Have a Spine-Chillingly Silly Halloween!
Posted by Flippy on October 31, 2021 at 2:00 PM
As the clock strikes midnight and it is the 31st of October in Toontown once again, Halloween returns to the playgrounds -- and finally, I’ve returned to the Blog! You know, it’s a real treat returning to tradition. I missed it last year after a ghostly friend of Jack O’ Kazam took over the Toontown Blog, spooking the whole town with the tale of the Black Cats’ Curse! (Y-Yeesh, it still gives me shivers!)

Whether it’s a curse or those Bloodsuckers, they’ll never break our spirits. Even when Jack O’ Kazam’s curse has its hold on Spooktown-- RRUF! I mean, T-Toontown yet again, the celebration is as strong as ever. The Cattlelog has everything you need to suit the season, too: the spectacular “Spooky” name tag, a bucket of Spooky Purple paint, and all your favorite Halloween costumes -- including two new items, the SuperToon Skirt and the Bee Skirt!
Although I’d love to go trick-or-treating, I’m off to Tutorial Terrace. All day long, I’m giving out my own creepy “curse” for new cats in town -- just swing by and give me a “Toontastic” hello to see! As long as you meet me before the end of Halloween, I’ll be here. Uh, there’s no chance that Jack’s pumpkin-head curse reaches us here, right?
Regardless, enjoy the Halloween spirit while it’s here. Though I’m only giving out spooky surprises today, Jack O’ Kazam’s curse is as strong as ever, and will be wreaking havoc across Toontown until November 3rd. Well, at least that gives Fluffy and I more time to trick or treat!
Have a spine-chillingly s-s-silly Halloween, Toontown!
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Happy Black Cat Season!
Merry Black Catathon
Gosh, those Black Cats will sure give misfortune to me this Halloween. I hope no anvil is gonna fall on me, heh heh!
Happy Halloween! :D
Happy Halloween! ...Or not, cause for me its November.
I loved seeing all of the new black cats in Toontown Central!
Can't wait to get my paws on some delicious goodies!
Happy Halloween! Downloading Toontown again just for this time of year!
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween, everyone!!