Super Saturday Update: Silly Saturday
Posted by Sir Max on November 9, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Heya again, everyone! You've probably been wondering why our updates have been so dry this week. And let me tell you: We definitely did not build a huge Trolley roundabout to replace the instant transportation that we had before.

Nope, just kidding. We did! Previously, Trolley Stations were built using an experimental version of Loony Lab's Portable Hole device. The Trolley would go through a pitch-black tunnel and instantly be taken to whichever game you wish. We were looking through these plans and said "You know, sometimes instant is just too- you know, instant."
Luckily, we found a pretty great solution. This past week we have built an entire track- titled "Trolley Tracks" (The Toon who came up with this name has been fired. Literally. We shot him out of a cannon somewhere, no idea where he went.)- that will get rid of these instant transportation issues. Trolley Tracks adds an intricate series of tracks that forces you to play for three rounds instead of quitting when you want to. Man, the progress we are making is phenomenal.
Along with Trolley Tracks, Loony Labs is testing out their new "Toon T.A.G.S. (Totally Awesome Graphic Simulator)" - a holographic display that will indicate your name above your head. Never again will you have to awkwardly say "Hey... you!" when you forget a friend's name!
Pretty nice update, right? Not yet! We've got one more thing in store for you: Bingo. Ever been fishing, when suddenly you have the urge to attend a game of Bingo? Me too. That's why we have created Fish Bingo, a game that allows you to passive-aggressively compete with your friends to earn a big pot of Jellybeans. We know that this is going to take a toll on those bamboo rods and Jellybean jars, so last night I snuck into all of your houses and replaced your rods with Hardwood and Jellybean jars with a 120 bean jar. You can thank me later.
Not Super enough for you? No worries. We have a lot more in store coming up this week. Stay Tooned! (See what I did there? Because like, instead of tuned, you stay TOONed. Because you're a Toon. Ahaha, I crack myself up.)
November 9, 2013 [ttr-alpha-g5c6d364]
? Many new backend features to help us out with various things
? Fix strange GUI scaling when receiving Jellybeans after a Trolley
? Updated Whitelist to include community-suggested words
? Remove Trolley Transport Tunnel
? Build "Trolley Tracks", a new way of transportation throughout games.
? Upgrade everyone's Bamboo rods to Hardwood
? Increase Jellybean Jar size to 120 - this is only to help with testing
? Add Bingo cards to the Fishing docks. Grab your new rod and play a game of Fish Bingo!
? Implement Toon T.A.G.S. - an invention created by Loony Labs to show the names of toons above their head in a stylized manor.
? Implement the Toon Memory Game
? The Great Umbrella Shortage of 2013 has been resolved! You can now play Toon Slingshot with your friends.
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YES! This was my favorite trolley game EVER! Thanks for ring this game back to us. You guys rock! My childhood is coming back to me :)
Great to see trolley tracks back!
That toon who suggested "trolley tracks" hopefully will forgive you guys for shooting him out of a cannon off into the distance. Anyways trolley tracks back, I wonder what will be next. Estates, cogs, or maybe even Goofy's raceway?
Trolley Tracks?! YES! Can't wait to play it!
I love the wonderful stories keep up the good work!
Yes! Finally we see the return of Trolley Tracks to Toontown! :)
Nice! does that 'To be updated' mean more exciting updates to come?! :O!
Ooh, yay! I missed Trolley Tracks so much! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Wow! Trolley Tracks is back! Thanks guys!
Cool! Can't wait to go on that trolley and play.
Thank you so much for adding trolley tracks! i was so bummed when disney removed it! you guys rock! :)
Max, you crack me up! And I hope this game stands as a reminder to other people whos games have closed-theres still hope.
Yes! I got my Bingo request!
Cool! Thanks TTR!
Please delete toon memory game and replace it with photo fun!
Please delete toon memory game and replace it with photo fun!
You know's funny? I was literally one of the first people to sugest bringing back Trolley Tracks on MMOcentralforums, and it finally came true! You guys are the best team ever!
Nice update, surprised that you threw in Toon Memory Game, though. Nobody really likes it. Aside from that, great progress! Can't wait to play this game when it's released.
Yes! I love Trolly Tracks :)!
Great updates! Can't wait to try them out!
And thus, the trolley becomes my favorite again...
Cool, nice addition with the Trolley Tracks
Wow! Today was truly "Silly Saturday." Look at all those features added! Keep up the "toontastic" work! I thank you very much.
Yay Trolley Tracks! So are we done with the Trolley Games? We want the cogs and streets... and doors. McQuack locked all of the doors.
I can't wait to actually get a registration key and see how is the game! Thank you guys so much for doing that, really! Greetings from Brazil!
Hmm well i was thinking the update would be something just a little bigger like estates or streets and cogs but still its good to see the game in progress P.S. hope the game can be out by Christmas *wink wink* :)
Awesome! I loved Trolley Tracks! :D
Hooray! Trolley tracks are back! :D
Ew, Toon Memory Game? Suggestion!: Make the cards click-able, this would save our souls entirely when playing. Please, PLEASE do this.
Looking forward to the game coming out ^^
Yay. Glad you guys brought trolley tracks back.
You brought Trolley Tracks back woohoo!
It just gets better everyday.
I highly appreciate the work you are doing to help everyone, you've made my kids smile.
"See what I did there? Because like, instead of tuned, you stay TOONed." Hahaha. That made me laugh. I love trolley tracks! I can't wait for the public launch :)
Trolley tracks? I started playing toontown after it has been removed. Thanks for bringing it back! I can't wait to play Toontown Rewritten! Oh, and can you also bring back photo fun? I've also never played it. Thanks!
Trolly tracks is the reason I got into playing Toontown. The fun of it is unforgettable!
Thank you TTRW for bringing back Trolley Tracks! I remember playing it before it got removed. I was upset, you guys make me happy again!
Yes! I loved Trolly Tracks when it was on TT! I was so upset when they removed it... But now its back! Thank you! :D
Please keep the 120 jellybean jar size even after testing, it was way to low before, really annoying.
YES! You guys are bringing back Trolley Tracks! I absolutely loved this and was so upset when Toontown took it away! YAY c:
Yes!! And please add Photo Fun
I can't believe I forgot Trolley Tracks! They were my all-time favourite, I was so gutted when they got rid of them! And now they're back, thanks to you guys, congrats on all the hard work!! :D
Can't wait to play this game again !!!
I have a feeling that the fired toon might have something to do later on with the game...
Nooo! Not the Toon Memory game. I love trolley tracks though.
Heres an idea, you should name Sunday updates Silly Sundays while Saturdays are Super
I can't wait to play this! I am so exited! See ya there!
Thanks a lot! This will hopefully be very fun!
Good to see trolley tracks is coming back. Also cool that you gave us upgrades to our rods and jellybean jars. Keep the Toon-ups coming!
Wow, the game is getting built together more and more! I'm so excited to play it very very soon :)
You guys rock! I would love it if you could keep bringing back old trolley games. Maybe photo fun?
Cannot WAIT to see what's next! :)
You guys are making a lot of progress with the trolley! I'm counting on you guys to make TT Rewritten way better than Disney had it! Maybe I'll actually finish everything this time... I wonder if you guys will introduce the CHAIRMAN cog. Or the COG FATHER or the MOLDERS ( with full boss bot suit)... Hmm...
Awesome to see Trolley Tracks back.
Well, I hope the toon that was fired didn't get fired into a Cog HQ.
So when will it open to us I really miss my friends I saw one in comments :)
I love this!
I love the storys every day ha
Yay! Keep up the good work guys! :)
nice you guys are amazing just had an idea can we have a chairman fight that requires more than 8 toons
Thank you developers for putting lots of effort into pleasing the people who have known and loved Toontown for a decade. We all know you can revive our toons' lives and make Toontown even better than how it was before Disney closed it. Xxx
Can you bring back the Photo Fun game and Dodge-A-Cog? They were removed as well.
Aw. You guys are awesome! My childhood is on the trolley coming to my town!
I never played this game because I'm Dutch and there isn't the game very popular. I did just heared about it and I saw it was closed. Now are you bringing the game back and I can't wait until I can finaly play it. Good job guys and a toontastic day.
There is not enough meaning in words to describe how thankful I am!!! I've missed Trolley Tracks ever since it closed in 2010, and you all are doing a toontastic job building Toontown Rewritten!
I wonder what they will add tomorrow! No more Trolley Games to add, what if they add the HQ, or the Pet Shop?!
This is impressive work, not even considering you only have been working on this for less than two months! Keep up the great work! Toons of the World Unite!
I want to play fish bingo with Donald Duck, and when he says that he has bingo and he hasn't he must sing a song :p (that's what we did on my old school).
Thanks, i was scared i could never play toontown again, thank you very much
im so happy right now. when tt closed i was sad because i wanted my kids to play it when i had kids. then i found this and i was shocked and excited
Oh my toon goodness! I love trolley tracks! Could you bring back ''photo fun'' trolley game? That was the best! Can't wait for TTR to be open to the public!! :D ~Rosie ----- Pink cat
Oh boy! I cant wait when this is open to the public! I been playing this since I was seven...
Nice this game is growing lets hope Disney is cool with it
YAYY!!!! and also, you should have all of the special emotions. and i like the name emotions instead of animations, but that's just me. and i'm posting this here because it would not let me post it on the actual article that this would be relevant for.
Awesome! But how long is it to connect to games.
NO!!!!! THEY ADDED THEY TOON MEMORY GAME!!!! that was the worst game EVER! and also, you just added glitches with trolley tracks because if u don't vote it will take you the "Template Mini game" and it will say: "This is a mini game template. Use it to create new mini games" like WHAT!?!?
Cool! When do the tunnels to the streets open?