hoping to get a key but even if I don't I'll still have a lot of fun just coming on here and reading the daily updates. Thank you so much TTR!
Wow, I had no idea there would be so many people entering the contest! Even though this many people makes it harder for me to get a key, I'm super excited that there are so many people wanting to play TTR. The sense of community in TT was my favorite part of the game and I'm so excited to have that back. Of course I'm still hoping to get a key but even if I don't I'll still have a lot of fun just coming on here and reading the daily updates. Thank you so much TTR!
Annie said on December 5, 2013 at 6:47 PM
I'm so happy even though i don't have a key! I jumped and danced last night, before my mom made me stop because she was sleeping.
I'm so happy even though i don't have a key! I jumped and danced last night, before my mom made me stop because she was sleeping.
Mr. K said on December 5, 2013 at 8:10 PM
Ugh, talk about graphics! The graphics have been the same for ten years and have a lot of room for improvement. It may be hard to do and may take a while but it will put the game at a higher standard.
Ugh, talk about graphics! The graphics have been the same for ten years and have a lot of room for improvement. It may be hard to do and may take a while but it will put the game at a higher standard.
Sleepymonsta said on December 5, 2013 at 8:59 PM
Congrats to everyone who won a key! Enjoy the game :)
Congrats to everyone who won a key! Enjoy the game :)
Link said on December 5, 2013 at 9:22 PM
Interesting to hear from Coach Z. Has he really been around?
Interesting to hear from Coach Z. Has he really been around?
grady said on December 6, 2013 at 4:02 AM
well im pretty sad i lost but i still really want it cause when toontown ended i cried all night sometimes i still cry about it when i found toontown rewitten i went crazy then i saw the key thing and i cried but i really want it!!!
well im pretty sad i lost but i still really want it cause when toontown ended i cried all night sometimes i still cry about it when i found toontown rewitten i went crazy then i saw the key thing and i cried but i really want it!!!
Sapir said on December 6, 2013 at 6:26 AM
aww, i was so sad to not see my name there :( i'll sure try everyday to get a key ! its my child hood game i miss it so much :( im playing since 2006. im 15 now, been playing since i was 8. yes i know slate! slate is from israel like me, i just found that out in the past months. i was so happy to find a girl from my very small country that plays toon town like me and talks the same language i talk! (hebrew) i always watch slate's streams! I hope i'll win! i'll sure think about making videos! i love toon town!
aww, i was so sad to not see my name there :( i'll sure try everyday to get a key ! its my child hood game i miss it so much :( im playing since 2006. im 15 now, been playing since i was 8. yes i know slate! slate is from israel like me, i just found that out in the past months. i was so happy to find a girl from my very small country that plays toon town like me and talks the same language i talk! (hebrew) i always watch slate's streams! I hope i'll win! i'll sure think about making videos! i love toon town!
Auburnstar said on December 6, 2013 at 6:29 AM
Oh well. Still 180 more to go! Congrats to the members who got them!
Oh well. Still 180 more to go! Congrats to the members who got them!
Crazy Fireball Wondermarble said on December 6, 2013 at 7:06 AM
Congrats to the winners, and good luck to all.
Congrats to the winners, and good luck to all.
Cream said on December 6, 2013 at 8:31 AM
Aw! Turns out I didn't get one! Oh well, my hopes are still high! :) Thanks for being toontastic!
Aw! Turns out I didn't get one! Oh well, my hopes are still high! :) Thanks for being toontastic!
Baron Ricky Thundergadget said on December 6, 2013 at 9:05 AM
I'm so excited for the results! I entered, of course! :D
I'm so excited for the results! I entered, of course! :D
Super Pig said on December 6, 2013 at 9:18 AM
Well there is 180 keys left to give away. I always watch TTR website to see when it will be released. Seeing this probably means it will take a while to release. Hope I can get a alpha key. Got 9 more attempts, hope I get lucky!
Well there is 180 keys left to give away. I always watch TTR website to see when it will be released. Seeing this probably means it will take a while to release. Hope I can get a alpha key. Got 9 more attempts, hope I get lucky!
Darkstar said on December 6, 2013 at 11:09 AM
You know, I'm glad for TTR existing. Even if I don't get a alpha key or a beta key, I will be glad I knew that there was a new hope known as Toontown Rewritten saving our childhood.
You know, I'm glad for TTR existing. Even if I don't get a alpha key or a beta key, I will be glad I knew that there was a new hope known as Toontown Rewritten saving our childhood.
Farmer Arno said on December 6, 2013 at 11:47 AM
So happy you gave Coach Z an alpha account!! His YouTube channel was a god send to me when I first started and didn't know what I was doing. Very entertaining videos too!
So happy you gave Coach Z an alpha account!! His YouTube channel was a god send to me when I first started and didn't know what I was doing. Very entertaining videos too!
Balloons said on December 6, 2013 at 1:44 PM
Hawkheart is cool ;)
Hawkheart is cool ;)
Starlight said on December 6, 2013 at 1:47 PM
Congratulations to all those amazing people! I am hoping I can have my chance at winning one!
Congratulations to all those amazing people! I am hoping I can have my chance at winning one!
Picachu Poppyfrost said on December 6, 2013 at 2:21 PM
In the picture Kong is in the background!
In the picture Kong is in the background!
Colorless Rainbows said on December 6, 2013 at 3:33 PM
I just wanted to say how honored I am to receive a code under the "Developer's Picks" category. It means much to me, and currently, I'm loading the launcher. I'll be sure to have fun in the game!
I just wanted to say how honored I am to receive a code under the "Developer's Picks" category. It means much to me, and currently, I'm loading the launcher. I'll be sure to have fun in the game!
Violet said on December 7, 2013 at 8:38 AM
Good luck to EVERYONE, I hope you guys get an alpha key soon. I hope I get one too. I will be as happy for you guys if you win an alpha key, & the same hapiness if I get one :)
Good luck to EVERYONE, I hope you guys get an alpha key soon. I hope I get one too. I will be as happy for you guys if you win an alpha key, & the same hapiness if I get one :)
KougaDog said on December 7, 2013 at 9:25 AM
Im kinda sad toontown got closed, i was going to download today but i was heart broken untill i found this game, i cant wait till this game will come out, :3
Im kinda sad toontown got closed, i was going to download today but i was heart broken untill i found this game, i cant wait till this game will come out, :3
Miss Petunia said on December 7, 2013 at 9:50 AM
Thanks for giving out the keys! i hope toontown rewritten will come out soon
Thanks for giving out the keys! i hope toontown rewritten will come out soon
Violet said on December 7, 2013 at 12:22 PM
Nice job toontastic winners! ! ! You are super lucky!!!! I am hoping for a Alpha Key I am bored tough. But I will wait. And also, when will TTR A.K.A Toontown Rewritten open?
Nice job toontastic winners! ! ! You are super lucky!!!! I am hoping for a Alpha Key I am bored tough. But I will wait. And also, when will TTR A.K.A Toontown Rewritten open?
I dont need it. I dont need it. I dont need it. I NEED IT!