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Backstage: Tweaks to Toontown
Posted by The Toontown Team on January 11, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Hey once again, and welcome to the first Toontown Backstage Column of 2015. We've got some exciting things in store for you this year, and we're eager to talk about them! This is the first Backstage Column we've done since ToonFest last year, so there are a load of things to talk about. In this one, however, we'll be talking less about us, and more about you.
We've read your reddits, focused on your forums, and been enlightened by your emails - and based on your feedback it's high time that we make a couple of...

We've been asking questions lately about the small details of the game that could make the experience tremendously better. What if gardening took less time? What if Cog HQs always gave double experience, regardless of an invasion? What if fishing was made easier by just the tiniest percentage? Would the game change? And would it change for the worse, or for the better?
For the past few weeks, we've been making these sort of small changes to various areas of the game and testing them with our in-house Quality Assurance team to see what fits the bill to be included in one huge community-suggested update. And now, we want to hear from you!
Cog battling is fun, don't get us wrong -- it's even the national pastime of Toontown. When you have to defeat 500, 1,000, or even 5,000 Cogs, however -- it can become a chore. Other parts of Toontown, too, can become tedious -- and now we're asking you: What part of Toontown would you tweak, and how would you make it the most fun?
Although this particular update is geared towards small tweaks with big outcomes, we have even bigger tweaks with even bigger outcomes coming soon. Our Toontown Retextured project is still being built up strong, and you can't forget about the new Toon Hall that will be coming out too!
We're also pleased to announce that our site redesign is getting close to its final stages, which will open brand new doors for Toontown Rewritten's future. We have lots in store for you, and oof, that's only the first part of the year. Don't even get us started on the rest.
As always, we love hearing your suggestions and we especially need them now. If you pitch an idea, who knows, maybe it will be included in the Tweaks for Toontown Update. Keep your eyes peeled -- that update will be hitting your local Toon-filled town in the coming weeks.
Thanks for reading our little progress update -- Stay TOONed for the awesome year ahead!
We've read your reddits, focused on your forums, and been enlightened by your emails - and based on your feedback it's high time that we make a couple of...

Suggestions and Questions
Toontown is an enormous game, and has been going on for almost 12 years now! Even for one of the longest running MMOs in the history of gaming, however, there is always room for improvement. You guys have been awesome at suggesting all sorts of new content that we've really enjoyed, and sometimes gameplay can be fully rejuvenated by just the smallest of tweaks.
For the past few weeks, we've been making these sort of small changes to various areas of the game and testing them with our in-house Quality Assurance team to see what fits the bill to be included in one huge community-suggested update. And now, we want to hear from you!
If You Can't Do the Grind, Don't Do the Time
One of the most frequent problems that Toons have in Toontown is that it's just really, really, long. Some of the later game elements seem to become repetitive after a while, and it's a problem even the original developers strove to fix! Rather than asking ourselves, however, this is a question that we want to ask you.Cog battling is fun, don't get us wrong -- it's even the national pastime of Toontown. When you have to defeat 500, 1,000, or even 5,000 Cogs, however -- it can become a chore. Other parts of Toontown, too, can become tedious -- and now we're asking you: What part of Toontown would you tweak, and how would you make it the most fun?
Rewriting Rewritten

We're also pleased to announce that our site redesign is getting close to its final stages, which will open brand new doors for Toontown Rewritten's future. We have lots in store for you, and oof, that's only the first part of the year. Don't even get us started on the rest.
As always, we love hearing your suggestions and we especially need them now. If you pitch an idea, who knows, maybe it will be included in the Tweaks for Toontown Update. Keep your eyes peeled -- that update will be hitting your local Toon-filled town in the coming weeks.
Thanks for reading our little progress update -- Stay TOONed for the awesome year ahead!
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Latias said on January 11, 2015 at 1:04 PM
THIS IS AWESOME! I'd tweak what you guys would and I'd probably be on all day after that!
THIS IS AWESOME! I'd tweak what you guys would and I'd probably be on all day after that!
Thank you! said on January 11, 2015 at 1:05 PM
This is wonderful! Thank you 4 making toontown rewritten btw! Keep the updates coming!
This is wonderful! Thank you 4 making toontown rewritten btw! Keep the updates coming!
Christmas Kitty said on January 11, 2015 at 1:05 PM
I have an idea.. New toon colors! Teal, light orange, violet, etc. I'd love to see a new variety in toon colors. Also, how about an arrow to skip clothing styles in create-a-toon and then an arrow for the colors?
I have an idea.. New toon colors! Teal, light orange, violet, etc. I'd love to see a new variety in toon colors. Also, how about an arrow to skip clothing styles in create-a-toon and then an arrow for the colors?
Cool Cats said on January 11, 2015 at 1:13 PM
I am hyped for this! I would tweak the boss difficulty like maybe have an easy medium and hard mode for them.
I am hyped for this! I would tweak the boss difficulty like maybe have an easy medium and hard mode for them.
Doctor Freckles said on January 11, 2015 at 1:14 PM
Please make gardening quicker it can be a little tedious and, end game Toontown can be a little grind style so maybe challenges with rewards VP's without toon up just a suggestion I'm sure theyre are plenty of other suggestions KEEP UP THE TOONTASTIC WORK!
Please make gardening quicker it can be a little tedious and, end game Toontown can be a little grind style so maybe challenges with rewards VP's without toon up just a suggestion I'm sure theyre are plenty of other suggestions KEEP UP THE TOONTASTIC WORK!
Oscar Crunchyklunk said on January 11, 2015 at 1:15 PM
Bossbot HQ!!
Bossbot HQ!!
Twinkledoodle said on January 11, 2015 at 1:19 PM
Omg Yes! I would like to see after defeating the bosses for the first time, being able to gain tp access to them.
Omg Yes! I would like to see after defeating the bosses for the first time, being able to gain tp access to them.
Electric said on January 11, 2015 at 1:23 PM
Make it so the shovel only digs up once instead of 3 times. Max suits get TP access to Cog HQs
Make it so the shovel only digs up once instead of 3 times. Max suits get TP access to Cog HQs
Buttercup said on January 11, 2015 at 1:26 PM
I ENJOY new updates i would LOVE to see new toons rather than the regular like a task to earn a new type of toon?? That WOULD BE AWESOMELY AWESOME.
I ENJOY new updates i would LOVE to see new toons rather than the regular like a task to earn a new type of toon?? That WOULD BE AWESOMELY AWESOME.
Alba said on January 11, 2015 at 1:31 PM
Bigger houses, tails, new bosses and BBHQ, Special tasks for certain emotions, new species, make gardening quicker, new areas, level 8 gags? XD
Bigger houses, tails, new bosses and BBHQ, Special tasks for certain emotions, new species, make gardening quicker, new areas, level 8 gags? XD
Meowy Halloween said on January 11, 2015 at 1:33 PM
Make 100 space wardrobes and 100 space trunks, please! 50 wardrobes and trunks are just not enough, because new clothing & accessories are being added for holidays and events. Even if bigger wardrobes and trunks might cause a quick lag spike opening it -- I say it's worth it!
Make 100 space wardrobes and 100 space trunks, please! 50 wardrobes and trunks are just not enough, because new clothing & accessories are being added for holidays and events. Even if bigger wardrobes and trunks might cause a quick lag spike opening it -- I say it's worth it!
Ghostly Nightmare said on January 11, 2015 at 1:34 PM
Bring back the 2010 Halloween costumes for Halloween 2015 please!! I want the bee and supertoon skirt back, and as well as the old bee and supertoon shirt (With the cape and wings on it instead of as accessories) and the old vampire costume.
Bring back the 2010 Halloween costumes for Halloween 2015 please!! I want the bee and supertoon skirt back, and as well as the old bee and supertoon shirt (With the cape and wings on it instead of as accessories) and the old vampire costume.
Jeremy said on January 11, 2015 at 1:34 PM
GREAT!! I was thinking maybe make it easier to get merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options when CEO comes out.
GREAT!! I was thinking maybe make it easier to get merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options when CEO comes out.
Zep said on January 11, 2015 at 1:35 PM
Hi! I REALLY like the make-a-toon idea someone posted below, about having 'skip outfit styles', etc to make the clothing thing easier. Some new colors would be exciting! New things would inspire the making of many new toons! Animal wise, I've always thought a raccoon would fit nicely in the game, but I'm sure that's too much to ask for. On the topic of Toon HQs - There's been a lot of debate about when you should be able to have TP access to HQs - if at ALL! Maybe after your very first suit promotion? For example - you grow out of a cold caller to a telemarketer! You're obviously dedicated enough to be able to TP to the CCG runs. I actually LOVE the idea of double XP for the cog HQs. But.. it'd take a whole new direction of how toons train their gags, too! Maybe just permanently doubling the amount of merits, bucks, etc, etc... because what I love about TTR is all the toons hustling to train and complete tasks in buildings! I hope that stays, instead of everyone filling up the HQs to get that cool new gag. :)
Hi! I REALLY like the make-a-toon idea someone posted below, about having 'skip outfit styles', etc to make the clothing thing easier. Some new colors would be exciting! New things would inspire the making of many new toons! Animal wise, I've always thought a raccoon would fit nicely in the game, but I'm sure that's too much to ask for. On the topic of Toon HQs - There's been a lot of debate about when you should be able to have TP access to HQs - if at ALL! Maybe after your very first suit promotion? For example - you grow out of a cold caller to a telemarketer! You're obviously dedicated enough to be able to TP to the CCG runs. I actually LOVE the idea of double XP for the cog HQs. But.. it'd take a whole new direction of how toons train their gags, too! Maybe just permanently doubling the amount of merits, bucks, etc, etc... because what I love about TTR is all the toons hustling to train and complete tasks in buildings! I hope that stays, instead of everyone filling up the HQs to get that cool new gag. :)
Christmas Kitty said on January 11, 2015 at 1:35 PM
The striped shirts that's a boy toon exclusive to girl toons please!
The striped shirts that's a boy toon exclusive to girl toons please!
Sir Banjo said on January 11, 2015 at 1:37 PM
Running around to do favors for others is tedious! Make a street teleporter!
Running around to do favors for others is tedious! Make a street teleporter!
Deputy Fritz said on January 11, 2015 at 1:38 PM
I say make gardening faster. Teleport tasks to cog HQ's? Maybe an extra gag could be an option? Maybe putting better graphics in the game itself? Maybe make the Toontown map bigger? All of these are just suggestions but you guys are doing great! Congratulations on the longest running MMOs! I've always been a fan of Toontown ever since it came out and its still tons of fun to play and should be more popular then it is. Send commercials out! Keep on the good work guys and do what you guys do best.
I say make gardening faster. Teleport tasks to cog HQ's? Maybe an extra gag could be an option? Maybe putting better graphics in the game itself? Maybe make the Toontown map bigger? All of these are just suggestions but you guys are doing great! Congratulations on the longest running MMOs! I've always been a fan of Toontown ever since it came out and its still tons of fun to play and should be more popular then it is. Send commercials out! Keep on the good work guys and do what you guys do best.
Aqua Mouse said on January 11, 2015 at 1:38 PM
Glad to see that suggestions will finally be added into the game! Something I'd love to see is once you've finished your Toontasks for the Bossbot Suit, you can get toontasks that reward you with Merits/Cogbucks/Jury Notices/Stock Options to make the process easier. Thank you TTR Staff!
Glad to see that suggestions will finally be added into the game! Something I'd love to see is once you've finished your Toontasks for the Bossbot Suit, you can get toontasks that reward you with Merits/Cogbucks/Jury Notices/Stock Options to make the process easier. Thank you TTR Staff!
Crystal Eyed Dream Believer said on January 11, 2015 at 1:42 PM
1. Allow toons sharing an estate to share bank beans? 2. Allow Sprinkler System purchase with Huge Watering Can? 3. Allow TP to all Boss HQs?
1. Allow toons sharing an estate to share bank beans? 2. Allow Sprinkler System purchase with Huge Watering Can? 3. Allow TP to all Boss HQs?
Aunt Clover Lemonhopper said on January 11, 2015 at 1:42 PM
I have a small list of tweaks and suggestions! 1: Add nod(Yes) and headshake(No) into the default animations 2: Allow toons to buy those unreleased estate houses (Tiki, Castle, Cupcake house, Rustic, etc.) 3: Girl toons able to wear the boy toon exclusive striped shirts. 4: The girl toon vest shirts should have different colors, since it's like a girl version of the boy toon exclusive vest shirts(The boy toon vest shirts have multiple colors, the female one does not)
I have a small list of tweaks and suggestions! 1: Add nod(Yes) and headshake(No) into the default animations 2: Allow toons to buy those unreleased estate houses (Tiki, Castle, Cupcake house, Rustic, etc.) 3: Girl toons able to wear the boy toon exclusive striped shirts. 4: The girl toon vest shirts should have different colors, since it's like a girl version of the boy toon exclusive vest shirts(The boy toon vest shirts have multiple colors, the female one does not)
Sugar the Cat said on January 11, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Maybe you could have a toontask to make your name be changed, Like defeat 10 double talkers, 3 flunkies and 2 bloodsuckers! :D
Maybe you could have a toontask to make your name be changed, Like defeat 10 double talkers, 3 flunkies and 2 bloodsuckers! :D
Oscar Crunchyklunk said on January 11, 2015 at 1:43 PM
An option where you can choose between cogs and toons?
An option where you can choose between cogs and toons?
Queen Bubbles Petalswirl said on January 11, 2015 at 1:47 PM
Noticed the huge gap between the damage of the level 5 and the level 6 gags we have? Yeah. So my idea is.. Level 8 gags; The way to not make it overpowered :3 Fit in a new gag level between the current level 5 and level 6 gags; level 6 gags would now do damage inbetween the current level 5 and level 6 gags, and the current level 6 gags would become level 7 gags, and the current level 7 gags would become level 8 gags. Level 8 gags too OP? /problem solved :3
Noticed the huge gap between the damage of the level 5 and the level 6 gags we have? Yeah. So my idea is.. Level 8 gags; The way to not make it overpowered :3 Fit in a new gag level between the current level 5 and level 6 gags; level 6 gags would now do damage inbetween the current level 5 and level 6 gags, and the current level 6 gags would become level 7 gags, and the current level 7 gags would become level 8 gags. Level 8 gags too OP? /problem solved :3
WonderHorse said on January 11, 2015 at 1:50 PM
I feel like longer invasion summons would be nice. They last around 10 minutes at the moment. Maybe make them last around 3 times longer so that they equal the amount of time it takes to actually do a CJ
I feel like longer invasion summons would be nice. They last around 10 minutes at the moment. Maybe make them last around 3 times longer so that they equal the amount of time it takes to actually do a CJ
Coconut McTwist said on January 11, 2015 at 1:50 PM
Add a skirt and shorts version for the current holiday clothing shirts that do not have a matching pair (Ghost shirt, pumpkin shirt, mittens shirt, etc.)
Add a skirt and shorts version for the current holiday clothing shirts that do not have a matching pair (Ghost shirt, pumpkin shirt, mittens shirt, etc.)
Good Ol' Boo Boo said on January 11, 2015 at 1:50 PM
I think it would be brilliant if buildings could be used for more than just tasks! For example, what if the "House of Bad Pies" allowed you to buy any pie-related gag?
I think it would be brilliant if buildings could be used for more than just tasks! For example, what if the "House of Bad Pies" allowed you to buy any pie-related gag?
Smokey said on January 11, 2015 at 1:51 PM
Being an old TTO player I really appreciate the effort you have been putting into the new TTR. After seeing what you have already done, I'm looking forward to your next upgrades. Personally I'd like to see a little easier fishing. After that doodles would be awesome. Whatever you guys do, I'm sure it will be great! Keep up the good work! Just remember to Have fun and stay happy!
Being an old TTO player I really appreciate the effort you have been putting into the new TTR. After seeing what you have already done, I'm looking forward to your next upgrades. Personally I'd like to see a little easier fishing. After that doodles would be awesome. Whatever you guys do, I'm sure it will be great! Keep up the good work! Just remember to Have fun and stay happy!
Angel said on January 11, 2015 at 1:52 PM
How about do tasks for new estate designs such as cupcake, house, tiki hut, Etc. New colors, and maybe a new animal every 4 years like tto (i think) did. all these ideas here are so cool!
How about do tasks for new estate designs such as cupcake, house, tiki hut, Etc. New colors, and maybe a new animal every 4 years like tto (i think) did. all these ideas here are so cool!
nice bear said on January 11, 2015 at 1:54 PM
i would love to see the skip button come back. that way we could defeat the cogs faster!
i would love to see the skip button come back. that way we could defeat the cogs faster!
Silly Sammie said on January 11, 2015 at 1:54 PM
I was hoping for DirectX support, I think this will help out the game out with all the glitchy graphics. Thanks for taking suggestions!
I was hoping for DirectX support, I think this will help out the game out with all the glitchy graphics. Thanks for taking suggestions!
Odieboy said on January 11, 2015 at 1:58 PM
(Dragon toons) A feature suggestion board, and gag/laff limits for bosses and playgrounds. Also, I think reddit has some great ideas aswell!
(Dragon toons) A feature suggestion board, and gag/laff limits for bosses and playgrounds. Also, I think reddit has some great ideas aswell!
Superwoman said on January 11, 2015 at 1:59 PM
When you create you're toon, at the part where you chooe the color, make a color wheel where you can make you're own custom color for you're toon. And also please give more animal choices :) Thanks >-<
When you create you're toon, at the part where you chooe the color, make a color wheel where you can make you're own custom color for you're toon. And also please give more animal choices :) Thanks >-<
Goob Muffin said on January 11, 2015 at 2:00 PM
For a while now, now that your saying this.. I always wanted the playgrounds to be "Tooned - up" a little bit.. Like it would be fun to jump on the drums in melody land, and a small beat plays. or step on the pianos and you hear notes. also things like ice in the brrrgh being slippery and the bed at dreamland being Bouncy! Small things to make the playgrounds seem more fun and toony!
For a while now, now that your saying this.. I always wanted the playgrounds to be "Tooned - up" a little bit.. Like it would be fun to jump on the drums in melody land, and a small beat plays. or step on the pianos and you hear notes. also things like ice in the brrrgh being slippery and the bed at dreamland being Bouncy! Small things to make the playgrounds seem more fun and toony!
Lilac said on January 11, 2015 at 2:01 PM
This is great! :D I have a small suggestion, maybe add separate shuffle skirts/shorts & shuffle shirts in the closet/make-a-toon/accessory trunk?
This is great! :D I have a small suggestion, maybe add separate shuffle skirts/shorts & shuffle shirts in the closet/make-a-toon/accessory trunk?
Weird Crinklesprinkles said on January 11, 2015 at 2:04 PM
Something I would like is some security on the accuracy of attacks. Have you ever been in one of those buildings where EVERYTHING MISSES? Well, my recommendation is that, depending on the accuracy of a gag, after a certain amount of misses in a row, it should be forced to hit. This way, horrible luck won't be able to completely restrict you from winning.
Something I would like is some security on the accuracy of attacks. Have you ever been in one of those buildings where EVERYTHING MISSES? Well, my recommendation is that, depending on the accuracy of a gag, after a certain amount of misses in a row, it should be forced to hit. This way, horrible luck won't be able to completely restrict you from winning.
Violet said on January 11, 2015 at 2:06 PM
Make more longer invasions! I always log on and there are 10 minute invasions. It's making it hard for me to train my gags You could also make gardening seem shorter since it takes me 10 minutes to harvest, plant, and water the flowers. This is because of the cutscenes. The watering cutscene is about 3 seconds long, and the planting/picking cutscene takes 5 seconds long. Also, it tells you what flower you grew but you have to keep pressing the "ok" button. Can't you make a notification for when you plant a flower that eventually disappears like the one when it says you gained a new watering can/shovel? OR instead of having to keep entering the jellybean combination, if you already grew a flower type, you could have a shortcut? It's the small things that can save you alot of time.
Make more longer invasions! I always log on and there are 10 minute invasions. It's making it hard for me to train my gags You could also make gardening seem shorter since it takes me 10 minutes to harvest, plant, and water the flowers. This is because of the cutscenes. The watering cutscene is about 3 seconds long, and the planting/picking cutscene takes 5 seconds long. Also, it tells you what flower you grew but you have to keep pressing the "ok" button. Can't you make a notification for when you plant a flower that eventually disappears like the one when it says you gained a new watering can/shovel? OR instead of having to keep entering the jellybean combination, if you already grew a flower type, you could have a shortcut? It's the small things that can save you alot of time.
Clear Crystal said on January 11, 2015 at 2:07 PM
Please for the love of all toonkind, make fishing easier! The possibility of catching all those ultra rares are as likely as getting a royal flush! Please!
Please for the love of all toonkind, make fishing easier! The possibility of catching all those ultra rares are as likely as getting a royal flush! Please!
Nano Nuke said on January 11, 2015 at 2:07 PM
Make a building that only has V2.0 Cogs making it look very "high tech" in the inside and out.
Make a building that only has V2.0 Cogs making it look very "high tech" in the inside and out.
Mr Puppy Lover said on January 11, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Make Racing more fun and less tedious! Same with Golf!
Make Racing more fun and less tedious! Same with Golf!
Saturn said on January 11, 2015 at 2:09 PM
This might be too big, but I saw something in one of the alpha key or beta key contests, and it said something about clan name tags? It sounded really cool to me, and maybe just a group option you could create a group. You would have to be someone's friend to invite them to the group, and you could have group owners get a special hat maybe? And you could add them to the group when they accept like the friend thing but it would say "___ wishes to invite you to their clan/group!" and then it will say Yes or No. It'll send you a message like "___ has joined your clan/group!" and there could be co-leaders or something. You could have a option to have the clan name below your toon name, and of course, the clan/group would need to be accepted first. Like I said before, this is probably too big, but it sounds really cool!
This might be too big, but I saw something in one of the alpha key or beta key contests, and it said something about clan name tags? It sounded really cool to me, and maybe just a group option you could create a group. You would have to be someone's friend to invite them to the group, and you could have group owners get a special hat maybe? And you could add them to the group when they accept like the friend thing but it would say "___ wishes to invite you to their clan/group!" and then it will say Yes or No. It'll send you a message like "___ has joined your clan/group!" and there could be co-leaders or something. You could have a option to have the clan name below your toon name, and of course, the clan/group would need to be accepted first. Like I said before, this is probably too big, but it sounds really cool!
Magic said on January 11, 2015 at 2:11 PM
A new way to find the Version 2.0 cogs would be great since Bossbot HQ isn't open yet. I'd also love the return of field offices
A new way to find the Version 2.0 cogs would be great since Bossbot HQ isn't open yet. I'd also love the return of field offices
Rocco Zippenspeed said on January 11, 2015 at 2:13 PM
Love the new Toontown Hall Update! It would be cool if there were new toon colors and unreleased species, like goats and chickens.
Love the new Toontown Hall Update! It would be cool if there were new toon colors and unreleased species, like goats and chickens.
Ruffelina said on January 11, 2015 at 2:13 PM
More Version 2.0 Cog Invasions?
More Version 2.0 Cog Invasions?
Doctor lucky fuzzynugget said on January 11, 2015 at 2:16 PM
First, make it so that you don't have to do as many cog facilities to earn a promotion. Second, some of the cogs in boss battles need to be harder. Third, teleportation access to cog hq once you get your suit, it is tedious walking the same street 15 times to do a boss. Fourth, bring down the amount of cogs that you have to defeat for the toontask right after you get your cash suit. Fifth, bring down the amount of front 3's that you have to do to get your boss suit.
First, make it so that you don't have to do as many cog facilities to earn a promotion. Second, some of the cogs in boss battles need to be harder. Third, teleportation access to cog hq once you get your suit, it is tedious walking the same street 15 times to do a boss. Fourth, bring down the amount of cogs that you have to defeat for the toontask right after you get your cash suit. Fifth, bring down the amount of front 3's that you have to do to get your boss suit.
Lady Rainbow said on January 11, 2015 at 2:17 PM
Oh *please* make gardening a bit faster. I don't have that much time to spend on line, and while I like gardening, it often gets missed as I don't have time.
Oh *please* make gardening a bit faster. I don't have that much time to spend on line, and while I like gardening, it often gets missed as I don't have time.
Lady Rainbow said on January 11, 2015 at 2:19 PM
I would like to say that lure and toon up seem to have been more reliable gags in tto and I'd like them back to their old selves.
I would like to say that lure and toon up seem to have been more reliable gags in tto and I'd like them back to their old selves.
Coconut McQuack said on January 11, 2015 at 2:20 PM
When you're working on a task, and you need to visit a shop, the number on the street map should be grey if it's a cog building. xo
When you're working on a task, and you need to visit a shop, the number on the street map should be grey if it's a cog building. xo
Barney said on January 11, 2015 at 2:21 PM
Well If i were to suggest anything, it would be to retexture or remake some of the faces of cogs. This way it gives them more of a distinct look and stops the repetitive feel. Downsizers and Bean Counters, Cold Callers and Short Changes, and ESPECIALLY Yesmen, Glad Handers, and Mr Hollywoods are the worst offenders of the same face texture problem. If this was fixed, i feel it would significantly improve the game.
Well If i were to suggest anything, it would be to retexture or remake some of the faces of cogs. This way it gives them more of a distinct look and stops the repetitive feel. Downsizers and Bean Counters, Cold Callers and Short Changes, and ESPECIALLY Yesmen, Glad Handers, and Mr Hollywoods are the worst offenders of the same face texture problem. If this was fixed, i feel it would significantly improve the game.
Mister said on January 11, 2015 at 2:24 PM
Something I've always wanted: Sacrifice 3 level 7 gags for the level 8 gag, which toons-up all Toons and defeats all current cogs (even V2.0). It could be a rainbow, and splits the Toon who uses it up into 7 colored silhouettes, each being the embodiment of the type of gag characterized by that color on the gag selection menu (Red = Squirt (kind of), Orange = Throw, Yellow = Trap, etc.). Each silhouette could combine with every other Toons' chosen gag (with trap of the other Toon replacing that of the level 8 gag) so that nobody loses experience. It could maybe be grown, but would have to grow one gag harvest about every 3 days, as to not be so OP. Or maybe just make the BBHQ rewards better.
Something I've always wanted: Sacrifice 3 level 7 gags for the level 8 gag, which toons-up all Toons and defeats all current cogs (even V2.0). It could be a rainbow, and splits the Toon who uses it up into 7 colored silhouettes, each being the embodiment of the type of gag characterized by that color on the gag selection menu (Red = Squirt (kind of), Orange = Throw, Yellow = Trap, etc.). Each silhouette could combine with every other Toons' chosen gag (with trap of the other Toon replacing that of the level 8 gag) so that nobody loses experience. It could maybe be grown, but would have to grow one gag harvest about every 3 days, as to not be so OP. Or maybe just make the BBHQ rewards better.
Princess said on January 11, 2015 at 2:25 PM
My idea would be that toons can have all 7 gag tracks instead of just picking 6.
My idea would be that toons can have all 7 gag tracks instead of just picking 6.
Toney said on January 11, 2015 at 2:27 PM
oh and make it so if you have the trap gag TNT you can carry 3 instead of 2 -_-
oh and make it so if you have the trap gag TNT you can carry 3 instead of 2 -_-
Sir Chester Nicklesnooker said on January 11, 2015 at 2:27 PM
This is just a small thing that I would like to see. When you are on the last set of tasks for a neighborhood, such as the Lil Oldman tasks, and you can't get any new tasks, you should still be able to do "just for fun" tasks such as "small toon" and "flat toon". Keep up the AMAZING work guys. Thanks, Sir Chester Nicklesnooker
This is just a small thing that I would like to see. When you are on the last set of tasks for a neighborhood, such as the Lil Oldman tasks, and you can't get any new tasks, you should still be able to do "just for fun" tasks such as "small toon" and "flat toon". Keep up the AMAZING work guys. Thanks, Sir Chester Nicklesnooker
Flappy WrinkleTeeth said on January 11, 2015 at 2:28 PM
I think you should make it so when you max a cog type you should be able to go to that Cog HQ using your shticker book.
I think you should make it so when you max a cog type you should be able to go to that Cog HQ using your shticker book.
Miss Ponytail said on January 11, 2015 at 2:29 PM
I love everything that you have done so far! Great Job on everything! My little suggestions would be make furniture we can sit on in our houses, doodles, and golf. Factory runs are really repetitive like you said, can you make some that are small, medium, and larger runs? Anyway, I would love anything that you guys do - your updates are always awesome!
I love everything that you have done so far! Great Job on everything! My little suggestions would be make furniture we can sit on in our houses, doodles, and golf. Factory runs are really repetitive like you said, can you make some that are small, medium, and larger runs? Anyway, I would love anything that you guys do - your updates are always awesome!
Electrojinks said on January 11, 2015 at 2:30 PM
You should add Jellybeans to Merits conversion. Not the same, something like 10 jellybeans for 1 merit. It lets the rich toons use jellybeans while also saving them from a few factories and other grindings.
You should add Jellybeans to Merits conversion. Not the same, something like 10 jellybeans for 1 merit. It lets the rich toons use jellybeans while also saving them from a few factories and other grindings.
son goku said on January 11, 2015 at 2:31 PM
maybe you can add when you get your suit maxed you can tp to the hq
maybe you can add when you get your suit maxed you can tp to the hq
Droopy Octogloop said on January 11, 2015 at 2:33 PM
I think that the unreleased toon houses would be a great idea! Also, How about doodles, BBHQ and FIELD OFFICES!!! PLS! Back in old TT that was my favorite thing. But could you add some quests for it, so that they are not useless? Also, who deos love MINI-GOLF!!! I really want that to come back!
I think that the unreleased toon houses would be a great idea! Also, How about doodles, BBHQ and FIELD OFFICES!!! PLS! Back in old TT that was my favorite thing. But could you add some quests for it, so that they are not useless? Also, who deos love MINI-GOLF!!! I really want that to come back!
Super Spike Mega Zapper said on January 11, 2015 at 2:33 PM
I would love if you made another playground like plutos play pen or something to do with goofy. keep up all the hard work ;)
I would love if you made another playground like plutos play pen or something to do with goofy. keep up all the hard work ;)
Cuddles Crinklemuffin said on January 11, 2015 at 2:34 PM
Hey I have a suggestion! Toon glove colors! Maybe you noticed Gus Gooseburger has red gloves and I would like that too. It would be great if you could do that at some point. And maybe just a few more species of fish..
Hey I have a suggestion! Toon glove colors! Maybe you noticed Gus Gooseburger has red gloves and I would like that too. It would be great if you could do that at some point. And maybe just a few more species of fish..
Sir Goopy Whiskerspeed said on January 11, 2015 at 2:34 PM
I like how Toontown takes awhile.. I think it should stay that way.
I like how Toontown takes awhile.. I think it should stay that way.
Puddle Paws said on January 11, 2015 at 2:35 PM
Sharp McPointy said on January 11, 2015 at 2:36 PM
It would be awesome to have a new kind a cog like a scambot
It would be awesome to have a new kind a cog like a scambot
Green Apple said on January 11, 2015 at 2:36 PM
Good ol' Chipper said on January 11, 2015 at 2:37 PM
I think that they should add a level of XP bonus for Higher cogs. Like, an invasion of Flunkys would get the normal 2x, but an invasion of Big Cheeses would give 3x or maybe 4x!
I think that they should add a level of XP bonus for Higher cogs. Like, an invasion of Flunkys would get the normal 2x, but an invasion of Big Cheeses would give 3x or maybe 4x!
Mister Purplepounce said on January 11, 2015 at 2:39 PM
The always-on double merits(/cogbucks/etc.) seems great! Another idea for sell hq (if it's possible): a "hardmode" factory with level 10-11 cogs, an option for higher toons with max merits to do.
The always-on double merits(/cogbucks/etc.) seems great! Another idea for sell hq (if it's possible): a "hardmode" factory with level 10-11 cogs, an option for higher toons with max merits to do.
Dottie said on January 11, 2015 at 2:40 PM
Thank you so much TTR! I would love it if there were a Bossbot HQ. Even if I can't fight the VP yet, the place is so awesome and creepy! XD
Thank you so much TTR! I would love it if there were a Bossbot HQ. Even if I can't fight the VP yet, the place is so awesome and creepy! XD
Doctor Lollipop Dizzyspinner said on January 11, 2015 at 2:40 PM
I'm so excited!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT! I would like Funny Farm, and it would be the Chairman HQ in disguise. Everything would seem suspicious, the NPC toons would even hide cog phrases when they talk, or they would be REALLY scared. That's basically my idea! I'm so excited!
I'm so excited!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT! I would like Funny Farm, and it would be the Chairman HQ in disguise. Everything would seem suspicious, the NPC toons would even hide cog phrases when they talk, or they would be REALLY scared. That's basically my idea! I'm so excited!
said on January 11, 2015 at 2:40 PM
This is the best game ever evented keep up the good work!:D
This is the best game ever evented keep up the good work!:D
Duke Fireball said on January 11, 2015 at 2:48 PM
I totally agree with the double experience all the time in Cog HQ's that would help a ton!
I totally agree with the double experience all the time in Cog HQ's that would help a ton!
Aria said on January 11, 2015 at 2:50 PM
I'd love it if the doodles could come back! It would also be great if you could ride them around Toontown. I always thought that it was a shame you could only see and interact with your doodle at your estate, and during battles when they tooned you up. I'd also like to see a new boss battle. Maybe you could create something like an "Ultimate Boss Battle" where you need to battle all 4 of the current bosses. That might be a bit too difficult, but I'd love to see something new where the difficulty is tooned-up a bit! New house designs would be great too. I just think the current ones look plain, and something more colorful and upbeat would be a great improvement!
I'd love it if the doodles could come back! It would also be great if you could ride them around Toontown. I always thought that it was a shame you could only see and interact with your doodle at your estate, and during battles when they tooned you up. I'd also like to see a new boss battle. Maybe you could create something like an "Ultimate Boss Battle" where you need to battle all 4 of the current bosses. That might be a bit too difficult, but I'd love to see something new where the difficulty is tooned-up a bit! New house designs would be great too. I just think the current ones look plain, and something more colorful and upbeat would be a great improvement!
Leafy said on January 11, 2015 at 2:50 PM
Wow! I can't wait to see the new Toon Hall!
Wow! I can't wait to see the new Toon Hall!
Crazy Supercrunch said on January 11, 2015 at 2:52 PM
Fix Kart Racing! The anvils (for 2 player), grand prix, and sometimes the counter all don't work. Also, i would really love golf to be added in soon.
Fix Kart Racing! The anvils (for 2 player), grand prix, and sometimes the counter all don't work. Also, i would really love golf to be added in soon.
Alvin Cheezytooth said on January 11, 2015 at 2:52 PM
I'd have to say that my least liked part of grinding was when I got like 250 movers and shakers.... TOOK FOREVER and made me quit Toontown originally(Of course I went back and finished, but still!)
I'd have to say that my least liked part of grinding was when I got like 250 movers and shakers.... TOOK FOREVER and made me quit Toontown originally(Of course I went back and finished, but still!)
Bacon said on January 11, 2015 at 2:53 PM
BBHQ and new toons to pick like cow goat etc.
BBHQ and new toons to pick like cow goat etc.
Percy said on January 11, 2015 at 2:53 PM
Oh my goodness. Seems like a jam pack of stuff to put into an MMO game. I bet it'll be great!
Oh my goodness. Seems like a jam pack of stuff to put into an MMO game. I bet it'll be great!
Lime Sherbert said on January 11, 2015 at 2:54 PM
I have been working on this one task forever, which is the last one in boss bot headquarters, which is the version 2.0 I have been working on it for at least 5 months and I am unable to get new task until I finish it, I wish this was easier. I love this game and you guys are doing a great job. Thanks for reopening it. My kids love it also. Can you please help with this. Thanks
I have been working on this one task forever, which is the last one in boss bot headquarters, which is the version 2.0 I have been working on it for at least 5 months and I am unable to get new task until I finish it, I wish this was easier. I love this game and you guys are doing a great job. Thanks for reopening it. My kids love it also. Can you please help with this. Thanks
Starry Night said on January 11, 2015 at 2:56 PM
Tougher cog buildings (As in more floors, higher level cogs), New animal types, Teleport access to Cog HQs and maybe a new gag track!
Tougher cog buildings (As in more floors, higher level cogs), New animal types, Teleport access to Cog HQs and maybe a new gag track!
Toon said on January 11, 2015 at 2:56 PM
I have idea, and this is probably what other people want too.. New cogs and gags!
I have idea, and this is probably what other people want too.. New cogs and gags!
Rocco Electrospeed said on January 11, 2015 at 2:58 PM
make new gag types
make new gag types
Kattastrophe said on January 11, 2015 at 3:01 PM
Double exp and merits in Cog HQ without an invasion would be awesome. Also, better odds at fishing and easier gardening. New colors and accessories would be nice as well. So many ideas, but this is enough for now! :)
Double exp and merits in Cog HQ without an invasion would be awesome. Also, better odds at fishing and easier gardening. New colors and accessories would be nice as well. So many ideas, but this is enough for now! :)
kyok said on January 11, 2015 at 3:01 PM
i agree that tweaks would be great, just later on. For now the main focus needs to be stabilizing the servers and fixing lag. Then add more later :D
i agree that tweaks would be great, just later on. For now the main focus needs to be stabilizing the servers and fixing lag. Then add more later :D
Princess Boo Boo said on January 11, 2015 at 3:02 PM
Yes! What if there were cat like doodles? There should be different things your toon could join on toontown (like clans, but moderator owned). Each playground could have it's own clubhouse, but idk. Super Excited! psst, the event area in CAD should lead to like a sky world :3
Yes! What if there were cat like doodles? There should be different things your toon could join on toontown (like clans, but moderator owned). Each playground could have it's own clubhouse, but idk. Super Excited! psst, the event area in CAD should lead to like a sky world :3
Toon said on January 11, 2015 at 3:06 PM
I want to see field offices. BUT not only sellbot field offices, Field offices for each type, like if you defeat a bossbot field office, you get a fire that shoots the cog up in the air and depletes half their health, or if you defeat a lawbot FO you get a summon for a field office. So my main point here is to add field offices to ToonTown Rewritten!
I want to see field offices. BUT not only sellbot field offices, Field offices for each type, like if you defeat a bossbot field office, you get a fire that shoots the cog up in the air and depletes half their health, or if you defeat a lawbot FO you get a summon for a field office. So my main point here is to add field offices to ToonTown Rewritten!
Meowinator said on January 11, 2015 at 3:06 PM
I agree with most of that! One idea though, black and white colors for all animals instead of just cats and bears! :D That would be so amazing!
I agree with most of that! One idea though, black and white colors for all animals instead of just cats and bears! :D That would be so amazing!
Jess said on January 11, 2015 at 3:07 PM
Hey! A suggestion that I have would be to add a new toon species! Every four years Toontown would have an election for a new species, I think we should continue this tradition for 2016 :)
Hey! A suggestion that I have would be to add a new toon species! Every four years Toontown would have an election for a new species, I think we should continue this tradition for 2016 :)
Traffic Light said on January 11, 2015 at 3:09 PM
I think you should include Bossbot HQ, golfing, and doodles or other creative, new, creatures (if you aren't already on it) and have larger houses with more room for furniture. It would be cool to have a living room, bedroom, dining room, bathroom, or even an upstairs with interactive furniture.
I think you should include Bossbot HQ, golfing, and doodles or other creative, new, creatures (if you aren't already on it) and have larger houses with more room for furniture. It would be cool to have a living room, bedroom, dining room, bathroom, or even an upstairs with interactive furniture.
Anna said on January 11, 2015 at 3:09 PM
This is more of an idea than a suggestion, but I think that it would be really cool if we had a "design an accessory" or "design a clothing item" contest! The winning toon would have their accessory/clothing piece put in the catalog and get some jellybeans... or something like that! :)
This is more of an idea than a suggestion, but I think that it would be really cool if we had a "design an accessory" or "design a clothing item" contest! The winning toon would have their accessory/clothing piece put in the catalog and get some jellybeans... or something like that! :)
Mrs. Fluffy said on January 11, 2015 at 3:10 PM
Are you guys gonna add doodles?? That was my FAVORITE part of the game on Toontown Online.
Are you guys gonna add doodles?? That was my FAVORITE part of the game on Toontown Online.
Baron Eggplant A. Bergine said on January 11, 2015 at 3:11 PM
Chili said on January 11, 2015 at 3:11 PM
I hope that parties, doodles, and best yet, Bossbot HQ is released soon :D
I hope that parties, doodles, and best yet, Bossbot HQ is released soon :D
Mrs. Fluffy said on January 11, 2015 at 3:11 PM
Guys, Tyr to make this version of Toontown WAY better then Toontown Online, That's in the past, add new gags, new toontasks, anything :)
Guys, Tyr to make this version of Toontown WAY better then Toontown Online, That's in the past, add new gags, new toontasks, anything :)
Aarobn said on January 11, 2015 at 3:13 PM
I am so ready for all these new updates! Especially the retexture update. TTR is really doing a great job.
I am so ready for all these new updates! Especially the retexture update. TTR is really doing a great job.
Captain McFlap said on January 11, 2015 at 3:13 PM
An update based on community ideas sounds awesome! I'm really looking forward to it. In the meantime, though, I think it might be better to reactivate some of the original features. I don't mind having to wait for Bossbot HQ, but it'd be nice to finally have doodles back, at the very least.
An update based on community ideas sounds awesome! I'm really looking forward to it. In the meantime, though, I think it might be better to reactivate some of the original features. I don't mind having to wait for Bossbot HQ, but it'd be nice to finally have doodles back, at the very least.
trixie glitterpop said on January 11, 2015 at 3:14 PM
I think an option to have all gag tracks with the last one being after you max would be cool!
I think an option to have all gag tracks with the last one being after you max would be cool!
JACOB said on January 11, 2015 at 3:14 PM
you should fix the the photo fun it keeps freezing on windows also make the lil old man easyer
you should fix the the photo fun it keeps freezing on windows also make the lil old man easyer
Good Ol' Boo Boo said on January 11, 2015 at 3:17 PM
It's already been mentioned here a few times, but I agree that allowing teleport access to an HQ if your Cog Disguise is maxed would be a great way to reward the player for it.
It's already been mentioned here a few times, but I agree that allowing teleport access to an HQ if your Cog Disguise is maxed would be a great way to reward the player for it.
little romeo said on January 11, 2015 at 3:19 PM
i don't know what retextured means. will the stuff look different?
i don't know what retextured means. will the stuff look different?
Lily said on January 11, 2015 at 3:19 PM
I personally LOVE decorating my house! It's one of my favorite pastimes when I'm not fighting cogs! It would be lovely to have a few more furniture catalog issues added with new themes and styles! At one point of time, my toon on the original game had gone through all of the furniture themes (underwater, western etc.) and they became boring and repetitive! I would love it if you guys spiced things up and provided more options for decorating!! XOXO~ Lily
I personally LOVE decorating my house! It's one of my favorite pastimes when I'm not fighting cogs! It would be lovely to have a few more furniture catalog issues added with new themes and styles! At one point of time, my toon on the original game had gone through all of the furniture themes (underwater, western etc.) and they became boring and repetitive! I would love it if you guys spiced things up and provided more options for decorating!! XOXO~ Lily
Little Foot said on January 11, 2015 at 3:20 PM
For me and my family, the only update I really want you guys to do is update the Mac launcher again to 10.6.8 like you said you would. Then I'll get into the game and I'll be happy from there. I don't have any other requests. That's my only request, because that's the biggest deal for my family and I right now is just getting into the game, and with the launcher for Mac being just a number or two away from the version we want, we just can't get in. Please do that ASAP, my family and I will be super happy. Thanks so much!! I know you can read this, so please take it seriously :) I haven't been able to log in all Christmas break all due to the launcher. 10.7...its only a couple numbers away from 10.6.8. I know you can do it. Toons of the world, REUNITE :)
For me and my family, the only update I really want you guys to do is update the Mac launcher again to 10.6.8 like you said you would. Then I'll get into the game and I'll be happy from there. I don't have any other requests. That's my only request, because that's the biggest deal for my family and I right now is just getting into the game, and with the launcher for Mac being just a number or two away from the version we want, we just can't get in. Please do that ASAP, my family and I will be super happy. Thanks so much!! I know you can read this, so please take it seriously :) I haven't been able to log in all Christmas break all due to the launcher. 10.7...its only a couple numbers away from 10.6.8. I know you can do it. Toons of the world, REUNITE :)
Sienna said on January 11, 2015 at 3:20 PM
I'm really optimistic about these changes. Making cog buildings more enticing is a good idea. Right now the biggest incentive is toon tasks but you can just look for different toon tasks if you want (which is generally easier). Something to make a building worth while (possibility of an item drop at the end, extra gag XP, ect) would really improve the game.
I'm really optimistic about these changes. Making cog buildings more enticing is a good idea. Right now the biggest incentive is toon tasks but you can just look for different toon tasks if you want (which is generally easier). Something to make a building worth while (possibility of an item drop at the end, extra gag XP, ect) would really improve the game.
Markeh said on January 11, 2015 at 3:21 PM
is that the boss bot HQ I see?
is that the boss bot HQ I see?
sissybooboo said on January 11, 2015 at 3:21 PM
New Toon Colors , Also New type of toons , make gardening quicker, Thank You so much for all your hard work Well done :)
New Toon Colors , Also New type of toons , make gardening quicker, Thank You so much for all your hard work Well done :)
Crazy Peaches said on January 11, 2015 at 3:21 PM
I think Everything You are doing is great I would love to see the option of a new gag track once 6 chosen are maxed or reach certain level cog suit. What about new kind of cog, the eduacators with, tutors teachers professors and so on.Ya'll rock and love everything you've done!!! P.S. where can I find version 2 cogs, been stuck with that as only task for over a month now
I think Everything You are doing is great I would love to see the option of a new gag track once 6 chosen are maxed or reach certain level cog suit. What about new kind of cog, the eduacators with, tutors teachers professors and so on.Ya'll rock and love everything you've done!!! P.S. where can I find version 2 cogs, been stuck with that as only task for over a month now
Josef said on January 11, 2015 at 3:22 PM
Can't wait to see what you add. But I really want our doodles back! :)
Can't wait to see what you add. But I really want our doodles back! :)
Jordyn said on January 11, 2015 at 3:22 PM
WOW!!!! I can't wait!!
WOW!!!! I can't wait!!
Autistic Spider said on January 11, 2015 at 3:24 PM
Toontastic! :-)
Toontastic! :-)
Squeaky said on January 11, 2015 at 3:25 PM
Please make new Bow colors for the girl toons, and please make a girls dino costume maybe pink or purple dino colors and maybe with a bow on top the dino head.
Please make new Bow colors for the girl toons, and please make a girls dino costume maybe pink or purple dino colors and maybe with a bow on top the dino head.
Locutus said on January 11, 2015 at 3:25 PM
How close is the CEO to being finished?
How close is the CEO to being finished?
Doctor C.J. Twiddlefink said on January 11, 2015 at 3:28 PM
I'd love to see a few things: Memory Match and Picture game(with camera) leave. Picture game is very buggy, and the picture game is one of the least favorites by many. Also, I'd like to see an option to play toontown in full 1080P/60FPS, for computers with high specs(ex. Intel i5 w/ 8GB ram and a discrete GPU). And also maybe optimize Toontown for 1080P as well. At the least I want to see higher frame rates. Also, maybe more fish, the ability to buy Speedway tickets with JB's, and how about the ability to have parties that charge admission in JB's, and the host can use these JB's to pay for the party and things like cannons.
I'd love to see a few things: Memory Match and Picture game(with camera) leave. Picture game is very buggy, and the picture game is one of the least favorites by many. Also, I'd like to see an option to play toontown in full 1080P/60FPS, for computers with high specs(ex. Intel i5 w/ 8GB ram and a discrete GPU). And also maybe optimize Toontown for 1080P as well. At the least I want to see higher frame rates. Also, maybe more fish, the ability to buy Speedway tickets with JB's, and how about the ability to have parties that charge admission in JB's, and the host can use these JB's to pay for the party and things like cannons.
Robin Sparkles said on January 11, 2015 at 3:28 PM
Sweeet!!! I have a suggestion! I think TTR should add the option to be able to skip the experience you gain at the end of each cog battle. Ecspecially if there are four people in a battle. Just like you could in TTO!
Sweeet!!! I have a suggestion! I think TTR should add the option to be able to skip the experience you gain at the end of each cog battle. Ecspecially if there are four people in a battle. Just like you could in TTO!
Doctor C.J. Twiddlefink said on January 11, 2015 at 3:30 PM
Also, this is HUGE for me, but how about the ability to add your own custom gameplay shortcuts, or at least an option to use CTRL for the Schticker book and space to jump.
Also, this is HUGE for me, but how about the ability to add your own custom gameplay shortcuts, or at least an option to use CTRL for the Schticker book and space to jump.
Alexander said on January 11, 2015 at 3:32 PM
It would be great if BBHQ came out, also teleport to hqs, more animals, doodles, more gags, easier ways to get gags and promotions, more trolley games, the skip button, ability to have all 7 gag tracks ( i really want that one please) , and unlimited friends. Thanks.
It would be great if BBHQ came out, also teleport to hqs, more animals, doodles, more gags, easier ways to get gags and promotions, more trolley games, the skip button, ability to have all 7 gag tracks ( i really want that one please) , and unlimited friends. Thanks.
Lady Rosie Tweedledorf said on January 11, 2015 at 3:34 PM
Two things I'd like to see....1) The ability to change your name without making a new toon and 2) bring back the SKIP button so we don't have to do all that dancing! Thanks!
Two things I'd like to see....1) The ability to change your name without making a new toon and 2) bring back the SKIP button so we don't have to do all that dancing! Thanks!
Alexander said on January 11, 2015 at 3:34 PM
also new cogs and/or new neighborhoods. new cog types?
also new cogs and/or new neighborhoods. new cog types?
Apple said on January 11, 2015 at 3:34 PM
Well these ideas are pretty nifty indeed! Although then you have to consider different factors like. Will this idea make the game TOO easy? Can this idea be abused? Things like that. I personally would make the max limit of cogs for toontasks 1000 and it cannot go higher than that. It seems fair and a time taking task that gives you something to work on constantly so you don't have to worry about helping friends with certain tasks. As an example if you need a bossbot building but your friend needs a cashbot, then you're at a crossway here. Having tasks (this is hor toons with 100 laff and above) that require 1000 cogs will instantly generally make people help each other alot more. One thing that is a MUST soon enough is GAG LIMITS ON BOSSES. What I mean by this is people with a certain laff or gag levels will not be enter a certain boss. It seems like its just lower toons depend on higher toons in bosses so that they can get a free pass and a SOS Card. Alot of things can be fixed and alot of things need to stay the same but it cant be too easy. It's always good to have a challenge in a game especially one that requires you to work together as a community. I honestly hope you take this into consideration as it will definitely help the community all together. Thank you.
Well these ideas are pretty nifty indeed! Although then you have to consider different factors like. Will this idea make the game TOO easy? Can this idea be abused? Things like that. I personally would make the max limit of cogs for toontasks 1000 and it cannot go higher than that. It seems fair and a time taking task that gives you something to work on constantly so you don't have to worry about helping friends with certain tasks. As an example if you need a bossbot building but your friend needs a cashbot, then you're at a crossway here. Having tasks (this is hor toons with 100 laff and above) that require 1000 cogs will instantly generally make people help each other alot more. One thing that is a MUST soon enough is GAG LIMITS ON BOSSES. What I mean by this is people with a certain laff or gag levels will not be enter a certain boss. It seems like its just lower toons depend on higher toons in bosses so that they can get a free pass and a SOS Card. Alot of things can be fixed and alot of things need to stay the same but it cant be too easy. It's always good to have a challenge in a game especially one that requires you to work together as a community. I honestly hope you take this into consideration as it will definitely help the community all together. Thank you.
Milky Way said on January 11, 2015 at 3:35 PM
If I could change something, it would be how hard Lil Oldman's task is.
If I could change something, it would be how hard Lil Oldman's task is.
Mystery Mouse said on January 11, 2015 at 3:35 PM
1) a way to control the size of chat bubbles. Most of the time I can't see them unless I'm up close. I'd like to be able to make them bigger. 2) NO more Maxed boss suits and less merits, bucks etc. to level up. This way toons could get to levels in the 1,000's and they would still have to do/help with mints, factories etc... Maybe also add some other tasks to level up like help a too. Under 100 Laff do 5 x 5 story buildings.
1) a way to control the size of chat bubbles. Most of the time I can't see them unless I'm up close. I'd like to be able to make them bigger. 2) NO more Maxed boss suits and less merits, bucks etc. to level up. This way toons could get to levels in the 1,000's and they would still have to do/help with mints, factories etc... Maybe also add some other tasks to level up like help a too. Under 100 Laff do 5 x 5 story buildings.
Jelly said on January 11, 2015 at 3:36 PM
Suggestion: Toontown Online had a file with new house types (bamboo hut, tipi, brick house, castle) and thought it would be cool to purchase them in the cattlelog for a toon's estate. If you developed your own house types or used that file I would totally love it either way!
Suggestion: Toontown Online had a file with new house types (bamboo hut, tipi, brick house, castle) and thought it would be cool to purchase them in the cattlelog for a toon's estate. If you developed your own house types or used that file I would totally love it either way!
Lady Paddledoodle said on January 11, 2015 at 3:37 PM
Any chance we could possibly have some more 2.0 invasions? I super need that toontask and keep missing them when they happen. You're doing great work!!
Any chance we could possibly have some more 2.0 invasions? I super need that toontask and keep missing them when they happen. You're doing great work!!
Peaches PurpleMonkey said on January 11, 2015 at 3:39 PM
How about cog specific invasions. Instead of just like Mingler or Mr. Hollywood, Have Sellbot, or Bossbot invasions.
How about cog specific invasions. Instead of just like Mingler or Mr. Hollywood, Have Sellbot, or Bossbot invasions.
Dippy mo mo said on January 11, 2015 at 3:40 PM
Make new playgrounds!
Make new playgrounds!
Pickle said on January 11, 2015 at 3:41 PM
Wow! I am so excited my whiskers are shaking!
Wow! I am so excited my whiskers are shaking!
Apple Quacks said on January 11, 2015 at 3:42 PM
Please tweak shovel expirience taking so long to gather
Please tweak shovel expirience taking so long to gather
Connor said on January 11, 2015 at 3:43 PM
For the cog battles, there's really not much you can do. Just to make the things less tedious, when you're doing toontasks/Just for Fun toontasks, lower the amount of cogs you have to defeat. This also goes for buildings.
For the cog battles, there's really not much you can do. Just to make the things less tedious, when you're doing toontasks/Just for Fun toontasks, lower the amount of cogs you have to defeat. This also goes for buildings.
Alex said on January 11, 2015 at 3:44 PM
I think it would be really cool if you guys added "random events". What I mean by this, is that there could be some sort of notification that would pop up on your game screen and would say... random event: "congrats, you've won 500 jellybeans!!" Or maybe even... "a free clothing ticket!" And for the players who are working on the vp, cfo, cj and ceo, they could win merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options! This would be a great addition to the game because it would be something new and fun to look forwards to! You could randomly select toons everyday/week to receive a "random event" :D
I think it would be really cool if you guys added "random events". What I mean by this, is that there could be some sort of notification that would pop up on your game screen and would say... random event: "congrats, you've won 500 jellybeans!!" Or maybe even... "a free clothing ticket!" And for the players who are working on the vp, cfo, cj and ceo, they could win merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options! This would be a great addition to the game because it would be something new and fun to look forwards to! You could randomly select toons everyday/week to receive a "random event" :D
Master Droopy Zillerflapper said on January 11, 2015 at 3:44 PM
This is awesome! Some things i think might be cool are in TTC make the Bank a place you can access your bank at home and Defiantly Bossbot HQ Thank you guys for working so hard we all really appreciate it :D
This is awesome! Some things i think might be cool are in TTC make the Bank a place you can access your bank at home and Defiantly Bossbot HQ Thank you guys for working so hard we all really appreciate it :D
moosey said on January 11, 2015 at 3:44 PM
how bout new toon animals? i think that would be toontastic! :)
how bout new toon animals? i think that would be toontastic! :)
King DeDede said on January 11, 2015 at 3:45 PM
For the Cog Battles, you want the dodging to actually BE skill! Like, when there's an incoming attack towards you, you have to press a "DODGE" button at the RIGHT time. :)
For the Cog Battles, you want the dodging to actually BE skill! Like, when there's an incoming attack towards you, you have to press a "DODGE" button at the RIGHT time. :)
Misery said on January 11, 2015 at 3:46 PM
I think it'd be cool if the Backpacks could hold extra bags. That'd be epic.
I think it'd be cool if the Backpacks could hold extra bags. That'd be epic.
Corkyface said on January 11, 2015 at 3:46 PM
Towards the end of TTO (and I am not sure if it was in test or went online) they had a button to speed the dancing, I would love to see that happen. You can move on to the next cog or task much quicker. Thanks for reading :)
Towards the end of TTO (and I am not sure if it was in test or went online) they had a button to speed the dancing, I would love to see that happen. You can move on to the next cog or task much quicker. Thanks for reading :)
Tiger Girl said on January 11, 2015 at 3:47 PM
I would personally want to have higher laff points for toons and higher levels for cogs. I feel like that would make the game more challenging. Also, to add to that, you guys should make new gags for the current ones we have available now. This would help defeat the higher leveled cogs. Thanks for taking suggestions!!!!!
I would personally want to have higher laff points for toons and higher levels for cogs. I feel like that would make the game more challenging. Also, to add to that, you guys should make new gags for the current ones we have available now. This would help defeat the higher leveled cogs. Thanks for taking suggestions!!!!!
Omega said on January 11, 2015 at 3:47 PM
Thanks for making the game possible again for all of us! Here are a few suggestions: 1. TP access to the boss HQ's. 2. Speedier gardening AND an auto waterer when the watering can is maxed. 3. True Friends 4. Doodles :) 5. Street map shows bldgs taken over by cogs. 6. A district(s) for high level laff, maxed gags, and high level suit toons that has constant invasions. It is hard to find toons to get boarding groups and boss battles. Not to mention the need for invasions when max bucks, merits, notices, and merits are necessary. Having separate districts would save time and help avoid a lot of the nonsense. This would be the best addition ever. There have been other great suggestions as well. Lots of great ideas :)
Thanks for making the game possible again for all of us! Here are a few suggestions: 1. TP access to the boss HQ's. 2. Speedier gardening AND an auto waterer when the watering can is maxed. 3. True Friends 4. Doodles :) 5. Street map shows bldgs taken over by cogs. 6. A district(s) for high level laff, maxed gags, and high level suit toons that has constant invasions. It is hard to find toons to get boarding groups and boss battles. Not to mention the need for invasions when max bucks, merits, notices, and merits are necessary. Having separate districts would save time and help avoid a lot of the nonsense. This would be the best addition ever. There have been other great suggestions as well. Lots of great ideas :)
C.J. said on January 11, 2015 at 3:49 PM
A new playground would definitely be awesome along with another gag track. However in terms of quick upgrades, I think TTR should make gardening quicker and increase the laff limit to 150, while also making the tasks to get there a lot more reasonable. Many kids have a lot to do outside of toontown and don't have time to defeat 200 4 story buildings. Thank you so much for the time you have put into this game and I hope the toon community and devs can work together to make a truly amazing gaming experience!
A new playground would definitely be awesome along with another gag track. However in terms of quick upgrades, I think TTR should make gardening quicker and increase the laff limit to 150, while also making the tasks to get there a lot more reasonable. Many kids have a lot to do outside of toontown and don't have time to defeat 200 4 story buildings. Thank you so much for the time you have put into this game and I hope the toon community and devs can work together to make a truly amazing gaming experience!
Wyso Seriousuh said on January 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM
I think TP access to Cog HQs should be obtained once a toon has maxed the particular suit for that HQ. Boss HQ. Introduce a new boss: Judge Doom! (Who Framed Roger Rabbit bad guy). He would be the ultimate boss and would incorporate all 4 cog types to fight. To beat him, toons would have to douse him with a mixture of turpentine, acetone, and benzene (paint thinner) which he calls "The Dip" until his HP runs out. If the toons aren't careful, they can get the dip on themselves and lose laff.
I think TP access to Cog HQs should be obtained once a toon has maxed the particular suit for that HQ. Boss HQ. Introduce a new boss: Judge Doom! (Who Framed Roger Rabbit bad guy). He would be the ultimate boss and would incorporate all 4 cog types to fight. To beat him, toons would have to douse him with a mixture of turpentine, acetone, and benzene (paint thinner) which he calls "The Dip" until his HP runs out. If the toons aren't careful, they can get the dip on themselves and lose laff.
Zim-A-Zam said on January 11, 2015 at 3:54 PM
A good idea would to introduce rare types of cogs with higher attack/defense stats, and immunities to certain gags. They could also have weaknesses and shortcomings if they're too OP without them. Also, Toontown House established the idea of Mega Buildings - buildings with cogs of all kinds, including V2.0 and V3.0. It'd be an interesting thing to see in TTR, and would help with any V2.0 tasks that people get. Higher-leveled cogs would also be a nice feature - perhaps up the level range of each cog 3 levels?
A good idea would to introduce rare types of cogs with higher attack/defense stats, and immunities to certain gags. They could also have weaknesses and shortcomings if they're too OP without them. Also, Toontown House established the idea of Mega Buildings - buildings with cogs of all kinds, including V2.0 and V3.0. It'd be an interesting thing to see in TTR, and would help with any V2.0 tasks that people get. Higher-leveled cogs would also be a nice feature - perhaps up the level range of each cog 3 levels?
German Fluffy said on January 11, 2015 at 3:55 PM
I cant wait guys! Thanks for reinventing my childhood! This is so great!
I cant wait guys! Thanks for reinventing my childhood! This is so great!
Captain fireball mccrunch said on January 11, 2015 at 3:55 PM
if your adjusting the catch percentage on the fishing then thank you very very much.1 percent would be an amazing diff.
if your adjusting the catch percentage on the fishing then thank you very very much.1 percent would be an amazing diff.
Queen Of Hairballs said on January 11, 2015 at 3:58 PM
A suggestion for the tediousness of some of the tasks, perhaps there could be a way to earn "skips" for certain tasks, or even tasks that could give you experience. This may be a little counterproductive though, since you'd have to work for the skips, but I know a lot of toons who would LOVE to skip a task given by a certain elderly wizard.
A suggestion for the tediousness of some of the tasks, perhaps there could be a way to earn "skips" for certain tasks, or even tasks that could give you experience. This may be a little counterproductive though, since you'd have to work for the skips, but I know a lot of toons who would LOVE to skip a task given by a certain elderly wizard.
Swanky Jake said on January 11, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Awesome! I can't wait to see what the public wants for TTR!
Awesome! I can't wait to see what the public wants for TTR!
Violet McSwirl said on January 11, 2015 at 4:00 PM
I think working for XP for your gags is imperative - don't make it easier, but do make it with more options on how to do it - double XP in the VP's is a great idea. What about paint color for the outside of your toon house - the ability to decorate the outside of the house as well as the inside. TP to HQ's - maybe through tasks by defeating the VP?
I think working for XP for your gags is imperative - don't make it easier, but do make it with more options on how to do it - double XP in the VP's is a great idea. What about paint color for the outside of your toon house - the ability to decorate the outside of the house as well as the inside. TP to HQ's - maybe through tasks by defeating the VP?
Master Max said on January 11, 2015 at 4:02 PM
This is amazing!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
This is amazing!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
cool girl said on January 11, 2015 at 4:04 PM
1.The striped shirts that are for boys... I RLLY LOVE THEM! can u make them for girls too? 2.New animals to make on make-a-toon!! 3.New colors for toons 4.More accessories, clothes, and furniture! 5.Another area just to talk, play games, and have fun! That's just a few of my ideas, but that is a lot to make.... lol.... But thats just my ideas. :)
1.The striped shirts that are for boys... I RLLY LOVE THEM! can u make them for girls too? 2.New animals to make on make-a-toon!! 3.New colors for toons 4.More accessories, clothes, and furniture! 5.Another area just to talk, play games, and have fun! That's just a few of my ideas, but that is a lot to make.... lol.... But thats just my ideas. :)
Caramel Apple said on January 11, 2015 at 4:06 PM
Hey.. toontown rewritten.. i have a few ideas!! First i think we should make custom clothes and then we should make all toons have the color black or white.. and last i think we should have more rooms for estates.. for example.. a upstairs floor or a outdoor swimming pool
Hey.. toontown rewritten.. i have a few ideas!! First i think we should make custom clothes and then we should make all toons have the color black or white.. and last i think we should have more rooms for estates.. for example.. a upstairs floor or a outdoor swimming pool
Princess Lily said on January 11, 2015 at 4:07 PM
Oooo! Love this update, and I'm glad that you're opening things up for the toons to decide! I've secretly always wanted to be some sort of 'idea maker' in Toontown whether it was Toontown Online or Toontown Rewritten xD What I'd suggest is that when doodles come out, there'd be a system like 'create-a-doodle' or something of the sort. Like, if the Clerk would ask you what you want your doodle to look like, allowing you to 'create-a-doodle', and then the clerk would say something like: "I think I've found the doodle you're looking for! What would you like to name your doodle?" and then you go through the original naming system, and the price and personality of the doodle would depend on where you went to buy it. :D It'd also be cool if there was more to do with a doodle than just feed it jellybeans, train it, and have it toon you up if it's well trained :)
Oooo! Love this update, and I'm glad that you're opening things up for the toons to decide! I've secretly always wanted to be some sort of 'idea maker' in Toontown whether it was Toontown Online or Toontown Rewritten xD What I'd suggest is that when doodles come out, there'd be a system like 'create-a-doodle' or something of the sort. Like, if the Clerk would ask you what you want your doodle to look like, allowing you to 'create-a-doodle', and then the clerk would say something like: "I think I've found the doodle you're looking for! What would you like to name your doodle?" and then you go through the original naming system, and the price and personality of the doodle would depend on where you went to buy it. :D It'd also be cool if there was more to do with a doodle than just feed it jellybeans, train it, and have it toon you up if it's well trained :)
Candy said on January 11, 2015 at 4:07 PM
I would love to see the following!: 1) Being able to turn an existing cat black on Halloween/Friday the 13th. 2) A name change service, possibly bought from the Cattlelog costing beans. 3) A way to preview what clothes/accessories will look like on your toon before purchase. 4) Larger health pick ups in The Brrgh upwards. 5) More frequent rod upgrades in the Cattlelog. 6) More fishing Bingo! 7) Plants to work (Mine aren't growing! - Yes I water them)
I would love to see the following!: 1) Being able to turn an existing cat black on Halloween/Friday the 13th. 2) A name change service, possibly bought from the Cattlelog costing beans. 3) A way to preview what clothes/accessories will look like on your toon before purchase. 4) Larger health pick ups in The Brrgh upwards. 5) More frequent rod upgrades in the Cattlelog. 6) More fishing Bingo! 7) Plants to work (Mine aren't growing! - Yes I water them)
Loopy Biscuit FumbleMuffin said on January 11, 2015 at 4:09 PM
In the Create a Toon section, have the different shirts, shorts, and skirts layed out in a customization menu-like thing, then choose the color after that, but keep the shirt and color options accessible after selecting them. Also, I like the idea that someone else said where the Cog HQs tps are accessible after defeating the boss the first time, or perhaps have an easy toontask that unlocks tp access, like defeating 5 factories or something like that. I really like that you guys are listening to the community about future potential tweaks! Keep up the toontastic work!
In the Create a Toon section, have the different shirts, shorts, and skirts layed out in a customization menu-like thing, then choose the color after that, but keep the shirt and color options accessible after selecting them. Also, I like the idea that someone else said where the Cog HQs tps are accessible after defeating the boss the first time, or perhaps have an easy toontask that unlocks tp access, like defeating 5 factories or something like that. I really like that you guys are listening to the community about future potential tweaks! Keep up the toontastic work!
Gigi said on January 11, 2015 at 4:10 PM
I like many of the ideas already posted here but I didn't see one I'd really like to see: in the District page of the book, we should be able to see which district has an invasion, and maybe even what kind of cog is that invasion. I know people use invasion trackers, but for me that would make things easier for everyone. You know, sometimes you only want to avoid a district with an invasion.
I like many of the ideas already posted here but I didn't see one I'd really like to see: in the District page of the book, we should be able to see which district has an invasion, and maybe even what kind of cog is that invasion. I know people use invasion trackers, but for me that would make things easier for everyone. You know, sometimes you only want to avoid a district with an invasion.
Crazy Winky Cheezyswirl said on January 11, 2015 at 4:12 PM
Ah, I forgot to mention a few ideas and tweaks earlier-- Well, I'll get started. 1: First off, a few toons have mentioned girl toons getting the male exclusive striped shirts.. YES PLEASE. 2: I'd like to see the unreleased clothing added (Stuff like the jellybean shirt with matching shorts and a skirt, grass skirt with flowers on top, and even the 'tinted clothing' like where some of the clothing was tinted to a certain color; like the tie-dye shirt having an over-all red tint added to it. 3: Bring back the clothing from TTO (Cog crusher suit (Yellow), Floral blue summer shirt with flunky, etc.) and even the 2010 Halloween costume clothing. 4: It'd be also really nice if there were yearly contests for design-an-accessory, design-clothing, design-a-furniture-piece, and more. If not yearly, maybe every 6 months! 5: For the rainbow skirts, it'd be nice if there were different versions with different colors to it and not just rainbow. Like; Instead of rainbow, there'd be a version of it with just blue in different shades of blue, neon rainbow skirt, etc. I have a lot more of ideas, but I don't want to take up too much space. Thanks TTR for considering everyone's suggestions!
Ah, I forgot to mention a few ideas and tweaks earlier-- Well, I'll get started. 1: First off, a few toons have mentioned girl toons getting the male exclusive striped shirts.. YES PLEASE. 2: I'd like to see the unreleased clothing added (Stuff like the jellybean shirt with matching shorts and a skirt, grass skirt with flowers on top, and even the 'tinted clothing' like where some of the clothing was tinted to a certain color; like the tie-dye shirt having an over-all red tint added to it. 3: Bring back the clothing from TTO (Cog crusher suit (Yellow), Floral blue summer shirt with flunky, etc.) and even the 2010 Halloween costume clothing. 4: It'd be also really nice if there were yearly contests for design-an-accessory, design-clothing, design-a-furniture-piece, and more. If not yearly, maybe every 6 months! 5: For the rainbow skirts, it'd be nice if there were different versions with different colors to it and not just rainbow. Like; Instead of rainbow, there'd be a version of it with just blue in different shades of blue, neon rainbow skirt, etc. I have a lot more of ideas, but I don't want to take up too much space. Thanks TTR for considering everyone's suggestions!
Bluebeary said on January 11, 2015 at 4:12 PM
First of all, love the game! Thank you! Two suggestions: - 1.) Make the damage a cog can deliver to a toon while in battle be in direct correlation to the cog's chest color indicator (green, orange, red). The weaker the cog gets, the less damage he can cause to a toon. 2.) offer a self-tooning option in the toon-up gag line. Would be nice for toons who battle alone or who are helping smaller tunes that don't have toon-up in their bag of gags. Again, love the game and appreciate all your hard work.
First of all, love the game! Thank you! Two suggestions: - 1.) Make the damage a cog can deliver to a toon while in battle be in direct correlation to the cog's chest color indicator (green, orange, red). The weaker the cog gets, the less damage he can cause to a toon. 2.) offer a self-tooning option in the toon-up gag line. Would be nice for toons who battle alone or who are helping smaller tunes that don't have toon-up in their bag of gags. Again, love the game and appreciate all your hard work.
ShadowBob said on January 11, 2015 at 4:14 PM
Make gardening faster or give your more beans for each flower. Like 10 beans per flower so i dont have to fill every box to only get 15 beans!
Make gardening faster or give your more beans for each flower. Like 10 beans per flower so i dont have to fill every box to only get 15 beans!
apple sauce said on January 11, 2015 at 4:14 PM
I love the animals for the make-a-toon, don't get me wrong. But I would LOVE EVEN MORE if there was MORE animals. Like goats, or sheep, just something like that. Also, I would like the gifting to come back. I have so much money on one of my toons, but i don't even play that one. So I want to buy stuff for my other toons, but i can't. PLEASE MAKE GIFTING!! Keep doin great, TTR - from Apple Sauce :)
I love the animals for the make-a-toon, don't get me wrong. But I would LOVE EVEN MORE if there was MORE animals. Like goats, or sheep, just something like that. Also, I would like the gifting to come back. I have so much money on one of my toons, but i don't even play that one. So I want to buy stuff for my other toons, but i can't. PLEASE MAKE GIFTING!! Keep doin great, TTR - from Apple Sauce :)
Loopy Biscuit FumbleMuffin said on January 11, 2015 at 4:16 PM
Have a skip button for the after-battle dances and a skip button for text in toontasks. We could also have the option to earn "skip slips", like someone else said. They are something like the pink slips, where you do certain things and then can use those slips to skip toontasks. These tasks pop up like the beta key tasks did, but are a bit more common and don't rely on a "hidden queue" like thing. One option is that you cannot get a "skip slip" until you finish Toontown Central or Donald's Dock. Then, you cannot use a "skip slip" until at least a halfway-through task that then briefly tells the player how to use the slip, but the player is not required to use it at that point.
Have a skip button for the after-battle dances and a skip button for text in toontasks. We could also have the option to earn "skip slips", like someone else said. They are something like the pink slips, where you do certain things and then can use those slips to skip toontasks. These tasks pop up like the beta key tasks did, but are a bit more common and don't rely on a "hidden queue" like thing. One option is that you cannot get a "skip slip" until you finish Toontown Central or Donald's Dock. Then, you cannot use a "skip slip" until at least a halfway-through task that then briefly tells the player how to use the slip, but the player is not required to use it at that point.
Dee Spicable Me said on January 11, 2015 at 4:17 PM
I always thought that after you max a suit, we should be granted direct tp access to that HQ.
I always thought that after you max a suit, we should be granted direct tp access to that HQ.
Peaches The Cream Mouse said on January 11, 2015 at 4:18 PM
For tab point of views, how about add in those views where you could move the camera around your toon within a certain radius of your toon? In TTO, there was a hack for this and you could zoom out as far as you want, however if this was added ingame for real, you wouldn't zoom out as far as you'd like, just within a certain distance/radius of your toon. (This would be handy for music videos and screenshots). Basically I consider the current tabs more of a way to get an exact point of the side, front, far out from your toon, etc. while if we have freedom of choosing where the point of view would be by just holding on our mouse (It'd probably end up being holding onto left click), we could get the point of view we want. Thanks for considering my suggestion TTR ^^
For tab point of views, how about add in those views where you could move the camera around your toon within a certain radius of your toon? In TTO, there was a hack for this and you could zoom out as far as you want, however if this was added ingame for real, you wouldn't zoom out as far as you'd like, just within a certain distance/radius of your toon. (This would be handy for music videos and screenshots). Basically I consider the current tabs more of a way to get an exact point of the side, front, far out from your toon, etc. while if we have freedom of choosing where the point of view would be by just holding on our mouse (It'd probably end up being holding onto left click), we could get the point of view we want. Thanks for considering my suggestion TTR ^^
Neon said on January 11, 2015 at 4:22 PM
gosh, I want doodles, parties, fishing way easier o,o some basic things that were in toontown before.. not too much <3 ~Neon
gosh, I want doodles, parties, fishing way easier o,o some basic things that were in toontown before.. not too much <3 ~Neon
Easter Bun E. said on January 11, 2015 at 4:22 PM
There's been a lot of toons asking for the ability to make their toon black or white permanently, but instead.. Solution found :D Why not make a "Classic" toon effect to where your toon is black? Also, for no color and classic effect, you'd be able to choose whether your toon muzzle(The tan mouth of your toon) is the normal color(Tan) or with the toon effect.
There's been a lot of toons asking for the ability to make their toon black or white permanently, but instead.. Solution found :D Why not make a "Classic" toon effect to where your toon is black? Also, for no color and classic effect, you'd be able to choose whether your toon muzzle(The tan mouth of your toon) is the normal color(Tan) or with the toon effect.
The Everlaffing Cogstopper said on January 11, 2015 at 4:25 PM
I really enjoy training, I've done quiet a lot of it, but as you make new toons it gets very repetitive and I think maybe training should be easier somehow. I also think teleport access to every cog hq would be nice and that gardening shouldn't be as tedious.
I really enjoy training, I've done quiet a lot of it, but as you make new toons it gets very repetitive and I think maybe training should be easier somehow. I also think teleport access to every cog hq would be nice and that gardening shouldn't be as tedious.
Loopy Biscuit FumbleMuffin said on January 11, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Another suggestion is if you are working on a toontask, and complete the specific task, but the toon then asks you to go back and complete X many cold callers, number crunchers, 2 3+ story bldgs, etc, but you just defeated what the task asked for, be able to have that count towards the task, but only stack cogs, bldgs, etc from beginning to reward, to keep it fair. For example, say you need to defeat a 4+ story bldg, but find a bigwig in that bldg, then you go back and the task says to defeat a bigwig. Since you defeated a bigwig while in that task, you can skip that part of the task and move on.
Another suggestion is if you are working on a toontask, and complete the specific task, but the toon then asks you to go back and complete X many cold callers, number crunchers, 2 3+ story bldgs, etc, but you just defeated what the task asked for, be able to have that count towards the task, but only stack cogs, bldgs, etc from beginning to reward, to keep it fair. For example, say you need to defeat a 4+ story bldg, but find a bigwig in that bldg, then you go back and the task says to defeat a bigwig. Since you defeated a bigwig while in that task, you can skip that part of the task and move on.
Flavourable Cheese Chicken said on January 11, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Excellent job! Keep it up!
Excellent job! Keep it up!
Peaches PurpleMonkey said on January 11, 2015 at 4:27 PM
How about lower cogs in buildings in TTC none over 6
How about lower cogs in buildings in TTC none over 6
Hairy Pawter said on January 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM
New toon colors and types, bigger houses and maybe even a few new house styles? Maybe we could choose the color of the lettering on the houses, and what would happen if entire Toontown streets became completely 'Cogged'? It could be another mini boss-battle thing, maybe similar to Field Offices but including the entire street. I like the interactive furniture idea. Great job, TTR staff! :D
New toon colors and types, bigger houses and maybe even a few new house styles? Maybe we could choose the color of the lettering on the houses, and what would happen if entire Toontown streets became completely 'Cogged'? It could be another mini boss-battle thing, maybe similar to Field Offices but including the entire street. I like the interactive furniture idea. Great job, TTR staff! :D
Loopy said on January 11, 2015 at 4:30 PM
I don't know, it could be just me, but wouldn't more stable play be best for the toon community? I would be ecstatic if I could go into the gag shop, shopkeeper, street, different district, or to my toon estate without being disconnected.. I don't know, could be just me
I don't know, it could be just me, but wouldn't more stable play be best for the toon community? I would be ecstatic if I could go into the gag shop, shopkeeper, street, different district, or to my toon estate without being disconnected.. I don't know, could be just me
Prof. Lemonmarble said on January 11, 2015 at 4:32 PM
I'd like to see the Toon News added from TTO. I enjoyed reading it and I remember there being a Q/A page on there, too. It'd be nice to have it back.
I'd like to see the Toon News added from TTO. I enjoyed reading it and I remember there being a Q/A page on there, too. It'd be nice to have it back.
Master Voltage said on January 11, 2015 at 4:32 PM
Awesomeness, looking forward to the redesigned textures!
Awesomeness, looking forward to the redesigned textures!
Trixie Dizzydoodle said on January 11, 2015 at 4:41 PM
This is amazing that you're looking at the community's ideas for updates! I can't wait for Toontown Retextured to be finished, and the posts on the forums all have some great ideas! Keep up the great work!
This is amazing that you're looking at the community's ideas for updates! I can't wait for Toontown Retextured to be finished, and the posts on the forums all have some great ideas! Keep up the great work!
Princess Alli said on January 11, 2015 at 4:41 PM
Way to go TTR Staff!! Okay, so this is just a suggestion, (you probably already have an idea for BBHQ anyways) for the release of BBHQ, maybe you could try something like POTCO did with Jolly Roger, and have the CEO and a bunch of cogs make their way through Toontown, and have to retreat to the HQ when they are defeated. Also, I like the idea to decrease gardening times and increase fishing chances. It would be fun to bring back field offices and golf, too. Also please please PLEASE tweak fighting so that you can see the cogs' levels while you are fighting them. Thanks for everything you've done so far! You guys are so amazing! :D
Way to go TTR Staff!! Okay, so this is just a suggestion, (you probably already have an idea for BBHQ anyways) for the release of BBHQ, maybe you could try something like POTCO did with Jolly Roger, and have the CEO and a bunch of cogs make their way through Toontown, and have to retreat to the HQ when they are defeated. Also, I like the idea to decrease gardening times and increase fishing chances. It would be fun to bring back field offices and golf, too. Also please please PLEASE tweak fighting so that you can see the cogs' levels while you are fighting them. Thanks for everything you've done so far! You guys are so amazing! :D
Lewis said on January 11, 2015 at 4:42 PM
I know this would've been suggested a ton of times, but please add the option to change controls and a chat key for if you change them. Kind of like a Classic mode and a Manual mode of the keys. You could make the jump the space key and the delete key manual. Thanks for reading.
I know this would've been suggested a ton of times, but please add the option to change controls and a chat key for if you change them. Kind of like a Classic mode and a Manual mode of the keys. You could make the jump the space key and the delete key manual. Thanks for reading.
akhila said on January 11, 2015 at 4:42 PM
this game is awsome
this game is awsome
Paddlefish said on January 11, 2015 at 4:43 PM
Can you PLEASE add Doodles and Toon Parties?
Can you PLEASE add Doodles and Toon Parties?
Zix said on January 11, 2015 at 4:45 PM
I'm not super-good at suggestions, but I can't wait to see what is coming. :)
I'm not super-good at suggestions, but I can't wait to see what is coming. :)
Lynxspot said on January 11, 2015 at 4:47 PM
This is great! I have a few ideas, if you don't mind You don't have to do any of these This might be a lot of stuff, so, sorry ^u^' Gender neutral toons for non binary people, maybe? Boy things available for girls, and vice versa The color black available for toon color and shirt color Doodles Bossbot HQ
This is great! I have a few ideas, if you don't mind You don't have to do any of these This might be a lot of stuff, so, sorry ^u^' Gender neutral toons for non binary people, maybe? Boy things available for girls, and vice versa The color black available for toon color and shirt color Doodles Bossbot HQ
Prof.Fleabag said on January 11, 2015 at 4:47 PM
I hope you do some awesome things this year! Maybe Field offices? New cogs? Chairman? Slappy?
I hope you do some awesome things this year! Maybe Field offices? New cogs? Chairman? Slappy?
Flower said on January 11, 2015 at 4:48 PM
This is AWESOME.... Im so excited for all of this! Thank you TTR staff for all of your hard work!!
This is AWESOME.... Im so excited for all of this! Thank you TTR staff for all of your hard work!!
Ivanna Cookie said on January 11, 2015 at 4:52 PM
I would love it if we could have auto sprinklers after maxing gardening!
I would love it if we could have auto sprinklers after maxing gardening!
Captain Wacky said on January 11, 2015 at 4:52 PM
While tweaks and upgrades can certainly help fix lots of things, in my opinion, it is also important to preserve the feeling of achievement. Rewards should be earned, not handed out. One change I would be happy to see if some mechanism of enabling sound during boss fights. I often play with sound disabled, and I understand that the Shticker Book is disabled during boss fights to prevent toons leaving or other shenanigans. Unfortunately, I often do not realize the sound is disabled until the fight has already began, and at that point, I am unable to fix my situation.
While tweaks and upgrades can certainly help fix lots of things, in my opinion, it is also important to preserve the feeling of achievement. Rewards should be earned, not handed out. One change I would be happy to see if some mechanism of enabling sound during boss fights. I often play with sound disabled, and I understand that the Shticker Book is disabled during boss fights to prevent toons leaving or other shenanigans. Unfortunately, I often do not realize the sound is disabled until the fight has already began, and at that point, I am unable to fix my situation.
Little Valentine sparklejinks said on January 11, 2015 at 4:52 PM
Custom accessories? There can be a accessorie making stand in the clothing shop, and depending on how complicated the item, the more jellybeans are charged. Also can you add doodles again? (along with other options of pets.)
Custom accessories? There can be a accessorie making stand in the clothing shop, and depending on how complicated the item, the more jellybeans are charged. Also can you add doodles again? (along with other options of pets.)
Willow said on January 11, 2015 at 4:54 PM
I LOVE it when you guys add/update stuff! Now... About those "Special" Items in the catalog...
I LOVE it when you guys add/update stuff! Now... About those "Special" Items in the catalog...
Toon said on January 11, 2015 at 4:54 PM
While I see several great ideas there are a few OHHH NOOOO's. First if you make double (or whatever) experience in boss battles all we're going to find is small toons training gags in there. It is being done already to the annoyance of many. While I quit TTO due to being on about my 3rd set of major boss thingys I would really hate to see most of the game dummied down. Been there, done that....why should the up and comings have it easier? Not fair to the rest of us who have passed the grind part! BUT with Boss not even being out yet is there a way to either 1. Get more with say a back 9? or lessen the HUGE amounts we need? I know many. And I do mean MANY who quit due to Boss and how many we had to get.
While I see several great ideas there are a few OHHH NOOOO's. First if you make double (or whatever) experience in boss battles all we're going to find is small toons training gags in there. It is being done already to the annoyance of many. While I quit TTO due to being on about my 3rd set of major boss thingys I would really hate to see most of the game dummied down. Been there, done that....why should the up and comings have it easier? Not fair to the rest of us who have passed the grind part! BUT with Boss not even being out yet is there a way to either 1. Get more with say a back 9? or lessen the HUGE amounts we need? I know many. And I do mean MANY who quit due to Boss and how many we had to get.
Catsup said on January 11, 2015 at 4:58 PM
I'd say things like merits and cog bucks, etc are really tedious to get especially later on. Even stock options are a nightmare to get when you need over 20,000 of them and only get 1,000 per back nine which is over an hour just for one. So I'd say double them when gotten in Cog HQs. This is one reason why Bossbot HQ was really empty all the time, because it takes lots of time to get such a small amount of stock options. Back in the day, even Sellbot HQ factories once had 1,400+ merits for a long factory and now it's only 700+.
I'd say things like merits and cog bucks, etc are really tedious to get especially later on. Even stock options are a nightmare to get when you need over 20,000 of them and only get 1,000 per back nine which is over an hour just for one. So I'd say double them when gotten in Cog HQs. This is one reason why Bossbot HQ was really empty all the time, because it takes lots of time to get such a small amount of stock options. Back in the day, even Sellbot HQ factories once had 1,400+ merits for a long factory and now it's only 700+.
Scooter Spacklescooter said on January 11, 2015 at 4:58 PM
Awesome! How about weekly challenges for a weekly reward? Like say complete this weekly challenge to get double XP for the entire week!! Or just give them jellybeans or a shirt or accessories...also some gag bonus features like in old TT where if you battled a cog next to a fire hydrant you would get bonus squirt damage or next to a mail box you'd get bonus drop damage! Also for the calender to have more events like bean fests and boss battle runs that sorta of stuff. That'd be awesome! Thanks Toontown Rewritten. Pleasure to be working for you!
Awesome! How about weekly challenges for a weekly reward? Like say complete this weekly challenge to get double XP for the entire week!! Or just give them jellybeans or a shirt or accessories...also some gag bonus features like in old TT where if you battled a cog next to a fire hydrant you would get bonus squirt damage or next to a mail box you'd get bonus drop damage! Also for the calender to have more events like bean fests and boss battle runs that sorta of stuff. That'd be awesome! Thanks Toontown Rewritten. Pleasure to be working for you!
Mister Spunky Flipperdorf said on January 11, 2015 at 5:00 PM
Unlimited jelly bean bank
Unlimited jelly bean bank
SillyTrixie said on January 11, 2015 at 5:02 PM
This is wonderful! If I may, I suggest letting the girls be able to wear the striped boy shirts? Please? Those are SO cute. Same for accessories. I think it would be cool of both genders could wear ANY accessory. We are all different & would very much love a bigger variety of what we can choose from. This has also been mentioned: tails! We should have tails as an "option." Maybe we can take them off and put them on from our accessory trunks! Thanks guys! And keep up the good work!
This is wonderful! If I may, I suggest letting the girls be able to wear the striped boy shirts? Please? Those are SO cute. Same for accessories. I think it would be cool of both genders could wear ANY accessory. We are all different & would very much love a bigger variety of what we can choose from. This has also been mentioned: tails! We should have tails as an "option." Maybe we can take them off and put them on from our accessory trunks! Thanks guys! And keep up the good work!
Miss Cuddles said on January 11, 2015 at 5:06 PM
you should make the task in the brrgh and donalds dreamland a little easier XD
you should make the task in the brrgh and donalds dreamland a little easier XD
Poppy Cheezycorn said on January 11, 2015 at 5:06 PM
I would add Bossbot HQ, and I would make gaining racing tickets easier. (example: completing racing gives you more tickets than you normally do)
I would add Bossbot HQ, and I would make gaining racing tickets easier. (example: completing racing gives you more tickets than you normally do)
Scooter Returns said on January 11, 2015 at 5:07 PM
This might be to hard but new gags, new cogs, and playgrounds themed after the developers. In normal Toontown would have its own set of gags and cogs, but in new toontown you have 7 more gag types and 4 new cog types it would be fun!
This might be to hard but new gags, new cogs, and playgrounds themed after the developers. In normal Toontown would have its own set of gags and cogs, but in new toontown you have 7 more gag types and 4 new cog types it would be fun!
Miss Furball said on January 11, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Wow! This seems really cool, and I have some suggestions of my own as well. When doodles come out, we should be able to walk them around Toontown! Friend mini-games? Like, when you go to your friends list, and click a friend, there could be an option to "Ask To Play Mini-Games" or something... and you can play games with them. I LOVE how you are putting so much effort into TTR! Keep it up, guys!!!
Wow! This seems really cool, and I have some suggestions of my own as well. When doodles come out, we should be able to walk them around Toontown! Friend mini-games? Like, when you go to your friends list, and click a friend, there could be an option to "Ask To Play Mini-Games" or something... and you can play games with them. I LOVE how you are putting so much effort into TTR! Keep it up, guys!!!
Noisy Kippy Wondertooth said on January 11, 2015 at 5:08 PM
I am probably not going to be the ONLY one saying this, but maybe you could add "Doodles"? And I've also been thinking, Bossbot HQ, (This one could be for future website updates), adding a thingy where something says most cogs defeated , or most VP's done, or most buildings recovered. :)
I am probably not going to be the ONLY one saying this, but maybe you could add "Doodles"? And I've also been thinking, Bossbot HQ, (This one could be for future website updates), adding a thingy where something says most cogs defeated , or most VP's done, or most buildings recovered. :)
Noisy Kippy Wondertooth said on January 11, 2015 at 5:10 PM
Sorry for another request or idea, but maybe you could add a playground similar to a jungle? XD
Sorry for another request or idea, but maybe you could add a playground similar to a jungle? XD
Silly Daffy said on January 11, 2015 at 5:10 PM
I would like more kinds of Just For Fun tasks, like "Catch 3 Clown Fish" or "Water 4 Different Gag Trees". It would also be cool to be able to switch cog suits. Like, you don't like your Glad Hander suit, and you want to use your Name Dropper suit. Then you could!
I would like more kinds of Just For Fun tasks, like "Catch 3 Clown Fish" or "Water 4 Different Gag Trees". It would also be cool to be able to switch cog suits. Like, you don't like your Glad Hander suit, and you want to use your Name Dropper suit. Then you could!
Chester Whiskerface said on January 11, 2015 at 5:17 PM
I've been looking at these comments and am going to combine them with my ideas. 1. I actually think gag training is one of the most fun parts of the game. Once I max all of my gags, I feel like I've won. To make the reward of maxing all gags even greater, I actually think it should take more exp to max. To add on to this, sound, trap, Toonup, etc requires you to get more exp before you get a new gag. Yet, all of them meet at 10,000 exp at lvl 7. I think it should take more exp to get these gags maxed. 2. Bigger and customizable houses. 3. More Toon colors and being able to skip through sections of clothing. (Finding that right pair of clothes takes quite a while!) 4. Modes for harder bosses. 5. Reduce the time it takes to water and dig up plants. 6. Interactive instruments at MML. 7. Chairs that you can sit in and beds that you can lay down in. 8. Change controls (i.e. from arrow keys to WASD) 9. Trolley games exclusive to each playground (DDL would have an exclusive sleep-themed game, etc) 10. New Toon species (A reptile would be nice since there are only birds and mammals)
I've been looking at these comments and am going to combine them with my ideas. 1. I actually think gag training is one of the most fun parts of the game. Once I max all of my gags, I feel like I've won. To make the reward of maxing all gags even greater, I actually think it should take more exp to max. To add on to this, sound, trap, Toonup, etc requires you to get more exp before you get a new gag. Yet, all of them meet at 10,000 exp at lvl 7. I think it should take more exp to get these gags maxed. 2. Bigger and customizable houses. 3. More Toon colors and being able to skip through sections of clothing. (Finding that right pair of clothes takes quite a while!) 4. Modes for harder bosses. 5. Reduce the time it takes to water and dig up plants. 6. Interactive instruments at MML. 7. Chairs that you can sit in and beds that you can lay down in. 8. Change controls (i.e. from arrow keys to WASD) 9. Trolley games exclusive to each playground (DDL would have an exclusive sleep-themed game, etc) 10. New Toon species (A reptile would be nice since there are only birds and mammals)
PrincessKatara said on January 11, 2015 at 5:19 PM
Toontown rewritten has envolped MY LIFE, but if I could tweak anything it'd be either grinding or making completely new dungeons all together.
Toontown rewritten has envolped MY LIFE, but if I could tweak anything it'd be either grinding or making completely new dungeons all together.
Blade said on January 11, 2015 at 5:22 PM
Maybe add new toons like Dragons, hawks, cows, etc? Or bring back Field Offices? Or maybe even COG NATION that never happened in TTO!
Maybe add new toons like Dragons, hawks, cows, etc? Or bring back Field Offices? Or maybe even COG NATION that never happened in TTO!
Bubbles Bananapop said on January 11, 2015 at 5:24 PM
I've been playing this game since it was first released and I would LOVE to have it so that you can NOT lose your special gag if you die! Those things can take forever to earn and to lose them because you go green just isn't right. Also, I would really like to be able to decorate the exterior of my home, not just the interior. Maybe also be able to change your toon's color and name once you've finished all of the toon tasks, but you'd have to do a task in order to be able to change it. Be able to transfer jellybeans from one of your toon's accounts to another, sometimes I want to delete a toon, but I don't want to lose the jellybeans and items. I would also like doodles brought back and for them to not be so difficult to train and for them to be way more effective during battles, they miss too often! It would also be great to have a higher chance of catching the Ultra Rare fish. Thanks for reading and for allowing us to post suggestions, I think it's an incredible thing that you all have done! Thanks again and Happy New Year!
I've been playing this game since it was first released and I would LOVE to have it so that you can NOT lose your special gag if you die! Those things can take forever to earn and to lose them because you go green just isn't right. Also, I would really like to be able to decorate the exterior of my home, not just the interior. Maybe also be able to change your toon's color and name once you've finished all of the toon tasks, but you'd have to do a task in order to be able to change it. Be able to transfer jellybeans from one of your toon's accounts to another, sometimes I want to delete a toon, but I don't want to lose the jellybeans and items. I would also like doodles brought back and for them to not be so difficult to train and for them to be way more effective during battles, they miss too often! It would also be great to have a higher chance of catching the Ultra Rare fish. Thanks for reading and for allowing us to post suggestions, I think it's an incredible thing that you all have done! Thanks again and Happy New Year!
Pink Panther said on January 11, 2015 at 5:26 PM
Faster gardening would be amazing. It feels odd to have to dig 3 times to pick a flower and plant them, and it takes around 15 minutes to finish a whole gardening session which is just too much. I'd love to see sped up gardening in this. You guys are doing a great job! :)
Faster gardening would be amazing. It feels odd to have to dig 3 times to pick a flower and plant them, and it takes around 15 minutes to finish a whole gardening session which is just too much. I'd love to see sped up gardening in this. You guys are doing a great job! :)
Luck said on January 11, 2015 at 5:26 PM
Bossbot HQ, doodles, golfing, gifting and parties!
Bossbot HQ, doodles, golfing, gifting and parties!
Miss Valentine said on January 11, 2015 at 5:32 PM
"Paint-A-Doodle" What about the ability to change your doodle's appearance by color, so basically you can change the doodle ear/horn, tail, body, pattern, etc. color but not change the shape of the doodle. "Type-a-doodle-name" Ability to type your doodle's name. It works like the type-a-name for toons. "Type-A-Report" I've found toons to report for things outside of the options we have for reporting that is breaking the rules. How about a 100 character type-a-report?
"Paint-A-Doodle" What about the ability to change your doodle's appearance by color, so basically you can change the doodle ear/horn, tail, body, pattern, etc. color but not change the shape of the doodle. "Type-a-doodle-name" Ability to type your doodle's name. It works like the type-a-name for toons. "Type-A-Report" I've found toons to report for things outside of the options we have for reporting that is breaking the rules. How about a 100 character type-a-report?
lily said on January 11, 2015 at 5:33 PM
new bosses BBHQ new areas level 8 gags thats what i want the most
new bosses BBHQ new areas level 8 gags thats what i want the most
Captain Crazy Pinkerfuddy said on January 11, 2015 at 5:36 PM
I am very impressed with what is happening with the new toontown, I played the old one and it in my opinion, is more fun already. If I were to tweak something, that would be the max amount of health a toon is allowed. I would change it to maybe 150 laff max. This would make it more fun in the fact that you wouldn't die as much. This is all I have to say about the new toontown rewritten.
I am very impressed with what is happening with the new toontown, I played the old one and it in my opinion, is more fun already. If I were to tweak something, that would be the max amount of health a toon is allowed. I would change it to maybe 150 laff max. This would make it more fun in the fact that you wouldn't die as much. This is all I have to say about the new toontown rewritten.
Princess Sammy said on January 11, 2015 at 5:39 PM
Hi! All I suggest are bringing the doodles back. I'm not sure if you guys are in the process of doing that because the Pet Store is built, but I hope they return soon!
Hi! All I suggest are bringing the doodles back. I'm not sure if you guys are in the process of doing that because the Pet Store is built, but I hope they return soon!
Flower said on January 11, 2015 at 5:39 PM
I love the idea of the after-activities taking up less time! That's something I've always wanted to see. Gardening and earning cog merits should take a lot less time or be less repetitive - not everyone (including me) has the time to invest in maxing our toons! Maybe add new or different activities to the DA offices or the cog golf courses!
I love the idea of the after-activities taking up less time! That's something I've always wanted to see. Gardening and earning cog merits should take a lot less time or be less repetitive - not everyone (including me) has the time to invest in maxing our toons! Maybe add new or different activities to the DA offices or the cog golf courses!
Meganna Getja said on January 11, 2015 at 5:42 PM
A redesign of the CEO! (since it's always been unsettling to me that the original creators just took a skelecog and slapped some clothes on him)
A redesign of the CEO! (since it's always been unsettling to me that the original creators just took a skelecog and slapped some clothes on him)
Princess said on January 11, 2015 at 5:49 PM
I like the whole animal toon character thing.. but maybe you could add people characters too. I think that would be really neat.
I like the whole animal toon character thing.. but maybe you could add people characters too. I think that would be really neat.
Bumpersnout said on January 11, 2015 at 5:50 PM
add a new set of gags idk what kind surprise us kk plz
add a new set of gags idk what kind surprise us kk plz
PrincessLadybug said on January 11, 2015 at 5:52 PM
Have a just for fun task to earn a Gag or Jelly beans Unite! _____________________________________________ Make a New boss adding the CJ CEO VP CFO in one! and for boarding groups and bosses make it 8 people incase need more help Add a easter egg hunt for Easter If you find eggs You get a prize like Jelly beans Furniture decor outfits and Accessorises!!! And I have this Glitch if I teleport to my house I stay at the playground but Im Invisable and If I press wave i keep teleporting but I dont go anywhere ________________________ I also Want Doodles Please soon!
Have a just for fun task to earn a Gag or Jelly beans Unite! _____________________________________________ Make a New boss adding the CJ CEO VP CFO in one! and for boarding groups and bosses make it 8 people incase need more help Add a easter egg hunt for Easter If you find eggs You get a prize like Jelly beans Furniture decor outfits and Accessorises!!! And I have this Glitch if I teleport to my house I stay at the playground but Im Invisable and If I press wave i keep teleporting but I dont go anywhere ________________________ I also Want Doodles Please soon!
Dutch said on January 11, 2015 at 5:53 PM
I like to see that all suits only go to 12 not 50 it gets way to long to max suits this would be nice thanks for all the updates
I like to see that all suits only go to 12 not 50 it gets way to long to max suits this would be nice thanks for all the updates
Anastasia said on January 11, 2015 at 5:57 PM
One thing I would love to change is the exp required for each new gag. I've spent four or five hours training one track just to receive one gag and look on to see an additional four or five hours of training for the next one, not to mention the frustration of waiting for invasions. I think the exp for each gag should be the same for each track. 10, 100, 500, 1500, 3000, 5000. Yes, maxing out should be difficult so that those who do it can be rewarded and looked upon in awe, but people who can't afford to spend hours upon hours training should also be granted the privilege. Thanks!
One thing I would love to change is the exp required for each new gag. I've spent four or five hours training one track just to receive one gag and look on to see an additional four or five hours of training for the next one, not to mention the frustration of waiting for invasions. I think the exp for each gag should be the same for each track. 10, 100, 500, 1500, 3000, 5000. Yes, maxing out should be difficult so that those who do it can be rewarded and looked upon in awe, but people who can't afford to spend hours upon hours training should also be granted the privilege. Thanks!
Starry Light said on January 11, 2015 at 5:59 PM
I think faster gardening would be awesome! Also, yes, fighting cogs all the time gets a little repetitive. I think it would be great if there were a playground that was a literal playground, like with swings and slides and everything! Maybe that could be a certain event area or something like that. I also think that if that playground playground were to be implemented, allow tag to be played there because that's something kids do on a playground, right? :P
I think faster gardening would be awesome! Also, yes, fighting cogs all the time gets a little repetitive. I think it would be great if there were a playground that was a literal playground, like with swings and slides and everything! Maybe that could be a certain event area or something like that. I also think that if that playground playground were to be implemented, allow tag to be played there because that's something kids do on a playground, right? :P
Murdoc said on January 11, 2015 at 6:01 PM
Maybe make it so that we can create our own doodles! Choose our own colors, features, and patterns, and everything else. Maybe even add type-a-name for them too.
Maybe make it so that we can create our own doodles! Choose our own colors, features, and patterns, and everything else. Maybe even add type-a-name for them too.
Star Electronerd said on January 11, 2015 at 6:03 PM
This is awesome! Keep up the great work, Toontown!
This is awesome! Keep up the great work, Toontown!
Prof. Chirpy said on January 11, 2015 at 6:05 PM
I can't wait! I knew that rewritten was a great game, and it seems to be getting even better.
I can't wait! I knew that rewritten was a great game, and it seems to be getting even better.
Smart One said on January 11, 2015 at 6:10 PM
The one thing that ToonTown needs is a dang chat history box Dx. I bet everyone will agree with that . When you're in cog battles and you say a msg that's kinda to long so you say half of it then have to wait a couple seconds so toons have a chance to read that part so you can write the next msg not knowing that they even read it.please put this in. it will mean aloooot. Also when someone maxes out a cog suit they gain teleport access to that hq! I know toons will love that!
The one thing that ToonTown needs is a dang chat history box Dx. I bet everyone will agree with that . When you're in cog battles and you say a msg that's kinda to long so you say half of it then have to wait a couple seconds so toons have a chance to read that part so you can write the next msg not knowing that they even read it.please put this in. it will mean aloooot. Also when someone maxes out a cog suit they gain teleport access to that hq! I know toons will love that!
Pumpkintoes said on January 11, 2015 at 6:11 PM
I wish there was more room to hold all of the sos toons.
I wish there was more room to hold all of the sos toons.
Miss Rhiannon said on January 11, 2015 at 6:14 PM
I think it would be cool to have a fish tank that you can choose the fish you caught to display. Also looking forward to doodles. I also think there should be a boost from actual picked organic gags instead of just bought in store. We would love to see a new playground or some kind of selling system? Thanks for keeping it awesome!
I think it would be cool to have a fish tank that you can choose the fish you caught to display. Also looking forward to doodles. I also think there should be a boost from actual picked organic gags instead of just bought in store. We would love to see a new playground or some kind of selling system? Thanks for keeping it awesome!
Chunky Monkey said on January 11, 2015 at 6:14 PM
Cog HQ area teleporting would be awesome!... it's crazy having to run all the way down the streets. :)
Cog HQ area teleporting would be awesome!... it's crazy having to run all the way down the streets. :)
Super Popcorn Thunderdoodle said on January 11, 2015 at 6:15 PM
I was thinking that there could be Cog Nation, where you go through a Cog Playground. Higher leveled cogs here, building-only cogs roam the streets, the playground (sort of?) has a pit where the toons are established and infiltrating the source of the cogs. Possibly a new boss (the mysterious chairman? (C.E.O. Battle end)) and the option to get the gag track you didn't pick. It's just an idea, though. :P
I was thinking that there could be Cog Nation, where you go through a Cog Playground. Higher leveled cogs here, building-only cogs roam the streets, the playground (sort of?) has a pit where the toons are established and infiltrating the source of the cogs. Possibly a new boss (the mysterious chairman? (C.E.O. Battle end)) and the option to get the gag track you didn't pick. It's just an idea, though. :P
Prince Tricky Robodoodle said on January 11, 2015 at 6:18 PM
I've got a few small ideas: What if we could change the type of rod we use? It seems like a waste that we buy a rod only to get rid of the last one, what if we wanted to use the twig rod to make it easier to catch rarer fish for example? Also maybe have a couple of tasks here and there, like in Daisy Gardens and Donald's Dreamland to increase the size of our fishing buckets? Perhaps tasks that reward us with gag experience multipliers temporarily even?
I've got a few small ideas: What if we could change the type of rod we use? It seems like a waste that we buy a rod only to get rid of the last one, what if we wanted to use the twig rod to make it easier to catch rarer fish for example? Also maybe have a couple of tasks here and there, like in Daisy Gardens and Donald's Dreamland to increase the size of our fishing buckets? Perhaps tasks that reward us with gag experience multipliers temporarily even?
Hanako said on January 11, 2015 at 6:19 PM
Maybe like add black and white for all animals, and allow them to become these colors permanent by having them do really difficult toon tasks, like "defeat a 4 level cog building alone" just an idea.
Maybe like add black and white for all animals, and allow them to become these colors permanent by having them do really difficult toon tasks, like "defeat a 4 level cog building alone" just an idea.
Frizzy Nuttysnout said on January 11, 2015 at 6:26 PM
Maybe you can create tasks that make you help toons do the vp or other things and maybe expand the laff limit and more friends.
Maybe you can create tasks that make you help toons do the vp or other things and maybe expand the laff limit and more friends.
Midnight said on January 11, 2015 at 6:27 PM
Cool! I think this is awesome! :) I would tweak what you guys would but also, maybe make the summoned invasions a little longer. The time doing CJs and also getting jury notices should be rewarded with longer invasions, like 20 minute invasions instead of 10 minute invasions. I also think you could make Little Oldman less tedious and more fun. Otherwise, I think the game is awesome! :P
Cool! I think this is awesome! :) I would tweak what you guys would but also, maybe make the summoned invasions a little longer. The time doing CJs and also getting jury notices should be rewarded with longer invasions, like 20 minute invasions instead of 10 minute invasions. I also think you could make Little Oldman less tedious and more fun. Otherwise, I think the game is awesome! :P
Quacker said on January 11, 2015 at 6:30 PM
NEW ANIMALS PLEASE!! Like an elephant, goat, etc. and maybe retexturing some of the old ones!
NEW ANIMALS PLEASE!! Like an elephant, goat, etc. and maybe retexturing some of the old ones!
Sandstorm said on January 11, 2015 at 6:31 PM
Please make a Bossbot HQ! Or have more v2.0 invasions... Everything is amazing too :)
Please make a Bossbot HQ! Or have more v2.0 invasions... Everything is amazing too :)
Sky said on January 11, 2015 at 6:33 PM
I would want to see us toons having things like newer accessories and maybe even new toon types and colors! Also, on the map while you're in the street, please make the red dot that marks where your building is, gray if it is a cog building! Oh and more codes and contests! Maybe even new emotions? I would LOVE to see this added to the game!
I would want to see us toons having things like newer accessories and maybe even new toon types and colors! Also, on the map while you're in the street, please make the red dot that marks where your building is, gray if it is a cog building! Oh and more codes and contests! Maybe even new emotions? I would LOVE to see this added to the game!
Quacker said on January 11, 2015 at 6:33 PM
Also adding more toon slots because 6 is not enough and maybe even putting building labels on the street would be nice (:
Also adding more toon slots because 6 is not enough and maybe even putting building labels on the street would be nice (:
Horse Play said on January 11, 2015 at 6:39 PM
i thought it would be really cool idea if in the clothing stores and create a toon you can change glove colors also maybe new toon species like chicken, beaver, or turtle
i thought it would be really cool idea if in the clothing stores and create a toon you can change glove colors also maybe new toon species like chicken, beaver, or turtle
Miss Melody said on January 11, 2015 at 6:44 PM
I always thought getting those "stars" above your name if you took down a certain number of cog buildings was kind of pointless. Maybe toons can get something out of it? 2x the gag points? Jellybeans?
I always thought getting those "stars" above your name if you took down a certain number of cog buildings was kind of pointless. Maybe toons can get something out of it? 2x the gag points? Jellybeans?
Horse Play said on January 11, 2015 at 6:44 PM
i also have another idea (sorry i didnt add it in my other comment) maybe those special emotes and clothes you didnt have to wait or maybe like wait 10 days, 5 days, not 950 days. also you guys are awesome for making toontown rewritten if toontown rewritten never became a server i would be really bored. you guys are awesome :)
i also have another idea (sorry i didnt add it in my other comment) maybe those special emotes and clothes you didnt have to wait or maybe like wait 10 days, 5 days, not 950 days. also you guys are awesome for making toontown rewritten if toontown rewritten never became a server i would be really bored. you guys are awesome :)
Luna said on January 11, 2015 at 6:45 PM
Let girl toons wear ALL boy clothing please awh
Let girl toons wear ALL boy clothing please awh
I Am A Cat said on January 11, 2015 at 6:47 PM
I think you definitely should reduce things such as merits since there isn't much skill in factories, mints and such. especially since invasions aren't as common as they were in TTO. Glad you guys are updating things, really appreciate it, keep it up!
I think you definitely should reduce things such as merits since there isn't much skill in factories, mints and such. especially since invasions aren't as common as they were in TTO. Glad you guys are updating things, really appreciate it, keep it up!
Silly Daffy said on January 11, 2015 at 6:51 PM
How about, when you buy a Speed Chat phrase, you can pick sizes and fonts and customize it? People would use and buy them more!
How about, when you buy a Speed Chat phrase, you can pick sizes and fonts and customize it? People would use and buy them more!
peaches said on January 11, 2015 at 6:52 PM
you should have doodles again and maybe have the mailboxes help in battle again
you should have doodles again and maybe have the mailboxes help in battle again
Coconut said on January 11, 2015 at 6:54 PM
Please make an easier way to gather jellybeans or make a Nutty River of ttr! When being an uber i find it incredibly hard to get jellybeans so fix that! Keep up the great work ttr!
Please make an easier way to gather jellybeans or make a Nutty River of ttr! When being an uber i find it incredibly hard to get jellybeans so fix that! Keep up the great work ttr!
Tsunami said on January 11, 2015 at 6:56 PM
HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I think A Day/ Night cycle would be pretty cool! And when it becomes night. SOMEHOW the nightlife texture would come :D
HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I think A Day/ Night cycle would be pretty cool! And when it becomes night. SOMEHOW the nightlife texture would come :D
Noisy Jellyroll said on January 11, 2015 at 7:01 PM
What I would like to see is maybe the Chairman/Cog Nation, doodles, parties, BBHQ, and golf. Some of these ideas are really cool but I think it could get carried away and Toontown wouldn't be Toontown anymore! I still want Toontown to be the same but also different. Another thing is, when you reach 137 laff, there is nothing left to do. I think you guys should make it to be able to have more laff (like others have said) by possibly adding the Chairman. I think it would be awesome if there was a Chairman battle! Thanks TTR Staff! :)
What I would like to see is maybe the Chairman/Cog Nation, doodles, parties, BBHQ, and golf. Some of these ideas are really cool but I think it could get carried away and Toontown wouldn't be Toontown anymore! I still want Toontown to be the same but also different. Another thing is, when you reach 137 laff, there is nothing left to do. I think you guys should make it to be able to have more laff (like others have said) by possibly adding the Chairman. I think it would be awesome if there was a Chairman battle! Thanks TTR Staff! :)
Little nutty said on January 11, 2015 at 7:09 PM
Hey i do not know if anyone said this yet but what if there could be a level 9 gag that you have to be really good. That would be fun. Also if you go to cash,sell,boss,law, it says you ave to be past 22 are something you could go with a good toon
Hey i do not know if anyone said this yet but what if there could be a level 9 gag that you have to be really good. That would be fun. Also if you go to cash,sell,boss,law, it says you ave to be past 22 are something you could go with a good toon
Supernerd said on January 11, 2015 at 7:13 PM
Great hearing you want to hear our ideas for tweaks! For mine, I'd reward taking on higher level Cogs than you're required. For example, making level 6+ Cogs count for more than just one Cog in "Defeat ___ level 5+ Cogs" tasks. Even if it's just a small boost for each, that would greatly speed up several monotonous tasks.
Great hearing you want to hear our ideas for tweaks! For mine, I'd reward taking on higher level Cogs than you're required. For example, making level 6+ Cogs count for more than just one Cog in "Defeat ___ level 5+ Cogs" tasks. Even if it's just a small boost for each, that would greatly speed up several monotonous tasks.
Princess Rainbow Supersprinkles said on January 11, 2015 at 7:20 PM
I have an idea! So you know how on Friday the 13th in September before old Toontown closed, all toons got turned into Black Cats? Well, February 13 and March 13 are both on Fridays, so what if everyone got turned into Black Cats for a month? And since it's bad luck for a Black Cat to cross your path, fighting Cogs as Black Cats would give the Cogs bad luck by making Gags have higher accuracy and Cog attacks have lower accuracy! :)
I have an idea! So you know how on Friday the 13th in September before old Toontown closed, all toons got turned into Black Cats? Well, February 13 and March 13 are both on Fridays, so what if everyone got turned into Black Cats for a month? And since it's bad luck for a Black Cat to cross your path, fighting Cogs as Black Cats would give the Cogs bad luck by making Gags have higher accuracy and Cog attacks have lower accuracy! :)
Bluedog said on January 11, 2015 at 7:26 PM
I say Bossbot HQ
I say Bossbot HQ
Zig said on January 11, 2015 at 7:30 PM
A French server would be fabulous :)
A French server would be fabulous :)
lily cat said on January 11, 2015 at 7:35 PM
I think you guys should add a pet walking feature where you can walk your pet to the playgrounds :3
I think you guys should add a pet walking feature where you can walk your pet to the playgrounds :3
Meowtilda said on January 11, 2015 at 7:37 PM
Thanks so much for communicating upcoming changes to us. It means a lot to know that we matter! Keep up the good work! >^..^<
Thanks so much for communicating upcoming changes to us. It means a lot to know that we matter! Keep up the good work! >^..^<
Jonathan said on January 11, 2015 at 7:40 PM
I saw a toon who had a great idea. it was vp cj cfo ceo in one battle now i think that would be a great idea plus battling THE CHAIR MAN that would be wonderful. one of my ideas is maybe costomise your doodle like puting clothes on him or changing his color. last one is the other day a toon asked me if i could change something about ttr and why and i said nothing its perfect then we started talking about why u couldn't have all gags i thought it would be cool to have all gags then i told him that thats what i would change about ttr. i hope u thought these ideas were helpful use them please if you can. until then stay cool ttr!
I saw a toon who had a great idea. it was vp cj cfo ceo in one battle now i think that would be a great idea plus battling THE CHAIR MAN that would be wonderful. one of my ideas is maybe costomise your doodle like puting clothes on him or changing his color. last one is the other day a toon asked me if i could change something about ttr and why and i said nothing its perfect then we started talking about why u couldn't have all gags i thought it would be cool to have all gags then i told him that thats what i would change about ttr. i hope u thought these ideas were helpful use them please if you can. until then stay cool ttr!
mystery said on January 11, 2015 at 7:41 PM
I can't WAIT! Sounds so cool!!! Maybe you could add a tail accessory to the catalog? or just add it onto the toon? OH AND BIGGER HOUSES!! make it easier to get new gags? new clothing? more codes? newer cogs? and you know what would be super cool? Adding a marking part to the clothing store! so you could add tiger stripes, spots, and even raccoon masks to your toon!! That would be super duper awesome!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful updates we have coming! I cant wait!!!!!
I can't WAIT! Sounds so cool!!! Maybe you could add a tail accessory to the catalog? or just add it onto the toon? OH AND BIGGER HOUSES!! make it easier to get new gags? new clothing? more codes? newer cogs? and you know what would be super cool? Adding a marking part to the clothing store! so you could add tiger stripes, spots, and even raccoon masks to your toon!! That would be super duper awesome!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful updates we have coming! I cant wait!!!!!
BarbieQueDuck said on January 11, 2015 at 7:45 PM
Being able to teleport to a boss HQ would rock
Being able to teleport to a boss HQ would rock
Maxie said on January 11, 2015 at 7:46 PM
Thank you! Easier fishing and gardening. Bring gifting back :) I like the idea of TP to HQs. And different tasks for higher toons to accomplish? Whether or not that involves bosses..maybe an easier way to get merits, etc. Another toon animal would be awesome!
Thank you! Easier fishing and gardening. Bring gifting back :) I like the idea of TP to HQs. And different tasks for higher toons to accomplish? Whether or not that involves bosses..maybe an easier way to get merits, etc. Another toon animal would be awesome!
Master von Electrosparkles said on January 11, 2015 at 7:51 PM
A few toontasks need tweaking. For example the dreaded 200 4+ story buildings which take half a year to complete AT LEAST.
A few toontasks need tweaking. For example the dreaded 200 4+ story buildings which take half a year to complete AT LEAST.
Moon Queen Sophitia said on January 11, 2015 at 7:52 PM
Bring Doodles Back! #DoItForTheBean
Bring Doodles Back! #DoItForTheBean
said on January 11, 2015 at 7:55 PM
Ya know what would be AWESOME, and change the game just a little bit but not much, would be if you could pick which two gag tracks you wanted at the beginning of the game, and then pick the rest of the gags in any order you want. I hate waiting until Minnie's Melodyland to get Trap.
Ya know what would be AWESOME, and change the game just a little bit but not much, would be if you could pick which two gag tracks you wanted at the beginning of the game, and then pick the rest of the gags in any order you want. I hate waiting until Minnie's Melodyland to get Trap.
mystery said on January 11, 2015 at 7:56 PM
I have a few other suggestions as well, while im at it. raccoon toons, goat toons? be able to make your toon fluffly? add new emotions? new toon colors? be able to have colored gloves? be able to make toons have colored eyes? exclusive striped shirt; for girls? toons able to sit down on furniture? toontown TV able to turn on? instead of doodles, maybe introduce new pets? be able to make a black or white cat - anytime? be able to make an owl or raccoon toon? be able to customize your own clothing? - plus add long sleeve shirts and pants? make toons be able to have hair, as a catalog accessory? more new toons to create? more room for more toons on one account? new gags and tracks? new cogs and suits? new streets and playgrounds? be able to contact a toon through the phone? squirrel toons :o? be able to put certain markings, like tiger stripes, spots, dapples, things like that in a variety of colors on your toon? new nametag writing, colors? able to get earrings on toontown? these are just a few suggestions. c:
I have a few other suggestions as well, while im at it. raccoon toons, goat toons? be able to make your toon fluffly? add new emotions? new toon colors? be able to have colored gloves? be able to make toons have colored eyes? exclusive striped shirt; for girls? toons able to sit down on furniture? toontown TV able to turn on? instead of doodles, maybe introduce new pets? be able to make a black or white cat - anytime? be able to make an owl or raccoon toon? be able to customize your own clothing? - plus add long sleeve shirts and pants? make toons be able to have hair, as a catalog accessory? more new toons to create? more room for more toons on one account? new gags and tracks? new cogs and suits? new streets and playgrounds? be able to contact a toon through the phone? squirrel toons :o? be able to put certain markings, like tiger stripes, spots, dapples, things like that in a variety of colors on your toon? new nametag writing, colors? able to get earrings on toontown? these are just a few suggestions. c:
Bloo Bunny said on January 11, 2015 at 7:58 PM
Ideas: - Buy bigger fish buckets in cattlelog (like rods; 20, 25, 30?) - when u use hotkeys (home for gags, end for tasks) can cogsuit promo progress also be shown? This would help a BUNCH :D - bbhq :) - if bbhq comes out that there should still be v2.0 invasions - gardening shovel animation be faster (its really slow D:) - faster growing for gag trees - PARTIES! - more games for parties (+customizable firework show) - getting highest suit in cog hq gives tp access to that cog hq (ex. tp access to sbhq at hollywood lvl8) - fix sellbotHQ spawns out of the way of cog's path and battles (annoying) - remove 400 building tasks before anyone has to make a new toon from them x.x - not as laggy servers - estate treasures in cfo (only type missing, strange) - cog hq factories, mints, etc., always act like theres invasion when giving merits/cogbucks/etc (might help lower population of an invasion server = not as much lag?) - give bldgs an imunity time after being recovered (maybe like 10 minutes or something) - 90 gag carry - colored gloves accessories (some shopkeepers have them) - a way to sell fish at estate (bigger buckets could also help this, see above) - COG NATION! :D - chairman rewards lvl 8 gags ( max carry 1, random track each reward) - 2 cards for each vp (or at least a chance of it) Thanks for reading ^_^
Ideas: - Buy bigger fish buckets in cattlelog (like rods; 20, 25, 30?) - when u use hotkeys (home for gags, end for tasks) can cogsuit promo progress also be shown? This would help a BUNCH :D - bbhq :) - if bbhq comes out that there should still be v2.0 invasions - gardening shovel animation be faster (its really slow D:) - faster growing for gag trees - PARTIES! - more games for parties (+customizable firework show) - getting highest suit in cog hq gives tp access to that cog hq (ex. tp access to sbhq at hollywood lvl8) - fix sellbotHQ spawns out of the way of cog's path and battles (annoying) - remove 400 building tasks before anyone has to make a new toon from them x.x - not as laggy servers - estate treasures in cfo (only type missing, strange) - cog hq factories, mints, etc., always act like theres invasion when giving merits/cogbucks/etc (might help lower population of an invasion server = not as much lag?) - give bldgs an imunity time after being recovered (maybe like 10 minutes or something) - 90 gag carry - colored gloves accessories (some shopkeepers have them) - a way to sell fish at estate (bigger buckets could also help this, see above) - COG NATION! :D - chairman rewards lvl 8 gags ( max carry 1, random track each reward) - 2 cards for each vp (or at least a chance of it) Thanks for reading ^_^
PrincessLadybug said on January 11, 2015 at 7:58 PM
Have a just for fun task to earn a Gag or Jelly beans Unite! _____________________________________________ Make a New boss adding the CJ CEO VP CFO in one! and for boarding groups and bosses make it 8 people incase need more help Add a easter egg hunt for Easter If you find eggs You get a prize like Jelly beans Furniture decor outfits and Accessorises!!! And I have this Glitch if I teleport to my house I stay at the playground but Im Invisable and If I press wave i keep teleporting but I dont go anywhere ________________________ I also Want Doodles Please soon!
Have a just for fun task to earn a Gag or Jelly beans Unite! _____________________________________________ Make a New boss adding the CJ CEO VP CFO in one! and for boarding groups and bosses make it 8 people incase need more help Add a easter egg hunt for Easter If you find eggs You get a prize like Jelly beans Furniture decor outfits and Accessorises!!! And I have this Glitch if I teleport to my house I stay at the playground but Im Invisable and If I press wave i keep teleporting but I dont go anywhere ________________________ I also Want Doodles Please soon!
Roses R Red said on January 11, 2015 at 7:59 PM
Maybe new toon colors? <3 Also, PLEASE make fishing easier @_@
Maybe new toon colors? <3 Also, PLEASE make fishing easier @_@
Noah said on January 11, 2015 at 8:00 PM
New toons!!!!
New toons!!!!
Sugarfoot said on January 11, 2015 at 8:00 PM
I like the idea of maxed suits having tp access as Electric suggested. It's a nice reward for the hard work. Bigger houses would be nice, at least this way you wouldn't have to delete things just to get new things. At one time I would have said you could purchase a bigger house or estate, not sure how that would work since the accounts share estates though. At one time there was an option to skip dancing at the end of the battle, which I think would be nice. V2 invasions more often would also be nice for those who are waiting for their boss suit. The shop is so crowded that it is really hard to get the task done. I too like the idea of new animals and more clothing choices. And as any girl more wardrobe and trunk space too! Thanks for TTR also, its a family game that we all play!
I like the idea of maxed suits having tp access as Electric suggested. It's a nice reward for the hard work. Bigger houses would be nice, at least this way you wouldn't have to delete things just to get new things. At one time I would have said you could purchase a bigger house or estate, not sure how that would work since the accounts share estates though. At one time there was an option to skip dancing at the end of the battle, which I think would be nice. V2 invasions more often would also be nice for those who are waiting for their boss suit. The shop is so crowded that it is really hard to get the task done. I too like the idea of new animals and more clothing choices. And as any girl more wardrobe and trunk space too! Thanks for TTR also, its a family game that we all play!
Galactic Vortex said on January 11, 2015 at 8:01 PM
I think that maybe.... We could have like diffrent field offices! I know those arent even released yet... but im hoping for a lawbot field office if it does come out!
I think that maybe.... We could have like diffrent field offices! I know those arent even released yet... but im hoping for a lawbot field office if it does come out!
Player_21_ said on January 11, 2015 at 8:06 PM
Thanks Guys! Love It.
Thanks Guys! Love It.
Melody Glitternote said on January 11, 2015 at 8:09 PM
There are many things I could put down, though I don't remember all of the ideas I've ever had that could be added into this game. Some, however, are these: 1. Gaining TP access to HQ's when you reach the fourth cog suit level in each respective HQ. (Glad Hander, Bean Counter, Ambulance Chaser, Micromanager[when BBHQ comes out]) There's not much point gaining access after you've maxed the suit, that's not when you need access. 2. Having a "whisper log". Such as, if you are in a tunnel and someone whispers to you, it's often gone by the time you get out. Or, if you are sleeping, it currently doesn't let you whisper to people. Have it so that each toon has a little notification box and when they receive whispers they can see it. Heck, maybe even make it so that your friends can whisper to you while you're offline and a notification will pop up when you log on. 3. Edit the shovel in gardening so it digs once instead of three times. 4. Have the gardening "You have successfully planted 'X' flower!" just be a disappearing notification; similar to whispers, Toon HQ invasion alerts, and friends coming/going off/online. Also, after getting to a certain shovel, allow for mass harvesting of flowers, maybe gradually. Such as, you could pick one at a time when you are harvesting one-beans, two for two-beans, three for three-beans, etc. Maybe not exactly like that. 5. Edit SOS toons so they go faster in Restock, Cogs Miss, or Toons hit function. Maybe they could use the Bamboo Cane, Mass Pixie Dust(like sprinkle all toons at once), or Juggling Balls. Or, just have the lipstick kiss split into four, similar to the Wedding Cake animation. 6. Whitelist toon friend's names. It gets annoying calling someone "Blue Cat" or "Brown Bear" because their name isn't whitelisted. Or even, whitelist names temporarily while in battles/buildings/bosses. 7. Make cog-taken-over task buildings appear in gray on the map. These are just a few ideas, though. I could go on for much longer, these are ones off the top of my head. These are in no particular order. I can't thank you all enough for what you have done. You do this all in your spare time, just because you love the game and know that others do as well. It's amazing what you have accomplished in such a short amount of time. I cannot wait for what will happen over the next year. Also, I absolutely love the 26th and storyline posts! We need those more often! Toons of the world, UNITE! :)
There are many things I could put down, though I don't remember all of the ideas I've ever had that could be added into this game. Some, however, are these: 1. Gaining TP access to HQ's when you reach the fourth cog suit level in each respective HQ. (Glad Hander, Bean Counter, Ambulance Chaser, Micromanager[when BBHQ comes out]) There's not much point gaining access after you've maxed the suit, that's not when you need access. 2. Having a "whisper log". Such as, if you are in a tunnel and someone whispers to you, it's often gone by the time you get out. Or, if you are sleeping, it currently doesn't let you whisper to people. Have it so that each toon has a little notification box and when they receive whispers they can see it. Heck, maybe even make it so that your friends can whisper to you while you're offline and a notification will pop up when you log on. 3. Edit the shovel in gardening so it digs once instead of three times. 4. Have the gardening "You have successfully planted 'X' flower!" just be a disappearing notification; similar to whispers, Toon HQ invasion alerts, and friends coming/going off/online. Also, after getting to a certain shovel, allow for mass harvesting of flowers, maybe gradually. Such as, you could pick one at a time when you are harvesting one-beans, two for two-beans, three for three-beans, etc. Maybe not exactly like that. 5. Edit SOS toons so they go faster in Restock, Cogs Miss, or Toons hit function. Maybe they could use the Bamboo Cane, Mass Pixie Dust(like sprinkle all toons at once), or Juggling Balls. Or, just have the lipstick kiss split into four, similar to the Wedding Cake animation. 6. Whitelist toon friend's names. It gets annoying calling someone "Blue Cat" or "Brown Bear" because their name isn't whitelisted. Or even, whitelist names temporarily while in battles/buildings/bosses. 7. Make cog-taken-over task buildings appear in gray on the map. These are just a few ideas, though. I could go on for much longer, these are ones off the top of my head. These are in no particular order. I can't thank you all enough for what you have done. You do this all in your spare time, just because you love the game and know that others do as well. It's amazing what you have accomplished in such a short amount of time. I cannot wait for what will happen over the next year. Also, I absolutely love the 26th and storyline posts! We need those more often! Toons of the world, UNITE! :)
Little John said on January 11, 2015 at 8:19 PM
Doodles and perhaps more and different types of pets that could offer different SOS abilities or help in other parts of the game.
Doodles and perhaps more and different types of pets that could offer different SOS abilities or help in other parts of the game.
Twix said on January 11, 2015 at 8:19 PM
Get rid of the Toonup gag track completely out of the game (It's for the best). Then change all the gag choices around in this order: TTC Lure or Drop; DDock Trap or Sound; MML Laff ONLY; The Brrrgh Final Track. I'll be happy if anyone sees and acknowledges this, and hopefully agrees with it. The Toonup Gag Track really should not be in the game.
Get rid of the Toonup gag track completely out of the game (It's for the best). Then change all the gag choices around in this order: TTC Lure or Drop; DDock Trap or Sound; MML Laff ONLY; The Brrrgh Final Track. I'll be happy if anyone sees and acknowledges this, and hopefully agrees with it. The Toonup Gag Track really should not be in the game.
Raspberry said on January 11, 2015 at 8:24 PM
Awesome! Keep up the amazing work! :D
Awesome! Keep up the amazing work! :D
Pancake Featherfoot said on January 11, 2015 at 8:27 PM
DOODLES!! Please bring doodles back!!!!!!
DOODLES!! Please bring doodles back!!!!!!
Peach said on January 11, 2015 at 8:28 PM
You guys are truly amazing. To think someone would even remake this game is enough. Thank you so much for everything and I hope this year will end up to be a great one!
You guys are truly amazing. To think someone would even remake this game is enough. Thank you so much for everything and I hope this year will end up to be a great one!
miss flippersplat said on January 11, 2015 at 8:29 PM
thank you soooo much guys! cant wait to see whats in store for us :D
thank you soooo much guys! cant wait to see whats in store for us :D
Hans said on January 11, 2015 at 8:33 PM
^^^That random event idea sounds cool! I would love it if there were some new types of doodles! And maybe even if doodle training was slightly easier!! ;)
^^^That random event idea sounds cool! I would love it if there were some new types of doodles! And maybe even if doodle training was slightly easier!! ;)
Ginger said on January 11, 2015 at 8:35 PM
AHH! I'M SO EXCITED FOR 2015! I think Doodles would be toontastic, so I'd love it if you'd add them! I also would love it if when you are in a cog battle, there would be something like a 'dodge' button. You guys could put it somewhere different on the screen every time a cog takes a swing at you; it would make the battles a bit more on skill instead of luck... but have a tricky twist. You could also make the buttons faster every time a toon gains five, or vice versa, laff. Thanks for everything you guys do! :D
AHH! I'M SO EXCITED FOR 2015! I think Doodles would be toontastic, so I'd love it if you'd add them! I also would love it if when you are in a cog battle, there would be something like a 'dodge' button. You guys could put it somewhere different on the screen every time a cog takes a swing at you; it would make the battles a bit more on skill instead of luck... but have a tricky twist. You could also make the buttons faster every time a toon gains five, or vice versa, laff. Thanks for everything you guys do! :D
Kookyphew's Return said on January 11, 2015 at 8:43 PM
Id love to see the ability to hold Unlimited SOS cards, atm we can only carry 12 or something, back in TTO we could carry unlimited
Id love to see the ability to hold Unlimited SOS cards, atm we can only carry 12 or something, back in TTO we could carry unlimited
Syrup said on January 11, 2015 at 8:45 PM
It'd be great if there was a level 20 cog or just higher than level 12. Also level 8 gags would be amazing!
It'd be great if there was a level 20 cog or just higher than level 12. Also level 8 gags would be amazing!
Sheriff Dusty said on January 11, 2015 at 8:52 PM
*Long time TT and TTRW player, max toons in both* Here are some things I would love to see -An invasion district (*cough* Nutty River *cough*) -Always Double merits in sellbot factory's ect. -Unique Districts for each cog HQ, have you ever tried to do a DA's office not using IRC? Here's a big one - Offer unites/SOS's/Summons/Pink slips for a super high price. Like 2,000 Jellybeans for a 200jb unite. Or 3,000 for a restock 1 gag type 5,000 restock all. Because my house can only get so awesome ;) End game players tasks are 90% Jellybean tasks, so it would be a huge incentive to keep playing!
*Long time TT and TTRW player, max toons in both* Here are some things I would love to see -An invasion district (*cough* Nutty River *cough*) -Always Double merits in sellbot factory's ect. -Unique Districts for each cog HQ, have you ever tried to do a DA's office not using IRC? Here's a big one - Offer unites/SOS's/Summons/Pink slips for a super high price. Like 2,000 Jellybeans for a 200jb unite. Or 3,000 for a restock 1 gag type 5,000 restock all. Because my house can only get so awesome ;) End game players tasks are 90% Jellybean tasks, so it would be a huge incentive to keep playing!
Snappy Fumbleberry said on January 11, 2015 at 8:59 PM
First I want to say Thank You for your hard work to bring the best game back ever. Again thank you guys so much. I would love to see the doodles, parties, BBHQ and golf come back. For new stuff, it would be great to have a whole new set of cogs like advertisement bots (adbots) or promotion bots (promobots) and have a hq for them.I like the idea of battling the head cog of each group together and when you defeat them all, then battle the chairman the boss of all cogs.I think that would be so fun! I don't like the idea of double points in factories because it will encourage toons to mostly battle in factories instead of cog buildings.
First I want to say Thank You for your hard work to bring the best game back ever. Again thank you guys so much. I would love to see the doodles, parties, BBHQ and golf come back. For new stuff, it would be great to have a whole new set of cogs like advertisement bots (adbots) or promotion bots (promobots) and have a hq for them.I like the idea of battling the head cog of each group together and when you defeat them all, then battle the chairman the boss of all cogs.I think that would be so fun! I don't like the idea of double points in factories because it will encourage toons to mostly battle in factories instead of cog buildings.
Palette said on January 11, 2015 at 9:03 PM
Perhaps when we have doodles and bossbot hq back, you can have it where when a toon maxes out everything they can possibly can (laff, gags, doodle tricks, suits, friends list, and the side stuff like gardening, fishing, and racing, etc.) they are given the gag track that they did not choose? Think of it as some goal for someone to look to when they're grinding their merits and staring at a pond for who knows how long (since it is easy for someone to just stop playing at that point). It has to be something difficult, so when someone does accomplish this, it feels like they've truly done everything they can in the game. Perhaps as a bonus the player can get a special shirt that shows-off their dedication? It would be the perfect goal for 100% accomplishers!
Perhaps when we have doodles and bossbot hq back, you can have it where when a toon maxes out everything they can possibly can (laff, gags, doodle tricks, suits, friends list, and the side stuff like gardening, fishing, and racing, etc.) they are given the gag track that they did not choose? Think of it as some goal for someone to look to when they're grinding their merits and staring at a pond for who knows how long (since it is easy for someone to just stop playing at that point). It has to be something difficult, so when someone does accomplish this, it feels like they've truly done everything they can in the game. Perhaps as a bonus the player can get a special shirt that shows-off their dedication? It would be the perfect goal for 100% accomplishers!
Hammond Eggs said on January 11, 2015 at 9:11 PM
One word..........................................................................GOLF!!!
One word..........................................................................GOLF!!!
Boo Boo FunnyGoose said on January 11, 2015 at 9:37 PM
My suggestions: 1)Add new playgrounds with other Disney mascots like Pete the cat or Oswald the rabbit. 2)New toons that are farm based like a cow or a goat. 3)Make the estates bigger. 4)Make fishing and gardening easier and faster. 5)Bossbot HQ 6)Cog nation with the chairman 7)Doodles But i guess you guys can going to make it even better!!!!
My suggestions: 1)Add new playgrounds with other Disney mascots like Pete the cat or Oswald the rabbit. 2)New toons that are farm based like a cow or a goat. 3)Make the estates bigger. 4)Make fishing and gardening easier and faster. 5)Bossbot HQ 6)Cog nation with the chairman 7)Doodles But i guess you guys can going to make it even better!!!!
Avatar Korra said on January 11, 2015 at 9:41 PM
This sounds like a great update! Hoping for doodles soon!!! D:
This sounds like a great update! Hoping for doodles soon!!! D:
Princess Melody said on January 11, 2015 at 9:43 PM
wow where do i start I think my main thing is to tweak the playgrounds they have been the same for years I would like more stuff to interact there, it would also be nice for the toontasks to be less tedious. Also on the streets maps maybe u can show wat cogs and buildings r on the street as well as toons. Last thing would be is to have a new place in the toontown world maybe something like gag valley where toons can play with different kinds of gags for fun
wow where do i start I think my main thing is to tweak the playgrounds they have been the same for years I would like more stuff to interact there, it would also be nice for the toontasks to be less tedious. Also on the streets maps maybe u can show wat cogs and buildings r on the street as well as toons. Last thing would be is to have a new place in the toontown world maybe something like gag valley where toons can play with different kinds of gags for fun
Prince Fangs Kookycrunch said on January 11, 2015 at 9:47 PM
I would love to see those unreleased toons (goat,chickens etc.) to come back. Gardening also takes alot of time. CEO should have his original golfkart. And don't forget my favorite cog buildings :Field Offices. That's all and Toons of the Tooniverse, UNITE!
I would love to see those unreleased toons (goat,chickens etc.) to come back. Gardening also takes alot of time. CEO should have his original golfkart. And don't forget my favorite cog buildings :Field Offices. That's all and Toons of the Tooniverse, UNITE!
Purple Kit said on January 11, 2015 at 9:48 PM
Glad to hear you are actually ACTUALLY listening to our suggestions :D! Most games I play I have super duper rarely heard of any developer saying player suggestions! Keep up the amazing work!
Glad to hear you are actually ACTUALLY listening to our suggestions :D! Most games I play I have super duper rarely heard of any developer saying player suggestions! Keep up the amazing work!
Alpine Snowcat said on January 11, 2015 at 9:51 PM
*Maxxing a Boss Suit gains TP access to that HQ. *In the cattlelog, when clothing shows up have an arrow for color choice. *One central bank for all account toons. Or ability to transfer beans between account toons. Keep up the great work!!!!
*Maxxing a Boss Suit gains TP access to that HQ. *In the cattlelog, when clothing shows up have an arrow for color choice. *One central bank for all account toons. Or ability to transfer beans between account toons. Keep up the great work!!!!
Lady Daffodil said on January 11, 2015 at 9:54 PM
How about a way to TP to a cog HQ? Maybe after you get to a certain level - like making it to a Mr. Hollywood suit lets you teleport to Sellbot HQ?
How about a way to TP to a cog HQ? Maybe after you get to a certain level - like making it to a Mr. Hollywood suit lets you teleport to Sellbot HQ?
Daffy MacBoom said on January 11, 2015 at 10:09 PM
For a small update, I would tweak the cog battling so that you can skip having to waste time to look at everyone's stats after a battle ends. But for a major tweak, I would want to take time to make the graphics look a lot more toony and unique!
For a small update, I would tweak the cog battling so that you can skip having to waste time to look at everyone's stats after a battle ends. But for a major tweak, I would want to take time to make the graphics look a lot more toony and unique!
Xavier said on January 11, 2015 at 10:12 PM
Cog Nation!!!!! It would be really awesome, there would be cogs of all types and levels from 1-12.Perhaps new cog levels from 13-20 as well as version 3.0 cogs. I think the the cog nation should look futuristic with new and improved cogs. Also increase the maximum laff to 200 if not then at least 175 or 150 and add level 8 gags. Please.
Cog Nation!!!!! It would be really awesome, there would be cogs of all types and levels from 1-12.Perhaps new cog levels from 13-20 as well as version 3.0 cogs. I think the the cog nation should look futuristic with new and improved cogs. Also increase the maximum laff to 200 if not then at least 175 or 150 and add level 8 gags. Please.
Xavier said on January 11, 2015 at 10:20 PM
Oh yeah i almost forgot, can you guys let us learn all the gags tracks Please? It would be really nice. :)
Oh yeah i almost forgot, can you guys let us learn all the gags tracks Please? It would be really nice. :)
Link said on January 11, 2015 at 10:24 PM
I really am open to almost anything new in TTR, but I do have two things I'm not the biggest fan of. 1. Field Offices... It would be great if you guys didn't bring these back, or at least, make them worth fighting for! I remember how they would just clog streets up; no one would ever do them. I think the reason behind this was because their sos rewards were lousy and they were a waste of time! I also do not think that it would be wise to create a new "invasion district" like Nutty River. Everyone would want to be there all the time, this would take away from people in other districts who needed help. I think that you guys should stick to spreading out invasions amongst the districts in order to create a fair, non-glitchy, and certainly no drama game!
I really am open to almost anything new in TTR, but I do have two things I'm not the biggest fan of. 1. Field Offices... It would be great if you guys didn't bring these back, or at least, make them worth fighting for! I remember how they would just clog streets up; no one would ever do them. I think the reason behind this was because their sos rewards were lousy and they were a waste of time! I also do not think that it would be wise to create a new "invasion district" like Nutty River. Everyone would want to be there all the time, this would take away from people in other districts who needed help. I think that you guys should stick to spreading out invasions amongst the districts in order to create a fair, non-glitchy, and certainly no drama game!
Quackin Up said on January 11, 2015 at 10:41 PM
I would love to see: 1) TP to Cog HQ's, 2) Ultra Rare fish made slightly easier to catch, 3) Some way to sell fish at your estate (either a fisherman or the old Fish Bingo style), 4) Doodles, 5) Reduce the number of golf courses needed (600 was crazy), 6) Fix the problems with racing (including bringing back the Grand Prix), 7) Make different difficulties of Sellbot Factories with more merits for the harder ones (similar to all the other cog HQ's), 8) Bossbot HQ, 9) Make each Cog HQ its own server so it would be easier to find groups, 10) Do away with the "Summon a Cog" reward for the Chief Justice and make it so we can carry multiples of each invasion, 11) Speed up the animations in gardening (and do I really need to confirm picking a flower when that is the whole reason I planted it?)
I would love to see: 1) TP to Cog HQ's, 2) Ultra Rare fish made slightly easier to catch, 3) Some way to sell fish at your estate (either a fisherman or the old Fish Bingo style), 4) Doodles, 5) Reduce the number of golf courses needed (600 was crazy), 6) Fix the problems with racing (including bringing back the Grand Prix), 7) Make different difficulties of Sellbot Factories with more merits for the harder ones (similar to all the other cog HQ's), 8) Bossbot HQ, 9) Make each Cog HQ its own server so it would be easier to find groups, 10) Do away with the "Summon a Cog" reward for the Chief Justice and make it so we can carry multiples of each invasion, 11) Speed up the animations in gardening (and do I really need to confirm picking a flower when that is the whole reason I planted it?)
Prince Fangs Kookycrunch said on January 11, 2015 at 11:34 PM
I forgot to put this on my last post. SO here goes! : New cogs! The MaintenanceBots they can heal cogs. BOSS of the Maintenance Bots is : Head Maintenance Manager. The COG HQ would be like a dump. I can think of one cog maintenance bot move : Change Oil. You can just get textures from the other cogs to make these MaintenanceBots.. Thats all! TOONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
I forgot to put this on my last post. SO here goes! : New cogs! The MaintenanceBots they can heal cogs. BOSS of the Maintenance Bots is : Head Maintenance Manager. The COG HQ would be like a dump. I can think of one cog maintenance bot move : Change Oil. You can just get textures from the other cogs to make these MaintenanceBots.. Thats all! TOONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
Rosie funnydoodle said on January 11, 2015 at 11:35 PM
OMG I am so excited for the new updates! I was thinking maybe you can add the doodles like they did on the original toontown where we can call our pets for help during battles
OMG I am so excited for the new updates! I was thinking maybe you can add the doodles like they did on the original toontown where we can call our pets for help during battles
Demacia said on January 11, 2015 at 11:36 PM
Cool feature. What i'd like to have in the future is that Organic bonuses from planting gags are shared between toons on your account, if that's not too much to ask.
Cool feature. What i'd like to have in the future is that Organic bonuses from planting gags are shared between toons on your account, if that's not too much to ask.
Dynamic said on January 11, 2015 at 11:39 PM
It would be nice for a new HQ a new boss or new animals you can be
It would be nice for a new HQ a new boss or new animals you can be
Nockon Wood said on January 11, 2015 at 11:58 PM
1) Once you max a cog suit, allow TP access to that HQ, i.e. once you max the suit, you've definitely earned it, and you're mainly going there to help other toons. Make it easier to help other toons. :) 2) Once your gold water can is maxed, allow purchase of a sprinkler system. Load the sprinkler with jellybeans to keep your garden watered. Sprinkler system should hold enough beans to keep your garden watered for a month. 3) Have the number of "dig" animations required to plant relative to shovel size, i.e. just as the larger water can can water more quickly, the larger shovels should dig more quickly. The largest shovel should plant a flower with a single "dig" animation.
1) Once you max a cog suit, allow TP access to that HQ, i.e. once you max the suit, you've definitely earned it, and you're mainly going there to help other toons. Make it easier to help other toons. :) 2) Once your gold water can is maxed, allow purchase of a sprinkler system. Load the sprinkler with jellybeans to keep your garden watered. Sprinkler system should hold enough beans to keep your garden watered for a month. 3) Have the number of "dig" animations required to plant relative to shovel size, i.e. just as the larger water can can water more quickly, the larger shovels should dig more quickly. The largest shovel should plant a flower with a single "dig" animation.
Kami said on January 12, 2015 at 12:27 AM
So awesome, something as simple as watering our plants faster is really refreshing! Thanks guys and keep up the awesome work!
So awesome, something as simple as watering our plants faster is really refreshing! Thanks guys and keep up the awesome work!
Slick said on January 12, 2015 at 12:28 AM
I think it would be awesome if a toon with a max Sellbot suit can gain teleport access to Sellbot HQ (Same with other Cog HQ's) and I think Double XP for training in Cog HQ's invasion or not should be a thing, but if an invasion is happening you still only get double XP to keep it fair, because Quad XP should be saved for special event you keep the challenge in ToonTown, although those extra rare fish can be a pain aswell!
I think it would be awesome if a toon with a max Sellbot suit can gain teleport access to Sellbot HQ (Same with other Cog HQ's) and I think Double XP for training in Cog HQ's invasion or not should be a thing, but if an invasion is happening you still only get double XP to keep it fair, because Quad XP should be saved for special event you keep the challenge in ToonTown, although those extra rare fish can be a pain aswell!
Good Ol' Boo Boo said on January 12, 2015 at 12:36 AM
Maybe this is already in the game (I haven't seen everything yet), but one day I would like to be able to purchase spectacles like the ones Uncle Scrooge wears. I have an ambition to make myself look like a wise old bear. It would really fit my name, don't you agree?
Maybe this is already in the game (I haven't seen everything yet), but one day I would like to be able to purchase spectacles like the ones Uncle Scrooge wears. I have an ambition to make myself look like a wise old bear. It would really fit my name, don't you agree?
PrincessPinkyGlitterSprinkles said on January 12, 2015 at 12:38 AM
Can u guys make Toons able to sit? I always wanted to sit on the chairs and sofas.
Can u guys make Toons able to sit? I always wanted to sit on the chairs and sofas.
Twilight said on January 12, 2015 at 12:41 AM
I'm not saying to change this but, the cogs sometimes on the street play follow the leader! Also can we have the parties back, and doodles, they were so much fun! One more thing, can we have teleport access to the cogsHQs? I appreciate you reading this, thats all I have to say! Thank you very much TTR! :)
I'm not saying to change this but, the cogs sometimes on the street play follow the leader! Also can we have the parties back, and doodles, they were so much fun! One more thing, can we have teleport access to the cogsHQs? I appreciate you reading this, thats all I have to say! Thank you very much TTR! :)
Sir Domino Peppertwist said on January 12, 2015 at 12:56 AM
You guys should add the ability to switch between our fishing rods! I suggested that once to the Toontown team, and they emailed back saying it was a good idea, but nothing came of it. I'd love to see it added to TTR!
You guys should add the ability to switch between our fishing rods! I suggested that once to the Toontown team, and they emailed back saying it was a good idea, but nothing came of it. I'd love to see it added to TTR!
Weird McCrumbs said on January 12, 2015 at 1:33 AM
I personally think that, a new gag type should be introduced. Something we would never expect. Instead of trying to alter the already there hit us with something surprising and shocking ;) Great job so far TTR staff. You're making flippy proud.
I personally think that, a new gag type should be introduced. Something we would never expect. Instead of trying to alter the already there hit us with something surprising and shocking ;) Great job so far TTR staff. You're making flippy proud.
Gavin jones said on January 12, 2015 at 1:39 AM
I have been playing toontown since i was 4 now i am 13 ,and when toontown OR closed my heart stooped. Toontown is a big subject in my family because me my mom and my dad. We all played this game as I was growing up so thank you TTR team for reviving my childhood and the rest of my childhood so whatever you change I will be behind you from tweaking the percentage on fishing to adding a whole new cog type. So thank you , and sorry if i made some mistakes i am only 13 and am under the whether , but anyway I will see you on the streets Toons.
I have been playing toontown since i was 4 now i am 13 ,and when toontown OR closed my heart stooped. Toontown is a big subject in my family because me my mom and my dad. We all played this game as I was growing up so thank you TTR team for reviving my childhood and the rest of my childhood so whatever you change I will be behind you from tweaking the percentage on fishing to adding a whole new cog type. So thank you , and sorry if i made some mistakes i am only 13 and am under the whether , but anyway I will see you on the streets Toons.
Squeaky said on January 12, 2015 at 1:49 AM
i dont like what robin sparkles suggested. please do not skip the credits after cog battles. i like to see what my points are and im sure alot of others do too. theres already a bug that sometimes does skip the credits i guess when its lagging. but i don't like it at all.
i dont like what robin sparkles suggested. please do not skip the credits after cog battles. i like to see what my points are and im sure alot of others do too. theres already a bug that sometimes does skip the credits i guess when its lagging. but i don't like it at all.
nerd squad said on January 12, 2015 at 1:57 AM
good luck TTR for more updates hopefully we can save slappy
good luck TTR for more updates hopefully we can save slappy
Daffodil said on January 12, 2015 at 2:00 AM
I hope the doodles return soon!!
I hope the doodles return soon!!
Daffodil said on January 12, 2015 at 2:05 AM
I think boy toons should also be allowed to get skirts as the girls got the shorts; that way it'll give more customization choice. I'd make a male toon that way.
I think boy toons should also be allowed to get skirts as the girls got the shorts; that way it'll give more customization choice. I'd make a male toon that way.
jamezy said on January 12, 2015 at 2:30 AM
a new boss? dont get me wrong.. better security. new cog type. more clothes? another gag track? enlarge the toontown map? more mini-games? bbhq please. alot more
a new boss? dont get me wrong.. better security. new cog type. more clothes? another gag track? enlarge the toontown map? more mini-games? bbhq please. alot more
Wise O Cat said on January 12, 2015 at 2:57 AM
Great, having a count on the races like there was on the golf would be helpful, but I can't seem to race with anyone. evening when I go with others?? Also the Gardening on m grand-daughter acct is still not working :( , would like to see these fixed before adding more, but again A count on races would be great. thanks for bring the game back to all of us.
Great, having a count on the races like there was on the golf would be helpful, but I can't seem to race with anyone. evening when I go with others?? Also the Gardening on m grand-daughter acct is still not working :( , would like to see these fixed before adding more, but again A count on races would be great. thanks for bring the game back to all of us.
Blue said on January 12, 2015 at 3:05 AM
I'd love to see new gags, like they have the chalk board drawings in the toon hq of new/untested gags.
I'd love to see new gags, like they have the chalk board drawings in the toon hq of new/untested gags.
Trixie Twinklemouth said on January 12, 2015 at 3:47 AM
My daughter would love to see a Penguin toon. Also Black shorts and shirts would be great too. Thank you for everything you all do. We very much appreciate everything!!
My daughter would love to see a Penguin toon. Also Black shorts and shirts would be great too. Thank you for everything you all do. We very much appreciate everything!!
Prof. Lefty said on January 12, 2015 at 3:57 AM
Could the bosses get a little more difficult? The bosses in Rewritten and Online were always so easy. There needs to be more risk of death, this is after all a boss battle. Just my suggestion, looking forward to see what this update has in store.
Could the bosses get a little more difficult? The bosses in Rewritten and Online were always so easy. There needs to be more risk of death, this is after all a boss battle. Just my suggestion, looking forward to see what this update has in store.
Nancy said on January 12, 2015 at 4:02 AM
I have always thought - if on the playgrounds or even at the HQ on all the streets there could be an ATM of sorts allowing toons access to their bank.
I have always thought - if on the playgrounds or even at the HQ on all the streets there could be an ATM of sorts allowing toons access to their bank.
Dimentio said on January 12, 2015 at 4:04 AM
how about faster item delivery?
how about faster item delivery?
Frtitzie said on January 12, 2015 at 4:07 AM
XD this is great! If I could add some new content I would add this old area I heard was going to be included in the original game. it was and area where you could play all the trolley games, but pick the one you wanted to play. that would be fun! I would also make a thing to change your glove color.
XD this is great! If I could add some new content I would add this old area I heard was going to be included in the original game. it was and area where you could play all the trolley games, but pick the one you wanted to play. that would be fun! I would also make a thing to change your glove color.
Maleficent said on January 12, 2015 at 4:19 AM
I would really love to be able to design my own clothes and accessories, for example; In the cattlelog you pick a bow, then a next arrow you pick the color, say purple, then the design would be hearts, or dots, plaid, etc... The same with shirts, shorts, and skirts, shoes, etc... :) TP access to boss hq's would also help a lot :) BTW you guys are doing an awesome job, thank you for everything!
I would really love to be able to design my own clothes and accessories, for example; In the cattlelog you pick a bow, then a next arrow you pick the color, say purple, then the design would be hearts, or dots, plaid, etc... The same with shirts, shorts, and skirts, shoes, etc... :) TP access to boss hq's would also help a lot :) BTW you guys are doing an awesome job, thank you for everything!
Fluttershy said on January 12, 2015 at 4:20 AM
Doodles would be nice and easier gardening :)
Doodles would be nice and easier gardening :)
penny purplehopper said on January 12, 2015 at 4:22 AM
I would tweak the gardening. Make more flowers available and get rid of those constant messages that pop up when you pick or plant a flower. We know what to do. Also make seasonal flowers like things specifically for christmas or other holidays or just seasons. I for one would plant holly and pointsettas all year round.
I would tweak the gardening. Make more flowers available and get rid of those constant messages that pop up when you pick or plant a flower. We know what to do. Also make seasonal flowers like things specifically for christmas or other holidays or just seasons. I for one would plant holly and pointsettas all year round.
Spike said on January 12, 2015 at 4:44 AM
I... actually thought at first that this game would crash and burn like TTO but you (TTR Staff) have proved me VERY wrong. I love seeing what you all are doing and its a great thing! You guys rock and I can't wait to see what you all have in store for us Toons in this upcoming year!
I... actually thought at first that this game would crash and burn like TTO but you (TTR Staff) have proved me VERY wrong. I love seeing what you all are doing and its a great thing! You guys rock and I can't wait to see what you all have in store for us Toons in this upcoming year!
Gadgetsparkle said on January 12, 2015 at 4:47 AM
I would really like doodles back, but I would also like if anyone could become a black or white toon! Also, Toontasks for beating cog bosses, like "Beat 3 C.J's" it's more social and fun, and you can do less work for the beans you climed 100 laff points for!
I would really like doodles back, but I would also like if anyone could become a black or white toon! Also, Toontasks for beating cog bosses, like "Beat 3 C.J's" it's more social and fun, and you can do less work for the beans you climed 100 laff points for!
SirCometThunderFlipper said on January 12, 2015 at 4:50 AM
I have a great idea how about say you do a factory and you need 5500 merits couldn't you get that cut in half basicly what im trying to say is when your a holly,baron,wig could you make the cogbucks,merits cut in half it would be a little more fun :D
I have a great idea how about say you do a factory and you need 5500 merits couldn't you get that cut in half basicly what im trying to say is when your a holly,baron,wig could you make the cogbucks,merits cut in half it would be a little more fun :D
Catfishgirl said on January 12, 2015 at 4:55 AM
You should add more animals to play as! Maybe some underwater areas, with underwater animals! I can't wait to see how much ToonTown will change over all of this time! Have fun everyone!
You should add more animals to play as! Maybe some underwater areas, with underwater animals! I can't wait to see how much ToonTown will change over all of this time! Have fun everyone!
Furious George said on January 12, 2015 at 4:58 AM
I would cut merits, cog bucks, and notices in half. Such as when you need 5500 merits you could only need 2750. And also maybe make the gag experience a little more easy. Thank you!
I would cut merits, cog bucks, and notices in half. Such as when you need 5500 merits you could only need 2750. And also maybe make the gag experience a little more easy. Thank you!
Friday said on January 12, 2015 at 5:02 AM
To start how about teleport access to the cog hq to take away so much time running and then dc in when you get there sure do tasks like you do to get tp access to each playground that would be fun. How about cut out having to run all over the place from street to street to do tasks its really lame just give us tasks even do stuff required like having us help smaller toons as part of the task not just for beans but actually to complete a laff task or cog parts what ever it would help smaller toons to have someone to give them a hand. Of course we all want new cogs not the same old ones all the time new Hq more fishing more laff and a level 15 cog with level 8 gags also give us new gags and fill up the book we have now its so silly to leave the one space empty. come up with new games for the game people really like battle games and thriller games also how about a scavenger hunt for prizes. And now the big one each month you can do a contest with all kinds of things to do to complete the contest cog fighting gags being used buildings fishing gardening and more if you can add stuff to the game the person who is able to complete all the tasks given wins a reward for each month they complete it whether it be a brand new emotion you can create or special privaleges say tp access to all hq what ever something worth working for it would give us something new to do and make the game much more fun add the scavenger hunt to the task sure would be fun
To start how about teleport access to the cog hq to take away so much time running and then dc in when you get there sure do tasks like you do to get tp access to each playground that would be fun. How about cut out having to run all over the place from street to street to do tasks its really lame just give us tasks even do stuff required like having us help smaller toons as part of the task not just for beans but actually to complete a laff task or cog parts what ever it would help smaller toons to have someone to give them a hand. Of course we all want new cogs not the same old ones all the time new Hq more fishing more laff and a level 15 cog with level 8 gags also give us new gags and fill up the book we have now its so silly to leave the one space empty. come up with new games for the game people really like battle games and thriller games also how about a scavenger hunt for prizes. And now the big one each month you can do a contest with all kinds of things to do to complete the contest cog fighting gags being used buildings fishing gardening and more if you can add stuff to the game the person who is able to complete all the tasks given wins a reward for each month they complete it whether it be a brand new emotion you can create or special privaleges say tp access to all hq what ever something worth working for it would give us something new to do and make the game much more fun add the scavenger hunt to the task sure would be fun
Catfishgirl said on January 12, 2015 at 5:02 AM
Saturn on January 11, 2015 02:09 PM said that there should be clan name tags. I think that this would be an amazing thing to have, and i would like to see how it turns out. :3
Saturn on January 11, 2015 02:09 PM said that there should be clan name tags. I think that this would be an amazing thing to have, and i would like to see how it turns out. :3
Miss Purple Durple said on January 12, 2015 at 5:30 AM
This is really cool, I love when u guys do Backstage of TTR, I cant wait to see what's in store for this year and the next Toonfest :D Stay Tooned everytoon!!
This is really cool, I love when u guys do Backstage of TTR, I cant wait to see what's in store for this year and the next Toonfest :D Stay Tooned everytoon!!
Jellybean said on January 12, 2015 at 5:45 AM
Ooh! How about a Chairman boss! But only the best toons would be able to battle him. It would take a while to make though.
Ooh! How about a Chairman boss! But only the best toons would be able to battle him. It would take a while to make though.
Cheetah said on January 12, 2015 at 5:53 AM
Wow! I can't wait! Of course I will stay TOONed!
Wow! I can't wait! Of course I will stay TOONed!
Taffy said on January 12, 2015 at 5:57 AM
I would like racing to be better as far as not so long and a record of how many races u have done
I would like racing to be better as far as not so long and a record of how many races u have done
Miss Dynamite said on January 12, 2015 at 5:59 AM
I'm sure we all get bored with our toons as we progress it would be cool if we could totally transform them i.e change there colour, height and what type of animal you are
I'm sure we all get bored with our toons as we progress it would be cool if we could totally transform them i.e change there colour, height and what type of animal you are
Ice said on January 12, 2015 at 6:04 AM
I would like to make other toon species black in color. There were and already are so many black cats, It be cool to have black mice! Shorten the final frame task from Oldman too. Allow us a choice to skip the 1 laff task at the very beginning when you make a new toon if you have already gone home and view your cattlelog.
I would like to make other toon species black in color. There were and already are so many black cats, It be cool to have black mice! Shorten the final frame task from Oldman too. Allow us a choice to skip the 1 laff task at the very beginning when you make a new toon if you have already gone home and view your cattlelog.
Kookysplat said on January 12, 2015 at 6:15 AM
Can you add golfing and the BBHQ? I loved golfing, it's a great passtime and gives you something to do. Oh and field offices :3
Can you add golfing and the BBHQ? I loved golfing, it's a great passtime and gives you something to do. Oh and field offices :3
Leon said on January 12, 2015 at 6:24 AM
is the bbhq gonna open
is the bbhq gonna open
Merrigold said on January 12, 2015 at 6:32 AM
I'd like to see all gag tracks, task for law DA offices & boss golf runs for our notices & options, 100 gag bag, jellybean total on us from bean jar at estate so we don't have to go back and get a refill, skip button so we can get out of battles faster, carry more than 4 task at a time. type a name for our doodles when they come out instead of picking from a list, new areas to work in by expanding toontown bigger, fast way to max out our cog suits, and any other new way toontown can get better is great. thanks TTR
I'd like to see all gag tracks, task for law DA offices & boss golf runs for our notices & options, 100 gag bag, jellybean total on us from bean jar at estate so we don't have to go back and get a refill, skip button so we can get out of battles faster, carry more than 4 task at a time. type a name for our doodles when they come out instead of picking from a list, new areas to work in by expanding toontown bigger, fast way to max out our cog suits, and any other new way toontown can get better is great. thanks TTR
Colonel Romeo Poodlespeed said on January 12, 2015 at 6:37 AM
This may sound weird, but the tediousness of tasks is one of the best things about Toontown (except for that one with the Whole Cream Pie delivery. I hated that.). I would prefer it NOT to be easy, so I would suggest no task tweaks (except GET RID OF CREAM PIE DELIVERY!). What I WOULD suggest is the ability to purchase more rooms in one's house for large amounts of Jellybeans. The more rooms in the house, the more items you can have in the attic.
This may sound weird, but the tediousness of tasks is one of the best things about Toontown (except for that one with the Whole Cream Pie delivery. I hated that.). I would prefer it NOT to be easy, so I would suggest no task tweaks (except GET RID OF CREAM PIE DELIVERY!). What I WOULD suggest is the ability to purchase more rooms in one's house for large amounts of Jellybeans. The more rooms in the house, the more items you can have in the attic.
Super Nutty said on January 12, 2015 at 6:37 AM
Boss HQ?
Boss HQ?
Colonel Romeo Poodlespeed said on January 12, 2015 at 6:50 AM
Little afterthought---Make sound less overpowered. Make it so each cog it hits, it hits singularly---I.E. Fighting 4 cogs. Use aoogah. It hits 3, does regular damage (about 17) to each, but misses one. Using sound in a group---Each sound will hit which it will hit (4 cogs vs 4 toons---All toons use foghorn. Cog 1&2 are hit all 4 times, cog 3 hit 3 times, and cog 4 hit once. Like that, somewhat.). This will make sound MUCH less overpowered in group attacks.
Little afterthought---Make sound less overpowered. Make it so each cog it hits, it hits singularly---I.E. Fighting 4 cogs. Use aoogah. It hits 3, does regular damage (about 17) to each, but misses one. Using sound in a group---Each sound will hit which it will hit (4 cogs vs 4 toons---All toons use foghorn. Cog 1&2 are hit all 4 times, cog 3 hit 3 times, and cog 4 hit once. Like that, somewhat.). This will make sound MUCH less overpowered in group attacks.
Crunch Theory said on January 12, 2015 at 6:55 AM
Make Lil Oldmans defeat 20 4+ cog buildings into 10 4+ cog Buildings
Make Lil Oldmans defeat 20 4+ cog buildings into 10 4+ cog Buildings
leon said on January 12, 2015 at 6:59 AM
and can you also add the sos building that you can get sos from remember the brown buildings in TTO
and can you also add the sos building that you can get sos from remember the brown buildings in TTO
Crazy Fritz said on January 12, 2015 at 7:04 AM
Add Doodles and PvP that would be awesome
Add Doodles and PvP that would be awesome
Ashwath said on January 12, 2015 at 7:08 AM
Add more colours in create a toon for clothes and toon colour I've been waiting for white grey black and more
Add more colours in create a toon for clothes and toon colour I've been waiting for white grey black and more
Ashwath said on January 12, 2015 at 7:13 AM
Also add a feature where you can upgrade your house for 1000 jellybeans and if you upgrade it the house will come with stairs also add a kitchen upstairs and a furniture called TV where you can order from the cattlelog
Also add a feature where you can upgrade your house for 1000 jellybeans and if you upgrade it the house will come with stairs also add a kitchen upstairs and a furniture called TV where you can order from the cattlelog
Tristan said on January 12, 2015 at 7:13 AM
Please let us take just for fun toontasks while doing the bossbot suit. Basically, we don't have toontasks until a v2 invasion or BBHQ comes out. This makes the game very boring during this time.
Please let us take just for fun toontasks while doing the bossbot suit. Basically, we don't have toontasks until a v2 invasion or BBHQ comes out. This makes the game very boring during this time.
Sweet As Honey said on January 12, 2015 at 7:16 AM
PLEASE open the Pet Shop sooner than later! I loved having Doodles running around in my backyard and not having to do Toon-Up to help people. Thanks!
PLEASE open the Pet Shop sooner than later! I loved having Doodles running around in my backyard and not having to do Toon-Up to help people. Thanks!
Miss Box Legs said on January 12, 2015 at 7:17 AM
Add more toon types like cow pony bunny goats birds and more
Add more toon types like cow pony bunny goats birds and more
BaronVonFlippenfish said on January 12, 2015 at 7:20 AM
I think you should be able to TP directly to any HQ once you have maxed the relevant cog suit. ie: Once you max your cashbot suit, you should be awarded the ability to TP to Cashbot HQ. No more running down Pajama Place as a reward for your hard effort!
I think you should be able to TP directly to any HQ once you have maxed the relevant cog suit. ie: Once you max your cashbot suit, you should be awarded the ability to TP to Cashbot HQ. No more running down Pajama Place as a reward for your hard effort!
Spikey Doo said on January 12, 2015 at 7:20 AM
Add a permanent cannon and table of games which cost more jellybeans then renting them
Add a permanent cannon and table of games which cost more jellybeans then renting them
Super Blubbercorn said on January 12, 2015 at 7:22 AM
Maybe I am way off here BUT I would like to see a "hangout" or something to that affect where higher laff toons can go and find a lower laff toon to help with a task. I know you can do it on the streets....BUT recently I have taken lower laff toons on factory runs and coin runs because the higher laff toons won't go with them. They try going with their own size and they die. I have seen on runs that if we have a lower laff they are not as familiar with the runs and get left behind or a bit slower. I like to stay and make sure everyone is there. I am only 104 laff so I do alot of factory and cashbot runs and try to help the little guys. If there was a place for all to go to get help or see who needs help then it would be a win win I think. Thanks for all you do! I love TTR
Maybe I am way off here BUT I would like to see a "hangout" or something to that affect where higher laff toons can go and find a lower laff toon to help with a task. I know you can do it on the streets....BUT recently I have taken lower laff toons on factory runs and coin runs because the higher laff toons won't go with them. They try going with their own size and they die. I have seen on runs that if we have a lower laff they are not as familiar with the runs and get left behind or a bit slower. I like to stay and make sure everyone is there. I am only 104 laff so I do alot of factory and cashbot runs and try to help the little guys. If there was a place for all to go to get help or see who needs help then it would be a win win I think. Thanks for all you do! I love TTR
Aurora Swirls said on January 12, 2015 at 7:24 AM
That's great news! But I was wondering, When can be buy Doodles again? And are there going to be new pets?
That's great news! But I was wondering, When can be buy Doodles again? And are there going to be new pets?
Kingdom Key said on January 12, 2015 at 7:30 AM
The ability to make a black and white cat. I'd kill to see that. And having more modern clothes.. XD Maybe a plot? A plot would be very awesome. And what about a potential Final Boss? What about Bossbot HQ!? D:
The ability to make a black and white cat. I'd kill to see that. And having more modern clothes.. XD Maybe a plot? A plot would be very awesome. And what about a potential Final Boss? What about Bossbot HQ!? D:
Prof. Star Wackysprinkles said on January 12, 2015 at 7:36 AM
I love it! I have a suggestion: could we be allowed to rename our toons? Like a small option somewhere in the Shticker Book to allow that. That would be great. Even if you don't do it, this is all amazing and I'm super pumped!
I love it! I have a suggestion: could we be allowed to rename our toons? Like a small option somewhere in the Shticker Book to allow that. That would be great. Even if you don't do it, this is all amazing and I'm super pumped!
Living Legend said on January 12, 2015 at 7:49 AM
It would be nice to have all clothes in the catalog as well as accessory and also having the cog buster outfits comeback such as the yellow one and the beach shirt and also having a second chance to get the toon army outfit.
It would be nice to have all clothes in the catalog as well as accessory and also having the cog buster outfits comeback such as the yellow one and the beach shirt and also having a second chance to get the toon army outfit.
Lady Lollipop Poodlespeed said on January 12, 2015 at 7:50 AM
Awesome! :D Im toontasticly excited :)
Awesome! :D Im toontasticly excited :)
Anonymouse said on January 12, 2015 at 8:03 AM
To be able to change your toons colour maybe?
To be able to change your toons colour maybe?
Horsey said on January 12, 2015 at 8:07 AM
Hello! To start off with I want to thank TTR for continuing this great game! Now to the point, DO NOT change the game to make it easier. Yes make changes so it is funner(clothes,games,racing etc.) But don't make it easier, that is what the fun of the game is for! Thanks that is just my opinion! :)
Hello! To start off with I want to thank TTR for continuing this great game! Now to the point, DO NOT change the game to make it easier. Yes make changes so it is funner(clothes,games,racing etc.) But don't make it easier, that is what the fun of the game is for! Thanks that is just my opinion! :)
Justin Supertoon said on January 12, 2015 at 8:13 AM
I think rewriting the game is a toontastic idea! A suggestion that i think most fans and i want would be the implementing of doodles!
I think rewriting the game is a toontastic idea! A suggestion that i think most fans and i want would be the implementing of doodles!
Burning Diamond said on January 12, 2015 at 8:21 AM
Could you add a new factory? Maybe one that contained level 10 and 11 cogs. :)
Could you add a new factory? Maybe one that contained level 10 and 11 cogs. :)
Sandstorm said on January 12, 2015 at 8:31 AM
Angel said on January 12, 2015 at 8:55 AM
I think it would be really cool to have new, higher level cogs and gags. But what I really should happen is that you should put in new animals to choose out of. OH! And maybe some different houses to and neighbor hoods to choose out of. Like instead of a grass area maybe a sand area... I don't know you choose. Any way... I really appreciate that you opened up the game you guys are awesome. And you are doing a great job on the game! :)
I think it would be really cool to have new, higher level cogs and gags. But what I really should happen is that you should put in new animals to choose out of. OH! And maybe some different houses to and neighbor hoods to choose out of. Like instead of a grass area maybe a sand area... I don't know you choose. Any way... I really appreciate that you opened up the game you guys are awesome. And you are doing a great job on the game! :)
Kit Dizzyjinks said on January 12, 2015 at 9:01 AM
I think it would be cool to be able to change your toon's color, to match clothes and whatnot. (My light purple mouse didn't really look great in all the red Christmas stuff!). Or maybe being able to have trampolines in your estate. Just spitballing here, but hey, could be fun!
I think it would be cool to be able to change your toon's color, to match clothes and whatnot. (My light purple mouse didn't really look great in all the red Christmas stuff!). Or maybe being able to have trampolines in your estate. Just spitballing here, but hey, could be fun!
Green rabbit said on January 12, 2015 at 9:03 AM
I would like to say... 1.)make estates able to be accessed to the public through a toggable option and not just friends 2.)estate furniture! 3.)keep the grind,it isn't too bad actually though I would love to see more variety of "party" stuff like factories and mints 4.)seperate music for each battle and stuff to make it seem like you are in somewhere totally different!
I would like to say... 1.)make estates able to be accessed to the public through a toggable option and not just friends 2.)estate furniture! 3.)keep the grind,it isn't too bad actually though I would love to see more variety of "party" stuff like factories and mints 4.)seperate music for each battle and stuff to make it seem like you are in somewhere totally different!
Princess Dee Dee Fuzzyberry said on January 12, 2015 at 9:06 AM
This will b sooooooo awesome :), You guys are going two make this better than TTO. U guys rock:)!!!!!!
This will b sooooooo awesome :), You guys are going two make this better than TTO. U guys rock:)!!!!!!
Grandmammy said on January 12, 2015 at 9:08 AM
Hey guys, super excited about everything in store for TTR! I agree gardening should be shorter! I also think you should be able to earn teleport access to the Cog HQs and i hope Bossbot Hq will be coming soon! I've always thought racing was boring and quite tedious since it can take a couple minutes to get through one lap etc. Just something to think about! And if people start to think the game itself is boring, one could think about another (unique) boss battle to max and so on. Thanks for reading :)
Hey guys, super excited about everything in store for TTR! I agree gardening should be shorter! I also think you should be able to earn teleport access to the Cog HQs and i hope Bossbot Hq will be coming soon! I've always thought racing was boring and quite tedious since it can take a couple minutes to get through one lap etc. Just something to think about! And if people start to think the game itself is boring, one could think about another (unique) boss battle to max and so on. Thanks for reading :)
River Song said on January 12, 2015 at 9:12 AM
More animals, more toons colors teleport to cog HQs, faster gardening, ability for girls to buy shorts in the cattlelog as currently you can only buy skirts, a district that always has an invasion going on, and I would adore it if you would bring back doodles!!! Thank you so much!!!
More animals, more toons colors teleport to cog HQs, faster gardening, ability for girls to buy shorts in the cattlelog as currently you can only buy skirts, a district that always has an invasion going on, and I would adore it if you would bring back doodles!!! Thank you so much!!!
Fancy Twinklebubble said on January 12, 2015 at 9:14 AM
It would be great to have a queue for the Gag Shop. It's frustrating to wait "in line" for five minutes while toons jump in front of other toons while they're shopping and in the process, skipping you and other toons who have been waiting for a long period of time. For higher level toons, having actual tasks for them would be phenomenal as doing 500, 1000, etc cogs *is* extremely tedious and quite frankly, I'm sure my toons are enjoying it, but me as the player? No. Continuing to help shopkeepers would be ace and if we could up the laff (if we get some awesome addition like COG NATION) to a more even number, I think that would be cool, too. Thanks for taking our suggestions to heart, y'all are doing a great job. :)
It would be great to have a queue for the Gag Shop. It's frustrating to wait "in line" for five minutes while toons jump in front of other toons while they're shopping and in the process, skipping you and other toons who have been waiting for a long period of time. For higher level toons, having actual tasks for them would be phenomenal as doing 500, 1000, etc cogs *is* extremely tedious and quite frankly, I'm sure my toons are enjoying it, but me as the player? No. Continuing to help shopkeepers would be ace and if we could up the laff (if we get some awesome addition like COG NATION) to a more even number, I think that would be cool, too. Thanks for taking our suggestions to heart, y'all are doing a great job. :)
Maleficent said on January 12, 2015 at 9:14 AM
Again I want to thank you all for all of the hard work and hours you put into this, you're Toontastic :D Some more suggestions, and these might be repeats of others' ideas, but bigger wardrobes and closets would be awesome, it's sad to have to delete nice stuff to make room for more nice stuff. Chipmunks are adorable, can we have them as a toon option? Also, it's nice to be able to make black cats, I have a few, but I would love to make other toons black too, like bunnies, omgosh that would be so adorable!!! A new playground with new cogs and boss, like the whole cog nation that was circulating forever. A lot of people seem to just be able to race right through to the end of the game, maybe they need an even bigger challenge now? Call me crazy, but a playground under water and/or in outer space would be amazing. I thank you so much for valuing our opinions and taking them into consideration. I'm very excited to see what this year brings :)
Again I want to thank you all for all of the hard work and hours you put into this, you're Toontastic :D Some more suggestions, and these might be repeats of others' ideas, but bigger wardrobes and closets would be awesome, it's sad to have to delete nice stuff to make room for more nice stuff. Chipmunks are adorable, can we have them as a toon option? Also, it's nice to be able to make black cats, I have a few, but I would love to make other toons black too, like bunnies, omgosh that would be so adorable!!! A new playground with new cogs and boss, like the whole cog nation that was circulating forever. A lot of people seem to just be able to race right through to the end of the game, maybe they need an even bigger challenge now? Call me crazy, but a playground under water and/or in outer space would be amazing. I thank you so much for valuing our opinions and taking them into consideration. I'm very excited to see what this year brings :)
Fetch said on January 12, 2015 at 9:20 AM
This is exciting news!!! I would say teleport access to Boss HQ after recieving your first ful cog suit, and like you guys suggested Bouns points in Boss HQ regardless of invasion or no invasion. Like I always say keep up the TOON-errific updates and work!!
This is exciting news!!! I would say teleport access to Boss HQ after recieving your first ful cog suit, and like you guys suggested Bouns points in Boss HQ regardless of invasion or no invasion. Like I always say keep up the TOON-errific updates and work!!
Twinkleseed said on January 12, 2015 at 9:30 AM
I'd like to see black and white colored toons of all kinds (bunnies, horses, etc) but only on certains days. I'd also like to see more pastel colors for toons. And also interactive furniture would be AMAZING! Especially couches so you can have conversations with your friends. Maybe an extra room for a kitchen too???
I'd like to see black and white colored toons of all kinds (bunnies, horses, etc) but only on certains days. I'd also like to see more pastel colors for toons. And also interactive furniture would be AMAZING! Especially couches so you can have conversations with your friends. Maybe an extra room for a kitchen too???
Gal Sparky said on January 12, 2015 at 9:33 AM
1) DOODLES, PLEASE! 2) Make gardening animations quicker. 3) Make fishing percentages easier. 4) Shared bank among toons on same account.
1) DOODLES, PLEASE! 2) Make gardening animations quicker. 3) Make fishing percentages easier. 4) Shared bank among toons on same account.
Taffy said on January 12, 2015 at 9:34 AM
I think that there should be tasks to get teleport access to cog HQs because its really annoying having to walk through the streets every time you want to get to the HQs. I also think toons dont have to get a new shovel every time they want to plant a new type of flower. Maybe we all start with 5 different combinations, and then get 2 new shovels and make it to 7? Anyways, thank you for making my favorite game come back. (:
I think that there should be tasks to get teleport access to cog HQs because its really annoying having to walk through the streets every time you want to get to the HQs. I also think toons dont have to get a new shovel every time they want to plant a new type of flower. Maybe we all start with 5 different combinations, and then get 2 new shovels and make it to 7? Anyways, thank you for making my favorite game come back. (:
Gal Sparky said on January 12, 2015 at 9:37 AM
Ability to pick up "just for fun" tasks when finishing an area instead of being told "you must finish your current tasks".
Ability to pick up "just for fun" tasks when finishing an area instead of being told "you must finish your current tasks".
Lady Feathermuffin said on January 12, 2015 at 9:45 AM
A-hem, *turns on megaphone* ADD DOODLES
A-hem, *turns on megaphone* ADD DOODLES
Aprentis said on January 12, 2015 at 9:46 AM
I think there should be a new cog species hmm how about Army bots! and lower the cost of stuff in catalog please :D
I think there should be a new cog species hmm how about Army bots! and lower the cost of stuff in catalog please :D
Harmony said on January 12, 2015 at 9:55 AM
I think having TP access to the HQ when you have the highest level cog suit, not maxed suit.. but for example, Hollywood 8, Baron 8, etc. Also, I think getting from Trunk - Fog is crazy. All of the other tracks, you get level 6 around 6000 exp.. but fog is 7500. Could you please lower that? Thanks for all the work you guys put in! :)
I think having TP access to the HQ when you have the highest level cog suit, not maxed suit.. but for example, Hollywood 8, Baron 8, etc. Also, I think getting from Trunk - Fog is crazy. All of the other tracks, you get level 6 around 6000 exp.. but fog is 7500. Could you please lower that? Thanks for all the work you guys put in! :)
Monkey See said on January 12, 2015 at 9:57 AM
You've already nailed it with gardening taking so much time. It's not bad if you're only gardening one toon, but when you're doing multiple toons, it takes so long. It's also repetitive at then end, but I'm not sure how to fix it. But thanks so much for thinking about these things.
You've already nailed it with gardening taking so much time. It's not bad if you're only gardening one toon, but when you're doing multiple toons, it takes so long. It's also repetitive at then end, but I'm not sure how to fix it. But thanks so much for thinking about these things.
Abnormal Imperfections said on January 12, 2015 at 10:03 AM
Make it so we earn jelly beans faster. Like, everytime you kill a cog you get an amount of Jelly beans for how much you contributed to it.
Make it so we earn jelly beans faster. Like, everytime you kill a cog you get an amount of Jelly beans for how much you contributed to it.
Lady Ginger Fizzleberry said on January 12, 2015 at 10:04 AM
It would be awesome to add more toontasks even after a toon finishes all the toontasks. Like I wish gag pouches could get even bigger and you could get even more laff from tasks (the tasks would get really hard) and then maybe add some new, harder battles because the boss battles get easy after a while, but these are just suggestions thanks!
It would be awesome to add more toontasks even after a toon finishes all the toontasks. Like I wish gag pouches could get even bigger and you could get even more laff from tasks (the tasks would get really hard) and then maybe add some new, harder battles because the boss battles get easy after a while, but these are just suggestions thanks!
Brittney Bunny said on January 12, 2015 at 10:15 AM
Why not doodles? Except this time, instead of randomized only, there will be a tab so you can custom make your doodle how you want. I miss my doodle Ticket so much! Along with if you get the last suit (Mr Hollywood, Robber Baron, Big Wig) of your cog suits, you gain teleport access to that Cog HQ. Besides, with all the work to get from level 8 to 50 with the suit, it seems better if you don't have to run the length of the street to get there. :)
Why not doodles? Except this time, instead of randomized only, there will be a tab so you can custom make your doodle how you want. I miss my doodle Ticket so much! Along with if you get the last suit (Mr Hollywood, Robber Baron, Big Wig) of your cog suits, you gain teleport access to that Cog HQ. Besides, with all the work to get from level 8 to 50 with the suit, it seems better if you don't have to run the length of the street to get there. :)
Nuttyquack said on January 12, 2015 at 10:36 AM
It'd be awesome if there were bigger battles you could do *cough* FOREMAN *cough cough* for more exp, or maybe just overall more elements to the battle system, or a really really long and complicated, but interesting, easter egg to unlock the last gag track, allowing toons who work hard to obtain every possible gag, or just overall anything to tip the farming to fun scale in favor of fun, if that makes sense, OOH, idea, how about occasionally in an invasion, there'll be a park invasion, given the name, you can probably imagine where I'm going with this. Another idea could be instead of unlocking the last gag track like I mentioned earlier, have that big easter egg hunt unlock like a special gag or something, or maybe add more of a storyline to ttr, I mean, I know there is one in the blogs but as far as gameplay goes i dont think theres really much of anything for storyline.
It'd be awesome if there were bigger battles you could do *cough* FOREMAN *cough cough* for more exp, or maybe just overall more elements to the battle system, or a really really long and complicated, but interesting, easter egg to unlock the last gag track, allowing toons who work hard to obtain every possible gag, or just overall anything to tip the farming to fun scale in favor of fun, if that makes sense, OOH, idea, how about occasionally in an invasion, there'll be a park invasion, given the name, you can probably imagine where I'm going with this. Another idea could be instead of unlocking the last gag track like I mentioned earlier, have that big easter egg hunt unlock like a special gag or something, or maybe add more of a storyline to ttr, I mean, I know there is one in the blogs but as far as gameplay goes i dont think theres really much of anything for storyline.
Sandstorm said on January 12, 2015 at 10:42 AM
Fox Toon!
Fox Toon!
Dizzybouncer said on January 12, 2015 at 10:42 AM
I think that if you have at least 100 laff (or done with all your toontasks or something end-game) you can be able to become a cog and play as one. You can choose your cog type instead of type of toon and then start off as level one flunky or short change or whatever type you chose. Then you do cog tasks like defeat 10 rabbits or take over 5 toon buildings and stuff like that. You can earn cog attacks for your type of cog as experience gets higher. These are just some ideas I had stuck in my head and I think would make the game more enjoyable for high laff toons who get bored. Keep up the great work!
I think that if you have at least 100 laff (or done with all your toontasks or something end-game) you can be able to become a cog and play as one. You can choose your cog type instead of type of toon and then start off as level one flunky or short change or whatever type you chose. Then you do cog tasks like defeat 10 rabbits or take over 5 toon buildings and stuff like that. You can earn cog attacks for your type of cog as experience gets higher. These are just some ideas I had stuck in my head and I think would make the game more enjoyable for high laff toons who get bored. Keep up the great work!
Whens Dinner said on January 12, 2015 at 10:43 AM
Be very careful changing some of the tedium. I think you have some good ideas here, changing HQ's to always give double merits (toons wait around for invasions anyway, so why not?) Gardening, racing, golfing and gardening however are not necessary parts of the game unless you are seeking maximum laff. Maximum laff is a difficult achievement - perhaps the only difficult thing left to do. Please do not make fishing, golfing, gardening, etc take less time. Gardening simply requires you to log on daily and take care of business, racing should provide some other sort of reward perhaps but the amount of racing needed to be done should be changed - the same with golfing. Please do not dillute our game, and our achievements. Provide more rewards yes but please please please do not make max laff easier. Especially in regards to fishing, which is perhaps the one true test of a toons fortitude. It is often what separates the 137 laffers from everyone else and this should not change. Its a sign of how dedicated you are, so once again please do not dilute the game. Add new things, add some quality of life improvements, but dont dilute down activities. Essentially - no one wants to wait half an hour to do a DA because there are no invasions, thats where the improvements are needed. You can fish garden golf and race anytime - the only inhibitions you have is golf and racing require another toon. If you could make those activities more popular that would be wonderful, but dont make them easier to max from a time-required-to-perform-the-activity standpoint.
Be very careful changing some of the tedium. I think you have some good ideas here, changing HQ's to always give double merits (toons wait around for invasions anyway, so why not?) Gardening, racing, golfing and gardening however are not necessary parts of the game unless you are seeking maximum laff. Maximum laff is a difficult achievement - perhaps the only difficult thing left to do. Please do not make fishing, golfing, gardening, etc take less time. Gardening simply requires you to log on daily and take care of business, racing should provide some other sort of reward perhaps but the amount of racing needed to be done should be changed - the same with golfing. Please do not dillute our game, and our achievements. Provide more rewards yes but please please please do not make max laff easier. Especially in regards to fishing, which is perhaps the one true test of a toons fortitude. It is often what separates the 137 laffers from everyone else and this should not change. Its a sign of how dedicated you are, so once again please do not dilute the game. Add new things, add some quality of life improvements, but dont dilute down activities. Essentially - no one wants to wait half an hour to do a DA because there are no invasions, thats where the improvements are needed. You can fish garden golf and race anytime - the only inhibitions you have is golf and racing require another toon. If you could make those activities more popular that would be wonderful, but dont make them easier to max from a time-required-to-perform-the-activity standpoint.
Scooter said on January 12, 2015 at 10:46 AM
Triplet's Toyroom playground? You could maybe train for your seventh gag track there ;). Also, perhaps you could add in cog nation? I would LOVE to try to fight the chairman. In addition, I don't think were being challenged enough. Maybe harder cogs, or even V3.0 cogs? Higher cog buildings would be nice, as we could train our gags easier and be challenged a lot more. Thinking about training gags, maybe you could make the gag xp limit limitless? I find that bugs me a lot.
Triplet's Toyroom playground? You could maybe train for your seventh gag track there ;). Also, perhaps you could add in cog nation? I would LOVE to try to fight the chairman. In addition, I don't think were being challenged enough. Maybe harder cogs, or even V3.0 cogs? Higher cog buildings would be nice, as we could train our gags easier and be challenged a lot more. Thinking about training gags, maybe you could make the gag xp limit limitless? I find that bugs me a lot.
Insomnia said on January 12, 2015 at 10:46 AM
We should have different glove colors! Also, I really want to be able to send gifts through Clarabelle's Cattlelog!
We should have different glove colors! Also, I really want to be able to send gifts through Clarabelle's Cattlelog!
Sweet Chimney Sweep said on January 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM
Please, do not touch fishing. The difficulty in that particular activity is what separates 137 laff toons from everyone else. Why play a game that everyone can max easily? If everyone can reach 137, its not special. Not everyone can sit there and max fishing. Having maxed it 4 times, I would hate to see it be easier. Its NOT that bad, but being able to max it always made me feel accomplished. Furthermore, its an optional part of the game. You unlock absolutely nothing from fishing, racing, golfing, and gardening except laff points. No benefits, no rewards other than that. Leave those activities be. The only change I would like to see is the amount of time it takes to dig and plant a garden - that could be sped up, but the act of doing it daily should remain, and for the same amount of days as before. Thank you!
Please, do not touch fishing. The difficulty in that particular activity is what separates 137 laff toons from everyone else. Why play a game that everyone can max easily? If everyone can reach 137, its not special. Not everyone can sit there and max fishing. Having maxed it 4 times, I would hate to see it be easier. Its NOT that bad, but being able to max it always made me feel accomplished. Furthermore, its an optional part of the game. You unlock absolutely nothing from fishing, racing, golfing, and gardening except laff points. No benefits, no rewards other than that. Leave those activities be. The only change I would like to see is the amount of time it takes to dig and plant a garden - that could be sped up, but the act of doing it daily should remain, and for the same amount of days as before. Thank you!
Marley said on January 12, 2015 at 10:57 AM
If you get access to a playground you also get tp access direct to their respective streets, new species (Have some sort of poll for a bunch of different species and the top 2 get put in the game and are available for maxing suits or from toontasks?) new gag track, idk xD
If you get access to a playground you also get tp access direct to their respective streets, new species (Have some sort of poll for a bunch of different species and the top 2 get put in the game and are available for maxing suits or from toontasks?) new gag track, idk xD
Lady Valentine said on January 12, 2015 at 10:57 AM
I would love if the parties can come back soon and making a bird a choice as a toon. thx :)
I would love if the parties can come back soon and making a bird a choice as a toon. thx :)
Mystery Mouse2 said on January 12, 2015 at 11:00 AM
Giant TV in the playgrounds where you can watch others battling in random boss battles.
Giant TV in the playgrounds where you can watch others battling in random boss battles.
peaches said on January 12, 2015 at 11:00 AM
I'd say add another gag and higher cogs/buidlings/whatever. The game becomes too easy once you hit around 100 laff, even 4 man cfo/vp are too easy :( no risks = no fun
I'd say add another gag and higher cogs/buidlings/whatever. The game becomes too easy once you hit around 100 laff, even 4 man cfo/vp are too easy :( no risks = no fun
Spider said on January 12, 2015 at 11:09 AM
unlockable new species just for fun tasks :P lol or black and white unlockable just for fun task, also a color changer for the catalog so you can choose to become black or white XD
unlockable new species just for fun tasks :P lol or black and white unlockable just for fun task, also a color changer for the catalog so you can choose to become black or white XD
Duke Duke Crunchyseed said on January 12, 2015 at 11:12 AM
I would totally love to see an after-bossbot-hq appear, a final super boss battle that requires you to fight sellbots, cashbots, lawbots, and bossbots before fighting the final boss. You could also add in something like super versions of gags that require you to complete tasks, but makes the gags that much stronger
I would totally love to see an after-bossbot-hq appear, a final super boss battle that requires you to fight sellbots, cashbots, lawbots, and bossbots before fighting the final boss. You could also add in something like super versions of gags that require you to complete tasks, but makes the gags that much stronger
Evelyn said on January 12, 2015 at 11:24 AM
thanks guys!!! but in my opinion you should finish what you haven't added before adding anything new, like partied and doodles and bbhq. Just my opinion though C: thanks
thanks guys!!! but in my opinion you should finish what you haven't added before adding anything new, like partied and doodles and bbhq. Just my opinion though C: thanks
BaronMaxDizzyHopper said on January 12, 2015 at 11:47 AM
i'd tweak the trolley and remove the toon memory game because lets be honest who even likes the toon memory game...nobody because it just is really boring for many people
i'd tweak the trolley and remove the toon memory game because lets be honest who even likes the toon memory game...nobody because it just is really boring for many people
Sir Lancelot Jumblegadget said on January 12, 2015 at 11:47 AM
I invented a new type of gags that would be awesome if in game. Machines! First you start with machines like a hammer and a trapper to things that shake the cogs. It would be awesome view the cogs get smashed and etc by they weapons. If you really liked it then comment!
I invented a new type of gags that would be awesome if in game. Machines! First you start with machines like a hammer and a trapper to things that shake the cogs. It would be awesome view the cogs get smashed and etc by they weapons. If you really liked it then comment!
Sir Lancelot Jumblegadget said on January 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM
How about adding a new gag? I call it Machines, things that stomp, trap,play golf, throw, etc. Comment if you liked!
How about adding a new gag? I call it Machines, things that stomp, trap,play golf, throw, etc. Comment if you liked!
Meow said on January 12, 2015 at 11:51 AM
One thing that'd be cool if you added, was a fisherman to the estate. I can't be asked to fill my bucket up, teleport to a playground to sell my fish, then teleport right back to my house. That takes a long time..
One thing that'd be cool if you added, was a fisherman to the estate. I can't be asked to fill my bucket up, teleport to a playground to sell my fish, then teleport right back to my house. That takes a long time..
Sherlock Mouse said on January 12, 2015 at 11:54 AM
Allow to have more than 6 types of gags. Add new ones like Bubble gags, Ice Cream gags. Besides bringing Boss Bot HQs back, maybe add a new Bad Guy HQs with a new group of bad guy bots. Be able to transport to HQs.
Allow to have more than 6 types of gags. Add new ones like Bubble gags, Ice Cream gags. Besides bringing Boss Bot HQs back, maybe add a new Bad Guy HQs with a new group of bad guy bots. Be able to transport to HQs.
Dogul said on January 12, 2015 at 11:57 AM
Ideas: New fish New clothes New animations New phrases New clothes, hats, bits and bobs Have streets some street buildings with windows making outside visible
Ideas: New fish New clothes New animations New phrases New clothes, hats, bits and bobs Have streets some street buildings with windows making outside visible
Loud Fireball Googlebrains said on January 12, 2015 at 12:02 PM
Awesome! Im totally hyped for this update, in fact, I would like to add that cog hq double experience.
Awesome! Im totally hyped for this update, in fact, I would like to add that cog hq double experience.
May said on January 12, 2015 at 12:02 PM
OOH HOO HOO! Nice TTR! I love all the updates coming soon, but I REALLY miss doodles, They were one of my favorite things to do in the game D:. But I sure will be TOONed everyday for blog posts, updates, and etc. Stay Toony everyone!
OOH HOO HOO! Nice TTR! I love all the updates coming soon, but I REALLY miss doodles, They were one of my favorite things to do in the game D:. But I sure will be TOONed everyday for blog posts, updates, and etc. Stay Toony everyone!
Tyler Toon said on January 12, 2015 at 12:02 PM
I would like to see triple skill points in invasions in cog hqs. that would be awesome. (or driple xp)
I would like to see triple skill points in invasions in cog hqs. that would be awesome. (or driple xp)
Hidious Hog said on January 12, 2015 at 12:17 PM
I miss doodles and gifting. Gifting gave me something to do with all the excess beans. Doodles were just fun to train. I don't think it should be made easier but the 10 minute invasions can be a pain. What the TTO team realized by the time they did the Law HQ is that you needed a fairly quick way to get there, hence the best shortcut ever!. If anything a shortcut to Cash HQ more than the little one now would be appreciated. Sell is not that far to run and has big side walks. I do like the idea of the gray on the map to show where cog buildings are. it could be useful in more ways than mentioned. Thanks for a great game i wish i could play it again but 1.2.0 wont load.
I miss doodles and gifting. Gifting gave me something to do with all the excess beans. Doodles were just fun to train. I don't think it should be made easier but the 10 minute invasions can be a pain. What the TTO team realized by the time they did the Law HQ is that you needed a fairly quick way to get there, hence the best shortcut ever!. If anything a shortcut to Cash HQ more than the little one now would be appreciated. Sell is not that far to run and has big side walks. I do like the idea of the gray on the map to show where cog buildings are. it could be useful in more ways than mentioned. Thanks for a great game i wish i could play it again but 1.2.0 wont load.
Deputy Poppy Nickelhopper said on January 12, 2015 at 12:18 PM
I would definitely tweak the number of cogs needed to complete a task in the late-game, mainly because of the horrible experience i had trying to find 10 number crunchers and defeat them too.
I would definitely tweak the number of cogs needed to complete a task in the late-game, mainly because of the horrible experience i had trying to find 10 number crunchers and defeat them too.
Hare E. Potter said on January 12, 2015 at 12:19 PM
I think taking suggestions is great! I would suggest more laff points and higher level cogs as well as implementing doodles and black/grey/white coloring for all toon species. Thank you for your consideration!
I think taking suggestions is great! I would suggest more laff points and higher level cogs as well as implementing doodles and black/grey/white coloring for all toon species. Thank you for your consideration!
Prince Loopy LoopenPoof said on January 12, 2015 at 12:20 PM
I was hoping that you could lower the amount of cog buildings on the 20 building task :) it was tough, and i managed to get through it. also, maybe a few more types of doodles? and.. well.. doodles? and the BBHQ.:)
I was hoping that you could lower the amount of cog buildings on the 20 building task :) it was tough, and i managed to get through it. also, maybe a few more types of doodles? and.. well.. doodles? and the BBHQ.:)
Sheriff Knuckles Electrozapper said on January 12, 2015 at 12:20 PM
Two things to throw into the pot, if I may: 1. Add certain type of fishing bobbers to the Cattleog, that increase the chances of catching a certain variety of fish for a specific amount of time. Fish with rarer variations (e.g. Bear Acudas, Piano Tunas) would have more expensive bobbers associated with them. 2. Add a harder version of the Sellbot factory (perhaps make the side entrance the harder version), so the merit grind is a little better.
Two things to throw into the pot, if I may: 1. Add certain type of fishing bobbers to the Cattleog, that increase the chances of catching a certain variety of fish for a specific amount of time. Fish with rarer variations (e.g. Bear Acudas, Piano Tunas) would have more expensive bobbers associated with them. 2. Add a harder version of the Sellbot factory (perhaps make the side entrance the harder version), so the merit grind is a little better.
Kai said on January 12, 2015 at 12:24 PM
Reducing the amount of cogs you have to defeat for a task would be nice :D
Reducing the amount of cogs you have to defeat for a task would be nice :D
J.C. Hawker said on January 12, 2015 at 12:25 PM
I think this is a good idea, and a couple ideas I have is giving higher toons the chance to get ALL categories of gags, maybe make a new, harder type of cogs so we have another V.P to beat, and making more gags to each line. These give us something more to work too, and make more content. Hope these ideas help, J.C. Hawker
I think this is a good idea, and a couple ideas I have is giving higher toons the chance to get ALL categories of gags, maybe make a new, harder type of cogs so we have another V.P to beat, and making more gags to each line. These give us something more to work too, and make more content. Hope these ideas help, J.C. Hawker
Sir Clyde said on January 12, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Add Doodles! Maybe we can even get new styles for Doodles. I would also like to see a "Doodle House." Something like a mini house for Doodles to rest in. It can even be awesome to bring our Doodles around down with us (or at least in Playgrounds), I hate to just leave them at our houses!
Add Doodles! Maybe we can even get new styles for Doodles. I would also like to see a "Doodle House." Something like a mini house for Doodles to rest in. It can even be awesome to bring our Doodles around down with us (or at least in Playgrounds), I hate to just leave them at our houses!
Weirdo said on January 12, 2015 at 12:35 PM
Add doodles please? :D
Add doodles please? :D
Jake said on January 12, 2015 at 12:44 PM
Wow, I like the scetch of the new Toon Hall! I would like you to add a "Cog Thief Squirt Edition." and keep up the good work, :D
Wow, I like the scetch of the new Toon Hall! I would like you to add a "Cog Thief Squirt Edition." and keep up the good work, :D
Silly Roxy Featherquack said on January 12, 2015 at 12:45 PM
Settings to turn accessory visibility on and off. I want to be able to turn off accessory visibility just for the nostalgia and memories :)
Settings to turn accessory visibility on and off. I want to be able to turn off accessory visibility just for the nostalgia and memories :)
Little Funnysocks said on January 12, 2015 at 12:46 PM
I remember when we voted on a new type of toon. I believe one was chicken can't remember the others but a new type of toon would be a plus. This is from someone that usually makes a mouse lol
I remember when we voted on a new type of toon. I believe one was chicken can't remember the others but a new type of toon would be a plus. This is from someone that usually makes a mouse lol
Doctor Sandy said on January 12, 2015 at 12:50 PM
For when doodles come out: 1: Black doodles for Halloween 2: White doodles available everywhere (Not just TTC) 3: Ability to paint your doodle's color and pattern. (Wouldn't affect the doodle's shape such as ears, tail, nose, etc.) 4: (If above isn't accepted) All doodle colors and patterns are found in DDL. I found it odd how TTC was simple doodle colors and patterns but DDL didn't have any, in a way it's kind of like a downgrade.
For when doodles come out: 1: Black doodles for Halloween 2: White doodles available everywhere (Not just TTC) 3: Ability to paint your doodle's color and pattern. (Wouldn't affect the doodle's shape such as ears, tail, nose, etc.) 4: (If above isn't accepted) All doodle colors and patterns are found in DDL. I found it odd how TTC was simple doodle colors and patterns but DDL didn't have any, in a way it's kind of like a downgrade.
J.C. Hawker said on January 12, 2015 at 12:53 PM
With what I suggested earlier, (New gag type, New level 8 gags for every gag type, and another type of cog for a more fresh, non-repetitive feel to the game) I've seen some other great suggestions, like a new fish species, quicker gardening times, and the one I liked most- Being able to choose to be a cog at the start, or even turning bad when you've beaten the "toon" side of things. This adds a WHOLE NEW part of the story line, because I know adding that would be a lot (Promotions, new "gags' (cog style) etc.) Thanks again for your time, I hope you take my suggestions into consideration, J.C. Hawker
With what I suggested earlier, (New gag type, New level 8 gags for every gag type, and another type of cog for a more fresh, non-repetitive feel to the game) I've seen some other great suggestions, like a new fish species, quicker gardening times, and the one I liked most- Being able to choose to be a cog at the start, or even turning bad when you've beaten the "toon" side of things. This adds a WHOLE NEW part of the story line, because I know adding that would be a lot (Promotions, new "gags' (cog style) etc.) Thanks again for your time, I hope you take my suggestions into consideration, J.C. Hawker
Purrseverance said on January 12, 2015 at 12:55 PM
Mentioned before but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put in a grey number if the task building is invaded by cogs, I don't like having to walk to the end of the street in 3 different districts just to find out yet again it's another cog building. Also mentioned before, goat toons!!! Also, tp access to Cog HQ when receiving suit, tails would be really cool also. Last but not least, I want the cogs to have emotion in their face, especially when attacking.
Mentioned before but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put in a grey number if the task building is invaded by cogs, I don't like having to walk to the end of the street in 3 different districts just to find out yet again it's another cog building. Also mentioned before, goat toons!!! Also, tp access to Cog HQ when receiving suit, tails would be really cool also. Last but not least, I want the cogs to have emotion in their face, especially when attacking.
Beat said on January 12, 2015 at 1:03 PM
I think toontownrewritten is amazing and everything is perfect but I hope bossbot hq comes soon!!
I think toontownrewritten is amazing and everything is perfect but I hope bossbot hq comes soon!!
Princess Bumbleberry said on January 12, 2015 at 1:04 PM
maybe having a create your own animal option? like give us different kinds of ears/tails/bodies/faces to make our own animal so that each toon is unique! i also like the color wheel idea that someone mentioned, being able to pick the perfect color for your toon/clothes is a great idea! more options for double xp would be nice, too. keep up the great work :)
maybe having a create your own animal option? like give us different kinds of ears/tails/bodies/faces to make our own animal so that each toon is unique! i also like the color wheel idea that someone mentioned, being able to pick the perfect color for your toon/clothes is a great idea! more options for double xp would be nice, too. keep up the great work :)
Melody Sparkle said on January 12, 2015 at 1:05 PM
Anastasia is on the right track, I think having smaller amounts of points required for each new gag should be a little less than it is now. It shouldn't require hours upon hours of training but I think it should still require a little bit of time so that people who are super busy (like me!) can still squeeze in some training time and be able to max out. The numbers are a bit controversial though, maybe instead of 5000 being max it could be 7000 or even 8000? I think a 2000/3000 point deduction could do a lot to help. Also I think the maximum amount of cogs to defeat in any task should be 150-200, those 300+ ones are ridiculous and do make the game super repetitive when you have to do the same battle a hundred times. I also think something else that would be cool is a more in depth story as far as gameplay goes. We never really get a good story, we just wander endlessly doing tasks, so maybe the goal in each playground is to gain something or find a certain toon who can feed us important information to enforce the toon resistance to put an end to the cogs. Just some of my ramblings, looking forward to the updates! :)
Anastasia is on the right track, I think having smaller amounts of points required for each new gag should be a little less than it is now. It shouldn't require hours upon hours of training but I think it should still require a little bit of time so that people who are super busy (like me!) can still squeeze in some training time and be able to max out. The numbers are a bit controversial though, maybe instead of 5000 being max it could be 7000 or even 8000? I think a 2000/3000 point deduction could do a lot to help. Also I think the maximum amount of cogs to defeat in any task should be 150-200, those 300+ ones are ridiculous and do make the game super repetitive when you have to do the same battle a hundred times. I also think something else that would be cool is a more in depth story as far as gameplay goes. We never really get a good story, we just wander endlessly doing tasks, so maybe the goal in each playground is to gain something or find a certain toon who can feed us important information to enforce the toon resistance to put an end to the cogs. Just some of my ramblings, looking forward to the updates! :)
Little Cuddles McToon said on January 12, 2015 at 1:06 PM
I would Love to have the fishing little bit easier.. for example trying to get the Concord Grape PB&J fish it is Ultra rare with the Twig. when you get the Bamboo rod it becomes Extremely Rare, Hardwood Rod Very Rare.. each level of the rod makes it little easier to get the fish. The gardening would be nice if you don't have to wait 21 days for your level 7 gag to grow, the rest of the gardening is fine with me
I would Love to have the fishing little bit easier.. for example trying to get the Concord Grape PB&J fish it is Ultra rare with the Twig. when you get the Bamboo rod it becomes Extremely Rare, Hardwood Rod Very Rare.. each level of the rod makes it little easier to get the fish. The gardening would be nice if you don't have to wait 21 days for your level 7 gag to grow, the rest of the gardening is fine with me
Weird Whiskers Wildgadget said on January 12, 2015 at 1:15 PM
AWESOME! Maybe you could tweak in A trolley in chip and dales acorn acres? Thats a place where there is no cogs, so why not have a Trolley? And some exclusive minigames like outdoors minigames on the chip n dales trolley?
AWESOME! Maybe you could tweak in A trolley in chip and dales acorn acres? Thats a place where there is no cogs, so why not have a Trolley? And some exclusive minigames like outdoors minigames on the chip n dales trolley?
LIttle Cali Boo said on January 12, 2015 at 1:18 PM
I was talking with my Friend about the Cog radar you know you can see the Buildings when you fill it all out but it would be nice when you get to 70 Laff or so you can see how many buildings AND find out how many floors they are say there 5 Sellbot buildings and 3 are 1 floors and 2 are 2 floors so if you are looking for a 3 floor building you don't have to run down the street seeing if they have what you need that would make taking over building quest a little faster. We also talked about sharing Jelly Beans with other Toons on the same account. since we can only hold 15,000 jelly beans in our banks and we cant (or not yet) gift items to our friends or other toons have a Larger bank that ALL toons on that account can tap in to make this bank hold like 100,000 jelly beans have it in the middle of the Estate where all toons can walk up and place or take out beans if they need them. still have our 15,000 in our house but have a 2nd one for everyone
I was talking with my Friend about the Cog radar you know you can see the Buildings when you fill it all out but it would be nice when you get to 70 Laff or so you can see how many buildings AND find out how many floors they are say there 5 Sellbot buildings and 3 are 1 floors and 2 are 2 floors so if you are looking for a 3 floor building you don't have to run down the street seeing if they have what you need that would make taking over building quest a little faster. We also talked about sharing Jelly Beans with other Toons on the same account. since we can only hold 15,000 jelly beans in our banks and we cant (or not yet) gift items to our friends or other toons have a Larger bank that ALL toons on that account can tap in to make this bank hold like 100,000 jelly beans have it in the middle of the Estate where all toons can walk up and place or take out beans if they need them. still have our 15,000 in our house but have a 2nd one for everyone
Sally said on January 12, 2015 at 1:20 PM
Idea: Toons of any gender can wear any clothing. Basically, no clothing or accessory restrictions :)
Idea: Toons of any gender can wear any clothing. Basically, no clothing or accessory restrictions :)
Dinky McDoodle said on January 12, 2015 at 1:21 PM
Make leaders of boarding groups be able to post their groups in like a shticker book page or something. There would be a page in the book with different boarding groups posted depending on what district one is in. The boarding groups are posted giving the information of what boss or cog facility, laff limit or gag limit set by leader, and how many people are needed in that group. If your toon has enough gags and meets the criteria set fourth by the post on the book page, they can reserve a spot in that group and teleport to that place. This would make it extremely better for people trying to do VPs, CFOs, CJs, CEOs, factories, mints, DAs, and golf courses. There would not be as much district shuffling with people constantly teleporting to new districts to find a group. This particularly applies to VPs and factories with people who would like to SOS shop or not want people with anything less than level 5 gags in a VP. The leader could set restrictions and state if they are shopping or not. This would just make boarding groups and finding a group A LOT easier. Especially if your trying to max Lawbot because nobody was ever in LBHQ... Just a suggestion.
Make leaders of boarding groups be able to post their groups in like a shticker book page or something. There would be a page in the book with different boarding groups posted depending on what district one is in. The boarding groups are posted giving the information of what boss or cog facility, laff limit or gag limit set by leader, and how many people are needed in that group. If your toon has enough gags and meets the criteria set fourth by the post on the book page, they can reserve a spot in that group and teleport to that place. This would make it extremely better for people trying to do VPs, CFOs, CJs, CEOs, factories, mints, DAs, and golf courses. There would not be as much district shuffling with people constantly teleporting to new districts to find a group. This particularly applies to VPs and factories with people who would like to SOS shop or not want people with anything less than level 5 gags in a VP. The leader could set restrictions and state if they are shopping or not. This would just make boarding groups and finding a group A LOT easier. Especially if your trying to max Lawbot because nobody was ever in LBHQ... Just a suggestion.
Buduce said on January 12, 2015 at 1:23 PM
WOW!!!! i wonder what you guys are changing, What ever thing is i like it!!! And keep going with the updates and stuff
WOW!!!! i wonder what you guys are changing, What ever thing is i like it!!! And keep going with the updates and stuff
Tamale said on January 12, 2015 at 1:23 PM
Ability to change your cat toon into a white colored cat permanently?
Ability to change your cat toon into a white colored cat permanently?
Master Lloyd said on January 12, 2015 at 1:33 PM
I think you should make teleportation devices, and make running a tad faster. Also, you should make trees 3-D.
I think you should make teleportation devices, and make running a tad faster. Also, you should make trees 3-D.
King said on January 12, 2015 at 1:37 PM
I think a neat feature would be having zones where toon up is inaccessible.
I think a neat feature would be having zones where toon up is inaccessible.
Crazy Winky Cheezyswirl said on January 12, 2015 at 1:39 PM
Some people have mentioned a color wheel for toon colors, and there is a huge flaw with that. People could choose highly bright colors, which could hurt the eyes of some people, or just colors that could hurt some eyes of some people in general. Solution: Just add in colors recommended by the community. Lisosaurus has made some excellent colors that should be added in (She's a TTR mod)
Some people have mentioned a color wheel for toon colors, and there is a huge flaw with that. People could choose highly bright colors, which could hurt the eyes of some people, or just colors that could hurt some eyes of some people in general. Solution: Just add in colors recommended by the community. Lisosaurus has made some excellent colors that should be added in (She's a TTR mod)
mittens said on January 12, 2015 at 1:45 PM
Less gender exclusive clothes and accessories i know theirs not much to do skirts vs shorts but theirs designs i cant wear or accessories id like that are gender exclusive this game shouldnt discriminate too much :P
Less gender exclusive clothes and accessories i know theirs not much to do skirts vs shorts but theirs designs i cant wear or accessories id like that are gender exclusive this game shouldnt discriminate too much :P
Jazzy said on January 12, 2015 at 1:50 PM
I have been wanting bigger houses and back yards and 2 story houses for so long! please add this! it would mean a lot to me!
I have been wanting bigger houses and back yards and 2 story houses for so long! please add this! it would mean a lot to me!
Moonlight Serenity said on January 12, 2015 at 1:56 PM
Awesome!! I do think that gardening should be made easier somehow (flowers grow in 1-3 hours?), and that Chip & Dale's Acorn Acres should have more than just the game tables, fishing pond, and a way to Mini Golf. A main suggestion of mine is to choose whether to enable Rewriting Rewritten or not, so that lower-end graphics cards (like mine) can display it without lagging.
Awesome!! I do think that gardening should be made easier somehow (flowers grow in 1-3 hours?), and that Chip & Dale's Acorn Acres should have more than just the game tables, fishing pond, and a way to Mini Golf. A main suggestion of mine is to choose whether to enable Rewriting Rewritten or not, so that lower-end graphics cards (like mine) can display it without lagging.
King Master Ninja said on January 12, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Hey! I would really like gardening to be quicker. :) Also, I can't wait for the new updates!!!! Woot! :D
Hey! I would really like gardening to be quicker. :) Also, I can't wait for the new updates!!!! Woot! :D
I Am A Cat said on January 12, 2015 at 2:14 PM
I think the idea of having the suits go to much higher numbers like in the 1000's would be amazing! Even if it doesn't increase laff it would be so cool to see who could get the highest level suit. And there could be clothes or for each milestone(Ex: every 50 levels or 100 levels) or a little tag under your name that says VP mastermind or anything of that nature. I think it would be super cool and keep people playing. Great work so far! you guys are great!
I think the idea of having the suits go to much higher numbers like in the 1000's would be amazing! Even if it doesn't increase laff it would be so cool to see who could get the highest level suit. And there could be clothes or for each milestone(Ex: every 50 levels or 100 levels) or a little tag under your name that says VP mastermind or anything of that nature. I think it would be super cool and keep people playing. Great work so far! you guys are great!
Zedonk said on January 12, 2015 at 2:16 PM
I would like it if the cogs would have the option to " cog- up " each other, lure the toons and maybe have the other options like sounding the toons, drop, trap, throw and squirt the toons, it would make the game alot more difficult for the high toons like 100 laff.
I would like it if the cogs would have the option to " cog- up " each other, lure the toons and maybe have the other options like sounding the toons, drop, trap, throw and squirt the toons, it would make the game alot more difficult for the high toons like 100 laff.
Captain Dizzyflipper said on January 12, 2015 at 2:16 PM
It would be awesome if you guys used the unreleased toon estates like, tiki, castle, or even make new designs!!!
It would be awesome if you guys used the unreleased toon estates like, tiki, castle, or even make new designs!!!
Junebug said on January 12, 2015 at 2:17 PM
I would like to see my toon wearing an item from the catalog before I purchase it (like trying on clothes from your wardrobe). That way I can tell how tall the boots are, or how large that helmet may be. Thanks for all your hard work!
I would like to see my toon wearing an item from the catalog before I purchase it (like trying on clothes from your wardrobe). That way I can tell how tall the boots are, or how large that helmet may be. Thanks for all your hard work!
Loosy Goosy said on January 12, 2015 at 2:18 PM
Here are a few I've thought of over the 13 years I've been playing the game (since TTO beta 1): 1) Allow canceling of tasks. It's easy to accidently select the wrong task if you misread the cog type or location where you have to defeat the cogs. 2) Remove the ability to un-stun the VP. This will almost completely remove grievers during the VP battle. If you want to keep the penalty for touching him in the game, have his slap animation and damage occur immediately after he comes out of his stun. 3) Allow selection of fun tasks whenever progress tasks prevent any other task from being selected 4) When choosing a task from an NPC, and you cancel, remove the mandatory click to close the NPC's chat bubble. Just display the message and have it disappear after 5 seconds or when the next toon touches the NPC. 5) Make ALL Cog HQ-related tasks optional. Believe it or not, there are toons who don't want to play in any of the cog HQs! 6) After planting a flower, remove the mandatory click to close the congratulations message. Just have it disappear after 5 seconds. 7) Add fishing, racing and golf trophy racks to the cattlelog so other toons can see your progress when they visit your estate. That's all I can remember at the moment ;-) Thanks!
Here are a few I've thought of over the 13 years I've been playing the game (since TTO beta 1): 1) Allow canceling of tasks. It's easy to accidently select the wrong task if you misread the cog type or location where you have to defeat the cogs. 2) Remove the ability to un-stun the VP. This will almost completely remove grievers during the VP battle. If you want to keep the penalty for touching him in the game, have his slap animation and damage occur immediately after he comes out of his stun. 3) Allow selection of fun tasks whenever progress tasks prevent any other task from being selected 4) When choosing a task from an NPC, and you cancel, remove the mandatory click to close the NPC's chat bubble. Just display the message and have it disappear after 5 seconds or when the next toon touches the NPC. 5) Make ALL Cog HQ-related tasks optional. Believe it or not, there are toons who don't want to play in any of the cog HQs! 6) After planting a flower, remove the mandatory click to close the congratulations message. Just have it disappear after 5 seconds. 7) Add fishing, racing and golf trophy racks to the cattlelog so other toons can see your progress when they visit your estate. That's all I can remember at the moment ;-) Thanks!
Wacky Flippinstomper said on January 12, 2015 at 2:18 PM
I've always thought that my estate always seemed very lonely with just me and maybe my pet being there. What I think would be a great update is the option of adding your friends to your estate neighborhood. That would make being there a LOT more fun! Also I thought maybe you could pitch in a lot of jellybeans to get a new styled house like a 2 story, fancy/modern, yacht, etc. If you would add that I'd think estates would be way more fun to be in. Thank you for all you've done guys btw. :)
I've always thought that my estate always seemed very lonely with just me and maybe my pet being there. What I think would be a great update is the option of adding your friends to your estate neighborhood. That would make being there a LOT more fun! Also I thought maybe you could pitch in a lot of jellybeans to get a new styled house like a 2 story, fancy/modern, yacht, etc. If you would add that I'd think estates would be way more fun to be in. Thank you for all you've done guys btw. :)
Miss Daphne Electropounce said on January 12, 2015 at 2:19 PM
Hey fellow toons! I was thinking about what you said about the whole defeating 500, 1000, and even 5000 cogs for tasks. A thought that i have is if you're going to have us defeat that many cogs then maybe the rewards should be a bit better and a bit more fun! Also...... DOODLES! We want them! I really loved having a doodle and getting to train it to help me in battle! Lots of love to all you toons and especially all the administrators over at Toontown Rewritten! Keep up the great work!
Hey fellow toons! I was thinking about what you said about the whole defeating 500, 1000, and even 5000 cogs for tasks. A thought that i have is if you're going to have us defeat that many cogs then maybe the rewards should be a bit better and a bit more fun! Also...... DOODLES! We want them! I really loved having a doodle and getting to train it to help me in battle! Lots of love to all you toons and especially all the administrators over at Toontown Rewritten! Keep up the great work!
Jacob said on January 12, 2015 at 2:20 PM
i think the game need more cogs and gags a maybe more cog building floors :)
i think the game need more cogs and gags a maybe more cog building floors :)
Romeo Crunchenflip said on January 12, 2015 at 2:20 PM
Maybe toontasks to give a certain amount of merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock thingies after you get to higher suits in the respective cog categories!
Maybe toontasks to give a certain amount of merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock thingies after you get to higher suits in the respective cog categories!
Junebug said on January 12, 2015 at 2:22 PM
Oh yes; in the old game I remember wanting the ability to delete a task! Sometimes you would choose the wrong task by mistake and there was NO WAY to get out of it. As a high level toon, it could have been a several hundered cog task, too. Also is "gifting" coming back? If not then maybe the idea someone else had about all estate toons sharing a bank.
Oh yes; in the old game I remember wanting the ability to delete a task! Sometimes you would choose the wrong task by mistake and there was NO WAY to get out of it. As a high level toon, it could have been a several hundered cog task, too. Also is "gifting" coming back? If not then maybe the idea someone else had about all estate toons sharing a bank.
Smartybrains said on January 12, 2015 at 2:23 PM
Pets! Doodles! PLEASE!
Pets! Doodles! PLEASE!
Cool Fireball Bumblebee said on January 12, 2015 at 2:25 PM
I like how rewritten is written! My only problem was the bossbot Hq. You had to do the Par 3 ten times. Then after that I had a hard time finding people to do the Boss.
I like how rewritten is written! My only problem was the bossbot Hq. You had to do the Par 3 ten times. Then after that I had a hard time finding people to do the Boss.
Raichoo said on January 12, 2015 at 2:27 PM
I think that the older halloween outfits should be added back in like bumble bee and other old clothes! I also think some grindy tasks should be tweaked like 500 cogs and things like that.
I think that the older halloween outfits should be added back in like bumble bee and other old clothes! I also think some grindy tasks should be tweaked like 500 cogs and things like that.
TrooperDog said on January 12, 2015 at 2:28 PM
This is awesome and it makes me even more excited! Thank you to all the TTR team for making this possible!
This is awesome and it makes me even more excited! Thank you to all the TTR team for making this possible!
Anonymous said on January 12, 2015 at 2:29 PM
Maybe add Cog Nation?! O_O
Maybe add Cog Nation?! O_O
Sharkboy said on January 12, 2015 at 2:33 PM
Sharkboy said on January 12, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Add doodles
Add doodles
Miss Ali-Cat said on January 12, 2015 at 2:39 PM
fix the pet store! bring back doodles
fix the pet store! bring back doodles
Chez! said on January 12, 2015 at 2:39 PM
Okay this is NOT a minor tweak whatsoever. HOWEVER it might be something that can be put into thought for the bigger update? Not sure. However - here is my suggestion. A new gag track. LIGHT. :-) Okay so the level one gag would be some sort of flashlight? Then maybe level 2 would be a lamp or magnifying glass? Then maybe the level 7 max gag would be sunlight!!!? (I know its not logical... having sunlight in a cog building, but there are rain clouds, right? lol) I'm not solid on the actual GAGS, but the concept would be this: Cogs are dark and evil, right? So basically our gag would shine the light into their eyes, blinding them and taking away points. It is NOT like a lure, but more like a stun that takes away the cogs life.
Okay this is NOT a minor tweak whatsoever. HOWEVER it might be something that can be put into thought for the bigger update? Not sure. However - here is my suggestion. A new gag track. LIGHT. :-) Okay so the level one gag would be some sort of flashlight? Then maybe level 2 would be a lamp or magnifying glass? Then maybe the level 7 max gag would be sunlight!!!? (I know its not logical... having sunlight in a cog building, but there are rain clouds, right? lol) I'm not solid on the actual GAGS, but the concept would be this: Cogs are dark and evil, right? So basically our gag would shine the light into their eyes, blinding them and taking away points. It is NOT like a lure, but more like a stun that takes away the cogs life.
Fat Biscuit said on January 12, 2015 at 2:42 PM
It would be great if instead of fishing for hours and hours you could just instead buy the fish for a certain amount of jellybeans
It would be great if instead of fishing for hours and hours you could just instead buy the fish for a certain amount of jellybeans
Sharkboy said on January 12, 2015 at 2:42 PM
Have a party like toonfest and add golfing
Have a party like toonfest and add golfing
little said on January 12, 2015 at 2:46 PM
can u try to get pets and the bossbot HQ im almost done with my suit and I really forgot about it and I think it would be awesome for the people that have their suits THX (: bye
can u try to get pets and the bossbot HQ im almost done with my suit and I really forgot about it and I think it would be awesome for the people that have their suits THX (: bye
Sheriff Pancake Electronugget said on January 12, 2015 at 2:50 PM
Despite what's been going on, I'll continue to play. My tip: double credit Toontask days! Or, if you turn in a task, you get a small bonus of points to the gag track of your choice depending on the task difficulty. It could also work the other way around: get a certain amount of gag points, and then be awarded a small bonus in task progress.
Despite what's been going on, I'll continue to play. My tip: double credit Toontask days! Or, if you turn in a task, you get a small bonus of points to the gag track of your choice depending on the task difficulty. It could also work the other way around: get a certain amount of gag points, and then be awarded a small bonus in task progress.
Ooowoo said on January 12, 2015 at 2:54 PM
I could go on for an hour but we can all agree that one of the most wanted tweaks is to the promotion system. It gets kinda boring sitting there for hours grinding merits.
I could go on for an hour but we can all agree that one of the most wanted tweaks is to the promotion system. It gets kinda boring sitting there for hours grinding merits.
Silhouette said on January 12, 2015 at 2:59 PM
I would LOVE to see some form of toon pvp implemented. The strength of the gags would be lowered in the pvp though so that there aren't any OP gags. A new type of gag with a damage over time effect would also be an interesting edition. I feel like it might add even more strategy to the battles. New creative dungeons would be wonderful as well! Doodles, colored gloves, and a color wheel for picking colors for toons and clothing would be amazing! Or maybe even a shirt where you could upload your own art, but the picture would need to be approved by toon council (much like toon names). Also I'd love to see patterns available for toon skin, like stripes for cats or patches for dogs, etc. Thanks for listening to us!!
I would LOVE to see some form of toon pvp implemented. The strength of the gags would be lowered in the pvp though so that there aren't any OP gags. A new type of gag with a damage over time effect would also be an interesting edition. I feel like it might add even more strategy to the battles. New creative dungeons would be wonderful as well! Doodles, colored gloves, and a color wheel for picking colors for toons and clothing would be amazing! Or maybe even a shirt where you could upload your own art, but the picture would need to be approved by toon council (much like toon names). Also I'd love to see patterns available for toon skin, like stripes for cats or patches for dogs, etc. Thanks for listening to us!!
Jinx said on January 12, 2015 at 3:00 PM
I'd love it if we could carry more level 6 gags, like 5 Birthday Cakes or something :)
I'd love it if we could carry more level 6 gags, like 5 Birthday Cakes or something :)
Superdog said on January 12, 2015 at 3:05 PM
A new HQ called Chairman HQ I want to defeat him so bad!
A new HQ called Chairman HQ I want to defeat him so bad!
Lucky Talbur said on January 12, 2015 at 3:08 PM
I think that you should tweak vibrant valley and make it less laggy on that district
I think that you should tweak vibrant valley and make it less laggy on that district
Overgreen said on January 12, 2015 at 3:10 PM
If you look at "ToonTalk: Is Toontown 2.0 possible?" it shows pictures of Toontown being remade in Unity. I think you should make the game look like that. It would be a BIG surprise for the toons. Also in the final version of Toontown Rewritten, change the launcher to look like the old launcher from actual Toontown, change the pick a toon screen to have more than 6 toons, maybe 8, maybe 10!
If you look at "ToonTalk: Is Toontown 2.0 possible?" it shows pictures of Toontown being remade in Unity. I think you should make the game look like that. It would be a BIG surprise for the toons. Also in the final version of Toontown Rewritten, change the launcher to look like the old launcher from actual Toontown, change the pick a toon screen to have more than 6 toons, maybe 8, maybe 10!
super dinky jabberpretzel said on January 12, 2015 at 3:10 PM
hmm why not make a new HQ for all cogs the boss should be the chairman
hmm why not make a new HQ for all cogs the boss should be the chairman
cupcake said on January 12, 2015 at 3:22 PM
WOW! I simply adore TT. When Disney shut down the first TT, I got so sad. So excited for new stuff in 2015. TTR team, u guys are the best. One idea though.... I hope there will be an info area on the website telling about cog HQs, how to battle cogs like the CEO, and what the difference is between normal time and TT time. Just an idea. Bye for now, CUPCAKE, THE PINK CAT
WOW! I simply adore TT. When Disney shut down the first TT, I got so sad. So excited for new stuff in 2015. TTR team, u guys are the best. One idea though.... I hope there will be an info area on the website telling about cog HQs, how to battle cogs like the CEO, and what the difference is between normal time and TT time. Just an idea. Bye for now, CUPCAKE, THE PINK CAT
Master Chirpy FizzleSwirl said on January 12, 2015 at 3:24 PM
For the Bosses There should be Easy Medium And Hard Bosses and like something to do after you do everything in ttr :D
For the Bosses There should be Easy Medium And Hard Bosses and like something to do after you do everything in ttr :D
Miss Penny Rockenflip said on January 12, 2015 at 3:26 PM
I would love the idea of being able to mark a port location to save time on running, similar to what is done on Wizard 101. The running part for me is tedious and with having a limited time to play (too much real life running about), it would allow players to feel like a task is much more attainable. Otherwise, the game is perfect and thank you infinitely for taking the time to bring our favorite game back to us!!
I would love the idea of being able to mark a port location to save time on running, similar to what is done on Wizard 101. The running part for me is tedious and with having a limited time to play (too much real life running about), it would allow players to feel like a task is much more attainable. Otherwise, the game is perfect and thank you infinitely for taking the time to bring our favorite game back to us!!
Christmas Kitty said on January 12, 2015 at 3:34 PM
In your accessory trunk, add a button called "Reset" to take off all accessories.
In your accessory trunk, add a button called "Reset" to take off all accessories.
Sugarpie Honeybunch said on January 12, 2015 at 3:38 PM
Love what you are doing and have done so far. Keep up the great work, My suggestion is an easier way to get V2.0 but please do not add those ugly field offices again, they were terrible. Instead maybe make them for the V2.0 instead. Just thinking out loud. Also, when you max your toon, you can get the added gags you had to pass up. All gags lines filled as an appreciation for maxing. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Love what you are doing and have done so far. Keep up the great work, My suggestion is an easier way to get V2.0 but please do not add those ugly field offices again, they were terrible. Instead maybe make them for the V2.0 instead. Just thinking out loud. Also, when you max your toon, you can get the added gags you had to pass up. All gags lines filled as an appreciation for maxing. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Crazy Winky Cheezyswirl said on January 12, 2015 at 3:38 PM
In your wardrobe, add text saying the amount of clothes you have in there out of your wardrobe space. Examples: 25/25, 50/50, 15/50, 20/20, 49/50, 36/50, etc.
In your wardrobe, add text saying the amount of clothes you have in there out of your wardrobe space. Examples: 25/25, 50/50, 15/50, 20/20, 49/50, 36/50, etc.
MiracleWhip said on January 12, 2015 at 3:40 PM
I think you should make hairstyles, and a new form of animation.
I think you should make hairstyles, and a new form of animation.
Super Dog said on January 12, 2015 at 3:41 PM
I think, you should add new Toons, as in like, wolves, owls, chickens ect. I'm just really pumped to see what is in store for "this new year! Like i saw on the map of the Toon "Hawkheart" there was Bossbot HQ! And a new toon hall?! Something else would be nice is to have a battle of Cog Nation, like to have a boarding group of 16 toons ( for 4 battles of cogs ) with Skelecogs normal cogs with levels 1-20! Then to have all 4 boss at once! VP, CFO, CJ, CEO bossoes all at once! with pies, cranes, effidence, water and golfing stations! Then comes out the mega boss! the strength of a level 100 cog! Use all the stations you got to defeat him! the reward: an sos card ( by a captured toon ) a unite a cog summon ect with cog summons and a fire! Certainly a brand new challenge to the game. Maybe you might need a new suit to get in? Maybe a business suit, get parts with toontasks? will most certainly be exciting for everyone if this is added to the game I would really love it to be added.
I think, you should add new Toons, as in like, wolves, owls, chickens ect. I'm just really pumped to see what is in store for "this new year! Like i saw on the map of the Toon "Hawkheart" there was Bossbot HQ! And a new toon hall?! Something else would be nice is to have a battle of Cog Nation, like to have a boarding group of 16 toons ( for 4 battles of cogs ) with Skelecogs normal cogs with levels 1-20! Then to have all 4 boss at once! VP, CFO, CJ, CEO bossoes all at once! with pies, cranes, effidence, water and golfing stations! Then comes out the mega boss! the strength of a level 100 cog! Use all the stations you got to defeat him! the reward: an sos card ( by a captured toon ) a unite a cog summon ect with cog summons and a fire! Certainly a brand new challenge to the game. Maybe you might need a new suit to get in? Maybe a business suit, get parts with toontasks? will most certainly be exciting for everyone if this is added to the game I would really love it to be added.
Catherine said on January 12, 2015 at 3:44 PM
Doodles, Bossbot Hq, Minigolf, ability to friend request cogs, 50 item wardrobe, anything else from the old game that i missed and isn't in TTR, and ability to have ALL gag tracks.
Doodles, Bossbot Hq, Minigolf, ability to friend request cogs, 50 item wardrobe, anything else from the old game that i missed and isn't in TTR, and ability to have ALL gag tracks.
Gigglemooch said on January 12, 2015 at 3:45 PM
Awesome, so how about new tasks for bigger toons like TP capability to the HQ areas.
Awesome, so how about new tasks for bigger toons like TP capability to the HQ areas.
Days Of Thunder said on January 12, 2015 at 3:52 PM
Grey/Black/White for any species? We see rabbits, bears, horses, cats, monkeys, pigs, ducks, dogs, etc. (They are these colors in real life) It would make sense. Keep up the good work TTR!!!
Grey/Black/White for any species? We see rabbits, bears, horses, cats, monkeys, pigs, ducks, dogs, etc. (They are these colors in real life) It would make sense. Keep up the good work TTR!!!
Z.Z. said on January 12, 2015 at 3:54 PM
This is really great what you guys are doing! A new type of toon perhaps? I know Disney tried to make all the toons in their animal groups such as Mickey with mouses and Goofy with dogs but we're not associated with Disney anymore. What about a goat or a hyena?
This is really great what you guys are doing! A new type of toon perhaps? I know Disney tried to make all the toons in their animal groups such as Mickey with mouses and Goofy with dogs but we're not associated with Disney anymore. What about a goat or a hyena?
Rosie said on January 12, 2015 at 4:01 PM
I think you should add a salon in the game where you can change your toons fur color, head, and body. I love what you have done already, and I"ll love what you are working on now, but I bet that this would make the game better. Love, Rosie
I think you should add a salon in the game where you can change your toons fur color, head, and body. I love what you have done already, and I"ll love what you are working on now, but I bet that this would make the game better. Love, Rosie
Captain B.D. said on January 12, 2015 at 4:02 PM
Eliminate the part where you need to defeat cogs to recover something. That will reduce the time length to maximize by a quarter! They annoy everyone!
Eliminate the part where you need to defeat cogs to recover something. That will reduce the time length to maximize by a quarter! They annoy everyone!
Sandstorm said on January 12, 2015 at 4:06 PM
DOODLES! but we can design our own doodle and make its own traits. I would name mine Echo after mine in TTO.............. Doodles and Toons of the world UNITE!
DOODLES! but we can design our own doodle and make its own traits. I would name mine Echo after mine in TTO.............. Doodles and Toons of the world UNITE!
Ricky Rockenmarble said on January 12, 2015 at 4:07 PM
It would be great if you could earn some kind of Superpower! Only available to Toons with a laff of 110 or more. Maybe be able to increase a low toon's laff by 10... or be invincible for a day!
It would be great if you could earn some kind of Superpower! Only available to Toons with a laff of 110 or more. Maybe be able to increase a low toon's laff by 10... or be invincible for a day!
Lucky said on January 12, 2015 at 4:08 PM
I'd say keep gag exp and cog kills/recovers after every floor in a building rather than at the end of the building. Since disconnects and crashes seem to be a big issue right now, that'd be extremely helpful. I've always disliked losing all my progress in invasion training on the 5th floor because of a district reset!
I'd say keep gag exp and cog kills/recovers after every floor in a building rather than at the end of the building. Since disconnects and crashes seem to be a big issue right now, that'd be extremely helpful. I've always disliked losing all my progress in invasion training on the 5th floor because of a district reset!
Desert Rose said on January 12, 2015 at 4:13 PM
I have been reading the suggestions being made and would like to add my votes for the following: faster gardening; the skip button; showing a task bldg that is a cog bldg a diff color on the street map so we don't waste time running to it; chat bubbles larger so easier to read; having more clothing store ticket tasks when you are high level (new toons can get tickets all the time) OR allow jb purchases in clothing store; reducing the number of jbs needed to cast from 2 to 1 when fishing; tp access to each hq; I would really like to see new wallpapers, furniture, etc.-the same selections from tto are still being used and are boring; let toons on the same estate draw jbs from a common bank; increase the jb limit in banks to 25,000 jbs; eliminate 250+ cog tasks for high level toons and replace with more interesting and rewarding tasks. Of course, fixing all the frequent crashes and long TP and traveling times through tunnels problems would be the best fixes/improvements you could make for many of us. TY for all your hard work and soliciting suggestions from the toon community, it really shows your desire to make TTR a great game for everyone!
I have been reading the suggestions being made and would like to add my votes for the following: faster gardening; the skip button; showing a task bldg that is a cog bldg a diff color on the street map so we don't waste time running to it; chat bubbles larger so easier to read; having more clothing store ticket tasks when you are high level (new toons can get tickets all the time) OR allow jb purchases in clothing store; reducing the number of jbs needed to cast from 2 to 1 when fishing; tp access to each hq; I would really like to see new wallpapers, furniture, etc.-the same selections from tto are still being used and are boring; let toons on the same estate draw jbs from a common bank; increase the jb limit in banks to 25,000 jbs; eliminate 250+ cog tasks for high level toons and replace with more interesting and rewarding tasks. Of course, fixing all the frequent crashes and long TP and traveling times through tunnels problems would be the best fixes/improvements you could make for many of us. TY for all your hard work and soliciting suggestions from the toon community, it really shows your desire to make TTR a great game for everyone!
Ricky FuzzyBocker said on January 12, 2015 at 4:16 PM
Gadgetsparkle said on January 12, 2015 at 4:17 PM
New toon colors and possibly a new form of toon to create!
New toon colors and possibly a new form of toon to create!
Prince Gadget Dynozilla said on January 12, 2015 at 4:18 PM
Doodles!!! :D
Doodles!!! :D
Scooter GoogleTooth said on January 12, 2015 at 4:20 PM
You should make a mode of fighting a boss battle but you aren't ready for promotion, but it will be like a way to get merits, for example, by doing a vp, but instead of getting an SOS toon you get the merits you earned from fighting the boss battle. And you can fight a cfo and instead of an unite, you get cogbucks instead, you should think of that. This will make getting mertis, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options, a lot easier, and more fun
You should make a mode of fighting a boss battle but you aren't ready for promotion, but it will be like a way to get merits, for example, by doing a vp, but instead of getting an SOS toon you get the merits you earned from fighting the boss battle. And you can fight a cfo and instead of an unite, you get cogbucks instead, you should think of that. This will make getting mertis, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options, a lot easier, and more fun
chicka chicka boom boom said on January 12, 2015 at 4:20 PM
2 words, Bossbot HQ
2 words, Bossbot HQ
Sandstorm said on January 12, 2015 at 4:22 PM
Little Oldman's quests to be less tedious "20 buildings"? how about 10
Little Oldman's quests to be less tedious "20 buildings"? how about 10
pokefan12 said on January 12, 2015 at 4:25 PM
i love this game since i was little im so glad its back :D keep it up guys i love this game!
i love this game since i was little im so glad its back :D keep it up guys i love this game!
Melody Glittertoes said on January 12, 2015 at 4:26 PM
Colored gloves for toons maybe? idk
Colored gloves for toons maybe? idk
Spike III said on January 12, 2015 at 4:29 PM
What if you did something big like create and introduce a new awesome NPC, I was thinking something like a Supertoon series where the new character would fight off super villains that Toontown cannot fight themselves and save TTR! Too much? Eh, I tried
What if you did something big like create and introduce a new awesome NPC, I was thinking something like a Supertoon series where the new character would fight off super villains that Toontown cannot fight themselves and save TTR! Too much? Eh, I tried
Louie said on January 12, 2015 at 4:30 PM
Thank you guys very much for re making toon town and the 1 big thing i want to see and i know almost every toon does aswell is we want the bossbot hq open
Thank you guys very much for re making toon town and the 1 big thing i want to see and i know almost every toon does aswell is we want the bossbot hq open
Miss Trixie Wonderberry said on January 12, 2015 at 4:30 PM
I'm voting for doodles, gifting, parties, bossbot hq, true friends, and golf. I really want toontown rewritten to be as like toontown online as possible, but i also love all the fests and invasions you guys are doing!! keep up the good work guys! :D
I'm voting for doodles, gifting, parties, bossbot hq, true friends, and golf. I really want toontown rewritten to be as like toontown online as possible, but i also love all the fests and invasions you guys are doing!! keep up the good work guys! :D
Ginger Boingenboing said on January 12, 2015 at 4:30 PM
This is amazing! I love that everyone is working so hard to make this happen! I hope that bossbot HQ comes soon and that doodles do too!
This is amazing! I love that everyone is working so hard to make this happen! I hope that bossbot HQ comes soon and that doodles do too!
Princess Anna Kitty said on January 12, 2015 at 4:31 PM
Omg! This is awesome! I cant wait to check all the new updates when they come out! Keep up the great work! ( and dont stop!) GO TTR!
Omg! This is awesome! I cant wait to check all the new updates when they come out! Keep up the great work! ( and dont stop!) GO TTR!
Kelly said on January 12, 2015 at 4:32 PM
I would love Level 8 gags!!!! XD We should all beable to have level 8 gags. For good reasons too. Good for VPs and all boss levels too. Like, for a level 8 sound, maybe a fire siron. :D
I would love Level 8 gags!!!! XD We should all beable to have level 8 gags. For good reasons too. Good for VPs and all boss levels too. Like, for a level 8 sound, maybe a fire siron. :D
Captain Banjo Beanbrains said on January 12, 2015 at 4:33 PM
I think you should make cog nation and the chairman should be the boss. You would need all the cog suits at at least a level 8 Mr. Hollywood, Robber Barron, etc. You need 113 laff and Throw, Squirt, Lure, sound, and Toon-up maxed. Drop/Trap at at least level 6. This is just a suggestion and I hope you keep going. THANK YOU for all your work :D
I think you should make cog nation and the chairman should be the boss. You would need all the cog suits at at least a level 8 Mr. Hollywood, Robber Barron, etc. You need 113 laff and Throw, Squirt, Lure, sound, and Toon-up maxed. Drop/Trap at at least level 6. This is just a suggestion and I hope you keep going. THANK YOU for all your work :D
Captain Banjo Beanbrains said on January 12, 2015 at 4:33 PM
I think you should make cog nation and the chairman should be the boss. You would need all the cog suits at at least a level 8 Mr. Hollywood, Robber Barron, etc. You need 113 laff and Throw, Squirt, Lure, sound, and Toon-up maxed. Drop/Trap at at least level 6. This is just a suggestion and I hope you keep going. THANK YOU for all your work :D
I think you should make cog nation and the chairman should be the boss. You would need all the cog suits at at least a level 8 Mr. Hollywood, Robber Barron, etc. You need 113 laff and Throw, Squirt, Lure, sound, and Toon-up maxed. Drop/Trap at at least level 6. This is just a suggestion and I hope you keep going. THANK YOU for all your work :D
Flip Funnytoon said on January 12, 2015 at 4:34 PM
These ideas are great! I talked with my friends and we had a few ideas, too. Teleportation to boss HQs after maxing, like an extra bonus to the key you just got, for one. Gardening planting animation getting faster with new shovels, double merits/bucks (etc.) in factories and mints to avoid a nutty river situation. A real time top toons would be cool too in the book. Another minor thing that would be nice is a sound mixer, to turn down or up music in game. Thanks for reading!
These ideas are great! I talked with my friends and we had a few ideas, too. Teleportation to boss HQs after maxing, like an extra bonus to the key you just got, for one. Gardening planting animation getting faster with new shovels, double merits/bucks (etc.) in factories and mints to avoid a nutty river situation. A real time top toons would be cool too in the book. Another minor thing that would be nice is a sound mixer, to turn down or up music in game. Thanks for reading!
Pixie Stix said on January 12, 2015 at 4:34 PM
I really enjoy the idea of a COG NATION! Have toons defeat the highest boss of all, The Chairman! And maybe even special suits for them to get in!
I really enjoy the idea of a COG NATION! Have toons defeat the highest boss of all, The Chairman! And maybe even special suits for them to get in!
Captain B.D. said on January 12, 2015 at 4:35 PM
Maybe something amazing would be the option to customize your estate. Add rooms, maybe a 2nd floor too, or even customize the look on the outside of it. Another cool thing is that you can play a game where you try to defend the playground against the cogs in a somewhat medieval setup.
Maybe something amazing would be the option to customize your estate. Add rooms, maybe a 2nd floor too, or even customize the look on the outside of it. Another cool thing is that you can play a game where you try to defend the playground against the cogs in a somewhat medieval setup.
Sissy said on January 12, 2015 at 4:36 PM
Beast Mode said on January 12, 2015 at 4:37 PM
Sounds amazing TTR team, Thanks!
Sounds amazing TTR team, Thanks!
Clover Hulagrooven said on January 12, 2015 at 4:37 PM
new toons? I know the rendering might be a challenge, but there are designed toons that never got in like the goat! also I'd love other species like a jay, koala, or kangaroo. Fox would be cool too. You could like have a vote for next one! and maybe REALLY high level toons or toons with all the gags can make this special toon?
new toons? I know the rendering might be a challenge, but there are designed toons that never got in like the goat! also I'd love other species like a jay, koala, or kangaroo. Fox would be cool too. You could like have a vote for next one! and maybe REALLY high level toons or toons with all the gags can make this special toon?
Snow Shadow said on January 12, 2015 at 4:38 PM
I'm looking forward to all the great ideas! Memories have been brought back and I love how you guys are taking ToonTown Rewritten to the next level! Keep up this fantastic work! Suggestions? New animals maybe...?
I'm looking forward to all the great ideas! Memories have been brought back and I love how you guys are taking ToonTown Rewritten to the next level! Keep up this fantastic work! Suggestions? New animals maybe...?
lucky said on January 12, 2015 at 4:38 PM
Hmmm. I thought of making a new improved toon hq and a new cog hq! I will try to send you my idea of it. if i knew how to! :) Keep up the good work!
Hmmm. I thought of making a new improved toon hq and a new cog hq! I will try to send you my idea of it. if i knew how to! :) Keep up the good work!
Good Ol Chip ThunderTooth said on January 12, 2015 at 4:39 PM
I would say if someone were to max their cog suit they are able to teleport to the Cog HQ! And make gardening and fishing faster because it takes so much time I don't even bother to touch them. Also the servers have been lagging here and there so it would be nice if you fixed that too :) Thanks for everything!! Cant wait!!!
I would say if someone were to max their cog suit they are able to teleport to the Cog HQ! And make gardening and fishing faster because it takes so much time I don't even bother to touch them. Also the servers have been lagging here and there so it would be nice if you fixed that too :) Thanks for everything!! Cant wait!!!
MissSparklepop said on January 12, 2015 at 4:47 PM
Could we please have more v2.0 cog invasions with the update?
Could we please have more v2.0 cog invasions with the update?
Senior Mc Noodle Can said on January 12, 2015 at 4:47 PM
Well I was still wondering about those little pesky doodles if they will ever come again!
Well I was still wondering about those little pesky doodles if they will ever come again!
Doctor lucky fuzzynugget said on January 12, 2015 at 4:58 PM
Make doodles be trainable to fight as well as toon-up. Make the last cog suit go from 50 to 12 (why is the suits max level 50 in the first place?) make drop stop missing every time on bottom feeders. Make lvl 10 and up cogs have a 5% health increase. Make the organic gag have a lvl 8 gag, that can only be retrieved threw gardening ( you get one when you make the entire track organic ) that takes a week to get a new one. Make it so that you can skip the dances in street battles. Add lasercog summons, v2.0 cog summons, and skelecog summons. And a mini-boss cog on each street.
Make doodles be trainable to fight as well as toon-up. Make the last cog suit go from 50 to 12 (why is the suits max level 50 in the first place?) make drop stop missing every time on bottom feeders. Make lvl 10 and up cogs have a 5% health increase. Make the organic gag have a lvl 8 gag, that can only be retrieved threw gardening ( you get one when you make the entire track organic ) that takes a week to get a new one. Make it so that you can skip the dances in street battles. Add lasercog summons, v2.0 cog summons, and skelecog summons. And a mini-boss cog on each street.
Ludwig said on January 12, 2015 at 4:58 PM
Yay :D
Yay :D
Loopy Sniffy SnorkleFace said on January 12, 2015 at 5:02 PM
Please dont make the toons different i like old TTO's textures but im really looking forward to the new tweaks!
Please dont make the toons different i like old TTO's textures but im really looking forward to the new tweaks!
Jebz said on January 12, 2015 at 5:09 PM
1. Fix glitch where it will take certain toons forever to join the battle until GET COASTERS the clock gets down to 1, and where it takes a cog forever to join. 2. Add the skip button after battle to skip over other toons. 3. show toons head accessories when you click on their name 4. In the VP pie round, remove the floating laff meter from your own players head so only you cant see it, keep all the other toons floating meters there but make it so you cant see your own meter above your head. Just because it gets right in the way for aiming at the VP, and you can just check your regular meter in the bottom left.
1. Fix glitch where it will take certain toons forever to join the battle until GET COASTERS the clock gets down to 1, and where it takes a cog forever to join. 2. Add the skip button after battle to skip over other toons. 3. show toons head accessories when you click on their name 4. In the VP pie round, remove the floating laff meter from your own players head so only you cant see it, keep all the other toons floating meters there but make it so you cant see your own meter above your head. Just because it gets right in the way for aiming at the VP, and you can just check your regular meter in the bottom left.
Wicked Ben said on January 12, 2015 at 5:15 PM
I think you should add more task for people who are over 100+ because after that it's nothing but boring old "Just for fun" tasks! I think some new tweaks should attract the players who quit want to come back! Such as Level 8 gags, new cogs, New cog HQ (; (Not trying to be coggy)
I think you should add more task for people who are over 100+ because after that it's nothing but boring old "Just for fun" tasks! I think some new tweaks should attract the players who quit want to come back! Such as Level 8 gags, new cogs, New cog HQ (; (Not trying to be coggy)
Porky the duck said on January 12, 2015 at 5:16 PM
Joey said on January 12, 2015 at 5:32 PM
I think you should be able to take your doodles (when they come out) on walks.. And if they don't go on walks then they're sad.. And when you take them out on walks thats when they can help you out in battle. They could do more than just heal you even. They could have their own gags. Training a doodle would be more than just making them better at healing with more accuracy... Maybe they could even have their own gags and their own tracks. Except for that might be asking a little too much. But eventually the doodle will get tired and want to go home so you won't be able to just play with him and have him help you battle in the streets. There has to be some limit to it. I think if you did something like this, it'd make toontown so much better. You'd have him on your leash and you could take him all around toontown and show him off to all the toons. I think it's an awesome idea if i do say so myself :)
I think you should be able to take your doodles (when they come out) on walks.. And if they don't go on walks then they're sad.. And when you take them out on walks thats when they can help you out in battle. They could do more than just heal you even. They could have their own gags. Training a doodle would be more than just making them better at healing with more accuracy... Maybe they could even have their own gags and their own tracks. Except for that might be asking a little too much. But eventually the doodle will get tired and want to go home so you won't be able to just play with him and have him help you battle in the streets. There has to be some limit to it. I think if you did something like this, it'd make toontown so much better. You'd have him on your leash and you could take him all around toontown and show him off to all the toons. I think it's an awesome idea if i do say so myself :)
Crazy furball said on January 12, 2015 at 5:34 PM
how about level 13 cogs.
how about level 13 cogs.
Zack said on January 12, 2015 at 5:40 PM
New content is great, but of course you don't want to add TOO much new content to where it starts to divert from the original game. We want to revive toontown, not change it, so that we can look back and be reminded of what the original game was like. At the same time, it's very exciting to add completely new content beyond just tweaks. The key I think is to do both at once, so I propose some sort of split between the original content and the new content. I was going to suggest two separate games--one that closely resembles TTO, and another that's free to add whatever the heck we want, but I can imagine creating a whole new game would quite literally be twice the effort. A better idea would be to have some sort of separate quest in TTR, with new neighborhoods, gags, cogs, basically everything in it. Your toon could transfer between worlds but you would have different stats for both. Imagine the possibilities we would have this way--to add anything we want without fear of changing things too much. I'm getting myself excited now.
New content is great, but of course you don't want to add TOO much new content to where it starts to divert from the original game. We want to revive toontown, not change it, so that we can look back and be reminded of what the original game was like. At the same time, it's very exciting to add completely new content beyond just tweaks. The key I think is to do both at once, so I propose some sort of split between the original content and the new content. I was going to suggest two separate games--one that closely resembles TTO, and another that's free to add whatever the heck we want, but I can imagine creating a whole new game would quite literally be twice the effort. A better idea would be to have some sort of separate quest in TTR, with new neighborhoods, gags, cogs, basically everything in it. Your toon could transfer between worlds but you would have different stats for both. Imagine the possibilities we would have this way--to add anything we want without fear of changing things too much. I'm getting myself excited now.
Dylan said on January 12, 2015 at 5:40 PM
Pitterpatter said on January 12, 2015 at 5:41 PM
I'm sure you know how dreaded the little old man task is to us toons. Lil Old Man is on the top of the toon hit list, lol. About the only thing I'd like to suggest is a way to leave a mark so you can port back to it instead of all the running back and forth. That would make the game ever so much more fun, thanks. :D
I'm sure you know how dreaded the little old man task is to us toons. Lil Old Man is on the top of the toon hit list, lol. About the only thing I'd like to suggest is a way to leave a mark so you can port back to it instead of all the running back and forth. That would make the game ever so much more fun, thanks. :D
Spooktastic said on January 12, 2015 at 5:42 PM
Awesome! I think somethings that should be added are things like doodles, Bossbot HQ, Teleport acess to Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot HQs, new clothes, new toon colors, tto accessories, parties, tasks to change names or apperences, groups to fight The Chairman or The Director of Ambush Marketing, Golfing, new cogs, and so much more! Plz update ttr!
Awesome! I think somethings that should be added are things like doodles, Bossbot HQ, Teleport acess to Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot HQs, new clothes, new toon colors, tto accessories, parties, tasks to change names or apperences, groups to fight The Chairman or The Director of Ambush Marketing, Golfing, new cogs, and so much more! Plz update ttr!
Professor Felix said on January 12, 2015 at 5:45 PM
We need Level 15 cogs! This would make the game so much better and would be a challenge for advanced toons!
We need Level 15 cogs! This would make the game so much better and would be a challenge for advanced toons!
Bouncey Bumblespeed said on January 12, 2015 at 5:51 PM
Ok, I would like the bossbot suit task to be tweaked a little. I don't like having to wait for a 2.0 invasion. That pretty much means I have to have be on invasion tracker all day ( on weekends). I think you should make it so we have to defeat like 20 of each cog, etc. Just something other than the current one will be cool :D. Thank you TTR staff for everything you do.
Ok, I would like the bossbot suit task to be tweaked a little. I don't like having to wait for a 2.0 invasion. That pretty much means I have to have be on invasion tracker all day ( on weekends). I think you should make it so we have to defeat like 20 of each cog, etc. Just something other than the current one will be cool :D. Thank you TTR staff for everything you do.
Monkey Bread said on January 12, 2015 at 5:52 PM
Thanks! :)
Thanks! :)
Bonnie FM said on January 12, 2015 at 5:57 PM
Introduce a new toon character!!! Like a raccoon, fox, or even an elephant would be awesome! (I vote elephant!) Also adding a new cog would be awesome and he could be a level 13. He could either be an addition to Cashbots, Lawbots, Bossbots, or a Sellbot, OR you could make an entirely new species. I am not sure if any one has heard of the Cogfather who was rumored to be an addition to bossbots like 2 years ago. Maybe make him a bit more NOT as ugly as he is. Lastly: bring back the doodles!
Introduce a new toon character!!! Like a raccoon, fox, or even an elephant would be awesome! (I vote elephant!) Also adding a new cog would be awesome and he could be a level 13. He could either be an addition to Cashbots, Lawbots, Bossbots, or a Sellbot, OR you could make an entirely new species. I am not sure if any one has heard of the Cogfather who was rumored to be an addition to bossbots like 2 years ago. Maybe make him a bit more NOT as ugly as he is. Lastly: bring back the doodles!
Sydneymarie said on January 12, 2015 at 6:08 PM
I think once the pet shop opens, you should be able to buy other pets or even different fish tank sizes for your house that you can buy fish for. I always thought it was a tease saying that the pet shop was gonna buy your fish from you, but you couldn't buy any from them haha. I think other pets would be a lot of fun, but I know doodles first. One step at a time!
I think once the pet shop opens, you should be able to buy other pets or even different fish tank sizes for your house that you can buy fish for. I always thought it was a tease saying that the pet shop was gonna buy your fish from you, but you couldn't buy any from them haha. I think other pets would be a lot of fun, but I know doodles first. One step at a time!
Ducky said on January 12, 2015 at 6:19 PM
So you know how there is a day for fish bingo and the grand prix? Well, what if we had a double experience point day!! Just imagine, every Friday (or whatever day) double experience points for all! :D This would help gag training SOOOOOOOOO much. After defeating cogs for 5 hours, I must admit that it can get a tad bit boring. (especially when there is NO invasions and you get hardly any points!) I would love it if you would take my idea into consideration :) Also, just scrolling through the comments, I LOVED that idea about knowing if your building was a cog building or not before you wasted all of your time switching districts and running down those lonnnnnnnnngggggggggg streets ;) The random events thing was cool as well! I would love to randomly win merits or whatever. :D I do however feel that we need to preserve the originality of the game by keeping the gag levels only 6 tracks and up to level 7. Same goes for making toontasks easier. (I know LOM is a pain but trust me guys) Anyways, I cannot wait to see some new additions to the game that will spice things up, without taking away from it! Sorry this was so long lol. Love~Ducky
So you know how there is a day for fish bingo and the grand prix? Well, what if we had a double experience point day!! Just imagine, every Friday (or whatever day) double experience points for all! :D This would help gag training SOOOOOOOOO much. After defeating cogs for 5 hours, I must admit that it can get a tad bit boring. (especially when there is NO invasions and you get hardly any points!) I would love it if you would take my idea into consideration :) Also, just scrolling through the comments, I LOVED that idea about knowing if your building was a cog building or not before you wasted all of your time switching districts and running down those lonnnnnnnnngggggggggg streets ;) The random events thing was cool as well! I would love to randomly win merits or whatever. :D I do however feel that we need to preserve the originality of the game by keeping the gag levels only 6 tracks and up to level 7. Same goes for making toontasks easier. (I know LOM is a pain but trust me guys) Anyways, I cannot wait to see some new additions to the game that will spice things up, without taking away from it! Sorry this was so long lol. Love~Ducky
said on January 12, 2015 at 6:21 PM
Create more gags, my only suggestion. I think you enhance more than tweak
Create more gags, my only suggestion. I think you enhance more than tweak
Krazy King said on January 12, 2015 at 6:23 PM
TTR TEAM PLEASE READ:Teleport access to cog hq's,for example:reack level 50 mr.Hollywood then you have tp access to sellbot hq,Its important that you make toons happy is it not? i was just saying because if you read comments 9/10 will ask for tp access,but i still think you should have to earn it liike i previously said before:PLEASE READ TTR TEAM!
TTR TEAM PLEASE READ:Teleport access to cog hq's,for example:reack level 50 mr.Hollywood then you have tp access to sellbot hq,Its important that you make toons happy is it not? i was just saying because if you read comments 9/10 will ask for tp access,but i still think you should have to earn it liike i previously said before:PLEASE READ TTR TEAM!
Xavier said on January 12, 2015 at 6:33 PM
I think you guys should bring back all the content TTO already had first, Such as Doodles, Cattlelog Gifting, Minigolf, BBHQ, Toon parties, The street Power-ups, and the Field offices. So far only the Accessories and Gardening have been added.
I think you guys should bring back all the content TTO already had first, Such as Doodles, Cattlelog Gifting, Minigolf, BBHQ, Toon parties, The street Power-ups, and the Field offices. So far only the Accessories and Gardening have been added.
Doctor Zippety Zooblewhatsit said on January 12, 2015 at 6:35 PM
One of the things I would be most excited to see back are the doodles and their training! They were one of my favorite parts of the old toontown; making the estates a little less lonely and very useful to us toonup-less toons! Obviously all these will take some time, with so many suggestions. It's always great to hear how you all are coming along. Keep up the good work! I'm excited to see whatever features arrive next :D
One of the things I would be most excited to see back are the doodles and their training! They were one of my favorite parts of the old toontown; making the estates a little less lonely and very useful to us toonup-less toons! Obviously all these will take some time, with so many suggestions. It's always great to hear how you all are coming along. Keep up the good work! I'm excited to see whatever features arrive next :D
Long Fire said on January 12, 2015 at 6:36 PM
I got an idea, a second chance to change your look and then after that you have to pay 500 jellybeans.
I got an idea, a second chance to change your look and then after that you have to pay 500 jellybeans.
Super Doodle said on January 12, 2015 at 6:40 PM
You guys should change the music from compressed format to uncompressed format. It sounds much better that way.
You guys should change the music from compressed format to uncompressed format. It sounds much better that way.
Diamonds said on January 12, 2015 at 6:56 PM
Make it so its not 20 4+ story cog buildings. Make it like 10. it's too hard :P
Make it so its not 20 4+ story cog buildings. Make it like 10. it's too hard :P
Zoot said on January 12, 2015 at 6:58 PM
I have a couple ideas, personally. I noticed two different people mention the addition of tails and using buildings as something other than just tasks. I completely agree with these ideas, with the inclusion of more interaction with NPCs. Perhaps 'just for fun' errands that don't involve defeating Cogs? Or maybe striking actual conversations with major NPCs like Lil' Oldman or Flippy? I don't agree with level 8 gags, though; I feel like they'd be too overpowered, and, to be honest, our gags are already quite OP compared to the Cogs. (Not that that's bad!) Another visual effect that I'd love is the addition of hair. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I've always found Toons kinda bald-looking. Expanding the world is another change I'd love to see, too. Not necessarily adding more playgrounds (I think we have enough of those), but like side-streets that lead into cool, scenic areas. I can totally dig a real Graphite Gulch or Watercolor Woods to explore! And a big idea that probably sounds extremely farfetched, but hey, it's the Comments section, so why not spit it out? I honestly don't think Toontown is... Toony enough. Yeah yeah, I hear your gasps. There are bright colors everywhere, dancing fire hydrants (well, there were...), and wars are fought with everything including the kitchen sink. Still... in practically every single childhood cartoon, there's always that one moment where they twist the universe to their will in some way. Why not give Toons the ability to use Cartoon physics? It opens so many opportunities! Add a couple secret areas that can only be accessed by defying gravity (legally)! Train your ability by visiting Lil' Oldman? Yes, please! (Without Cog tasks... -prods ice cream cone task-) Using their Cartoon physics to levitate Cogs and treat 'em like Bugs does Daffy (and visa versa)? My life would be complete! Sign all the petitions! Make a change! Toontown needs laws to match its surroundings! Oh, and a High Five emote would be cool, too. Perhaps when two Toons in the same vicinity click it, they jump and high five? Heck yeah, what an awesome way to greet your friends! If you've reached the bottom of this ginormous wall of text, I applaud you. Have a virtual cream pie slice.
I have a couple ideas, personally. I noticed two different people mention the addition of tails and using buildings as something other than just tasks. I completely agree with these ideas, with the inclusion of more interaction with NPCs. Perhaps 'just for fun' errands that don't involve defeating Cogs? Or maybe striking actual conversations with major NPCs like Lil' Oldman or Flippy? I don't agree with level 8 gags, though; I feel like they'd be too overpowered, and, to be honest, our gags are already quite OP compared to the Cogs. (Not that that's bad!) Another visual effect that I'd love is the addition of hair. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I've always found Toons kinda bald-looking. Expanding the world is another change I'd love to see, too. Not necessarily adding more playgrounds (I think we have enough of those), but like side-streets that lead into cool, scenic areas. I can totally dig a real Graphite Gulch or Watercolor Woods to explore! And a big idea that probably sounds extremely farfetched, but hey, it's the Comments section, so why not spit it out? I honestly don't think Toontown is... Toony enough. Yeah yeah, I hear your gasps. There are bright colors everywhere, dancing fire hydrants (well, there were...), and wars are fought with everything including the kitchen sink. Still... in practically every single childhood cartoon, there's always that one moment where they twist the universe to their will in some way. Why not give Toons the ability to use Cartoon physics? It opens so many opportunities! Add a couple secret areas that can only be accessed by defying gravity (legally)! Train your ability by visiting Lil' Oldman? Yes, please! (Without Cog tasks... -prods ice cream cone task-) Using their Cartoon physics to levitate Cogs and treat 'em like Bugs does Daffy (and visa versa)? My life would be complete! Sign all the petitions! Make a change! Toontown needs laws to match its surroundings! Oh, and a High Five emote would be cool, too. Perhaps when two Toons in the same vicinity click it, they jump and high five? Heck yeah, what an awesome way to greet your friends! If you've reached the bottom of this ginormous wall of text, I applaud you. Have a virtual cream pie slice.
Emmica said on January 12, 2015 at 7:08 PM
Great job guys! Glad to see you working hard! I think it would be cool if there was a way to travel around streets quicker. Maybe some sort of transportation vehicle...doodles, maybe? :) I also think that new gag tracks, bosses, (included Bossbot HQ) and new cog types would be nice. Keep up the Great Work! TOONS UNITE!!!
Great job guys! Glad to see you working hard! I think it would be cool if there was a way to travel around streets quicker. Maybe some sort of transportation vehicle...doodles, maybe? :) I also think that new gag tracks, bosses, (included Bossbot HQ) and new cog types would be nice. Keep up the Great Work! TOONS UNITE!!!
Magical Stocking said on January 12, 2015 at 7:11 PM
I was thinking maybe let cat toons make one body part black instead of having the full body black and let them do that maybe once a month, and instead of having just one day to make black cats for Halloween, maybe make Halloween week, where you can make a black cat for the entire week, double experience every few hours, and a few mega invasions? I know it kinda sounds like a bit too much, but I would really love to see this happen in the future!
I was thinking maybe let cat toons make one body part black instead of having the full body black and let them do that maybe once a month, and instead of having just one day to make black cats for Halloween, maybe make Halloween week, where you can make a black cat for the entire week, double experience every few hours, and a few mega invasions? I know it kinda sounds like a bit too much, but I would really love to see this happen in the future!
Handsome Jack said on January 12, 2015 at 7:12 PM
An alternate way to get merits/bucks/notices/options would be nice. Doing 7 factories in a row to get max merits isn't what i'd like to call exciting. Maybe even a variety of factory layouts? I just really hate factories.
An alternate way to get merits/bucks/notices/options would be nice. Doing 7 factories in a row to get max merits isn't what i'd like to call exciting. Maybe even a variety of factory layouts? I just really hate factories.
Sally Hulasnooker said on January 12, 2015 at 7:15 PM
Could we please have a way to skip past the other toons tasks after fighting a cog takes up so much time. Also bigger closets, chests. A way to have constant access our jellybeans without always having to run home to the bank. I'd like toons to have tails. Make gardening faster, esp. shoveling and planting. thank you for listening.
Could we please have a way to skip past the other toons tasks after fighting a cog takes up so much time. Also bigger closets, chests. A way to have constant access our jellybeans without always having to run home to the bank. I'd like toons to have tails. Make gardening faster, esp. shoveling and planting. thank you for listening.
said on January 12, 2015 at 7:16 PM
I say make a new land in the empty hill area around goofy speedway. Like CogNation. Heart and soul of toontown lies within CogNation. Just take like various parts of the hqs (or make new ones) and have 4 sections of the cog nation. North of CogNation will be Bossbots, East will be lawbots, West will be Cashbots and south will be Sellbots. Like, each section of cog type in CogNation will be a mini hq. Not the full hqs like SB HQ or LB HQ (for example), but like different factory type runs for each cog type in CogNation. Kind of how Bossbot Hq does it, but each "thing" in Bossbot HQ are the factory runs for each Cog Type (or whatever those things are in Bossbot Hq. Not the boss battle, but the other things). Then, have there be an ultimate boss battle in the center of CogNation. That would absolutely be the best addition possible to Toontown Rewritten. Disney thought about adding it to the original Toontown Online around its launch in 2003, but failed to do so (or just laid off the idea). No doubt about it, it would be hard, but with how hard Toontown Rewritten has worked within this game, I believe/know they can do it. Best possible addition to the game.
I say make a new land in the empty hill area around goofy speedway. Like CogNation. Heart and soul of toontown lies within CogNation. Just take like various parts of the hqs (or make new ones) and have 4 sections of the cog nation. North of CogNation will be Bossbots, East will be lawbots, West will be Cashbots and south will be Sellbots. Like, each section of cog type in CogNation will be a mini hq. Not the full hqs like SB HQ or LB HQ (for example), but like different factory type runs for each cog type in CogNation. Kind of how Bossbot Hq does it, but each "thing" in Bossbot HQ are the factory runs for each Cog Type (or whatever those things are in Bossbot Hq. Not the boss battle, but the other things). Then, have there be an ultimate boss battle in the center of CogNation. That would absolutely be the best addition possible to Toontown Rewritten. Disney thought about adding it to the original Toontown Online around its launch in 2003, but failed to do so (or just laid off the idea). No doubt about it, it would be hard, but with how hard Toontown Rewritten has worked within this game, I believe/know they can do it. Best possible addition to the game.
Piggly Wiggly said on January 12, 2015 at 7:19 PM
Get more intricate with fishing. You could have fishing poles with abilities.. (more likely to catch a certain fish, or jellybeans, etc.) Also, more short cuts on streets, like how on one street in toon town you can go from one corner to another through an alley. That saves time for those needing to get around a little faster.
Get more intricate with fishing. You could have fishing poles with abilities.. (more likely to catch a certain fish, or jellybeans, etc.) Also, more short cuts on streets, like how on one street in toon town you can go from one corner to another through an alley. That saves time for those needing to get around a little faster.
Miss Kit said on January 12, 2015 at 7:23 PM
I would really like it if I could Have A bigger/better house and clothes!! Also, A larger variety in trolley games would be SOOO nice!!
I would really like it if I could Have A bigger/better house and clothes!! Also, A larger variety in trolley games would be SOOO nice!!
Little Yippie MacSeed said on January 12, 2015 at 7:23 PM
I have a suggestion about when the doodles come back. Well you know how annoying training a doodle can be... what if doodles in Donald's Dreamland are maxed in every trick. The doodles in Toontown Central can be maxed in nothing (if you like the training part). There should be doodles maxed in certain tricks depending on the playground you buy them in, but they can still be trained to be maxed in every trick.
I have a suggestion about when the doodles come back. Well you know how annoying training a doodle can be... what if doodles in Donald's Dreamland are maxed in every trick. The doodles in Toontown Central can be maxed in nothing (if you like the training part). There should be doodles maxed in certain tricks depending on the playground you buy them in, but they can still be trained to be maxed in every trick.
Coconut said on January 12, 2015 at 7:27 PM
DOODLES DOODLES DOODLES DOODLES AND MORE DOODLES And You should be able to choose the color of the doodles also gloves
DOODLES DOODLES DOODLES DOODLES AND MORE DOODLES And You should be able to choose the color of the doodles also gloves
Miss Kit said on January 12, 2015 at 7:28 PM
Toontown is AWESOME but I really wish i could cange my name.Also, it would be sweet if i could you could change Where your house is on the estate and make the outside of the house better. :)
Toontown is AWESOME but I really wish i could cange my name.Also, it would be sweet if i could you could change Where your house is on the estate and make the outside of the house better. :)
Greg said on January 12, 2015 at 7:29 PM
I don't mean to upset anybody, but I honestly want the V2.0 Cog Invasions to stop because I don't think it's a good idea for toons to get their Bossbot Disguises in an easy fashion. I've always been told that you don't just get everything you want. You got to EARN THEM!
I don't mean to upset anybody, but I honestly want the V2.0 Cog Invasions to stop because I don't think it's a good idea for toons to get their Bossbot Disguises in an easy fashion. I've always been told that you don't just get everything you want. You got to EARN THEM!
little roxy picklesocks said on January 12, 2015 at 7:44 PM
Another wonderful, Toontasic year has passed but this is the beging of a cog invasoin
Another wonderful, Toontasic year has passed but this is the beging of a cog invasoin
Joey said on January 12, 2015 at 7:48 PM
I never know which cog will or won't have knockback points. (the bonus points when you hit a lured cog) When cogs were lure on TTO, the dizzy/entranced animation wasn't there. They just stood there... And I think it should still be like that... (wait for it) ...for cogs who receive no knockback points! That'd make things so much easier. And I can't think of a reason in the tooniverse why this isn't a good idea. So, lured cogs with knockback bonus are swaying back and forth in a daze (like they already do), but cogs without the knockback bonus just stand there.
I never know which cog will or won't have knockback points. (the bonus points when you hit a lured cog) When cogs were lure on TTO, the dizzy/entranced animation wasn't there. They just stood there... And I think it should still be like that... (wait for it) ...for cogs who receive no knockback points! That'd make things so much easier. And I can't think of a reason in the tooniverse why this isn't a good idea. So, lured cogs with knockback bonus are swaying back and forth in a daze (like they already do), but cogs without the knockback bonus just stand there.
King Jake said on January 12, 2015 at 7:53 PM
Ness said on January 12, 2015 at 7:58 PM
I wish the pet shop was here and we can buy our doodles!
I wish the pet shop was here and we can buy our doodles!
Pink Cat said on January 12, 2015 at 8:08 PM
Doodles (the pets), bossbot hq, tp to hqs, 2.0 invasion, ceo, quicker gardening, toon dye: be able to change your toons color
Doodles (the pets), bossbot hq, tp to hqs, 2.0 invasion, ceo, quicker gardening, toon dye: be able to change your toons color
sourtoes said on January 12, 2015 at 8:24 PM
I would love to have a mustache:) and anyway of making the factory more exciting? same thing over and over and over....
I would love to have a mustache:) and anyway of making the factory more exciting? same thing over and over and over....
Big Max said on January 12, 2015 at 8:35 PM
Have you ever picked a task and realized it wasn't what you thought it was and now you can't get rid of it without grinding? I would like to suggest a delete task option. Another option I'd like to see is the ability to change your choice of gags, ie. delete trap and train for drop instead.
Have you ever picked a task and realized it wasn't what you thought it was and now you can't get rid of it without grinding? I would like to suggest a delete task option. Another option I'd like to see is the ability to change your choice of gags, ie. delete trap and train for drop instead.
smokey said on January 12, 2015 at 8:42 PM
It would be nice if the guy toons had long and short pants to wear and different hair doos , but what ever the out come, ToonTown Rewritten is the BOMB!
It would be nice if the guy toons had long and short pants to wear and different hair doos , but what ever the out come, ToonTown Rewritten is the BOMB!
Crazy Furball said on January 12, 2015 at 8:43 PM
I would like the level 13 and 14 cogs for the challenge i like to be challenge and not to be mean but if you want to get more experience your going to have to work for it and no short cuts.
I would like the level 13 and 14 cogs for the challenge i like to be challenge and not to be mean but if you want to get more experience your going to have to work for it and no short cuts.
Christine said on January 12, 2015 at 9:06 PM
I got an idea! Maybe add the Chairman and for the suit, you can start off with a sellbot suit, then move on to Cashbot after you get to level 12 Holly, then after you get to Bossbot either lvl 12 or 50, you max. Idk it's just a suggestion.
I got an idea! Maybe add the Chairman and for the suit, you can start off with a sellbot suit, then move on to Cashbot after you get to level 12 Holly, then after you get to Bossbot either lvl 12 or 50, you max. Idk it's just a suggestion.
Peanut said on January 12, 2015 at 9:21 PM
Toontasks that reward you with merits, cog bucks, etc would be amazing. I don't mind the factory but once you get close to max suit it becomes very tedious. Also, a way to speed up the dancing portion of fights; if I remember correctly tto started this up right before they shut down. Also, I wish I could gift things to people (i.e. jelly beans, clothes, etc) and it could be sent to their mailbox through the cattlelog. Most of all, though, I would like these district resets to become less frequent and the crashing less widespread. I appreciate all the hard work you're putting in trying to make the game more fun or perhaps different than tto, but it's quite hard to enjoy a game that crashes you out constantly during busy times such as the weekends. All in all, keep up the good work and soso happy this game is back in action.
Toontasks that reward you with merits, cog bucks, etc would be amazing. I don't mind the factory but once you get close to max suit it becomes very tedious. Also, a way to speed up the dancing portion of fights; if I remember correctly tto started this up right before they shut down. Also, I wish I could gift things to people (i.e. jelly beans, clothes, etc) and it could be sent to their mailbox through the cattlelog. Most of all, though, I would like these district resets to become less frequent and the crashing less widespread. I appreciate all the hard work you're putting in trying to make the game more fun or perhaps different than tto, but it's quite hard to enjoy a game that crashes you out constantly during busy times such as the weekends. All in all, keep up the good work and soso happy this game is back in action.
Lechon Kawali said on January 12, 2015 at 9:47 PM
More and higher toon up on playgrounds especially on the higher level grounds, new and bigger world. More task and especial gift items for specific task. Also on vp its hard for those smaller toons to get promoted because of not being picked I wish there is a limit of big toons and let smaller toons join. Thank you very much to all the work you guys put on this, I wish I can give you all a big hug :)
More and higher toon up on playgrounds especially on the higher level grounds, new and bigger world. More task and especial gift items for specific task. Also on vp its hard for those smaller toons to get promoted because of not being picked I wish there is a limit of big toons and let smaller toons join. Thank you very much to all the work you guys put on this, I wish I can give you all a big hug :)
Weird Dog said on January 12, 2015 at 9:56 PM
Mrs. Oreo Milkshake said on January 12, 2015 at 10:05 PM
new fish species, new clothes, new trolley games(like lazer tag or water balloon fights), maaaaaybe hairdos(like hairstyles from different times such as 50s,60's,90's etc) xD and more accessories :3 tiny top hats with feathers in them or EARRINGS :D <3
new fish species, new clothes, new trolley games(like lazer tag or water balloon fights), maaaaaybe hairdos(like hairstyles from different times such as 50s,60's,90's etc) xD and more accessories :3 tiny top hats with feathers in them or EARRINGS :D <3
Crazy Furball said on January 12, 2015 at 10:15 PM
thanks for all your hard work. :)
thanks for all your hard work. :)
Big Max said on January 12, 2015 at 10:22 PM
I haven't seen this suggestion but I think most would agree. Can we tweak the view so we can see the cog's level during battle? Perhaps make the numbers bigger so we can see them in Boss battles without straining. Speaking of VP, how about make the SOS more visible for Shoppers?
I haven't seen this suggestion but I think most would agree. Can we tweak the view so we can see the cog's level during battle? Perhaps make the numbers bigger so we can see them in Boss battles without straining. Speaking of VP, how about make the SOS more visible for Shoppers?
Archie said on January 12, 2015 at 10:23 PM
Combine the HQs and Factories in all the districts so it's easier to get groups together to fight the bosses.
Combine the HQs and Factories in all the districts so it's easier to get groups together to fight the bosses.
Miss Kit said on January 12, 2015 at 10:36 PM
I do LOVE TTR the way it is right now and THANK YOU TTR staff!!! But so many people say that being a high level toon is so boring! I would hate to have to quit TTR because it got boring. I think it would be SO sweet if high level toons could create buildings of their own!!!! Like the ones on the street! Or being able to create your own personal levels! Personal Cogs! Personal Gags! I don't know if you guys can do that but it would be AWESOME!!!!
I do LOVE TTR the way it is right now and THANK YOU TTR staff!!! But so many people say that being a high level toon is so boring! I would hate to have to quit TTR because it got boring. I think it would be SO sweet if high level toons could create buildings of their own!!!! Like the ones on the street! Or being able to create your own personal levels! Personal Cogs! Personal Gags! I don't know if you guys can do that but it would be AWESOME!!!!
Miss Kit said on January 12, 2015 at 10:41 PM
Could high (100 laff or something) toons be able to create toontasks for the lower toons? That would be so cool! :)
Could high (100 laff or something) toons be able to create toontasks for the lower toons? That would be so cool! :)
Mrs. Oreo Milkshake said on January 12, 2015 at 10:47 PM
also i don't think u guys should put tp access to cog HQ 's honestly because it's really not that far of a walk o_o i mean for lawbot HQ all u need to do is use that lil short cut at the beginning of the street and you're there, for bossbot HQ u can just tp to chip n dales and walk there, the street leading to sellbot HQ isn't long AT ALL ._. and as for cashbot...that's really the ONLY HQ that takes a while to walk to xD walking to all these HQ's takes less than a minute
also i don't think u guys should put tp access to cog HQ 's honestly because it's really not that far of a walk o_o i mean for lawbot HQ all u need to do is use that lil short cut at the beginning of the street and you're there, for bossbot HQ u can just tp to chip n dales and walk there, the street leading to sellbot HQ isn't long AT ALL ._. and as for cashbot...that's really the ONLY HQ that takes a while to walk to xD walking to all these HQ's takes less than a minute
Mr. Oreo Milkshake said on January 12, 2015 at 10:53 PM
New cogs, level 8 gags and perhaps a 6th story floor! Here are my ideas. bossbot - Head Honcho Lawbot - The Attorney cashbot - Corporate Banker sellbot - Mr. Wealthy bldgs idea - 6 story, use the newer cogs as mini bosses use their faces to indicate the 6th floor. toonup - "Theater" (in progress) "Instrumental" (guitar, drums, DJ, any instrument) trap - "Tar Pits" "Conveyor Belt" (smushes cogs like goons) lure - "The Lottery" (Push button and thousands of dollars fall from the sky.) sound - "Train Horn" throw - "Castle Cake" squirt - "Tsunami" drop - "Plane" "Bridge"
New cogs, level 8 gags and perhaps a 6th story floor! Here are my ideas. bossbot - Head Honcho Lawbot - The Attorney cashbot - Corporate Banker sellbot - Mr. Wealthy bldgs idea - 6 story, use the newer cogs as mini bosses use their faces to indicate the 6th floor. toonup - "Theater" (in progress) "Instrumental" (guitar, drums, DJ, any instrument) trap - "Tar Pits" "Conveyor Belt" (smushes cogs like goons) lure - "The Lottery" (Push button and thousands of dollars fall from the sky.) sound - "Train Horn" throw - "Castle Cake" squirt - "Tsunami" drop - "Plane" "Bridge"
Miss Terry Us said on January 12, 2015 at 11:00 PM
My suggestion would be to put something in the game that will allow toons to know when a boss battle is about to take place. For some who choose to have a lot of friends fighting the HQ bosses may not be a problem. For others like myself it could be. It would be nice to have an in game device that will let us know when and where a battle will take place. Like a schedule.
My suggestion would be to put something in the game that will allow toons to know when a boss battle is about to take place. For some who choose to have a lot of friends fighting the HQ bosses may not be a problem. For others like myself it could be. It would be nice to have an in game device that will let us know when and where a battle will take place. Like a schedule.
MidnightRider said on January 12, 2015 at 11:04 PM
An accessories shop, like the clothing shop but for accessories. Ones that will not be in the cattelog. You could earn an accessories ticket. I always thought it would be cool if there was a mall of sort in acorn acres. I always thought when you MAX an HQ the key should allow you tp access to that HQ. The toon names are hard to read. Text with an outline similar to the text that shows your toon houses at your estate is much easier to read. Having your name color match your toon I always thought would be nice. Also, the cog name and level tags are SO hard to read!! A change in the color rather than black is long overdue. The progress you have made with this game is remarkable. I am excited to see what is next and I truly believe Toontown Rewritten is the best thing to ever happen to Toontown!
An accessories shop, like the clothing shop but for accessories. Ones that will not be in the cattelog. You could earn an accessories ticket. I always thought it would be cool if there was a mall of sort in acorn acres. I always thought when you MAX an HQ the key should allow you tp access to that HQ. The toon names are hard to read. Text with an outline similar to the text that shows your toon houses at your estate is much easier to read. Having your name color match your toon I always thought would be nice. Also, the cog name and level tags are SO hard to read!! A change in the color rather than black is long overdue. The progress you have made with this game is remarkable. I am excited to see what is next and I truly believe Toontown Rewritten is the best thing to ever happen to Toontown!
PrincessPinkyGlitterSprinkles said on January 12, 2015 at 11:12 PM
Nice updates! Could you guys add a way for toons to sit? Ohh and 12 toons in one account? And watercolor toons or a rainbow toon? I really like this new update. :D
Nice updates! Could you guys add a way for toons to sit? Ohh and 12 toons in one account? And watercolor toons or a rainbow toon? I really like this new update. :D
Captain Lionel said on January 12, 2015 at 11:27 PM
Idea: Doodles! In tto were doodles, why not in ttr?
Idea: Doodles! In tto were doodles, why not in ttr?
Little Trixie said on January 13, 2015 at 12:14 AM
Hey guys, I played this game a long time ago, and I really appreciate what you're doing; I have to ask though, will there ever be any doodles? will the pet shop open? I'd love it and I know a lot of other toons would too!
Hey guys, I played this game a long time ago, and I really appreciate what you're doing; I have to ask though, will there ever be any doodles? will the pet shop open? I'd love it and I know a lot of other toons would too!
Z.Z. Fiddledorf said on January 13, 2015 at 1:02 AM
I love the turn-based battle system, but one way to make battles more interesting and a little less repetitive would be to add skilled key-combos during the battles. To understand better, look at games like Paper Mario. Same turn-based battle, but if you hit the correct key combo on attack, you get extra damage. On defense, you get less damage or cog misses. Along that vain, you could add something like "badges" that would tweak abilities and generally mix things up.
I love the turn-based battle system, but one way to make battles more interesting and a little less repetitive would be to add skilled key-combos during the battles. To understand better, look at games like Paper Mario. Same turn-based battle, but if you hit the correct key combo on attack, you get extra damage. On defense, you get less damage or cog misses. Along that vain, you could add something like "badges" that would tweak abilities and generally mix things up.
Snowy said on January 13, 2015 at 1:13 AM
What about a ToonCore mode? Where if you get sad, the toon is erased. It would be an Optional choice, giving you a notification like: Would You like to enable Tooncore mode? If you say No to this, you go on to creating your toon without risking your gags. But if you say yes, it asks: Are you sure? If you become sad, this toon is deleted! If you say No, you become a normal toon. But! If you say yes, You make your toon, with a Red name! That means, your in ToonCore mode.
What about a ToonCore mode? Where if you get sad, the toon is erased. It would be an Optional choice, giving you a notification like: Would You like to enable Tooncore mode? If you say No to this, you go on to creating your toon without risking your gags. But if you say yes, it asks: Are you sure? If you become sad, this toon is deleted! If you say No, you become a normal toon. But! If you say yes, You make your toon, with a Red name! That means, your in ToonCore mode.
Ashwath said on January 13, 2015 at 2:50 AM
Add a permanent clothing ticket, parties and PvP
Add a permanent clothing ticket, parties and PvP
Emerald said on January 13, 2015 at 2:58 AM
nice and good luck
nice and good luck
Revculter said on January 13, 2015 at 3:00 AM
Can we pleeaase get Doodles put in the game? That's one of my favorite parts about Toontown!
Can we pleeaase get Doodles put in the game? That's one of my favorite parts about Toontown!
wackyTdawg said on January 13, 2015 at 3:12 AM
honestly I think that some of the request changes the game too much like all 7 tracks of new track. maybe the game could use doodles and MORE PETS!!! BBHQ also some requests make toontown seem like its less fighting cogs and more doing random stuff I don't even decorate my home nor do I have interesting clothes I think its already too much with goovy speedway
honestly I think that some of the request changes the game too much like all 7 tracks of new track. maybe the game could use doodles and MORE PETS!!! BBHQ also some requests make toontown seem like its less fighting cogs and more doing random stuff I don't even decorate my home nor do I have interesting clothes I think its already too much with goovy speedway
Miss Bonkers said on January 13, 2015 at 3:23 AM
I would say make more shops avaliable. Like the pet shop..why can't we buy pets?
I would say make more shops avaliable. Like the pet shop..why can't we buy pets?
Ashwath said on January 13, 2015 at 3:23 AM
Also add elephant toon types
Also add elephant toon types
King Buster SourMuffin said on January 13, 2015 at 3:25 AM
I hope That either Bossbot Hq or field offices come back
I hope That either Bossbot Hq or field offices come back
Princess Sprinkleswirl said on January 13, 2015 at 3:36 AM
I would love more fish types and medals for catching them, or wearable tee shirts as rewards for collecting all of a fish type.
I would love more fish types and medals for catching them, or wearable tee shirts as rewards for collecting all of a fish type.
little melody pickle toon said on January 13, 2015 at 3:53 AM
Please grant us hq tp access
Please grant us hq tp access
super winky said on January 13, 2015 at 4:03 AM
NICE! what awesome tweaks would be to get back BBHQ, golfing, and parties! thanks for everything ttr!
NICE! what awesome tweaks would be to get back BBHQ, golfing, and parties! thanks for everything ttr!
Master von Electrosparkles said on January 13, 2015 at 4:20 AM
Another suggestion is to add something that allows toons to request for help for buildings. The criteria would be like Building type : Lawbot/Bossbot/Cashbot/Sellbot Floors : 1-5 Toons needed : 1-3 Special Rules: Sound only/No Soundless etc. District: Acrylic Acres etc This could work for Boss runs too Boss: VP/CFO/CJ/(CEO whenever it comes out) District: Watercolor Woods etc Toons needed : 1-7 Special Requirements: Sound only Or even factory,mints,and ABCD offices Run: Factory/Bullion Mint/D Office Toons needed: 1-3 District: Bliss Bayou etc. Special Requirements: Over 80 laff, not soundless etc. This would really help a lot of toons who can't find toond to help them.
Another suggestion is to add something that allows toons to request for help for buildings. The criteria would be like Building type : Lawbot/Bossbot/Cashbot/Sellbot Floors : 1-5 Toons needed : 1-3 Special Rules: Sound only/No Soundless etc. District: Acrylic Acres etc This could work for Boss runs too Boss: VP/CFO/CJ/(CEO whenever it comes out) District: Watercolor Woods etc Toons needed : 1-7 Special Requirements: Sound only Or even factory,mints,and ABCD offices Run: Factory/Bullion Mint/D Office Toons needed: 1-3 District: Bliss Bayou etc. Special Requirements: Over 80 laff, not soundless etc. This would really help a lot of toons who can't find toond to help them.
Lady Vader said on January 13, 2015 at 4:43 AM
New boss hq and playground, maybe add a new gag track not just an 8th gag, bring back field offices, maybe let us hold more in our house, bigger banks, change the clothes from the old tto
New boss hq and playground, maybe add a new gag track not just an 8th gag, bring back field offices, maybe let us hold more in our house, bigger banks, change the clothes from the old tto
tom said on January 13, 2015 at 4:44 AM
would be cool if you do the HQ of bossbot
would be cool if you do the HQ of bossbot
Braden said on January 13, 2015 at 5:55 AM
A Few Suggestions: Add Doodles Add More Karts Add More Fish Add More Gags Make Grinding Easier (Double XP Weekends like CoD)
A Few Suggestions: Add Doodles Add More Karts Add More Fish Add More Gags Make Grinding Easier (Double XP Weekends like CoD)
LadyBug said on January 13, 2015 at 6:20 AM
Bring back the pets :D
Bring back the pets :D
Mcducken Quackers said on January 13, 2015 at 6:27 AM
If you look in the picture of the schtiker book then you can see in the bottom right corner the picture of the bossbot HQ and the option to have teleport access! Foreshadowing? I don't know but it's quite exciting
If you look in the picture of the schtiker book then you can see in the bottom right corner the picture of the bossbot HQ and the option to have teleport access! Foreshadowing? I don't know but it's quite exciting
Fiona said on January 13, 2015 at 6:30 AM
one of the problem is that in the later part of the game there is no interaction with the tasks. you don't solve a problem in Dreamland.
one of the problem is that in the later part of the game there is no interaction with the tasks. you don't solve a problem in Dreamland.
Mcducken Quackers said on January 13, 2015 at 6:32 AM
NEW COGS!!! Maybe make level 13 - 20 cogs to make it super hard! New Bosses and maybe even new playgrounds!
NEW COGS!!! Maybe make level 13 - 20 cogs to make it super hard! New Bosses and maybe even new playgrounds!
Colonel Jellyroll said on January 13, 2015 at 6:50 AM
I think adding doodles, and golf would add a couple more interesting things to the great world of TTR!
I think adding doodles, and golf would add a couple more interesting things to the great world of TTR!
Ashwath said on January 13, 2015 at 7:30 AM
Also add true friends and other stuff the original ToonTown Online had
Also add true friends and other stuff the original ToonTown Online had
Doctor Flapjack Macwoof said on January 13, 2015 at 7:33 AM
These updates sound really cool, Nice job so far cant wait for the next updates!
These updates sound really cool, Nice job so far cant wait for the next updates!
Mcducken Quackers said on January 13, 2015 at 7:44 AM
You know what would be awesome? A new cog with it's own HQ.... IN MELODY LAND! It could be in the clouds and you have to board and elevator to get to the HQ. That would be so awesome. They might have to add or something but that wouldn't be too hard (I think). Anyway, thank you for all the awesome work you guys do and for bringing back the best game ever.
You know what would be awesome? A new cog with it's own HQ.... IN MELODY LAND! It could be in the clouds and you have to board and elevator to get to the HQ. That would be so awesome. They might have to add or something but that wouldn't be too hard (I think). Anyway, thank you for all the awesome work you guys do and for bringing back the best game ever.
cool rosie hulasocks said on January 13, 2015 at 7:48 AM
Princess Roxy said on January 13, 2015 at 8:02 AM
Make the game a bit longer! It gets a little boring just working on HQs when you're in the end. I would really like if there were more playgrounds and unlockables!
Make the game a bit longer! It gets a little boring just working on HQs when you're in the end. I would really like if there were more playgrounds and unlockables!
Princess Roxy said on January 13, 2015 at 8:14 AM
I have another idea to add: a optional chat log where you can see what everyone in your current area is saying. The way chat is displayed now is very difficult to read and keep up with especially in certain camera angles. Making it optional would be good for those who like to keep the original layout of TTO.
I have another idea to add: a optional chat log where you can see what everyone in your current area is saying. The way chat is displayed now is very difficult to read and keep up with especially in certain camera angles. Making it optional would be good for those who like to keep the original layout of TTO.
Crazy Kitty said on January 13, 2015 at 8:15 AM
I would want to see some more toons like foxes and sheep also some toons details like acutal tails lol i would be so happy to see it in game
I would want to see some more toons like foxes and sheep also some toons details like acutal tails lol i would be so happy to see it in game
Sir Salty said on January 13, 2015 at 8:23 AM
Just one thing, the catalog's special stuff isn't worth waiting a couple of years for, maybe you could tweak that?
Just one thing, the catalog's special stuff isn't worth waiting a couple of years for, maybe you could tweak that?
Twilight said on January 13, 2015 at 8:25 AM
I want doodles and parties back please!
I want doodles and parties back please!
super winky said on January 13, 2015 at 8:34 AM
One of my favorite parts of TTO was Bossbot HQ! id be very grateful If you'd bring it back!
One of my favorite parts of TTO was Bossbot HQ! id be very grateful If you'd bring it back!
Time Lord said on January 13, 2015 at 8:37 AM
I would love to enter a contest to add a new fish to each play ground pool. Also not so sure about double xp in Cog HQ's that would make it crazy busy maybe in factories.
I would love to enter a contest to add a new fish to each play ground pool. Also not so sure about double xp in Cog HQ's that would make it crazy busy maybe in factories.
Baby angel said on January 13, 2015 at 8:40 AM
A new playground with new tasks, maybe even new gags??
A new playground with new tasks, maybe even new gags??
samson said on January 13, 2015 at 8:45 AM
my toon is based on a story I've crated it would be more real if there was a code to make big toon last forever please do it!
my toon is based on a story I've crated it would be more real if there was a code to make big toon last forever please do it!
Little Ginger said on January 13, 2015 at 8:46 AM
Great! Keep up the super work! Things I suggest: making it possible to leave a message (or maybe mail a message) to a toon friend when not online, being able to send a message to all or some of your friends at once online (rather than the extremely slow situation of whispering to one at a time), having more 2.0 cog invasions, & last but not least can hardly wait for bossbot headquarters! Again, thanks for all you do and much success with the new plans!
Great! Keep up the super work! Things I suggest: making it possible to leave a message (or maybe mail a message) to a toon friend when not online, being able to send a message to all or some of your friends at once online (rather than the extremely slow situation of whispering to one at a time), having more 2.0 cog invasions, & last but not least can hardly wait for bossbot headquarters! Again, thanks for all you do and much success with the new plans!
Fancy SparkleQuack said on January 13, 2015 at 8:49 AM
Add Turtles, Sheep and Raccoons Please!
Add Turtles, Sheep and Raccoons Please!
Silly Daffy said on January 13, 2015 at 8:54 AM
Gag skins that you can buy/unlock. Example: The skin for the Birthday Cake could be a chocolate cake. Each gag would have 1-2 different skins. You can change the skins at the estate OR the gag shop. I don't want BBHQ just yet. Give us some more time to get our Bossbot suits!
Gag skins that you can buy/unlock. Example: The skin for the Birthday Cake could be a chocolate cake. Each gag would have 1-2 different skins. You can change the skins at the estate OR the gag shop. I don't want BBHQ just yet. Give us some more time to get our Bossbot suits!
Lady Mo Mo said on January 13, 2015 at 8:55 AM
Awesome! It would be glad if the gardening process would go faster.
Awesome! It would be glad if the gardening process would go faster.
J.C. Doggenglop said on January 13, 2015 at 8:56 AM
I wish that in the catalogs, we wouldn't have to wait hundred of days to get the special items. I also wish the gag trees that you plant would grow a lttle faster.
I wish that in the catalogs, we wouldn't have to wait hundred of days to get the special items. I also wish the gag trees that you plant would grow a lttle faster.
J.C. Doggenglop said on January 13, 2015 at 8:58 AM
PLEASE make it to where you can change the color of your toon. I wanted to make the same exact toon I had years ago in toontown online. but, I mistook the colors, and made the head pink, and the body purple and it absolutely drives me insane. I have ocd and it just drives me absolutely nuts.
PLEASE make it to where you can change the color of your toon. I wanted to make the same exact toon I had years ago in toontown online. but, I mistook the colors, and made the head pink, and the body purple and it absolutely drives me insane. I have ocd and it just drives me absolutely nuts.
magic said on January 13, 2015 at 9:00 AM
i suggest that you make more graphics in the game also a new cog hq would be good except for bbhq idk crimebot HQ or agentbot HQ xd
i suggest that you make more graphics in the game also a new cog hq would be good except for bbhq idk crimebot HQ or agentbot HQ xd
Neon said on January 13, 2015 at 9:15 AM
my before comment wasnt posted soz.. but i think my only idea here would be doodles. thanks! -neon
my before comment wasnt posted soz.. but i think my only idea here would be doodles. thanks! -neon
Princess said on January 13, 2015 at 9:16 AM
Oooooh! Nice! I always wanted to help giving ideas to TOONTOWN! Anyways, I'll give ideas for toontown when I- have Ideas! :3
Oooooh! Nice! I always wanted to help giving ideas to TOONTOWN! Anyways, I'll give ideas for toontown when I- have Ideas! :3
Furious George said on January 13, 2015 at 9:22 AM
There should be a way to change your species. Even if you only allow one change, that's fine. Thank you.
There should be a way to change your species. Even if you only allow one change, that's fine. Thank you.
McCheeseburger said on January 13, 2015 at 9:27 AM
I have been talking about this with my friends for a while now. I think buildings need boarding groups. I don't like it when people steal our buildings or when people crowd at the elevator wondering who should go. This is a great idea and I know others will love it too.
I have been talking about this with my friends for a while now. I think buildings need boarding groups. I don't like it when people steal our buildings or when people crowd at the elevator wondering who should go. This is a great idea and I know others will love it too.
Lightning said on January 13, 2015 at 9:58 AM
I think you should add in bossbot hq, golfing, field offices, pets, parties, and quicker gardening. I think you should add in something that toontown online use to have was been able to have all gag tracks so if you could add that in that would be great and if you do that you should make a bigger gag backpack. Thank you so much toontown rewritten.
I think you should add in bossbot hq, golfing, field offices, pets, parties, and quicker gardening. I think you should add in something that toontown online use to have was been able to have all gag tracks so if you could add that in that would be great and if you do that you should make a bigger gag backpack. Thank you so much toontown rewritten.
moo cow duck said on January 13, 2015 at 10:19 AM
it would be really nice and helpful to carry 6 toon task then 4. just a thought.
it would be really nice and helpful to carry 6 toon task then 4. just a thought.
kingnuttymcbouncer said on January 13, 2015 at 10:30 AM
cog hq with double experience, COOOOOOOOL!!!!!!! YAY! DO! IT!.
cog hq with double experience, COOOOOOOOL!!!!!!! YAY! DO! IT!.
Captain Furball Crunchybouncer said on January 13, 2015 at 10:35 AM
Hey Guys! Thanks for making TTR, you have certainly done a wonderful job. One thing I have always thought to be good would be the ability to train the final gag track at 137 laff to have all gags, or even add an exclusive gag track for maxed players. I would think this would be a huge incentive for players to reach 137, but I don't know, maybe people won't agree :)
Hey Guys! Thanks for making TTR, you have certainly done a wonderful job. One thing I have always thought to be good would be the ability to train the final gag track at 137 laff to have all gags, or even add an exclusive gag track for maxed players. I would think this would be a huge incentive for players to reach 137, but I don't know, maybe people won't agree :)
Captain Furball Crunchybouncer said on January 13, 2015 at 10:42 AM
I think another good addition would be perhaps level 13 and 14, or 14 and 15 level cogs (2 for each; boss/law/sell/cash) to be found only in HQs boss fights including no invasions. Current level 12s in HQs AND buildings.
I think another good addition would be perhaps level 13 and 14, or 14 and 15 level cogs (2 for each; boss/law/sell/cash) to be found only in HQs boss fights including no invasions. Current level 12s in HQs AND buildings.
Captain said on January 13, 2015 at 11:11 AM
Looking forward to it! I'd really love to seem more interactive furniture, from small things like opening cabinets or sitting on couches and beds, to activity-based furniture to further expand the open and empty space that is Toon Estates. Also a choice in house design would be awesome too, so you can expand your Estate, add rooms, etc! Can't wait to see what the future holds for this game!
Looking forward to it! I'd really love to seem more interactive furniture, from small things like opening cabinets or sitting on couches and beds, to activity-based furniture to further expand the open and empty space that is Toon Estates. Also a choice in house design would be awesome too, so you can expand your Estate, add rooms, etc! Can't wait to see what the future holds for this game!
rusty sourcrump said on January 13, 2015 at 11:13 AM
you should fix the door traps.
you should fix the door traps.
oswald said on January 13, 2015 at 11:29 AM
I want them to add bossbot hq
I want them to add bossbot hq
toon of all trades said on January 13, 2015 at 11:33 AM
What about if there was like a new type of cog and then in that hq the boss battle would be the chairman?
What about if there was like a new type of cog and then in that hq the boss battle would be the chairman?
Crazy Winky Cheezyswirl said on January 13, 2015 at 11:39 AM
For gardening, remove the message that says "You planted a (Flower name)." everytime you plant a flower and shorten the gardening shovel animation to just 1 animation.
For gardening, remove the message that says "You planted a (Flower name)." everytime you plant a flower and shorten the gardening shovel animation to just 1 animation.
Silly Daffy said on January 13, 2015 at 11:54 AM
White monkeys! You have Eddie the Yeti. Also, will you add gray? I've seen some parts of toons turn gray before.
White monkeys! You have Eddie the Yeti. Also, will you add gray? I've seen some parts of toons turn gray before.
Winter said on January 13, 2015 at 11:57 AM
Omg.. just got the best idea. obstacle courses for the bosses/mints/front3's/offices/factories!!! like you have to complete a few obstacle courses to get to the cogs.. making it harder!
Omg.. just got the best idea. obstacle courses for the bosses/mints/front3's/offices/factories!!! like you have to complete a few obstacle courses to get to the cogs.. making it harder!
Grim The Skeledog said on January 13, 2015 at 12:12 PM
This is going to be epic!
This is going to be epic!
Flapjack Featherflap said on January 13, 2015 at 12:13 PM
That is amazing! Rextexturizing? Wow, awesome. :D Well, I suggest a few things.... I'd like a higher framerate, I think a new gag track and a new line of cogs would be fun.... implement doodles and parties, maybe the ability to purchase Goofy's Speedway tickets with jellybeans? I think almost everyone would like to see the "Photo Fun" game go away... I've heard many complaints. Maybe add some new Trolley games too. ;) ALSO.... the Gardening cut-scenes? Well, um... a little annoying. Maybe shorten them?
That is amazing! Rextexturizing? Wow, awesome. :D Well, I suggest a few things.... I'd like a higher framerate, I think a new gag track and a new line of cogs would be fun.... implement doodles and parties, maybe the ability to purchase Goofy's Speedway tickets with jellybeans? I think almost everyone would like to see the "Photo Fun" game go away... I've heard many complaints. Maybe add some new Trolley games too. ;) ALSO.... the Gardening cut-scenes? Well, um... a little annoying. Maybe shorten them?
Sheldon said on January 13, 2015 at 12:16 PM
I love this update
I love this update
chance said on January 13, 2015 at 12:17 PM
plz add the pets on
plz add the pets on
Spike said on January 13, 2015 at 12:24 PM
I love the idea of you all doing double experience, regardless of an invasion! Its a great idea and one LIGHT suggestion by ME would be to add doodles! Those were a big part of TTO and I personally would enjoy having the once again! :) Thanks so much TTR Team! Keep up the AMAZING work!
I love the idea of you all doing double experience, regardless of an invasion! Its a great idea and one LIGHT suggestion by ME would be to add doodles! Those were a big part of TTO and I personally would enjoy having the once again! :) Thanks so much TTR Team! Keep up the AMAZING work!
Sheriff Beany said on January 13, 2015 at 12:46 PM
Hey! I would like the cog bosses to take less time. For VP, CFO and CJ its should not be as many cogs and not as many extreme levels. Thanks!
Hey! I would like the cog bosses to take less time. For VP, CFO and CJ its should not be as many cogs and not as many extreme levels. Thanks!
Beany Glitterswirl said on January 13, 2015 at 12:50 PM
This is awesome! I would tweak the bossbot suit tasks, at least until the bossbot HQ comes out. I have only been stuck on the v2.0 task for a few days but some of my friends have been stuck on it for quite a while. You also can't get any other tasks at the same time, like the small toon task or tasks for jellybeans. Just a suggestion. :)
This is awesome! I would tweak the bossbot suit tasks, at least until the bossbot HQ comes out. I have only been stuck on the v2.0 task for a few days but some of my friends have been stuck on it for quite a while. You also can't get any other tasks at the same time, like the small toon task or tasks for jellybeans. Just a suggestion. :)
muffin top said on January 13, 2015 at 1:06 PM
I would like to see teleport access to cog hq's.
I would like to see teleport access to cog hq's.
muffin top said on January 13, 2015 at 1:09 PM
Bring back the buy gifts for friends feature from tto.
Bring back the buy gifts for friends feature from tto.
Peaches said on January 13, 2015 at 1:21 PM
I would like to say what does work: Having bigger toons run the street to HQ 's allows them to help out toons on the street. Makes for a friendly atmosphere. Also gaining merits or other stuff always allows smaller toons to have bigger toons to help. I think there was a bigger picture here when the game was developed....helping others. If that goes away I would be sad. All larger toons may end up staying in HQ's if they can directly TP and not running into those in need. I personally love the thanks I get when I can help someone with depleted laff.
I would like to say what does work: Having bigger toons run the street to HQ 's allows them to help out toons on the street. Makes for a friendly atmosphere. Also gaining merits or other stuff always allows smaller toons to have bigger toons to help. I think there was a bigger picture here when the game was developed....helping others. If that goes away I would be sad. All larger toons may end up staying in HQ's if they can directly TP and not running into those in need. I personally love the thanks I get when I can help someone with depleted laff.
knuckles said on January 13, 2015 at 1:28 PM
I would like for sound to have a little more damage
I would like for sound to have a little more damage
Doctor FancyGigglePop said on January 13, 2015 at 1:35 PM
Can we get all of the gags on toontown? because i have seen nobody with all of the gags. So if u could... can we collect all of the gags? that would be AWESOME if u could! thanks!!!
Can we get all of the gags on toontown? because i have seen nobody with all of the gags. So if u could... can we collect all of the gags? that would be AWESOME if u could! thanks!!!
Duckette said on January 13, 2015 at 1:46 PM
Hmm.... New toon types and colors? Definitely... I mean, you guys are pretty good game designers (Psst! The Dizzy Dreidle was perfect!). Also, where's the Gifting and Bossbot HQ?
Hmm.... New toon types and colors? Definitely... I mean, you guys are pretty good game designers (Psst! The Dizzy Dreidle was perfect!). Also, where's the Gifting and Bossbot HQ?
Doctor Spacklequack said on January 13, 2015 at 1:49 PM
@Christmas Kitty O. M. G. Great idea! :D I know how annoying it is to have to scroll through EVERY. SINGLE. COLOR. So yeah, great thinking! :D -Dr. Spacklequack the 1# in Healing!
@Christmas Kitty O. M. G. Great idea! :D I know how annoying it is to have to scroll through EVERY. SINGLE. COLOR. So yeah, great thinking! :D -Dr. Spacklequack the 1# in Healing!
Ice Diamond said on January 13, 2015 at 1:56 PM
do a wish list, Ex:. I want anything in the catalog 6 and i don't have jelly beans, i put on list to buy besides the week pass but i still can buy.
do a wish list, Ex:. I want anything in the catalog 6 and i don't have jelly beans, i put on list to buy besides the week pass but i still can buy.
Mister Megamuffin said on January 13, 2015 at 1:56 PM
If I could tweak anything, I would probably change the trolley system. The trolley is meant to be a fun, neat way to earn jellybeans. However, some of the game modes take way too long, like the photo game. When they take that long and you wind up winning 43 jellybeans in roughly 2 minutes, something isn't right. I can go fishing and earn 43 jellybeans in less than 30 seconds. The trolley should reward us more for how much time we spend playing the games that might not be as fun. This being said, not all trolley games are that bad either. I personally really enjoy games like treasure dive, tug-of-war, match minnie, that one dice race game, the cannon minigame, etc. and it's all because they're short and reward you faster than the others. The two specific games I'd like to see changed the most - Photo Fun and the Maze game. Those games take forever to finish while being more difficult than it feels like they should be, especially when in photo fun the characters run behind terrain in the playground. The maze game is also incredibly difficult when you just keep bouncing from flunky to flunky and you have absolutely no chance to get back into the game. It also just feels like you don't earn as many jellybeans as you should for that game in the first place. Overall, it's just currently more rewarding to just go fishing for jellybeans, even though the trolley was supposed to be our way to meet up with random toons and have fun and make new friends while still being rewarded. However, since nobody plays the trolley anymore, it's not worth it, especially going alone.
If I could tweak anything, I would probably change the trolley system. The trolley is meant to be a fun, neat way to earn jellybeans. However, some of the game modes take way too long, like the photo game. When they take that long and you wind up winning 43 jellybeans in roughly 2 minutes, something isn't right. I can go fishing and earn 43 jellybeans in less than 30 seconds. The trolley should reward us more for how much time we spend playing the games that might not be as fun. This being said, not all trolley games are that bad either. I personally really enjoy games like treasure dive, tug-of-war, match minnie, that one dice race game, the cannon minigame, etc. and it's all because they're short and reward you faster than the others. The two specific games I'd like to see changed the most - Photo Fun and the Maze game. Those games take forever to finish while being more difficult than it feels like they should be, especially when in photo fun the characters run behind terrain in the playground. The maze game is also incredibly difficult when you just keep bouncing from flunky to flunky and you have absolutely no chance to get back into the game. It also just feels like you don't earn as many jellybeans as you should for that game in the first place. Overall, it's just currently more rewarding to just go fishing for jellybeans, even though the trolley was supposed to be our way to meet up with random toons and have fun and make new friends while still being rewarded. However, since nobody plays the trolley anymore, it's not worth it, especially going alone.
Wally said on January 13, 2015 at 2:06 PM
I think one thing I would add (and I have wanted this done since the toontown online days) new cogs,buildings,hqs, and new gags. I don't know, just a thought.
I think one thing I would add (and I have wanted this done since the toontown online days) new cogs,buildings,hqs, and new gags. I don't know, just a thought.
Vertex said on January 13, 2015 at 2:12 PM
Larger jellybean capacity would be amazing! For example, at the start of the game instead of holding 40 jellybeans you hold 200. It honestly doesn't make much sense to place such a small limit on jellybean carrying capacity, especially considering that lower toons have to restock on gags extremely often to do any damage at all. In order for them to restock, they must now spend more time getting jellybeans either by going to their estate and taking jellybeans from the bank, fishing, or riding the trolley (and honestly, fishing is probably faster than going to your bank filled with thousands of jellybeans that you've already spent time collecting).
Larger jellybean capacity would be amazing! For example, at the start of the game instead of holding 40 jellybeans you hold 200. It honestly doesn't make much sense to place such a small limit on jellybean carrying capacity, especially considering that lower toons have to restock on gags extremely often to do any damage at all. In order for them to restock, they must now spend more time getting jellybeans either by going to their estate and taking jellybeans from the bank, fishing, or riding the trolley (and honestly, fishing is probably faster than going to your bank filled with thousands of jellybeans that you've already spent time collecting).
Sofia said on January 13, 2015 at 2:13 PM
Faster fishing, gardening and especially golfing as well as racing because they all take so long to get laff boost, im glad that you are making the effort to make ttr better. :)
Faster fishing, gardening and especially golfing as well as racing because they all take so long to get laff boost, im glad that you are making the effort to make ttr better. :)
Thunderboom said on January 13, 2015 at 2:16 PM
I think you should make all cogs wander the streets.
I think you should make all cogs wander the streets.
Flip (SeaGreen Duck) :D said on January 13, 2015 at 2:19 PM
toonbert said on January 13, 2015 at 2:19 PM
gag limits for bosses
gag limits for bosses
Vertex said on January 13, 2015 at 2:20 PM
Also, I feel that comment system optimization would be a great improvement to the website. The ability for toons to reply to, upvote, and downvote comments would be nice.
Also, I feel that comment system optimization would be a great improvement to the website. The ability for toons to reply to, upvote, and downvote comments would be nice.
Bonzo said on January 13, 2015 at 2:20 PM
If you look on the map in the picture the mouse is hovering over BBHQ. Could this be telling us that it will be coming in the next update?
If you look on the map in the picture the mouse is hovering over BBHQ. Could this be telling us that it will be coming in the next update?
Loopy Cecil Poodlebouncer said on January 13, 2015 at 2:20 PM
For the new neighborhood ideas, we could have some unique environments. I could see something like... "Daisy's Desert", "Mickey's Magma Land", "Pluto Peaks", or perhaps even "The Funny Farm". It would add a lot of spice to the game, although I'm not quite sure how these would be implemented. Building level cogs could be walking the streets? - shrugs -
For the new neighborhood ideas, we could have some unique environments. I could see something like... "Daisy's Desert", "Mickey's Magma Land", "Pluto Peaks", or perhaps even "The Funny Farm". It would add a lot of spice to the game, although I'm not quite sure how these would be implemented. Building level cogs could be walking the streets? - shrugs -
Electra said on January 13, 2015 at 2:21 PM
I'm so excited! :D Thank you guys sooo much :)
I'm so excited! :D Thank you guys sooo much :)
toonbert said on January 13, 2015 at 2:24 PM
gag requirements for bosses
gag requirements for bosses
Barkage said on January 13, 2015 at 2:25 PM
The Cat's Meow said on January 13, 2015 at 2:38 PM
One small thing that I think would be amazing is if you added an option to change the controls and key bindings. Like for example you could change the way you move to W A S D which would be more comfortable for me or you could change jump to space. I know this is small but if you guys could add it, it would be amazing!
One small thing that I think would be amazing is if you added an option to change the controls and key bindings. Like for example you could change the way you move to W A S D which would be more comfortable for me or you could change jump to space. I know this is small but if you guys could add it, it would be amazing!
Captain Skippy Crumbleboom said on January 13, 2015 at 2:47 PM
First of all, this game is great. It brings back so many memories about my account on old toontown. A totally amazing thing that you could do is have an open weekend where you are allowed to play as maxed out toons. Also, you should make getting gag points a little bit easier; (especially low level lure!) Again, Thanks for everything!!!
First of all, this game is great. It brings back so many memories about my account on old toontown. A totally amazing thing that you could do is have an open weekend where you are allowed to play as maxed out toons. Also, you should make getting gag points a little bit easier; (especially low level lure!) Again, Thanks for everything!!!
said on January 13, 2015 at 2:49 PM
A lot of complaints I've been hearing so far is that the cog buildings were purposefully made harder in rewritten than in the original. I can't really remember the difficulty from the original, but lots of toons find that this is something that rewritten should tweak on. Btw you guys are amazing by making such a huge server in the first place :) Keep up the good work.
A lot of complaints I've been hearing so far is that the cog buildings were purposefully made harder in rewritten than in the original. I can't really remember the difficulty from the original, but lots of toons find that this is something that rewritten should tweak on. Btw you guys are amazing by making such a huge server in the first place :) Keep up the good work.
King Cricket said on January 13, 2015 at 2:56 PM
This sounds great!!! :D Something I've been thinking about are new animals to choose, if that's possible.... *cough* frogs, penguins, *cough*
This sounds great!!! :D Something I've been thinking about are new animals to choose, if that's possible.... *cough* frogs, penguins, *cough*
Marty said on January 13, 2015 at 3:01 PM
Amazing! Now I probably won't have to walk all the way to the Cog HQ's all the time!
Amazing! Now I probably won't have to walk all the way to the Cog HQ's all the time!
Prof. wacky crinklespeed said on January 13, 2015 at 3:03 PM
Hmm! Interesting.. I came up with a cool trolley idea i think you guys might like- The toontown lottery.It only happens on Sundays, and you have a 1 out of 100 chance of getting it. You pull a lever and it gives you a random amount of jellybeans. Ooh, ooh, and maybe at the point of getting the jellybeans, when your jar is full and it keeps adding to the bank, you should add a tiny icon that shows, the amount of jellybeans being added to your bank. So if you won 20 beans, and your jar was full, it would show the bank icon, and add the jellybeans to the bank. And yeah, I agree with Zoot- It really needs to be more.. "cartoony".. Maybe adding more emotions like.. Cane dance.. or a emotion that would say a random joke.. etc. I'm looking forward to see what you guys have in plan!
Hmm! Interesting.. I came up with a cool trolley idea i think you guys might like- The toontown lottery.It only happens on Sundays, and you have a 1 out of 100 chance of getting it. You pull a lever and it gives you a random amount of jellybeans. Ooh, ooh, and maybe at the point of getting the jellybeans, when your jar is full and it keeps adding to the bank, you should add a tiny icon that shows, the amount of jellybeans being added to your bank. So if you won 20 beans, and your jar was full, it would show the bank icon, and add the jellybeans to the bank. And yeah, I agree with Zoot- It really needs to be more.. "cartoony".. Maybe adding more emotions like.. Cane dance.. or a emotion that would say a random joke.. etc. I'm looking forward to see what you guys have in plan!
Christmas Kitty said on January 13, 2015 at 3:10 PM
Ability to change your gardening can's appearance. So basically you'd be able to, once you get huge watering can, make your watering can look like any of the previous looks but it will still give the same amount of water to the plant. Also, add in new appearances to buy in the cattlelog for watering cans.
Ability to change your gardening can's appearance. So basically you'd be able to, once you get huge watering can, make your watering can look like any of the previous looks but it will still give the same amount of water to the plant. Also, add in new appearances to buy in the cattlelog for watering cans.
Dogelwoof said on January 13, 2015 at 3:11 PM
I think double cog hq double experience regardless of invasion is a necessity for toontown rewritten. It would help so much it terms of lag/playability and allow all districts to be viable instead of one huge cluttered district that likely gets reset. Invasions will still be used for gag training and people can still find groups via the IRC or obviously just going with friends. Fishing not being ridiculously time consuming and gardening going a bit faster are also great ideas but the first one in my opinion is a must for the overall benefit of the game going forward.
I think double cog hq double experience regardless of invasion is a necessity for toontown rewritten. It would help so much it terms of lag/playability and allow all districts to be viable instead of one huge cluttered district that likely gets reset. Invasions will still be used for gag training and people can still find groups via the IRC or obviously just going with friends. Fishing not being ridiculously time consuming and gardening going a bit faster are also great ideas but the first one in my opinion is a must for the overall benefit of the game going forward.
frost (BlueIcing) said on January 13, 2015 at 3:12 PM
Whewww womp I would like to make a plumb, white, and black toon. No matter the species, no matter the time
Whewww womp I would like to make a plumb, white, and black toon. No matter the species, no matter the time
Midnight said on January 13, 2015 at 3:16 PM
Thanks So Much! I can't Wait For bossbot HQ To Come Out! I wanna Duo My First One :) I hope It comes Out Soon!
Thanks So Much! I can't Wait For bossbot HQ To Come Out! I wanna Duo My First One :) I hope It comes Out Soon!
Theik said on January 13, 2015 at 3:23 PM
I noticed that some easy quests take a long time. Like the ones where you need 10 Legal Eagles, Mingles, and Loan Sharks. I think there are two fixes here have districts with continual invasions of these cogs. Or have one at a time spawn at its Hq. The Dinomonkey Theik
I noticed that some easy quests take a long time. Like the ones where you need 10 Legal Eagles, Mingles, and Loan Sharks. I think there are two fixes here have districts with continual invasions of these cogs. Or have one at a time spawn at its Hq. The Dinomonkey Theik
Toonie said on January 13, 2015 at 3:41 PM
This is incredible! Congratulations on helping to keep Toontown alive for so long. I love the ideas you have so far provided, but doodles would also be nice. Also, I have never beat the game, but I hear that when one does, tasks are only for jelly beans. Some have said that gaining more merits would be best, and I think I would agree. It would also be neat, though, if you give the game infinite replayability, perhaps by creating some secondary motive for higher level players. It would be nice if this existed for lower level Toons, too: you are right about cog battles getting a bit repetitive. If there were some other path of action one could use to train their gags, though not necessarily trolley games, it would make Toontown much more fun. I apologize for being so unspecific, but that's it nonetheless. Finally, another idea I saw here is to expand buildings such that they become more interactive, perhaps by creating building types (restaurant, retail, entertainment, etc.), and creating a few different looks for each type. This would mean that each building in Toontown would be assigned something along the lines of both a type and thus a texture, which would spice up the current one-design-for-every-room look. Thanks! Can't wait to see what you do next!
This is incredible! Congratulations on helping to keep Toontown alive for so long. I love the ideas you have so far provided, but doodles would also be nice. Also, I have never beat the game, but I hear that when one does, tasks are only for jelly beans. Some have said that gaining more merits would be best, and I think I would agree. It would also be neat, though, if you give the game infinite replayability, perhaps by creating some secondary motive for higher level players. It would be nice if this existed for lower level Toons, too: you are right about cog battles getting a bit repetitive. If there were some other path of action one could use to train their gags, though not necessarily trolley games, it would make Toontown much more fun. I apologize for being so unspecific, but that's it nonetheless. Finally, another idea I saw here is to expand buildings such that they become more interactive, perhaps by creating building types (restaurant, retail, entertainment, etc.), and creating a few different looks for each type. This would mean that each building in Toontown would be assigned something along the lines of both a type and thus a texture, which would spice up the current one-design-for-every-room look. Thanks! Can't wait to see what you do next!
jabawooze said on January 13, 2015 at 3:41 PM
I ay make it so a toon can like a post on here see who has the most creative ideas so toons will be able to like each others post make it easier for u guys to pick god cmments. also I would suggest not to make double points during factories mints and offices only reason I say so is that would make the game easier and not just that but invasions came upon from cjs would be useless cause high toons use them for that specific thing they don't do bldgs. or train so the invasions from cjs would be useless. I would say tp accesses from hqs when u max ur suits. being able to hold the button on clothes when making a toon. and quicker gardening would make the game more affiecent
I ay make it so a toon can like a post on here see who has the most creative ideas so toons will be able to like each others post make it easier for u guys to pick god cmments. also I would suggest not to make double points during factories mints and offices only reason I say so is that would make the game easier and not just that but invasions came upon from cjs would be useless cause high toons use them for that specific thing they don't do bldgs. or train so the invasions from cjs would be useless. I would say tp accesses from hqs when u max ur suits. being able to hold the button on clothes when making a toon. and quicker gardening would make the game more affiecent
Arctic Wolf said on January 13, 2015 at 3:50 PM
Another election for a new species, and even add new species to it! The species could be: Cow Goat Chicken Fox Chipmunk And even a unicorn!
Another election for a new species, and even add new species to it! The species could be: Cow Goat Chicken Fox Chipmunk And even a unicorn!
Chip said on January 13, 2015 at 3:52 PM
I think you should add field offices cause I really liked them in the old game
I think you should add field offices cause I really liked them in the old game
Toon said on January 13, 2015 at 3:52 PM
Pleeeease bring back the 2010 Halloween costumes! I want the bee and supertoon skirt back, as well as the bee and supertoon shirt with the wings and cape on the back. I prefer the shirts with the cape and wings on them over wearing accessories. Just sell them in the cattlelogs for 2015 Halloween with the current ones. Same with the old vampire costume!
Pleeeease bring back the 2010 Halloween costumes! I want the bee and supertoon skirt back, as well as the bee and supertoon shirt with the wings and cape on the back. I prefer the shirts with the cape and wings on them over wearing accessories. Just sell them in the cattlelogs for 2015 Halloween with the current ones. Same with the old vampire costume!
said on January 13, 2015 at 3:53 PM
toggle accessory visibility as silly roxy featherquack said please!! i want the nostalgia back of when accessories weren't added
toggle accessory visibility as silly roxy featherquack said please!! i want the nostalgia back of when accessories weren't added
Buford Bumbletoon said on January 13, 2015 at 3:55 PM
Reading many of these suggestions concerns me so I figured I would give my 2 cents worth. Please do not do anything to make the game easier. I saw suggestions about making getting merits, cogbucks and jury notices easier. This is a game and becoming a more powerful toon should not be easy, if this was the case lets's just be maxed out when you sign up. No fun! If these people think it's hard now just wait for Bossbot HQ which leads me to my suggestion. I like many want to see BBHQ and it would be cool once you max out at a HQ you earn TP to that HQ. Other than that, love what your doing and can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
Reading many of these suggestions concerns me so I figured I would give my 2 cents worth. Please do not do anything to make the game easier. I saw suggestions about making getting merits, cogbucks and jury notices easier. This is a game and becoming a more powerful toon should not be easy, if this was the case lets's just be maxed out when you sign up. No fun! If these people think it's hard now just wait for Bossbot HQ which leads me to my suggestion. I like many want to see BBHQ and it would be cool once you max out at a HQ you earn TP to that HQ. Other than that, love what your doing and can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
Bearcat said on January 13, 2015 at 4:03 PM
I don't think toons should hold a building or boss only for their friends. this make an exclusive game when it should be open for everyone! i've waited for more than 20 minutes with a group then got kicked out when a friend showed up, even after i joined the group on irc!
I don't think toons should hold a building or boss only for their friends. this make an exclusive game when it should be open for everyone! i've waited for more than 20 minutes with a group then got kicked out when a friend showed up, even after i joined the group on irc!
Kouji said on January 13, 2015 at 4:08 PM
I have friends that have to fight like 400 cogs and they just get sick of it and quit, so a way to put fun into is to create a bigger world or a secondary world for the people who have finished something to look forward to you can have like another district for them or something and also maybe add catalogues like quicker with a toontask to do to earn that piece of clothing or furniture. And you should really fix your bugs like the internet crashes a lot with lots of people and people just get sick and leave to play another game hoping the next day something better will happen to find out its just an ordinary day on toontown is just boring sometimes.
I have friends that have to fight like 400 cogs and they just get sick of it and quit, so a way to put fun into is to create a bigger world or a secondary world for the people who have finished something to look forward to you can have like another district for them or something and also maybe add catalogues like quicker with a toontask to do to earn that piece of clothing or furniture. And you should really fix your bugs like the internet crashes a lot with lots of people and people just get sick and leave to play another game hoping the next day something better will happen to find out its just an ordinary day on toontown is just boring sometimes.
Awesomeness said on January 13, 2015 at 4:10 PM
YAY!!!! Cant wait!
YAY!!!! Cant wait!
Toontastic Cat said on January 13, 2015 at 4:11 PM
Hmm... I don't know what I'd tweak... Probably just some minor things that bug me sometimes. Like, in the Create-A-Toon it'd be easier if after seeing all the choices in clothes/toon style or whatever it would just go to the first choice, not a gray arrow. It'd also be cool if you could hold down the arrow and it would go, so that your fingers don't have to do any unnecessary exercise. (I don't know about you, but mine are couch potatoes!) Maybe you could add toontasks for bigger gag pouches, so that it's easier when you've completed your tasks to fight buildings and cogs without having to run back for gags. I'd also love it if you would make it so you could get past 120 laff or however high it is, eventually. I'll be coming back for more, so stay TOONed!!
Hmm... I don't know what I'd tweak... Probably just some minor things that bug me sometimes. Like, in the Create-A-Toon it'd be easier if after seeing all the choices in clothes/toon style or whatever it would just go to the first choice, not a gray arrow. It'd also be cool if you could hold down the arrow and it would go, so that your fingers don't have to do any unnecessary exercise. (I don't know about you, but mine are couch potatoes!) Maybe you could add toontasks for bigger gag pouches, so that it's easier when you've completed your tasks to fight buildings and cogs without having to run back for gags. I'd also love it if you would make it so you could get past 120 laff or however high it is, eventually. I'll be coming back for more, so stay TOONed!!
Star Electronerd said on January 13, 2015 at 4:15 PM
You know what would be really cool? Level 8 Gags. Also, don't forget Super Throw and Super Squirt and make the objects on the street wake up! Still, great work Toontown!
You know what would be really cool? Level 8 Gags. Also, don't forget Super Throw and Super Squirt and make the objects on the street wake up! Still, great work Toontown!
Anita Cuppa Coffee said on January 13, 2015 at 4:16 PM
How about advances in the trolley games. Make levels like becoming a master in each game and then awarding laff points for that mastery?
How about advances in the trolley games. Make levels like becoming a master in each game and then awarding laff points for that mastery?
weird drippy lemonspeed said on January 13, 2015 at 4:19 PM
i have an idea, can you please add a sell option in the gag shop? if i accidentally get a gag i don't need i cant return it thanks :)
i have an idea, can you please add a sell option in the gag shop? if i accidentally get a gag i don't need i cant return it thanks :)
Charming Chimpgramzee said on January 13, 2015 at 4:36 PM
What about having some sort of "sponsor" for first or second time toons doing an HQ run? More advanced toons could go with those toons taking on the VP or CFO, for example, to help the new toons get the swing of things without fear of criticism or judgement that sometimes happens there.
What about having some sort of "sponsor" for first or second time toons doing an HQ run? More advanced toons could go with those toons taking on the VP or CFO, for example, to help the new toons get the swing of things without fear of criticism or judgement that sometimes happens there.
King Wally Megafidget said on January 13, 2015 at 4:40 PM
Lvl 8 gags, having all gag tracks (maybe),BBHQ, New home areas like under water, Parties, Growing giant plants that when you sell them they are like 50 to 80 jbs, CHAIRMAN BATTLE it would take 16 toons and have each type of cog in the area and to you get a reward of like 3500 jbs because it would be insanely hard.
Lvl 8 gags, having all gag tracks (maybe),BBHQ, New home areas like under water, Parties, Growing giant plants that when you sell them they are like 50 to 80 jbs, CHAIRMAN BATTLE it would take 16 toons and have each type of cog in the area and to you get a reward of like 3500 jbs because it would be insanely hard.
Mr Awesome said on January 13, 2015 at 4:44 PM
I say Make mergeing aloud with bording groups
I say Make mergeing aloud with bording groups
King Spike said on January 13, 2015 at 4:54 PM
:0 I See Bossbot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:0 I See Bossbot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pepperfoot said on January 13, 2015 at 4:56 PM
I would like to see some things restored first like parties, doodles, gifting, and BBHQ. TP access to HQ would be nice and more clothing options. Thanks!
I would like to see some things restored first like parties, doodles, gifting, and BBHQ. TP access to HQ would be nice and more clothing options. Thanks!
Brenna said on January 13, 2015 at 4:58 PM
You should definitely add new types of toons, and more colors to choose from :)
You should definitely add new types of toons, and more colors to choose from :)
Gadgetsparkle said on January 13, 2015 at 5:12 PM
Doodles, more toon colors/clothing, cog boss toontasks (i.e. defeat 2 CJs) BossBot HQ, a more varied pick-a-name (although I got this name from pick-a-name and LOVE IT!) A chairman boss (I've got ideas up my sleeve, so if you wanna ask, ask!) and that's about it! Thank you guys so much for making TTR! I hope the Toontastic fun never ends! Thank you guys so much for everything!!! :D
Doodles, more toon colors/clothing, cog boss toontasks (i.e. defeat 2 CJs) BossBot HQ, a more varied pick-a-name (although I got this name from pick-a-name and LOVE IT!) A chairman boss (I've got ideas up my sleeve, so if you wanna ask, ask!) and that's about it! Thank you guys so much for making TTR! I hope the Toontastic fun never ends! Thank you guys so much for everything!!! :D
said on January 13, 2015 at 5:14 PM
I'm going to get right to the point and try to make this as short as possible. ///COG SUIT: Reduce the grind by 10-5% AT LEAST. Please!! I beg of you TTR. I hate the grind. We all have a common goal. It's to max the cog suit or get the reward. ///FISHING: Bah.. I HATE fishing. It's so boring. 1: Add fish bait available in cattlelogs. There'd be bait for a specific species. The only fish bait available would be fish that are very rare, extremely rare, and ultra rare.(Or just ultra rare.) Jellybean cost depends on the rarity, which very rare would be the least expensive, extremely rare being second least expensive, ultra rare being the most expensive. ///RACING: Fine as it is. Maybe add a few more present/gift racing boosts(Not talking about speed boosts) to help you win. ///GARDENING: Shorten shovel planting and picking time to 1 shovel animation. ///GOLFING: Overall, make the animations shorter. In TTO, I found golfing to take too long. ///GAGS: Change organic drop from the basically USELESS damage boost to better accuracy like lure. PLEASE. Barely anyone has organic drop because the damage boost is 99% useless. /Also, don't lower the gag XP required for new gags and to max gags please. It's already easy to max gags. **Thank you TTR for taking everyone's suggestions!**
I'm going to get right to the point and try to make this as short as possible. ///COG SUIT: Reduce the grind by 10-5% AT LEAST. Please!! I beg of you TTR. I hate the grind. We all have a common goal. It's to max the cog suit or get the reward. ///FISHING: Bah.. I HATE fishing. It's so boring. 1: Add fish bait available in cattlelogs. There'd be bait for a specific species. The only fish bait available would be fish that are very rare, extremely rare, and ultra rare.(Or just ultra rare.) Jellybean cost depends on the rarity, which very rare would be the least expensive, extremely rare being second least expensive, ultra rare being the most expensive. ///RACING: Fine as it is. Maybe add a few more present/gift racing boosts(Not talking about speed boosts) to help you win. ///GARDENING: Shorten shovel planting and picking time to 1 shovel animation. ///GOLFING: Overall, make the animations shorter. In TTO, I found golfing to take too long. ///GAGS: Change organic drop from the basically USELESS damage boost to better accuracy like lure. PLEASE. Barely anyone has organic drop because the damage boost is 99% useless. /Also, don't lower the gag XP required for new gags and to max gags please. It's already easy to max gags. **Thank you TTR for taking everyone's suggestions!**
Wildberry said on January 13, 2015 at 5:17 PM
The small tweaks sound great, however I'm missing doodles!
The small tweaks sound great, however I'm missing doodles!
Kat said on January 13, 2015 at 5:18 PM
Please don't add level 8 gags, they'd be overpowered. If people want level 8 gags, just use the suggestion someone used in this comment section about fitting in new gags with damage in-between the current level 5 and level 6 gags. (Current level 6 would become level 7, level 7 would become level 8, damage follows along, so no more gag damage than our current level 7 gags so no overpowered gags)
Please don't add level 8 gags, they'd be overpowered. If people want level 8 gags, just use the suggestion someone used in this comment section about fitting in new gags with damage in-between the current level 5 and level 6 gags. (Current level 6 would become level 7, level 7 would become level 8, damage follows along, so no more gag damage than our current level 7 gags so no overpowered gags)
star sparklespeed said on January 13, 2015 at 5:21 PM
I hope you guys can inform us when bossbot hq will be released i hope it is soon and i can not wait for the new surprises you have in store for us. :D
I hope you guys can inform us when bossbot hq will be released i hope it is soon and i can not wait for the new surprises you have in store for us. :D
corny gigglemarble said on January 13, 2015 at 5:54 PM
we should make a higher C.E.O story then it is then make new updates in it like when we done with the first wave of cogs we go through a maze all the way at the end then it will be all bosses v.p C.F.O also lawbot and then it going they all going to come at once so V.P C.F.O LAWBOT and then CEO BOSSES
we should make a higher C.E.O story then it is then make new updates in it like when we done with the first wave of cogs we go through a maze all the way at the end then it will be all bosses v.p C.F.O also lawbot and then it going they all going to come at once so V.P C.F.O LAWBOT and then CEO BOSSES
smirky bumberpop said on January 13, 2015 at 5:54 PM
And if they could make toontown EVEN MORE better they just can add doodles that would make it better also.
And if they could make toontown EVEN MORE better they just can add doodles that would make it better also.
Squeaky Clean said on January 13, 2015 at 5:54 PM
I Think U Should Be Able To Make Black Cats Whenever You Want And Not Have To Wait 720 Days For A Shirt To Come And Mod When You Read This Plz Consider it!!!
I Think U Should Be Able To Make Black Cats Whenever You Want And Not Have To Wait 720 Days For A Shirt To Come And Mod When You Read This Plz Consider it!!!
Whiskers Fuzzyfoot said on January 13, 2015 at 6:04 PM
This might not be apart of the gameplay, but can you add the function where the launcher can remember our usernames? But anyways, other than that you guys are TOONTASTIC!! :D
This might not be apart of the gameplay, but can you add the function where the launcher can remember our usernames? But anyways, other than that you guys are TOONTASTIC!! :D
Nutmeg said on January 13, 2015 at 6:06 PM
I think it would be cool to be able to make custom colors.
I think it would be cool to be able to make custom colors.
Miss Trixie Sparklepop said on January 13, 2015 at 6:12 PM
all of the tweaking you mentioned would be so awesome! it would really be of the things i would ask is for teleport access to all the HQs, that would be awesome too and save on a lot of running, lol thanks guys you all do a wonderful job here and its a delight to play the game :)
all of the tweaking you mentioned would be so awesome! it would really be of the things i would ask is for teleport access to all the HQs, that would be awesome too and save on a lot of running, lol thanks guys you all do a wonderful job here and its a delight to play the game :)
Miss Trixie Sparklepop said on January 13, 2015 at 6:18 PM
oh and maybe allow more items in our houses, before its full.. :)
oh and maybe allow more items in our houses, before its full.. :)
Flip Jabberflipper said on January 13, 2015 at 6:31 PM
It would be awesome if there were Adventure Side Quests in addition to your tasks that had prizes you could only get from completing the side quests. But were more involved than the current just for fun tasks and focused more on exploring and figuring stuff out over defeating hundreds of cogs. It would be really fun and you would always have things to do if you didn't like your current task. Doodles should come back. Maybe introduce a new type of pet too?
It would be awesome if there were Adventure Side Quests in addition to your tasks that had prizes you could only get from completing the side quests. But were more involved than the current just for fun tasks and focused more on exploring and figuring stuff out over defeating hundreds of cogs. It would be really fun and you would always have things to do if you didn't like your current task. Doodles should come back. Maybe introduce a new type of pet too?
Rainbow said on January 13, 2015 at 6:37 PM
Would be awesome if we had tails!
Would be awesome if we had tails!
Skye said on January 13, 2015 at 6:38 PM
Awesome! I can't wait till you guys roll out the updates! Looking forward to the new features! :)
Awesome! I can't wait till you guys roll out the updates! Looking forward to the new features! :)
Magesage said on January 13, 2015 at 6:39 PM
Could we have special bots? Like bots that look like toons? As if the bots are trying to trick us? Or would that be going too far???
Could we have special bots? Like bots that look like toons? As if the bots are trying to trick us? Or would that be going too far???
Mama Bear said on January 13, 2015 at 6:43 PM
First of all thank you so much for bringing ToonTown back! My kids and I really appreciate all the time and effort you have put in so that we can enjoy ToonTown together again :-) One thing that would be really nice is the ability to teleport to the HQ at some point. Maybe once you get to the highest level cog or max the HQ. Quicker gardening would also be really nice. I love the new things you have added and can't wait to see what is to come!!
First of all thank you so much for bringing ToonTown back! My kids and I really appreciate all the time and effort you have put in so that we can enjoy ToonTown together again :-) One thing that would be really nice is the ability to teleport to the HQ at some point. Maybe once you get to the highest level cog or max the HQ. Quicker gardening would also be really nice. I love the new things you have added and can't wait to see what is to come!!
Noisy Kippy Wondertooth said on January 13, 2015 at 6:44 PM
I'm so sorry I keep commenting, but... I read that someone wanted and "Elephant". I think that's a great idea! :D Maybe True friends to come out, again, doodles, Bossbot HQ.
I'm so sorry I keep commenting, but... I read that someone wanted and "Elephant". I think that's a great idea! :D Maybe True friends to come out, again, doodles, Bossbot HQ.
Spider said on January 13, 2015 at 6:45 PM
I think adding in secret bosses and playgrounds would be cool.
I think adding in secret bosses and playgrounds would be cool.
Miss Rose said on January 13, 2015 at 6:49 PM
that's quite the message there! knocked my socks off!!!! i would love to think of an idea but idk:-( i'm creative but i don't think i could think something so...transforming! but i encourage others!
that's quite the message there! knocked my socks off!!!! i would love to think of an idea but idk:-( i'm creative but i don't think i could think something so...transforming! but i encourage others!
Prof. Slippy Flipperton said on January 13, 2015 at 6:49 PM
How about being able to move a toon from one account to another, or have the angle of the camera in bldgs move slightly down or up so you may see the levels of the cogs you are gagging. Also, controller use would be great! Keep up the great work Team! Game is grrr---reat!
How about being able to move a toon from one account to another, or have the angle of the camera in bldgs move slightly down or up so you may see the levels of the cogs you are gagging. Also, controller use would be great! Keep up the great work Team! Game is grrr---reat!
Prof. Pearl Fizzle Swirl said on January 13, 2015 at 7:08 PM
I’ve been playing since the game came out and I’m 23 now. You guys have been doing such a wonderful job! I think TTR is already better than the original. Some ideas I like 1) I think it would be cool if on the streets there were gag vending machines so that you don’t have to run back to the playground every time 2) maybe add Gold Fish to fishing ( 24k, rose gold, white gold, and diamond crested types) 3) if Doodles come back maybe have a competition and show your doodle and put accessories on them 4) changing the color of your house or doing a task to get paint to change the color of your house 5) maybe a desert neighborhood with cacti 6) changing your toons gloves was a great idea and what about their eye color? 7) Being able to move to a different house in your estate 8) having toons have spots 9) I like how hard it is to level up. I know it takes time but why play an easy game? Gardening should be faster though. Thanks for all the great work. I can’t wait until all the bugs are fixed!
I’ve been playing since the game came out and I’m 23 now. You guys have been doing such a wonderful job! I think TTR is already better than the original. Some ideas I like 1) I think it would be cool if on the streets there were gag vending machines so that you don’t have to run back to the playground every time 2) maybe add Gold Fish to fishing ( 24k, rose gold, white gold, and diamond crested types) 3) if Doodles come back maybe have a competition and show your doodle and put accessories on them 4) changing the color of your house or doing a task to get paint to change the color of your house 5) maybe a desert neighborhood with cacti 6) changing your toons gloves was a great idea and what about their eye color? 7) Being able to move to a different house in your estate 8) having toons have spots 9) I like how hard it is to level up. I know it takes time but why play an easy game? Gardening should be faster though. Thanks for all the great work. I can’t wait until all the bugs are fixed!
Winky said on January 13, 2015 at 7:08 PM
It would be nice if there was a trolley game that let you crane, or a specific building you could go in to practice. I've been in so many cfo's where toons died because nobody knew how to crane.
It would be nice if there was a trolley game that let you crane, or a specific building you could go in to practice. I've been in so many cfo's where toons died because nobody knew how to crane.
supercoconut said on January 13, 2015 at 7:16 PM
Im so happy toontown is back! It reminds me of the old toontown a couple years ago, which i know is the point. hope we can have Doodles and throw parties soon because those were fun!!!
Im so happy toontown is back! It reminds me of the old toontown a couple years ago, which i know is the point. hope we can have Doodles and throw parties soon because those were fun!!!
supercoconut said on January 13, 2015 at 7:17 PM
also the cog HQs would be cool to add as well as the golf
also the cog HQs would be cool to add as well as the golf
Silly Daffy said on January 13, 2015 at 7:31 PM
I'd like some sort of boss training area. Once you fight a boss (or get the suit), you can fight some hologram of the boss. You can skip rounds (so I could go to the VP pie round without fighting the cogs). It would be good for practicing stunning, craning, stomping goons, etc. You wouldn't get a reward, you wouldn't need merits, cogbucks, etc. It would just be like a practice mode, and you won't lose laff.
I'd like some sort of boss training area. Once you fight a boss (or get the suit), you can fight some hologram of the boss. You can skip rounds (so I could go to the VP pie round without fighting the cogs). It would be good for practicing stunning, craning, stomping goons, etc. You wouldn't get a reward, you wouldn't need merits, cogbucks, etc. It would just be like a practice mode, and you won't lose laff.
Jack Rabbit said on January 13, 2015 at 7:33 PM
Making fishing a bit easier will encourage us to keep at it. I usually give up after several days of no progress.
Making fishing a bit easier will encourage us to keep at it. I usually give up after several days of no progress.
Elisilady said on January 13, 2015 at 8:56 PM
im loving the game so far!! so excited to see the new updates. i vote for doodles (<3!), better gardening, and maybe more clothing options? like all of the clothing being unisex, dresses, pants, long socks, etc! That'd be really cute :)
im loving the game so far!! so excited to see the new updates. i vote for doodles (<3!), better gardening, and maybe more clothing options? like all of the clothing being unisex, dresses, pants, long socks, etc! That'd be really cute :)
Theik the Dinomonkey said on January 13, 2015 at 9:02 PM
I had an idea for a new gag that i think would be cool. I was thinking a vacuum that sucks the laff from cogs and gives it to the user. There are three reasons i think this would be cool 1 is that it would be something completely different then any other gag. 2 theres no way at this point for a toon to heal themself. 3 Its just awesome to steal your enemies health.
I had an idea for a new gag that i think would be cool. I was thinking a vacuum that sucks the laff from cogs and gives it to the user. There are three reasons i think this would be cool 1 is that it would be something completely different then any other gag. 2 theres no way at this point for a toon to heal themself. 3 Its just awesome to steal your enemies health.
Dwarf said on January 13, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Ive Been Stuck On the 2.0 task for a long time and pls make it eaiser
Ive Been Stuck On the 2.0 task for a long time and pls make it eaiser
Sooky said on January 13, 2015 at 10:10 PM
I am very impressed with how of the TTR staff is including us (the best ToonTown fans in the World) in the decision making for the rewritten process. You all are awesome! Could we have a clothing design contest like they used to have in the past? I always wanted to wear one of my own designs!
I am very impressed with how of the TTR staff is including us (the best ToonTown fans in the World) in the decision making for the rewritten process. You all are awesome! Could we have a clothing design contest like they used to have in the past? I always wanted to wear one of my own designs!
Doctor Dinky Dynodoodle said on January 13, 2015 at 10:32 PM
You guys should make a cog that is a toons equivalent. Like a cog-toon. A toon that has gears on it. So the cog-toons make the game much more hard because they have the same gags with us making the game much more harder except those gags for the cog-toons would be opposite.
You guys should make a cog that is a toons equivalent. Like a cog-toon. A toon that has gears on it. So the cog-toons make the game much more hard because they have the same gags with us making the game much more harder except those gags for the cog-toons would be opposite.
shaftdmc said on January 13, 2015 at 11:13 PM
Hi ty for bringing the game back. I want to know when bossbot hq is coming.
Hi ty for bringing the game back. I want to know when bossbot hq is coming.
whiskers said on January 13, 2015 at 11:16 PM
I would LOVE being able to move with the WASD keys instead of the arrow keys! The arrow keys get uncomfortable :( .. Also boss bot HQ!!! :)
I would LOVE being able to move with the WASD keys instead of the arrow keys! The arrow keys get uncomfortable :( .. Also boss bot HQ!!! :)
Zack said on January 13, 2015 at 11:26 PM
This is really amazing, I can't for new features and changes during the future updates! TT Unite!!
This is really amazing, I can't for new features and changes during the future updates! TT Unite!!
skittles19girl said on January 13, 2015 at 11:56 PM
hello everybody i am new here and i already love toontown
hello everybody i am new here and i already love toontown
meow lover said on January 14, 2015 at 12:14 AM
please let me play the toon town
please let me play the toon town
Overmann said on January 14, 2015 at 12:29 AM
How about the top level gardening bucket fully waters in one click instead of two.
How about the top level gardening bucket fully waters in one click instead of two.
Buckbeak1965 said on January 14, 2015 at 12:54 AM
As a former cast member, it is sad to say that there are some bad cogs that are running Disney, it seems to me that the coldness of the cogs, they have forgotten the people are what make the parks. The fact that you all have taken a great game, of all the violent games that are out there. This is a safe environment for the whole family. If Walt where still alive. This game would never have been closed. please help me, restore Disney, by getting rid of thees bad cogs.
As a former cast member, it is sad to say that there are some bad cogs that are running Disney, it seems to me that the coldness of the cogs, they have forgotten the people are what make the parks. The fact that you all have taken a great game, of all the violent games that are out there. This is a safe environment for the whole family. If Walt where still alive. This game would never have been closed. please help me, restore Disney, by getting rid of thees bad cogs.
Poptart Kat said on January 14, 2015 at 2:41 AM
I think Sellbot HQ factories should have more merits in them, because once a 100+ laffer is doing Sellbot, it starts getting boring with how much times you need to do a long factory with max merits with only 700+ merits given.
I think Sellbot HQ factories should have more merits in them, because once a 100+ laffer is doing Sellbot, it starts getting boring with how much times you need to do a long factory with max merits with only 700+ merits given.
Super Astro Twiddlephooey said on January 14, 2015 at 3:04 AM
Haven't played in a while. Excited for what you guys changed! :D
Haven't played in a while. Excited for what you guys changed! :D
said on January 14, 2015 at 3:18 AM
Suggestion: when going into gag shops, Toons should be placed in a line, so that other Toons stop jumping on others, not waiting patiently as other Toons do. Create some type of automatic line with an automatic exit after getting gags.
Suggestion: when going into gag shops, Toons should be placed in a line, so that other Toons stop jumping on others, not waiting patiently as other Toons do. Create some type of automatic line with an automatic exit after getting gags.
Baron Nuttyquack said on January 14, 2015 at 3:29 AM
It is absolutely amazing with everything that has been happening. Your dedication and love for the game so we can have fun, is Toontastic! Reaching out and listening to our suggestions is awesome. TTR is on top of the world in game history! I extend my hand out to the staff, I shake yours and applause the entire staff for their determination and undying support in this game. The staff deserves an award for TOP TOON, not use, but the staff!! My hat goes off to you all!
It is absolutely amazing with everything that has been happening. Your dedication and love for the game so we can have fun, is Toontastic! Reaching out and listening to our suggestions is awesome. TTR is on top of the world in game history! I extend my hand out to the staff, I shake yours and applause the entire staff for their determination and undying support in this game. The staff deserves an award for TOP TOON, not use, but the staff!! My hat goes off to you all!
Ashwath said on January 14, 2015 at 3:32 AM
Add Bossbot HQ
Add Bossbot HQ
Nutmeg said on January 14, 2015 at 5:21 AM
maybe you guys can do double xp in factorys and in vp,ceo,cj, and etc
maybe you guys can do double xp in factorys and in vp,ceo,cj, and etc
Megasnoop said on January 14, 2015 at 5:58 AM
I had an idea for an event. Put out some ultra rare golden fishes that are worth 10,000 or so jelly beans and make it like a fishing competition to see who are lucky enough to catch them! The golden fishes would be small so >5lbs that way even those who dont purchase fishing rods can have a chance. Maybe give an extra reward to those who do find and catch them. That's just a thought I had.
I had an idea for an event. Put out some ultra rare golden fishes that are worth 10,000 or so jelly beans and make it like a fishing competition to see who are lucky enough to catch them! The golden fishes would be small so >5lbs that way even those who dont purchase fishing rods can have a chance. Maybe give an extra reward to those who do find and catch them. That's just a thought I had.
bhumisht said on January 14, 2015 at 6:00 AM
can you make the party hat building and partys active so that we can have more fun because in the original game you can do partys and burst firecrackers so i think you make the partys active please
can you make the party hat building and partys active so that we can have more fun because in the original game you can do partys and burst firecrackers so i think you make the partys active please
said on January 14, 2015 at 6:02 AM
and why cant you have pets like the original game please
and why cant you have pets like the original game please
bhumisht said on January 14, 2015 at 6:04 AM
can you give us the pets please
can you give us the pets please
Squeaky said on January 14, 2015 at 6:53 AM
i read some of these suggestions but i just wanted to say i really hope some of them are not going to happen. like new gags or changes to make tasks and boss battles easier. i think the game is already easy enough. and i don't want to see too many big changes in this game because i love it the way it is. but i do agree with one person who said we need better security. there are alot of toons who are rude to others and deserve time outs or bans from their account.
i read some of these suggestions but i just wanted to say i really hope some of them are not going to happen. like new gags or changes to make tasks and boss battles easier. i think the game is already easy enough. and i don't want to see too many big changes in this game because i love it the way it is. but i do agree with one person who said we need better security. there are alot of toons who are rude to others and deserve time outs or bans from their account.
Juice said on January 14, 2015 at 7:02 AM
Hey, thanks for making this game great! Where do you guys take suggestions? In the comments? If you do, I would like if a toon could take gag track tasks without having to take laff tasks
Hey, thanks for making this game great! Where do you guys take suggestions? In the comments? If you do, I would like if a toon could take gag track tasks without having to take laff tasks
Ladybug Gigglehopper said on January 14, 2015 at 7:20 AM
Awesome! Can't wait for the improved textures! Just a suggestion that I think everyone can relate to: Sitting in chairs and sleeping in beds. Maybe as the Toon walks by, a GUI button appears in the top corner, or something. Anyway, just a thought. Love you all!
Awesome! Can't wait for the improved textures! Just a suggestion that I think everyone can relate to: Sitting in chairs and sleeping in beds. Maybe as the Toon walks by, a GUI button appears in the top corner, or something. Anyway, just a thought. Love you all!
Midnight Jinx said on January 14, 2015 at 7:26 AM
I would really hope for fishing to be tweaked also with new task to have a fisherman at your estate I would do 200 cogs just to be able to have a fisherman at my estate for a month.
I would really hope for fishing to be tweaked also with new task to have a fisherman at your estate I would do 200 cogs just to be able to have a fisherman at my estate for a month.
Little Nuttyjinks said on January 14, 2015 at 7:31 AM
What about 3d models, like made in blender, I know it might ruin the performance but the flat trees look a bit strange. Just a suggestion! :P
What about 3d models, like made in blender, I know it might ruin the performance but the flat trees look a bit strange. Just a suggestion! :P
Dippy Dizzyboom said on January 14, 2015 at 8:03 AM
If I could choose anything to be tweaked, I would want fishing to be easier! There were still a few fish I never even found on TTO!
If I could choose anything to be tweaked, I would want fishing to be easier! There were still a few fish I never even found on TTO!
ThankYouForYourHardWork said on January 14, 2015 at 8:16 AM
I know it may sound crazy, well, this is actually crazy talk, but I've always dreamed of Toontown having new maps :) I know it isn't really easy to do so, or possible actually. But it would be great if Ludwig Von Drake would have his own map too, you know :) I know he himself can't be in it due to copyrights but it would be nice to have a map made of Science Stuffs such as :) LOL ... would be nice to have Pete's map as well :) well Haha Cha Cha
I know it may sound crazy, well, this is actually crazy talk, but I've always dreamed of Toontown having new maps :) I know it isn't really easy to do so, or possible actually. But it would be great if Ludwig Von Drake would have his own map too, you know :) I know he himself can't be in it due to copyrights but it would be nice to have a map made of Science Stuffs such as :) LOL ... would be nice to have Pete's map as well :) well Haha Cha Cha
Lucky said on January 14, 2015 at 8:23 AM
Can you please add tails to some of the animals that would fit them, that would be cool.
Can you please add tails to some of the animals that would fit them, that would be cool.
Mac said on January 14, 2015 at 8:41 AM
Mac said on January 14, 2015 at 8:44 AM
I have an Idea! Minigame idea! Capture the building minigame! With other toons you rush trough hordes of cogs and you take over their buildings!With laff, but not that turn battle.It will be more like pure action!
I have an Idea! Minigame idea! Capture the building minigame! With other toons you rush trough hordes of cogs and you take over their buildings!With laff, but not that turn battle.It will be more like pure action!
Aria said on January 14, 2015 at 8:50 AM
Well first off i would fix the doors :) but honestly just earning gags and laugh is really hard. Also cant we have all gags
Well first off i would fix the doors :) but honestly just earning gags and laugh is really hard. Also cant we have all gags
Joshua said on January 14, 2015 at 8:59 AM
We need to make gardening MUCH less time,I have been trying to grow flowers but they haven't grown AT ALL in 2 weeks! Also, we need bbhq and golfing. We need to bring down the cog disguises to lvl 12 instead of lvl 50 to max. Thanks, Joshua
We need to make gardening MUCH less time,I have been trying to grow flowers but they haven't grown AT ALL in 2 weeks! Also, we need bbhq and golfing. We need to bring down the cog disguises to lvl 12 instead of lvl 50 to max. Thanks, Joshua
Sparklespeed said on January 14, 2015 at 8:59 AM
2 Major Suggestions: 1. When doodles come back, it would be great if training them took less time. Perhaps the bar could fill up a little more with each trick performed, especially since we have to fill up the same bar several times for the trick to give back the most laff. 2. The racing page in our Shticker book should have the ability to show how many races completed so far in each category when you mouse over a trophy, like the feature that's currently available in the golf section. Like how you can mouse over a trophy and it will tell you what the trophy was for, and will say current courses under par etc. That would be great to track how close we are to a new trophy with racing!
2 Major Suggestions: 1. When doodles come back, it would be great if training them took less time. Perhaps the bar could fill up a little more with each trick performed, especially since we have to fill up the same bar several times for the trick to give back the most laff. 2. The racing page in our Shticker book should have the ability to show how many races completed so far in each category when you mouse over a trophy, like the feature that's currently available in the golf section. Like how you can mouse over a trophy and it will tell you what the trophy was for, and will say current courses under par etc. That would be great to track how close we are to a new trophy with racing!
vampave said on January 14, 2015 at 9:01 AM
when are you going to work on that fish tank so people can adopt doodles i really want one.
when are you going to work on that fish tank so people can adopt doodles i really want one.
Lancelot Whistlethud said on January 14, 2015 at 9:02 AM
Here's an idea: voting. What I mean is that, before a cog invasion, toons can vote for which cog would most likely come (A.K.A. the one they want to invade). But, make it so there is a 55% chance of another cog invading, instead of the cog most voted for.
Here's an idea: voting. What I mean is that, before a cog invasion, toons can vote for which cog would most likely come (A.K.A. the one they want to invade). But, make it so there is a 55% chance of another cog invading, instead of the cog most voted for.
Little Yellow Duck said on January 14, 2015 at 9:07 AM
I'm so excited! I love Toontown so much! :)
I'm so excited! I love Toontown so much! :)
King Fuzzyfidget said on January 14, 2015 at 9:30 AM
Toontastic! You guys should look a little into the secret "Cog Nation" rumor ;)
Toontastic! You guys should look a little into the secret "Cog Nation" rumor ;)
Jawz suggests Click through arrows said on January 14, 2015 at 9:41 AM
Please enable click through arrows for CFO Mata Hairy instructions, just like what the VP SOS toon has to bypass reading all the instructions everytime. Thanks. I haven't done a CJ or CEO yet, but please consider installing similar click through arrows options. Thanks.
Please enable click through arrows for CFO Mata Hairy instructions, just like what the VP SOS toon has to bypass reading all the instructions everytime. Thanks. I haven't done a CJ or CEO yet, but please consider installing similar click through arrows options. Thanks.
Furious George said on January 14, 2015 at 9:48 AM
DNA changes would be awesome! Even if you can only do it once, its still awesome.
DNA changes would be awesome! Even if you can only do it once, its still awesome.
Kat A. Klysmik said on January 14, 2015 at 9:51 AM
What if gardening took less time? YES!! What if Cog HQs always gave double experience, regardless of an invasion? YES!! What if fishing was made easier by just the tiniest percentage? YES!! It is exciting to see how much better this game already is (IMHO) than the original TT, which I played for nine years. THANK YOU, for your thoughtful tweaks and improvements, and for creating a wonderful tooney world for all of us to enjoy!
What if gardening took less time? YES!! What if Cog HQs always gave double experience, regardless of an invasion? YES!! What if fishing was made easier by just the tiniest percentage? YES!! It is exciting to see how much better this game already is (IMHO) than the original TT, which I played for nine years. THANK YOU, for your thoughtful tweaks and improvements, and for creating a wonderful tooney world for all of us to enjoy!
Prince Loopy LoopenPoof said on January 14, 2015 at 10:13 AM
I personally think it would be pretty awesome if you could have the option to walk your doodle and have it fight with you: with jellybeans ! :)
I personally think it would be pretty awesome if you could have the option to walk your doodle and have it fight with you: with jellybeans ! :)
Penelope said on January 14, 2015 at 11:14 AM
I would love to have doodles back! And making a task or some way to get teleport access to the HQ's would be sooo convenient.
I would love to have doodles back! And making a task or some way to get teleport access to the HQ's would be sooo convenient.
Master Drippy Gigglemouth said on January 14, 2015 at 11:26 AM
This is amazing. Wonder if this will lead to new content like Cog Nation and Chairman battle. Also can't wait for the new Toon Hall!
This is amazing. Wonder if this will lead to new content like Cog Nation and Chairman battle. Also can't wait for the new Toon Hall!
Pearl said on January 14, 2015 at 11:57 AM
Bossbot HQ please !!
Bossbot HQ please !!
OMG THE CEP :D said on January 14, 2015 at 12:01 PM
look at the picture and look at the shticker book "goto Bossbot headquarters XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD omg the hype is real
look at the picture and look at the shticker book "goto Bossbot headquarters XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD omg the hype is real
Zaibas said on January 14, 2015 at 12:02 PM
If gardening would take less time it would be awesome :)
If gardening would take less time it would be awesome :)
Violet said on January 14, 2015 at 12:08 PM
Hello! I love the fact that you are very engaged in pleasing us Toons with exciting updates and tweaks! I have several different suggestions which I would like to share with you: 1) Different Types of Factories One of the most difficult things in Toontown is maxing your cog suit, and as a level 35 Mr. Hollywood, more than 10+ factories are needed to finally obtain all your needed merits. You guys should try to make another type of factory. You can keep the layout the same, but replace the low level cogs with high ones. I do understand that this will take a lot of work and time, but it will be worth it! 2) Always Allowed Tasks When you are on the last set of tasks for a playground, such as the Lil Oldman tasks, and you can't get any new tasks, you should still be able to do "just for fun" tasks such as "small toon" and "flat toon". 3) New Types of Toons! I think that we should be able to create Toons in the species of fish, cows, and etc! 4) More Ways to Get Rich! My final and favorite idea is more ways to get jbs. I am pretty much broke, and fishing can be quite boring, and it take about 7 or 8 trolley games to get lots of beans. You can increase the amount of jellybeans you receive in each game, or add new ways like something creative... Toons should also be able to vote for what unite they wish to receive before each cfo, either a gag up, goon-up, or my favorite, JELLYBEANS! Thank you so much for reading this and I hope that you take my ideas into consideration!
Hello! I love the fact that you are very engaged in pleasing us Toons with exciting updates and tweaks! I have several different suggestions which I would like to share with you: 1) Different Types of Factories One of the most difficult things in Toontown is maxing your cog suit, and as a level 35 Mr. Hollywood, more than 10+ factories are needed to finally obtain all your needed merits. You guys should try to make another type of factory. You can keep the layout the same, but replace the low level cogs with high ones. I do understand that this will take a lot of work and time, but it will be worth it! 2) Always Allowed Tasks When you are on the last set of tasks for a playground, such as the Lil Oldman tasks, and you can't get any new tasks, you should still be able to do "just for fun" tasks such as "small toon" and "flat toon". 3) New Types of Toons! I think that we should be able to create Toons in the species of fish, cows, and etc! 4) More Ways to Get Rich! My final and favorite idea is more ways to get jbs. I am pretty much broke, and fishing can be quite boring, and it take about 7 or 8 trolley games to get lots of beans. You can increase the amount of jellybeans you receive in each game, or add new ways like something creative... Toons should also be able to vote for what unite they wish to receive before each cfo, either a gag up, goon-up, or my favorite, JELLYBEANS! Thank you so much for reading this and I hope that you take my ideas into consideration!
Waka Waka said on January 14, 2015 at 12:12 PM
I love what you're doing! I do have an idea: I've always thought that the reason for the old disney Toontown being "really long", was because they needed to keep you playing for several months so they could make more money off the membership premium. So basically, I TOTTALLY agree with adding gag xp multipliers, but I also thought, could we add a way to trade in toontasks, in case we get stuck with one that takes too long? Thanks in advance! :D
I love what you're doing! I do have an idea: I've always thought that the reason for the old disney Toontown being "really long", was because they needed to keep you playing for several months so they could make more money off the membership premium. So basically, I TOTTALLY agree with adding gag xp multipliers, but I also thought, could we add a way to trade in toontasks, in case we get stuck with one that takes too long? Thanks in advance! :D
said on January 14, 2015 at 12:34 PM
well i hope you get the pet shop working soon
well i hope you get the pet shop working soon
Penny said on January 14, 2015 at 12:42 PM
The only thing I would really really want is TELEPORTATION! Like for example you would go in your Shticker Book and click on the place then it would let you pick the street, playground etc.
The only thing I would really really want is TELEPORTATION! Like for example you would go in your Shticker Book and click on the place then it would let you pick the street, playground etc.
Cool Fangs Pedal Pretzel said on January 14, 2015 at 12:43 PM
I can"t wait!!!!!!!
I can"t wait!!!!!!!
Nola said on January 14, 2015 at 1:10 PM
Very nice!
Very nice!
Jinxton said on January 14, 2015 at 1:19 PM
I think there should be new toons to choose from, like goats, lions, tigers, chickens, etc.
I think there should be new toons to choose from, like goats, lions, tigers, chickens, etc.
Ziggy Azalea said on January 14, 2015 at 1:24 PM
I think that the servers should be titled so that you can easily find people who want to do the same thing as you. I can't tell you how much district hopping I have to do when I need to do a sellbot factory run just to find one that has other people that need to do the same thing. If you just titled some of the servers with activities, (like "Acrylic Acres - Sellbot Hq) it would make it much easier. this could also work for people who speak a different language, so if your first/only language is spanish you can find other spanish speaking people in lke Graphite Gulch - Spanish Speakers. Really, all I'm asking for is a title change for this. On another note, I do agree that there should be another way to earn jellybeans. Personally, I think normal toontasks (like the ones you complete for frames) should include a bonus reward for jellybeans, maybe if you complete them by a certain deadline or something. I never do the "just for fun" tasks with jellybean rewards because the small amount of jellybeans you get for the task is not worth taking up a space in my toontasks. Lastly, I think there should be like a bimonthly design contest where toons can submit drawings of clothing or accessories for a chance to have it actually made in game. Then, the TTR staff's top like 5-10 picks will be posted for the rest of the toons to vote on, and the most voted on sketch wins and gets created. Thank you TTR staff for considering our ideas and thank you for all the work you have done, are doing, and are going to do in the future!
I think that the servers should be titled so that you can easily find people who want to do the same thing as you. I can't tell you how much district hopping I have to do when I need to do a sellbot factory run just to find one that has other people that need to do the same thing. If you just titled some of the servers with activities, (like "Acrylic Acres - Sellbot Hq) it would make it much easier. this could also work for people who speak a different language, so if your first/only language is spanish you can find other spanish speaking people in lke Graphite Gulch - Spanish Speakers. Really, all I'm asking for is a title change for this. On another note, I do agree that there should be another way to earn jellybeans. Personally, I think normal toontasks (like the ones you complete for frames) should include a bonus reward for jellybeans, maybe if you complete them by a certain deadline or something. I never do the "just for fun" tasks with jellybean rewards because the small amount of jellybeans you get for the task is not worth taking up a space in my toontasks. Lastly, I think there should be like a bimonthly design contest where toons can submit drawings of clothing or accessories for a chance to have it actually made in game. Then, the TTR staff's top like 5-10 picks will be posted for the rest of the toons to vote on, and the most voted on sketch wins and gets created. Thank you TTR staff for considering our ideas and thank you for all the work you have done, are doing, and are going to do in the future!
Rocky said on January 14, 2015 at 1:34 PM
This is cool! How about you had in things like you could sit in chairs or lay in beds some how. ( This was my brothers idea.) That would be really cool! Or like add in rooms. This would be an awesome update! Its one my brother and I would love too see added in the game. :)
This is cool! How about you had in things like you could sit in chairs or lay in beds some how. ( This was my brothers idea.) That would be really cool! Or like add in rooms. This would be an awesome update! Its one my brother and I would love too see added in the game. :)
Dynamite said on January 14, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Maybe some of the defeating cogs tasks should be made a bit shorter. Like defeat 200 or 300 cogs is fine with me, but 1,000? Seriously? It would also be great if you guys would expand on the game, so that toons who have finished the entire game still have things to do. As for what things could be added, well I, and many others, think it would be cool to have a new Cog HQ. Maybe a skelecog HQ or something like that! Keep up the good work! You guys are fantastic!
Maybe some of the defeating cogs tasks should be made a bit shorter. Like defeat 200 or 300 cogs is fine with me, but 1,000? Seriously? It would also be great if you guys would expand on the game, so that toons who have finished the entire game still have things to do. As for what things could be added, well I, and many others, think it would be cool to have a new Cog HQ. Maybe a skelecog HQ or something like that! Keep up the good work! You guys are fantastic!
Dinky Frinkeltoon said on January 14, 2015 at 1:59 PM
I have an idea that may or may not work, but on Toontown's Birthday, Toontown Central Should be changed to it's early design from it's early life.
I have an idea that may or may not work, but on Toontown's Birthday, Toontown Central Should be changed to it's early design from it's early life.
Sweetie Paul said on January 14, 2015 at 1:59 PM
maybe you should add seasonal fish to toontown rewritten :D
maybe you should add seasonal fish to toontown rewritten :D
Prof.DizzyTwist said on January 14, 2015 at 2:03 PM
I would tweak lil oldman to be 10 bldgs. rather than 20 and the 10 bldgs should be 3 story plus
I would tweak lil oldman to be 10 bldgs. rather than 20 and the 10 bldgs should be 3 story plus
Claire said on January 14, 2015 at 2:04 PM
I would LOVE it if gardening took less time, but I dont think experience points should be doubled in cog HQ's. I think that would make it too easy to get new gags and take away from the fun, its good the way it is :) we get plenty of invasions anyways :P
I would LOVE it if gardening took less time, but I dont think experience points should be doubled in cog HQ's. I think that would make it too easy to get new gags and take away from the fun, its good the way it is :) we get plenty of invasions anyways :P
Flip said on January 14, 2015 at 2:09 PM
How about getting double skill points for destroying v2.0 cogs?
How about getting double skill points for destroying v2.0 cogs?
Bell said on January 14, 2015 at 2:09 PM
What if there were tie dye toons and doodles? That would be awesome!
What if there were tie dye toons and doodles? That would be awesome!
Lady Crinklewig said on January 14, 2015 at 2:12 PM
OK, here is my idea! I love to fish instead ride the trolly so much. Although I like em both. But the constant tossing when looking for a very very rare fish gets frustraighting why cant ultimately rare fish become a task to finish like a gag track. Why cant toons get the seventh track of gags and final tasks for ultra rare fish?
OK, here is my idea! I love to fish instead ride the trolly so much. Although I like em both. But the constant tossing when looking for a very very rare fish gets frustraighting why cant ultimately rare fish become a task to finish like a gag track. Why cant toons get the seventh track of gags and final tasks for ultra rare fish?
Annie Paws said on January 14, 2015 at 2:21 PM
I'd say some of the Trolley games. Toons don't look forward to jumping in the Trolley when their Jars are empty. I think Trolley games should be more exciting and fun. Maybe adding new Trolley games or making some more fun!
I'd say some of the Trolley games. Toons don't look forward to jumping in the Trolley when their Jars are empty. I think Trolley games should be more exciting and fun. Maybe adding new Trolley games or making some more fun!
Billy said on January 14, 2015 at 2:29 PM
It'd be toontastic to have more of those double experience days! Maybe have one every Friday night or something?
It'd be toontastic to have more of those double experience days! Maybe have one every Friday night or something?
Crazy Licorice Biscuit said on January 14, 2015 at 2:29 PM
Sounds great! I can't wait for the updates!
Sounds great! I can't wait for the updates!
chance said on January 14, 2015 at 2:31 PM
can you add pets please and also make the garden go faster ty :D and good job with the game
can you add pets please and also make the garden go faster ty :D and good job with the game
Cuddles said on January 14, 2015 at 2:43 PM
The part I would make more fun is the bosses -- the merits, cogbucks, notices of course. That should be a fun little break from the tasks, but the cogbucks and merits and notices are SO tedious and take forever!
The part I would make more fun is the bosses -- the merits, cogbucks, notices of course. That should be a fun little break from the tasks, but the cogbucks and merits and notices are SO tedious and take forever!
Bumpy said on January 14, 2015 at 2:44 PM
Perhaps you could add Doodles soon. I'm DIEING TO GET THE BEST ONE! And also if you do add doodles, maybe you could trade with friends? I would just love to see something new ( like doodles ) every once in a while. And maybe you could add a new boss called the chairman after maxing at least 1 cog suit? I don't know just add something like doodles!
Perhaps you could add Doodles soon. I'm DIEING TO GET THE BEST ONE! And also if you do add doodles, maybe you could trade with friends? I would just love to see something new ( like doodles ) every once in a while. And maybe you could add a new boss called the chairman after maxing at least 1 cog suit? I don't know just add something like doodles!
Fire Heart said on January 14, 2015 at 2:55 PM
I think that if you spawn in at an HQ ( like sellbot or cashbot, you should spawn in a place where you are't sucked into battle without wanting to( a good spot would be the pit in sellbot hq.). and how about bossbot hq, because that would be great ya know.
I think that if you spawn in at an HQ ( like sellbot or cashbot, you should spawn in a place where you are't sucked into battle without wanting to( a good spot would be the pit in sellbot hq.). and how about bossbot hq, because that would be great ya know.
rose518 said on January 14, 2015 at 3:12 PM
some good ideas would be after beating all hqs you can fight the chairman and when you beat him you get your gag that you didn't get in the story,special tasks for certain emotions, new species, make gardening quicker, new areas, level 8 gags,make gardening faster,strong cogs, Teleport tasks to cog HQ's,ect. these are some thing you should think about adding.
some good ideas would be after beating all hqs you can fight the chairman and when you beat him you get your gag that you didn't get in the story,special tasks for certain emotions, new species, make gardening quicker, new areas, level 8 gags,make gardening faster,strong cogs, Teleport tasks to cog HQ's,ect. these are some thing you should think about adding.
Bingo Whiskerbounce said on January 14, 2015 at 3:31 PM
You know what really grinds my gears? Repetitive shop buildings. Would it have bugged the original architects to have made them any different from each other? Another suggestion for when the original Toontown is all working fine and dandy, we could have a second area? The idea is sort of Cognation to put it simply. Perhaps there could be a scroll bar on the map interface, and you could scroll up to see Cognation. I really love TT story development, so I'd like it if it contained a lot of that. I think a cool way this could be done is if when you enter the area for the first time, you get kicked out. But if you have a toontask form Flippy that gets offered post DDL, the cogs will kidnap you instead. You find yourself in a small cage, and have to walk to the edge of the cage, and do that "crate pushing" animation you see in cog HQs until you reach a stomper that would catch the edge of the cage, and break it open. From there you would have to escape, maybe meeting helpful NPCs along the way? I think working with NPCs would be really cool. Of course, if that's added as a right of passage into Cognation, it would really NEED a way to be played again. Of course, this is all a suggestion.
You know what really grinds my gears? Repetitive shop buildings. Would it have bugged the original architects to have made them any different from each other? Another suggestion for when the original Toontown is all working fine and dandy, we could have a second area? The idea is sort of Cognation to put it simply. Perhaps there could be a scroll bar on the map interface, and you could scroll up to see Cognation. I really love TT story development, so I'd like it if it contained a lot of that. I think a cool way this could be done is if when you enter the area for the first time, you get kicked out. But if you have a toontask form Flippy that gets offered post DDL, the cogs will kidnap you instead. You find yourself in a small cage, and have to walk to the edge of the cage, and do that "crate pushing" animation you see in cog HQs until you reach a stomper that would catch the edge of the cage, and break it open. From there you would have to escape, maybe meeting helpful NPCs along the way? I think working with NPCs would be really cool. Of course, if that's added as a right of passage into Cognation, it would really NEED a way to be played again. Of course, this is all a suggestion.
Glycogen said on January 14, 2015 at 3:46 PM
You guys have done an awesome job with Rewritten! A few things that I would love changed/tweaked/added to the game would be some way to gain teleportation access to the cog HQs, possibly mini gag shops on the streets (like a special few kinds of gags per street to buy), and faster laff regeneration. Whenever you get doodles implemented, I think it would be cool to have the option where you can take your doodle on a walk outside of the estate, like have it follow you around in playgrounds and such.
You guys have done an awesome job with Rewritten! A few things that I would love changed/tweaked/added to the game would be some way to gain teleportation access to the cog HQs, possibly mini gag shops on the streets (like a special few kinds of gags per street to buy), and faster laff regeneration. Whenever you get doodles implemented, I think it would be cool to have the option where you can take your doodle on a walk outside of the estate, like have it follow you around in playgrounds and such.
Chateau said on January 14, 2015 at 3:48 PM
I think that reversing the colors on all of toontown during Halloween and using greys, black, dark blues and purples would be really cool.
I think that reversing the colors on all of toontown during Halloween and using greys, black, dark blues and purples would be really cool.
smileycat said on January 14, 2015 at 4:04 PM
are you guys putting skip button back in the game i loved it! :D
are you guys putting skip button back in the game i loved it! :D
please no said on January 14, 2015 at 4:06 PM
Having maxed 5 toons in TTO (going on a 6th and 7th in TTR) I'm just gonna say right now, never change gag experience and never change the toontasks. Game is easy enough as is, and the difficulty of the tasks/gag training makes it all more rewarding in the end. My gametime would significantly decrease if those were nerfed. I'm indifferent on suits, I like the rewarding feeling, but also wouldn't mind a few less D offices. I'm completely for a nerf of golfing, racing, gardening, and fishing. Please NEVER change the gag xp or toontasks though (maybe an alternate storyline of tasks could be cool though, idk)
Having maxed 5 toons in TTO (going on a 6th and 7th in TTR) I'm just gonna say right now, never change gag experience and never change the toontasks. Game is easy enough as is, and the difficulty of the tasks/gag training makes it all more rewarding in the end. My gametime would significantly decrease if those were nerfed. I'm indifferent on suits, I like the rewarding feeling, but also wouldn't mind a few less D offices. I'm completely for a nerf of golfing, racing, gardening, and fishing. Please NEVER change the gag xp or toontasks though (maybe an alternate storyline of tasks could be cool though, idk)
smileycat said on January 14, 2015 at 4:08 PM
more cogs maybe because these level 12 cogs get to easy after awhile and new cogs would be fun! :)
more cogs maybe because these level 12 cogs get to easy after awhile and new cogs would be fun! :)
said on January 14, 2015 at 4:09 PM
At the end of the day, it's your choice to grind. Why nerf it when most are willing to do it?
At the end of the day, it's your choice to grind. Why nerf it when most are willing to do it?
lavado said on January 14, 2015 at 4:22 PM
How about if we can pick gags from our other toon's gag trees? and are you going to bring back the doodle?
How about if we can pick gags from our other toon's gag trees? and are you going to bring back the doodle?
Captain Duke said on January 14, 2015 at 4:40 PM
How about adding in field offices? (I know that is pretty big). Or maybe, allow toons to change their exterior house color. Or maybe allow toons to wear their cog disguises outside of the Hqs, to fool cogs on the street into becoming the toon's friend (that would be totaly HILARIOUS!). Add more game elements, like maybe toons could get to drive scooters, rollerblades, and skateboards on the streets. Perhaps you could introduce some Cog nation Cogs. These cogs would only show up in their specified playgrounds in random buildings, and the layout of the cog battle would be different from normal. For instance, you could have a Cog Nation Cog called Colder Caller where once inside the cog building he snatches all of your gags and you have to skate around the buildings floor on ice skates to collect them and use them back at the Colder Caller. Imagine on the screen a miniature bag that the toon can click on and all of the gags that they have collected throughout the floor will showup on he bottom of the screen. The toon then will click on a gag and then click on the colder caller to throw, squirt, drop, place a trap, or sound him. You can also use toon up to heal other toons in the building. But that is EXTREMELY BIG! (I know). Something small you could do is allow toons who go sad not to run back to the playground if there are other toons in the battle. This would give the other toons a chance to toon-up their fallen friend (kind of like W101). Thanks a lot! :)
How about adding in field offices? (I know that is pretty big). Or maybe, allow toons to change their exterior house color. Or maybe allow toons to wear their cog disguises outside of the Hqs, to fool cogs on the street into becoming the toon's friend (that would be totaly HILARIOUS!). Add more game elements, like maybe toons could get to drive scooters, rollerblades, and skateboards on the streets. Perhaps you could introduce some Cog nation Cogs. These cogs would only show up in their specified playgrounds in random buildings, and the layout of the cog battle would be different from normal. For instance, you could have a Cog Nation Cog called Colder Caller where once inside the cog building he snatches all of your gags and you have to skate around the buildings floor on ice skates to collect them and use them back at the Colder Caller. Imagine on the screen a miniature bag that the toon can click on and all of the gags that they have collected throughout the floor will showup on he bottom of the screen. The toon then will click on a gag and then click on the colder caller to throw, squirt, drop, place a trap, or sound him. You can also use toon up to heal other toons in the building. But that is EXTREMELY BIG! (I know). Something small you could do is allow toons who go sad not to run back to the playground if there are other toons in the battle. This would give the other toons a chance to toon-up their fallen friend (kind of like W101). Thanks a lot! :)
Super Tom Rockenflip said on January 14, 2015 at 4:45 PM
That toon hall picture just looks awesome!
That toon hall picture just looks awesome!
Neo said on January 14, 2015 at 5:06 PM
I only have a few friends on the game so its awkward when I ask them to do something, I wont be able to find anyone to do factories with if there arent are always double points... but on the other hand.... that would be awesome and cool cries. But gardening shortening would be heavenly (Ive noticed that tweak)
I only have a few friends on the game so its awkward when I ask them to do something, I wont be able to find anyone to do factories with if there arent are always double points... but on the other hand.... that would be awesome and cool cries. But gardening shortening would be heavenly (Ive noticed that tweak)
Prof. Spiffy Pepperroni said on January 14, 2015 at 5:18 PM
Not sure how this would affect game balance, but maybe a new gag track focused on buffing? Kind of like how some of the SOS toons improve accuracy, except it could also temporarily raise the damage your gags do, or improve someone's defense or so on. And then the cogs could do the same thing against you!
Not sure how this would affect game balance, but maybe a new gag track focused on buffing? Kind of like how some of the SOS toons improve accuracy, except it could also temporarily raise the damage your gags do, or improve someone's defense or so on. And then the cogs could do the same thing against you!
Neo said on January 14, 2015 at 5:19 PM
True/Secret Friends!
True/Secret Friends!
Ethan Robinson said on January 14, 2015 at 5:20 PM
field offices please!
field offices please!
said on January 14, 2015 at 5:28 PM
TTR team, just I wanna say that when you make tweaks and such, be careful on what you add, to make the game feel like it's still Toontown in the end :)
TTR team, just I wanna say that when you make tweaks and such, be careful on what you add, to make the game feel like it's still Toontown in the end :)
Cliff said on January 14, 2015 at 5:32 PM
This may be hard, but I think the 2D models like the trees and statues should all be 3D models. Also, just a suggestion, is a new playground idea. So, my favorite Disney character is Horace Horsecollar. Not very well known, but I think it would be cool if he had a playground like Funny Farm, or just barns and farm theme in general. Or whatever you think! Excited for the new graphics too!
This may be hard, but I think the 2D models like the trees and statues should all be 3D models. Also, just a suggestion, is a new playground idea. So, my favorite Disney character is Horace Horsecollar. Not very well known, but I think it would be cool if he had a playground like Funny Farm, or just barns and farm theme in general. Or whatever you think! Excited for the new graphics too!
Rabbit Season said on January 14, 2015 at 5:48 PM
Buff the high dive gag!!! It is seriously underpowered compared to all of the other level seven gags. I would increase the amount of healing it does and make the healing apply to the person that uses the high dive gag. This would make it unique, as it basically has the same exact effect as the juggling balls with a different animation. Would be useful in that you could toon yourself up but only once a battle. Wouldn't be overpowered that it would toon yourself up because a similar function is already in the game, toon up unites that restore the person who used it's laff.
Buff the high dive gag!!! It is seriously underpowered compared to all of the other level seven gags. I would increase the amount of healing it does and make the healing apply to the person that uses the high dive gag. This would make it unique, as it basically has the same exact effect as the juggling balls with a different animation. Would be useful in that you could toon yourself up but only once a battle. Wouldn't be overpowered that it would toon yourself up because a similar function is already in the game, toon up unites that restore the person who used it's laff.
Doctor Lollipop Funnytoon said on January 14, 2015 at 5:59 PM
great! you guys are doing great at improvement! keep up the good work!
great! you guys are doing great at improvement! keep up the good work!
Sheriff J.C Wrinkle Noodle said on January 14, 2015 at 6:02 PM
You should be able to sell back items you buy from the store for like half price
You should be able to sell back items you buy from the store for like half price
Cool Popcorn Electrobouncer said on January 14, 2015 at 6:21 PM
It's Toontown Rewrit-extured!
It's Toontown Rewrit-extured!
Dyn-O-Frizzy said on January 14, 2015 at 6:33 PM
I was crying my eyes out like Charlie when TTO closed and when I saw that you guys were doing this it brought joy to my face. Thank you so much! :)
I was crying my eyes out like Charlie when TTO closed and when I saw that you guys were doing this it brought joy to my face. Thank you so much! :)
Goopy said on January 14, 2015 at 6:35 PM
I think a 14 y/o+ chat section would be great so that we have a larger array of words we can use. Toon Town is not supposed to be vulgar and neither are most of the words that are blocked.
I think a 14 y/o+ chat section would be great so that we have a larger array of words we can use. Toon Town is not supposed to be vulgar and neither are most of the words that are blocked.
Steve523 said on January 14, 2015 at 6:48 PM
it would be great if Toon-up worked on everyone including yourself.
it would be great if Toon-up worked on everyone including yourself.
Bouncey said on January 14, 2015 at 6:53 PM
i would love to be able to change the color of my name on houses. i'm very picky about colors and a lot of times after i create a toon and i don't like the color of my name on the house i have to remake my toon. cause i want cute colors and not those plain brown or grey or dark colors.
i would love to be able to change the color of my name on houses. i'm very picky about colors and a lot of times after i create a toon and i don't like the color of my name on the house i have to remake my toon. cause i want cute colors and not those plain brown or grey or dark colors.
Flappy WrinkleTeeth said on January 14, 2015 at 6:57 PM
Make it so you can get 140 laff, those extra 3 pts can be from a new boss! The Chairman, the boss of all cogs. And maybe make your toon have a birthday so every year on the day you made your toon, you can have like infinite jellybeans or access to any boss even if you don't have that suit. Add other tasks that could increase your speed, increase your jump height. or even double the amount of gag EXP you get for a certain amount of time. When you max a cog suit be able to tp to that cog hq. Decrease max merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options, because sometimes its just too much.
Make it so you can get 140 laff, those extra 3 pts can be from a new boss! The Chairman, the boss of all cogs. And maybe make your toon have a birthday so every year on the day you made your toon, you can have like infinite jellybeans or access to any boss even if you don't have that suit. Add other tasks that could increase your speed, increase your jump height. or even double the amount of gag EXP you get for a certain amount of time. When you max a cog suit be able to tp to that cog hq. Decrease max merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options, because sometimes its just too much.
Terrabolt said on January 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Omg i love you guys, i have a THOUSAND TWEAKS! literally... 1.) TWEAK SOUND AND TOONUP, I can not stress that enough ideas: sound- lower the damage or make cog levels higher because only 3 fogs to take a lvl 12 is sad. Toonup- Just tune it down like 40 laff each toon for juggling is way to much and can become very hard to die 2.)Make requirements for vp ideas: just a personal request making vp a ton easier and less tedious (minimum 55laff lvl 5 throw and squirt?) 3.)FIX THE CHAT!!!!!!!! reason: IF YOU CANT TELL UR FRIEND WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO OR WHAT NUMBERS YOU NEED FOR SOMETHING U HAVE TO USE STUFF LIKE won hundred 4.)Tweak hit percentages reason: drop is hitting way to much, toon is not hitting enough but again decrease its laff boost, lure is garbage, throw misses WAYYY to much and sound abit to much but again tweak sound I would go on but if you want more for later ill tell ya, but i have to give credit to DJYC21215, he is an awesome youtuber who just says facts about TT and what should be fixed
Omg i love you guys, i have a THOUSAND TWEAKS! literally... 1.) TWEAK SOUND AND TOONUP, I can not stress that enough ideas: sound- lower the damage or make cog levels higher because only 3 fogs to take a lvl 12 is sad. Toonup- Just tune it down like 40 laff each toon for juggling is way to much and can become very hard to die 2.)Make requirements for vp ideas: just a personal request making vp a ton easier and less tedious (minimum 55laff lvl 5 throw and squirt?) 3.)FIX THE CHAT!!!!!!!! reason: IF YOU CANT TELL UR FRIEND WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO OR WHAT NUMBERS YOU NEED FOR SOMETHING U HAVE TO USE STUFF LIKE won hundred 4.)Tweak hit percentages reason: drop is hitting way to much, toon is not hitting enough but again decrease its laff boost, lure is garbage, throw misses WAYYY to much and sound abit to much but again tweak sound I would go on but if you want more for later ill tell ya, but i have to give credit to DJYC21215, he is an awesome youtuber who just says facts about TT and what should be fixed
Luigi said on January 14, 2015 at 7:22 PM
There should be gifts again as in toons being able to buy items for other toons. And bossbot hq
There should be gifts again as in toons being able to buy items for other toons. And bossbot hq
Sorrow said on January 14, 2015 at 7:37 PM
tbh, i think that clothing/accessories should be unisex.
tbh, i think that clothing/accessories should be unisex.
Rover said on January 14, 2015 at 7:37 PM
I would like to see the ability to sell SOS cards. Think about it, we all know you'll never use restock lure (no offense Doctor Drift) or restock drop (no offense Shelly Seaweed), but they're going to sit there waiting to be used, which is most likely going to be you wasting them, so you can get a better card. So why not give those cards some value by having a little shop where you sell the SOS card to the shopkeeper and he gives you jellybeans? It would also be cool if we could trade our SOS cards with other toons.
I would like to see the ability to sell SOS cards. Think about it, we all know you'll never use restock lure (no offense Doctor Drift) or restock drop (no offense Shelly Seaweed), but they're going to sit there waiting to be used, which is most likely going to be you wasting them, so you can get a better card. So why not give those cards some value by having a little shop where you sell the SOS card to the shopkeeper and he gives you jellybeans? It would also be cool if we could trade our SOS cards with other toons.
Joey said on January 14, 2015 at 7:42 PM
You should be able to play on two computers on the same account.. So like if you wanted to be neighbors with your sister but you also wanted to play with your sister you could.. Obviously if someone logged into your toon it should kick you out... Or you could even just make it so if you log in on another computer it just shows on the toon "online" and like just have it locked so nobody can click it until they're off. I guess nobody has requested this.. not that i've seen... but seriously it'd be awesome if you did this... so PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT. I KNOW YOU'LL LIKE MY IDEA!!
You should be able to play on two computers on the same account.. So like if you wanted to be neighbors with your sister but you also wanted to play with your sister you could.. Obviously if someone logged into your toon it should kick you out... Or you could even just make it so if you log in on another computer it just shows on the toon "online" and like just have it locked so nobody can click it until they're off. I guess nobody has requested this.. not that i've seen... but seriously it'd be awesome if you did this... so PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT. I KNOW YOU'LL LIKE MY IDEA!!
PatrUnicSweSnieyY34 said on January 14, 2015 at 8:55 PM
Bunny said on January 14, 2015 at 9:00 PM
Since there are bullions make a trillion that gives 1500 - 2500 bucks but they take awhile to complete. Maxed bucks take awhile and its repetitive so it gets annoying also, just a suggestion.
Since there are bullions make a trillion that gives 1500 - 2500 bucks but they take awhile to complete. Maxed bucks take awhile and its repetitive so it gets annoying also, just a suggestion.
Pixie Dust said on January 14, 2015 at 9:54 PM
A skip button for when you are dancing, that was a great addition to TTO, and it's something I do miss... Thanks TTR!! 12 years and strong!!!!!!!
A skip button for when you are dancing, that was a great addition to TTO, and it's something I do miss... Thanks TTR!! 12 years and strong!!!!!!!
Miss Kit said on January 14, 2015 at 10:31 PM
Well I think that it would be aweful if TTR became very complicated. I LOVE TTR's simplicity! So I think it would be nice if you focused on the tiny things for the most part and made a FEW JUST a FEW big changes.For big changes I vote. 1.Being able to make our house bigger and improve it on the outside. 2.Having slightly more modern clothes and decorations. 3.Having more interesting toontasks especially for higher toons. 4.Letting high toons invent toontasks for the low toons. 5.Being able to change animal color/type without deleting it. 6.If you could do a toontask to change your name. 7.A larger variety of Trolley games. 8.Better graphics. THANK YOU TTR staff for letting me put up my ideas!!!! You guys are AMAZING!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR TOONTOWN SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I think that it would be aweful if TTR became very complicated. I LOVE TTR's simplicity! So I think it would be nice if you focused on the tiny things for the most part and made a FEW JUST a FEW big changes.For big changes I vote. 1.Being able to make our house bigger and improve it on the outside. 2.Having slightly more modern clothes and decorations. 3.Having more interesting toontasks especially for higher toons. 4.Letting high toons invent toontasks for the low toons. 5.Being able to change animal color/type without deleting it. 6.If you could do a toontask to change your name. 7.A larger variety of Trolley games. 8.Better graphics. THANK YOU TTR staff for letting me put up my ideas!!!! You guys are AMAZING!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR TOONTOWN SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandy said on January 14, 2015 at 10:38 PM
I love <3
I love <3
B-Dawg said on January 14, 2015 at 11:13 PM
Can't Wait the picture of the doors looked like another boss battle
Can't Wait the picture of the doors looked like another boss battle
Skipper said on January 14, 2015 at 11:23 PM
I'd like to see some tails on toons :)
I'd like to see some tails on toons :)
Coach Zucchini said on January 14, 2015 at 11:44 PM
1) Put gag locks on the Factory. This will prevent low toons from sneaking through and trying to get in to see the VP with only 15 laff and level 3 gags. Toons should have no less than level 5 throw and squirt to get in the factory. 2) Make it so if you turn down an invitation to join a boarding group, or if you leave a boarding group, you cannot be invited into that boarding group again. This will prevent low toons from harassing high toons with invitation after invitation. 3) Make it so only the boarding group creator can invite toons to join. You may be waiting for two other toons who are getting gags, but see a toon waiting to go. Only to find that as soon as you invite them, they invite two of their friends.
1) Put gag locks on the Factory. This will prevent low toons from sneaking through and trying to get in to see the VP with only 15 laff and level 3 gags. Toons should have no less than level 5 throw and squirt to get in the factory. 2) Make it so if you turn down an invitation to join a boarding group, or if you leave a boarding group, you cannot be invited into that boarding group again. This will prevent low toons from harassing high toons with invitation after invitation. 3) Make it so only the boarding group creator can invite toons to join. You may be waiting for two other toons who are getting gags, but see a toon waiting to go. Only to find that as soon as you invite them, they invite two of their friends.
The Flying Star said on January 15, 2015 at 1:11 AM
Finally, I noticed Daisy Gardens was missing a task chain for a new gag track. Why not add another gag track for a bit of extra teamwork? I had an idea in mind called "Bash" where toons use things such as wooden mallets to bash the cogs with, effectively boosting the accuracy of all gags and stunning them for a turn while doing damage. Those are my ideas anyway, you don't have to use them but I think they'd make a great addition. Have a think about it TTR team and stay toony!
Finally, I noticed Daisy Gardens was missing a task chain for a new gag track. Why not add another gag track for a bit of extra teamwork? I had an idea in mind called "Bash" where toons use things such as wooden mallets to bash the cogs with, effectively boosting the accuracy of all gags and stunning them for a turn while doing damage. Those are my ideas anyway, you don't have to use them but I think they'd make a great addition. Have a think about it TTR team and stay toony!
Skip BeanieNoodle said on January 15, 2015 at 2:07 AM
Ney said on January 15, 2015 at 2:44 AM
I would like to see around the barracks chief where the invasions of skeletons? many people with 105 laughs this time to new invasions
I would like to see around the barracks chief where the invasions of skeletons? many people with 105 laughs this time to new invasions
ivoney said on January 15, 2015 at 2:53 AM
teleporters to barracks when it is beaten 50 times improve gardening new scribbles types that have the walls of shops invasions urgent skeletons
teleporters to barracks when it is beaten 50 times improve gardening new scribbles types that have the walls of shops invasions urgent skeletons
William SHakespeare said on January 15, 2015 at 3:00 AM
it would be cool if the buildings that say now playing... will actually play the disney short in the building
it would be cool if the buildings that say now playing... will actually play the disney short in the building
Little Dynamite said on January 15, 2015 at 5:04 AM
New toons! I read about elections in which species like goat, cow or chicken were never chosen to be released. Maybe now it's their time to come into existence? :D
New toons! I read about elections in which species like goat, cow or chicken were never chosen to be released. Maybe now it's their time to come into existence? :D
john jacob jingleheimer schmidt said on January 15, 2015 at 5:21 AM
I read a lot of the comments and something I didn't see that I think would be awesome is... Hidden areas! What if there was a way to get to Dr. Surlee's lab? I don't know what kind of places you would make or exactly how you would get to these areas but you guys are pretty good at hiding stuff. ;)
I read a lot of the comments and something I didn't see that I think would be awesome is... Hidden areas! What if there was a way to get to Dr. Surlee's lab? I don't know what kind of places you would make or exactly how you would get to these areas but you guys are pretty good at hiding stuff. ;)
little beanhopper said on January 15, 2015 at 5:44 AM
i would like to see teleport to cog hq's and at the end instead of all those hundreds of bots for hundreds of jellybeans....different rewards would be nice..and i would like to see a whole new toontown chapter after ddl like a whole new land on a new page in the book so we can keep adventuring...ty
i would like to see teleport to cog hq's and at the end instead of all those hundreds of bots for hundreds of jellybeans....different rewards would be nice..and i would like to see a whole new toontown chapter after ddl like a whole new land on a new page in the book so we can keep adventuring...ty
Skippy Bumbleface said on January 15, 2015 at 7:35 AM
Awesome! Keep up the good work guys and please put,up field offices soon :)
Awesome! Keep up the good work guys and please put,up field offices soon :)
Sir Frizzy Trickysocks said on January 15, 2015 at 7:54 AM
Some more 2.0 invasions been stuck on it for weeks and cant get other tasks till its finished
Some more 2.0 invasions been stuck on it for weeks and cant get other tasks till its finished
Thunderboom said on January 15, 2015 at 8:11 AM
There should be group whispering!!!
There should be group whispering!!!
Robobrains said on January 15, 2015 at 8:32 AM
Let us wear cog suits outside of HQ areas.
Let us wear cog suits outside of HQ areas.
Zilly Bagelzaner said on January 15, 2015 at 8:54 AM
Make it so that more of the shirts aren't gender-exclusive? There are some really great looking boy toon shirts that I'd love to be able to wear.
Make it so that more of the shirts aren't gender-exclusive? There are some really great looking boy toon shirts that I'd love to be able to wear.
Pendragon The Ninja said on January 15, 2015 at 9:14 AM
So, do we leave our suggestions as a reply to this News Update? Because I think for gardening... If you took out the animations such as your toon digging, and your toon watering, it would be so much quicker. I don't think the animations fully justify how long they make gardening. Just a thought. :)
So, do we leave our suggestions as a reply to this News Update? Because I think for gardening... If you took out the animations such as your toon digging, and your toon watering, it would be so much quicker. I don't think the animations fully justify how long they make gardening. Just a thought. :)
Pendragon The Ninja said on January 15, 2015 at 9:16 AM
Also, another thing! I feel that it would be really nice if we could also change the color of our nameplate, instead of only the font.
Also, another thing! I feel that it would be really nice if we could also change the color of our nameplate, instead of only the font.
Soap said on January 15, 2015 at 9:46 AM
I would love to have access to all 7 gag tracks! I like the idea of double experience in HQ's so we don't have to stand around waiting for invasions. I also like the HQ tp idea, after a toon has maxed it. And a district that constantly runs invasions would be nice. Thank you for everything you guys do! We truly appreciate it!
I would love to have access to all 7 gag tracks! I like the idea of double experience in HQ's so we don't have to stand around waiting for invasions. I also like the HQ tp idea, after a toon has maxed it. And a district that constantly runs invasions would be nice. Thank you for everything you guys do! We truly appreciate it!
Little Missy said on January 15, 2015 at 9:58 AM
I think that if you make everything easier there won't be a challenge :/ I think you should make things harder, so that people could think when they play not just thoughtlessly click a few buttons, but something that I can recommend is DOODLES!! I hope you start working on bringing doodles back ASAP, :P Thanks TTR :)
I think that if you make everything easier there won't be a challenge :/ I think you should make things harder, so that people could think when they play not just thoughtlessly click a few buttons, but something that I can recommend is DOODLES!! I hope you start working on bringing doodles back ASAP, :P Thanks TTR :)
Lola said on January 15, 2015 at 11:50 AM
I would love to be able to buy an extension to the interior of the toon house to allow other rooms or even an upstairs. :) I also miss giving gifts to my friends. I really wish that I could give gifts again. I have too many jellybeans, lol. >.<
I would love to be able to buy an extension to the interior of the toon house to allow other rooms or even an upstairs. :) I also miss giving gifts to my friends. I really wish that I could give gifts again. I have too many jellybeans, lol. >.<
Stay Puffed Marshmellow Man said on January 15, 2015 at 11:58 AM
I would like to see harder factories. I think there should be two types of factories. The easy ones that the younger toons can go into to get their cog parts, and harder factories that are as hard as any mint, DA office, or bossbot golf course. Getting merits takes so long, it would be nice to have harder battles that would give more merits.
I would like to see harder factories. I think there should be two types of factories. The easy ones that the younger toons can go into to get their cog parts, and harder factories that are as hard as any mint, DA office, or bossbot golf course. Getting merits takes so long, it would be nice to have harder battles that would give more merits.
BonkersElectroPow said on January 15, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Maybe you could add PVP? that would be amazing!
Maybe you could add PVP? that would be amazing!
Ziggy said on January 15, 2015 at 1:47 PM
You should do it like the old toontown, and make it so you can skip dancing, and also allow you to tp to the cog hqs when you first fight the boss cog.
You should do it like the old toontown, and make it so you can skip dancing, and also allow you to tp to the cog hqs when you first fight the boss cog.
Cool Popcorn Electrobouncer said on January 15, 2015 at 1:48 PM
It would be cool if there were some captions that said "you have encountered a Big Cheese" If you run into a big cheese.
It would be cool if there were some captions that said "you have encountered a Big Cheese" If you run into a big cheese.
quackerz said on January 15, 2015 at 2:22 PM
you should make a bbhq or ill cry dont make me cry please
you should make a bbhq or ill cry dont make me cry please
Yumyum said on January 15, 2015 at 2:36 PM
just add bbhq >:(
just add bbhq >:(
Indigo said on January 15, 2015 at 2:42 PM
I cant thank you enough for bringing us toontown rewritten, you guys are absolutely amazing.
I cant thank you enough for bringing us toontown rewritten, you guys are absolutely amazing.
Tora said on January 15, 2015 at 2:48 PM
I have a few ideas, small things, of course. I remember when I was younger, and I have the memory of a pet- a doodle. I'm not sure fi you guys can get a doodle working. but I do know that it's always better with a loyal friend! I also have ideas about toon styles. What if we would like to change our toon? Like the color? or even the body type? I thought there should be a building for things, like plastic surgery. For example, what if you get a really high level, then decide you don't like the style? I also thought of a place where you can re color items, most likely clothing. I know I like my clothes to match, like In real life! Another thing. Jellybeans. Jellybeans seem to take a long time to get- this is just a suggestion, but it's okay for now- but I thought maybe adding a job? To get about 150 jellybeans? Or maybe you can get a prize for logging in once a day, like jellybeans. something simple, and new. It may not be original, and it might change a lot, but thee same thing for years could get boring. That gives me an idea. So if you add many things, what if someone likes the original better, for good memories? Or maybe an area just to remember the old toontown? These are some suggestions I have, but it may take a bit to do. Thank you for reading, Tora.
I have a few ideas, small things, of course. I remember when I was younger, and I have the memory of a pet- a doodle. I'm not sure fi you guys can get a doodle working. but I do know that it's always better with a loyal friend! I also have ideas about toon styles. What if we would like to change our toon? Like the color? or even the body type? I thought there should be a building for things, like plastic surgery. For example, what if you get a really high level, then decide you don't like the style? I also thought of a place where you can re color items, most likely clothing. I know I like my clothes to match, like In real life! Another thing. Jellybeans. Jellybeans seem to take a long time to get- this is just a suggestion, but it's okay for now- but I thought maybe adding a job? To get about 150 jellybeans? Or maybe you can get a prize for logging in once a day, like jellybeans. something simple, and new. It may not be original, and it might change a lot, but thee same thing for years could get boring. That gives me an idea. So if you add many things, what if someone likes the original better, for good memories? Or maybe an area just to remember the old toontown? These are some suggestions I have, but it may take a bit to do. Thank you for reading, Tora.
Cherry said on January 15, 2015 at 2:54 PM
It gets pretty boring traveling the streets to go to an area, and then running into a cog, then have to start over! What if you could teleport to a playground? Sweet and simple, and it seems like it would make traveling a lot easier.
It gets pretty boring traveling the streets to go to an area, and then running into a cog, then have to start over! What if you could teleport to a playground? Sweet and simple, and it seems like it would make traveling a lot easier.
Lovely Leona said on January 15, 2015 at 2:55 PM
I agree with Cool Cats about the boss difficulty. On the old Toontown, I aced them all but the CEO. I had a very high toon but I just ould not manage it. I know we don't have a CEO yet, but it would be nice if there was one a little less difficult and then one more difficult. Thanks for EVERYTHING!
I agree with Cool Cats about the boss difficulty. On the old Toontown, I aced them all but the CEO. I had a very high toon but I just ould not manage it. I know we don't have a CEO yet, but it would be nice if there was one a little less difficult and then one more difficult. Thanks for EVERYTHING!
Good ol' Domino Cheezyknees said on January 15, 2015 at 2:56 PM
I personally think that it would be good to OCCASIONALLY get beans from cogs, higher the level, the more beans you get [when it happens]. Oh, and this might be a stretch but I for one would like to see some mailing system. As in buying stationary and dropping it in your friend's mailbox when you get the chance to do so. And last but not least,trolley bonuses. Players could earn beans for example from getting the most tags in the tag game, or the most cogs killed on toon escape. (these bonuses would be no major amount, mind you.) Or even for a clean run (no cogs hit) on the maze game. Thank you for considering my ideas!
I personally think that it would be good to OCCASIONALLY get beans from cogs, higher the level, the more beans you get [when it happens]. Oh, and this might be a stretch but I for one would like to see some mailing system. As in buying stationary and dropping it in your friend's mailbox when you get the chance to do so. And last but not least,trolley bonuses. Players could earn beans for example from getting the most tags in the tag game, or the most cogs killed on toon escape. (these bonuses would be no major amount, mind you.) Or even for a clean run (no cogs hit) on the maze game. Thank you for considering my ideas!
Cassie said on January 15, 2015 at 3:05 PM
You should take golfing out of boss before you put it back in :)
You should take golfing out of boss before you put it back in :)
Super Ducky said on January 15, 2015 at 3:06 PM
WOW! I love the idea with the texture! I think for Toontown Rewritten, maybe you guys could add in the Chairman? I've heard people talking about it and it would be fun to do when you've already beat the CEO! It could be a secret location under TTC that only CEO beaters have access to.
WOW! I love the idea with the texture! I think for Toontown Rewritten, maybe you guys could add in the Chairman? I've heard people talking about it and it would be fun to do when you've already beat the CEO! It could be a secret location under TTC that only CEO beaters have access to.
Jake said on January 15, 2015 at 3:13 PM
Ooh! I forgot (this might be to much to ask, but its just an idea) You could Add "Pete's Forest" DUN DUN DUN!!!!! (Kinda like Acorn Aceres and Goofy Speedway, you can have instant Teleport access to it.
Ooh! I forgot (this might be to much to ask, but its just an idea) You could Add "Pete's Forest" DUN DUN DUN!!!!! (Kinda like Acorn Aceres and Goofy Speedway, you can have instant Teleport access to it.
super fireball said on January 15, 2015 at 3:15 PM
new gag track! called push and pull first the cog gets pulled over then gets pushed in the air then it lands with lots of damage accaury allways hits! :d
new gag track! called push and pull first the cog gets pulled over then gets pushed in the air then it lands with lots of damage accaury allways hits! :d
Cool Bart Electrotoon said on January 15, 2015 at 3:20 PM
I can't wait for the Retextured project to finish. Could you guys increase the amount of points our gags go up as it takes forever to level up.
I can't wait for the Retextured project to finish. Could you guys increase the amount of points our gags go up as it takes forever to level up.
said on January 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM
Doodles please? And maybe make gardening take a bit less time. What also would be nice is to make street tps and VP and bossbot tp also.
Doodles please? And maybe make gardening take a bit less time. What also would be nice is to make street tps and VP and bossbot tp also.
Kevin said on January 15, 2015 at 3:49 PM
Im gonna love this!!!!
Im gonna love this!!!!
Lutari said on January 15, 2015 at 4:20 PM
Can I just say that I -LOVE- Saturn's idea? I mean, when were advertising for Dragon Clan and were helping someone with their toon name and stuff, no joke, people come and are like, "Is this a clan?" or, "What Clan is this?" it drives me INSANE! Oh, and by the way, - DRAGON TOONS PLEASE O_O -
Can I just say that I -LOVE- Saturn's idea? I mean, when were advertising for Dragon Clan and were helping someone with their toon name and stuff, no joke, people come and are like, "Is this a clan?" or, "What Clan is this?" it drives me INSANE! Oh, and by the way, - DRAGON TOONS PLEASE O_O -
Lady Candy Preciousboom said on January 15, 2015 at 4:33 PM
omg thats awesome okay well heres some thoughts from me 1) fix bugs and crashes 2) new themes 3) new areas 4) new toon colours 5) new up to date toon clothes e.g. jackets, hoodies, jeans, skirts, shorts, tank tops, crop tops, dresses 6) a chance to roam around like a cog or when signing up for toon town and creating a toon there should be something or a project even for the chance to create a cog instead and fight toons that would be cool 7) in game mods ( if your staff has the time) to come and hang out in game have social events and things like that 8) more challenges art challenges game challenges more trolly games i think there should be a system where you can buy clothes with jellybeans instead it would be better i think and more clothes in the catalog too
omg thats awesome okay well heres some thoughts from me 1) fix bugs and crashes 2) new themes 3) new areas 4) new toon colours 5) new up to date toon clothes e.g. jackets, hoodies, jeans, skirts, shorts, tank tops, crop tops, dresses 6) a chance to roam around like a cog or when signing up for toon town and creating a toon there should be something or a project even for the chance to create a cog instead and fight toons that would be cool 7) in game mods ( if your staff has the time) to come and hang out in game have social events and things like that 8) more challenges art challenges game challenges more trolly games i think there should be a system where you can buy clothes with jellybeans instead it would be better i think and more clothes in the catalog too
Christa said on January 15, 2015 at 4:41 PM
I'd love to see a higher capacity for the amount of jellybeans you can carry. 40 jellybeans isn't a lot if you think about it. :)
I'd love to see a higher capacity for the amount of jellybeans you can carry. 40 jellybeans isn't a lot if you think about it. :)
bumble bear said on January 15, 2015 at 4:57 PM
wow thanks ttr,you guys rock,i will never stop playing this beacause i have played it since i was 2,im 10 now!
wow thanks ttr,you guys rock,i will never stop playing this beacause i have played it since i was 2,im 10 now!
Prize said on January 15, 2015 at 5:05 PM
Personally, I think Toon Up should be nerfed.
Personally, I think Toon Up should be nerfed.
Jenny said on January 15, 2015 at 5:16 PM
Max suits get TP access to Cog HQs!! THIS WOULD BE AMAZING!!!
Max suits get TP access to Cog HQs!! THIS WOULD BE AMAZING!!!
Mr. Meow said on January 15, 2015 at 5:22 PM
I have a suggestion. How about leveling up gags takes a slightly less amount to level up such as reduced by 15%? It is enough to speed up the process but small enough that you would just speed through leveling up.
I have a suggestion. How about leveling up gags takes a slightly less amount to level up such as reduced by 15%? It is enough to speed up the process but small enough that you would just speed through leveling up.
captain yippie lemonswirl said on January 15, 2015 at 5:29 PM
u should add faster garden cut scenes, some newer fish, open the pet store or make a task to earn pet shop access, BOSS BOT HQ!!!, and perhaps tp access to cog hq's
u should add faster garden cut scenes, some newer fish, open the pet store or make a task to earn pet shop access, BOSS BOT HQ!!!, and perhaps tp access to cog hq's
Aerith said on January 15, 2015 at 6:02 PM
I agree with some other toons about the striped shirt thats a boys exclusive to be available for girls!
I agree with some other toons about the striped shirt thats a boys exclusive to be available for girls!
Little Rainbow Nickelhopper said on January 15, 2015 at 6:03 PM
Please update the parties! Those were the best! XD
Please update the parties! Those were the best! XD
Blob said on January 15, 2015 at 6:09 PM
I understand that you guys are focusing on the small thing at this moment but I'm speaking for myself and probably for other toons. I'd (we'd) love to see Doodles return. They are very hulpful during battles if you dont have anyone or anythign to refuil your Laugh-O-Meter, they keep some of us buzy at our house trying to tain them to do some new tricks, (etc.).
I understand that you guys are focusing on the small thing at this moment but I'm speaking for myself and probably for other toons. I'd (we'd) love to see Doodles return. They are very hulpful during battles if you dont have anyone or anythign to refuil your Laugh-O-Meter, they keep some of us buzy at our house trying to tain them to do some new tricks, (etc.).
Max Goldman said on January 15, 2015 at 6:10 PM
Open the Pet Shops!!!
Open the Pet Shops!!!
Mrs. Fluffy said on January 15, 2015 at 6:10 PM
ADD DOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please =D
ADD DOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please =D
Crazy Thundermuffin said on January 15, 2015 at 6:11 PM
So Excited Thanks Guys
So Excited Thanks Guys
Tarzan the hairy man said on January 15, 2015 at 6:11 PM
OOO OOO hi OO my name is OOO see what I mean? I think that when you submit something or spell something wrong just not show it al all. Do not try and make it an animal noise. Example A: Look a eek eek took eek out eek. U cannot understand anything. this is what I really said: Look a cog bldg took over out and everywhere! plz write soon :)
OOO OOO hi OO my name is OOO see what I mean? I think that when you submit something or spell something wrong just not show it al all. Do not try and make it an animal noise. Example A: Look a eek eek took eek out eek. U cannot understand anything. this is what I really said: Look a cog bldg took over out and everywhere! plz write soon :)
Doggenmarble said on January 15, 2015 at 6:11 PM
OMG thank you guys so much! This'll be so cool! I would want, new toon colors, maybe... more emotions! And how about ( Don't take offense ) Me and other toons have been having problem with lure and sounds accuracy. They seem to miss more often, but anyway, I like all of your ideas and I hope you implement them into to toontown, and please keep up the work and good job! Stay toontastic!
OMG thank you guys so much! This'll be so cool! I would want, new toon colors, maybe... more emotions! And how about ( Don't take offense ) Me and other toons have been having problem with lure and sounds accuracy. They seem to miss more often, but anyway, I like all of your ideas and I hope you implement them into to toontown, and please keep up the work and good job! Stay toontastic!
Marywell Pool said on January 15, 2015 at 6:12 PM
I'd love it if doodles came back! They used to be one of my favorite parts of Toontown, and they were so useful in battle! I'd also like to be able to gift my friends again (from the catalog). It's really annoying not being able to send my friends items, especially when they're low on jellybeans.
I'd love it if doodles came back! They used to be one of my favorite parts of Toontown, and they were so useful in battle! I'd also like to be able to gift my friends again (from the catalog). It's really annoying not being able to send my friends items, especially when they're low on jellybeans.
Cricket said on January 15, 2015 at 6:12 PM
This is amazing.
This is amazing.
Awesome Wolf said on January 15, 2015 at 6:13 PM
Omg me and my sister have been waiting for this moment in so long! Thanks Toontown Rewritten! I can count on you! This will take away lag for getting around tunnels teleporting sometimes is hard when theres so much lag! Im so happy your adding things and making toontown improve by far! everybody is interested to see the addings to ttr have a nice rest of your day guys See ya! Bye! <3
Omg me and my sister have been waiting for this moment in so long! Thanks Toontown Rewritten! I can count on you! This will take away lag for getting around tunnels teleporting sometimes is hard when theres so much lag! Im so happy your adding things and making toontown improve by far! everybody is interested to see the addings to ttr have a nice rest of your day guys See ya! Bye! <3
Wilbur Wildface said on January 15, 2015 at 6:14 PM
Maybe Bossbot HQ, new toon animals, new cog type?, golfing, new ideas, anything!
Maybe Bossbot HQ, new toon animals, new cog type?, golfing, new ideas, anything!
Taffy said on January 15, 2015 at 6:14 PM
I absolutely love this game. But I think it would be nice if a little higher level cogs could be found around toontown central. That would be really nice. Not really like level 6 or 7 maybe just a few more level 3s and 4s. Thanks I hope you can fix it!
I absolutely love this game. But I think it would be nice if a little higher level cogs could be found around toontown central. That would be really nice. Not really like level 6 or 7 maybe just a few more level 3s and 4s. Thanks I hope you can fix it!
Doggenmarble said on January 15, 2015 at 6:14 PM
OMG thank you guys so much! This'll be so cool! I would want, new toon colors, maybe... more emotions! And how about ( Don't take offense ) Me and other toons have been having problem with lure and sounds accuracy. They seem to miss more often, but anyway, I like all of your ideas and I hope you implement them into to toontown, and please keep up the work and good job! Stay toontastic!
OMG thank you guys so much! This'll be so cool! I would want, new toon colors, maybe... more emotions! And how about ( Don't take offense ) Me and other toons have been having problem with lure and sounds accuracy. They seem to miss more often, but anyway, I like all of your ideas and I hope you implement them into to toontown, and please keep up the work and good job! Stay toontastic!
Castor said on January 15, 2015 at 6:16 PM
This isn't all that important to add to the game, but I really like the idea of being able to make your own group/clan.
This isn't all that important to add to the game, but I really like the idea of being able to make your own group/clan.
Amity said on January 15, 2015 at 6:19 PM
I think the whole 'double points in an HQ without invasion' sounds like a good improvement so then you don't always need to wait around for a long invasion to get merits quickly :)
I think the whole 'double points in an HQ without invasion' sounds like a good improvement so then you don't always need to wait around for a long invasion to get merits quickly :)
Gold Mouse Cool Toon said on January 15, 2015 at 6:21 PM
Yes! I couldn't have heard of better news! Good work TTR Team!
Yes! I couldn't have heard of better news! Good work TTR Team!
Weirdigorzippendorf said on January 15, 2015 at 6:21 PM
The tweaks you suggested are excellent. Reducing, even a little the paths to level up in the HQ's would reduce the time wasted waiting on invasions and the repetitiveness of the leveling up. Similarly, making some species of fish (the Devil Ray or the Holey Mackerel) less rare would be excellent. After playing Toontown for 10 years and countless hours of fishing I never ever got a Devil Ray. I got so frustrated I even tried a fishing bot. Still no Devil Ray. In any event, any tweaks you think of would be great. Thank you all so much for all your good work.
The tweaks you suggested are excellent. Reducing, even a little the paths to level up in the HQ's would reduce the time wasted waiting on invasions and the repetitiveness of the leveling up. Similarly, making some species of fish (the Devil Ray or the Holey Mackerel) less rare would be excellent. After playing Toontown for 10 years and countless hours of fishing I never ever got a Devil Ray. I got so frustrated I even tried a fishing bot. Still no Devil Ray. In any event, any tweaks you think of would be great. Thank you all so much for all your good work.
Shadow Master said on January 15, 2015 at 6:23 PM
This is awesome! Cant wait for the new update!
This is awesome! Cant wait for the new update!
cool cat said on January 15, 2015 at 6:24 PM
i would really like if the party hat can be back and free tree plants doodles u gotta have doodles i lve u ttr team
i would really like if the party hat can be back and free tree plants doodles u gotta have doodles i lve u ttr team
Cool Candy said on January 15, 2015 at 6:28 PM
Well Toontown Rewritten is in an update now, so maybe this is the tweaks to Toontown update! Well, if you ask me, I would want fishing to be easier, gardening taking less time, level 8 gags, new types of houses ( cupcake, tiki, rustic, castle), new Toontown law limit (maybe 150), and new accessories like the old game had that you left out. Doodles would be great too. Man do i miss those doodles! Well good luck this year, and don't worry be happy! :D
Well Toontown Rewritten is in an update now, so maybe this is the tweaks to Toontown update! Well, if you ask me, I would want fishing to be easier, gardening taking less time, level 8 gags, new types of houses ( cupcake, tiki, rustic, castle), new Toontown law limit (maybe 150), and new accessories like the old game had that you left out. Doodles would be great too. Man do i miss those doodles! Well good luck this year, and don't worry be happy! :D
super mac whistlespeed said on January 15, 2015 at 6:35 PM
all of ur guys ideas are great but most of all I want doodles to be out!
all of ur guys ideas are great but most of all I want doodles to be out!
reggie said on January 15, 2015 at 6:40 PM
I hope they create the CHAIRMAN so pnce u completed ur sellbot cashbot lawbot and ( bossbot ) to be able to challenge the awful CHAIRMAN!
I hope they create the CHAIRMAN so pnce u completed ur sellbot cashbot lawbot and ( bossbot ) to be able to challenge the awful CHAIRMAN!
Sir Tom said on January 15, 2015 at 6:41 PM
When getting to the higher laff points, even a 5 story building in Donalds Dreamland can become sort of boring. Would be nice to see some 6-story buildings to keep even the higher laff-toons challenged.
When getting to the higher laff points, even a 5 story building in Donalds Dreamland can become sort of boring. Would be nice to see some 6-story buildings to keep even the higher laff-toons challenged.
little peanut crumblecorn said on January 15, 2015 at 6:45 PM
SOOO! you say make suggestions eh! ok! i have one! and i mean ONE! DOODLES! the little pets in the old game :D:D:D
SOOO! you say make suggestions eh! ok! i have one! and i mean ONE! DOODLES! the little pets in the old game :D:D:D
Master Hector McFlapper said on January 15, 2015 at 6:46 PM
After reading some of the suggestions, I agree that if a building for a toontask is taken over by cogs the number should be grey, and a TP to Cog HQ's would be great.
After reading some of the suggestions, I agree that if a building for a toontask is taken over by cogs the number should be grey, and a TP to Cog HQ's would be great.
hero said on January 15, 2015 at 6:49 PM
this is going to be AMAZING!!!!!!!
this is going to be AMAZING!!!!!!!
Minerva said on January 15, 2015 at 6:51 PM
There should be a way to trade sos cards. It would be so cool. :D
There should be a way to trade sos cards. It would be so cool. :D
Bizzy Sourcrash said on January 15, 2015 at 6:52 PM
Hmm.... I REALLY want parties,doodles and boosbot hq.
Hmm.... I REALLY want parties,doodles and boosbot hq.
Thunderbolt said on January 15, 2015 at 6:53 PM
Wigs for toons… Yeah I would like a beard for my toon.
Wigs for toons… Yeah I would like a beard for my toon.
Thunderbolt said on January 15, 2015 at 6:56 PM
I would like to be able to change the outside of your house.
I would like to be able to change the outside of your house.
featherbounce said on January 15, 2015 at 6:56 PM
could you bring back gifts in the cattlelog
could you bring back gifts in the cattlelog
Bingo said on January 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Sup TTR! First off, thanks so much for bringing back this game. A suggestion I have (playing TTO for a long time) is gag grinding. When most people farm gags they go in an invaded server. What would help is if (I'll give you an example) instead of LVL 1 GAG: 1 skill credit LVL 2 GAG: 2 skill credit... so on and so forth. What if it was LVL 1 GAG: 2 skill points LVL 2 GAG: 4 skill points LVL 3 GAG: 6 skill points so on and so forth. Then when an invasion is there it doubles plus building bonuses and stuff. I fell this will help with toons that want to do VP/Higher buildings and cant because they waste so much time on farming gags and cant focus on there quest. Just a thought.. BINGO P.S. I like everything else you guys wrote about.
Sup TTR! First off, thanks so much for bringing back this game. A suggestion I have (playing TTO for a long time) is gag grinding. When most people farm gags they go in an invaded server. What would help is if (I'll give you an example) instead of LVL 1 GAG: 1 skill credit LVL 2 GAG: 2 skill credit... so on and so forth. What if it was LVL 1 GAG: 2 skill points LVL 2 GAG: 4 skill points LVL 3 GAG: 6 skill points so on and so forth. Then when an invasion is there it doubles plus building bonuses and stuff. I fell this will help with toons that want to do VP/Higher buildings and cant because they waste so much time on farming gags and cant focus on there quest. Just a thought.. BINGO P.S. I like everything else you guys wrote about.
Fiddlefoot said on January 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM
I have a few thoughts. I think you should add the boss hq, and field offices, and doodles, and golfing. And thank you for making ttr, this was by far the best Disney game and you have remade it very good. Keep the updates coming!
I have a few thoughts. I think you should add the boss hq, and field offices, and doodles, and golfing. And thank you for making ttr, this was by far the best Disney game and you have remade it very good. Keep the updates coming!
Prince Graham Doggentoon said on January 15, 2015 at 7:01 PM
Thanks so much for making toontown rewritten! So happy to see the game again!! I really enjoy playing here!!! This is a brilliant game that I've met so far!
Thanks so much for making toontown rewritten! So happy to see the game again!! I really enjoy playing here!!! This is a brilliant game that I've met so far!
Bingo said on January 15, 2015 at 7:03 PM
mat said on January 15, 2015 at 7:07 PM
It'd be great if users could select clothing for either gender despite what gender they chose during toon creation. Ex: girl toons with guy shirts, boys toons with bows. Also more organization while choosing clothes without having to use an arrow to look through their choices.
It'd be great if users could select clothing for either gender despite what gender they chose during toon creation. Ex: girl toons with guy shirts, boys toons with bows. Also more organization while choosing clothes without having to use an arrow to look through their choices.
Kyo said on January 15, 2015 at 7:08 PM
This is great! I can't wait to see what's coming up in Toontown Rewritten!
This is great! I can't wait to see what's coming up in Toontown Rewritten!
sandwich said on January 15, 2015 at 7:09 PM
you should make it so people can log onto the same account at the same time and let them like see each other int the neighbor hood and are already friends -tanks, sandwich
you should make it so people can log onto the same account at the same time and let them like see each other int the neighbor hood and are already friends -tanks, sandwich
Bluedog said on January 15, 2015 at 7:12 PM
I think the game should get the mini golf working.
I think the game should get the mini golf working.
Florence said on January 15, 2015 at 7:14 PM
I'd say tweak drop rates on items. It's horrible now. Also, the grind to level up gags is ridiculous- I could see tweaks being made there too.
I'd say tweak drop rates on items. It's horrible now. Also, the grind to level up gags is ridiculous- I could see tweaks being made there too.
Lovice said on January 15, 2015 at 7:14 PM
Can there be headphones for toontown accessories :3 please
Can there be headphones for toontown accessories :3 please
Thanks a Million! said on January 15, 2015 at 7:15 PM
I've always wanted this on the old toontown but maybe we could get all the gags instead of only 6. I would love to train some more! :)
I've always wanted this on the old toontown but maybe we could get all the gags instead of only 6. I would love to train some more! :)
Hammy said on January 15, 2015 at 7:21 PM
can you guys put back the pet store's? BUT THANK YOU FOR THE COOL UPDATE!!! :D
can you guys put back the pet store's? BUT THANK YOU FOR THE COOL UPDATE!!! :D
Little Coconut (Bear) said on January 15, 2015 at 7:22 PM
Hi all and thanks to the staff for asking for our input. I think it would be great to have a GAG DISPENSER created to be placed throughout Toontown HQ's, so that we can get gags quickly, rather than going all the way back to the Gag Shop. Thanks,
Hi all and thanks to the staff for asking for our input. I think it would be great to have a GAG DISPENSER created to be placed throughout Toontown HQ's, so that we can get gags quickly, rather than going all the way back to the Gag Shop. Thanks,
Captain Nutty Flippercrunch said on January 15, 2015 at 7:23 PM
I'd like to hire a gardener to water my plants and trees up to a week at a time.
I'd like to hire a gardener to water my plants and trees up to a week at a time.
double bubble said on January 15, 2015 at 7:24 PM
you guys should make rainbow colored toons
you guys should make rainbow colored toons
Snappy Fumbleberry said on January 15, 2015 at 7:25 PM
I think it would be great to add a version 2.0 cog building. Also can there be black dogs? I dont like that on Halloween only cats get to be black I think dogs should be black too. And I really enjoyed the field offices in TTO. Is there any chance you could bring them back? Also can we get teleport access to cog hq? Keep up the good work guys!
I think it would be great to add a version 2.0 cog building. Also can there be black dogs? I dont like that on Halloween only cats get to be black I think dogs should be black too. And I really enjoyed the field offices in TTO. Is there any chance you could bring them back? Also can we get teleport access to cog hq? Keep up the good work guys!
rylo5555 said on January 15, 2015 at 7:26 PM
hi i think u should add the 3D characters at their plc it was in the last toontown and i really like them
hi i think u should add the 3D characters at their plc it was in the last toontown and i really like them
Briar Rose said on January 15, 2015 at 7:27 PM
I think we should be able to change our toons color and maybe even name after we make them, not over and over, but say if you had a black cat as a toon in the original ToonTown, and you happened to miss the black cat event. Or if you just decide the name you originally picked doesnt suit your toon now! also maybe adding grey as a color choice! :D
I think we should be able to change our toons color and maybe even name after we make them, not over and over, but say if you had a black cat as a toon in the original ToonTown, and you happened to miss the black cat event. Or if you just decide the name you originally picked doesnt suit your toon now! also maybe adding grey as a color choice! :D
Sugarpie Honeybunch said on January 15, 2015 at 7:32 PM
A way to trade our fish in from home instead of having to go back to the playground, or a larger bucket to hold more fish. How about being able to decorate out side of your house? Add a swing set, or lawn furniture. Maybe all estate toons can share one doodle. After maxing each suit be able to TP to HQ's is a good idea and when you totally max your toon add the last gag track line. Then you really will be a power toon. I know some toons didn't realize how important it is to have sound, healing or lure. Thank you for all you have done so far. Keep up the great work. Totally LOVE this game. :) <3
A way to trade our fish in from home instead of having to go back to the playground, or a larger bucket to hold more fish. How about being able to decorate out side of your house? Add a swing set, or lawn furniture. Maybe all estate toons can share one doodle. After maxing each suit be able to TP to HQ's is a good idea and when you totally max your toon add the last gag track line. Then you really will be a power toon. I know some toons didn't realize how important it is to have sound, healing or lure. Thank you for all you have done so far. Keep up the great work. Totally LOVE this game. :) <3
howie said on January 15, 2015 at 7:34 PM
This is a fun game and I like it but I like haveing pets like the old toontown and this game is fun plz add pets agian
This is a fun game and I like it but I like haveing pets like the old toontown and this game is fun plz add pets agian
Skai Blu said on January 15, 2015 at 7:37 PM
I really like the horizontal striped shirt, but that's for guys :/ Maybe alllllll toons can have the same selection of clothes.. like mix all of the clothes together and BAM!!
I really like the horizontal striped shirt, but that's for guys :/ Maybe alllllll toons can have the same selection of clothes.. like mix all of the clothes together and BAM!!
Romeo said on January 15, 2015 at 7:37 PM
Hi and what i think you and everybody else has come up with is amazing. and i do have a suggestion but it may be a little much but maybe some new places to explore if its possible i get it if its not Doable
Hi and what i think you and everybody else has come up with is amazing. and i do have a suggestion but it may be a little much but maybe some new places to explore if its possible i get it if its not Doable
Ora N. Gutang said on January 15, 2015 at 7:41 PM
I think co-ops in Toontown wold be pretty cool. I know there are websites out there with forums and chats for TTR, like the IRC. It can be tedious though to keep switching screens. I like using the IRC to get help with buildings and find vp's/cfo's/cj's. Any way to incorporate something like that in game?
I think co-ops in Toontown wold be pretty cool. I know there are websites out there with forums and chats for TTR, like the IRC. It can be tedious though to keep switching screens. I like using the IRC to get help with buildings and find vp's/cfo's/cj's. Any way to incorporate something like that in game?
cuddles twinklemuffin said on January 15, 2015 at 7:41 PM
doodles please!! <3
doodles please!! <3
Lucky beanienerd said on January 15, 2015 at 7:43 PM
I think we will all be excited to see doodles again!!!
I think we will all be excited to see doodles again!!!
princessdizzysplat said on January 15, 2015 at 7:44 PM
this is pretty cool! :D u guys are so great 4 making ttr my best friend showed me tto but when it closed my heart died but when ttr came out i was i happy person again :)
this is pretty cool! :D u guys are so great 4 making ttr my best friend showed me tto but when it closed my heart died but when ttr came out i was i happy person again :)
maxbumpenflap said on January 15, 2015 at 7:46 PM
i'd change the experience of the gags a bit but not too much
i'd change the experience of the gags a bit but not too much
Captain Fireball said on January 15, 2015 at 7:50 PM
Did you guys make Bossbot HQ yet? I would love to see it once again. (Not that I like them or anything just, it would be cool to have all HQ's again. Maybe you can rearrange Bossbot HQ and have it have cogs inside like the other HQs)
Did you guys make Bossbot HQ yet? I would love to see it once again. (Not that I like them or anything just, it would be cool to have all HQ's again. Maybe you can rearrange Bossbot HQ and have it have cogs inside like the other HQs)
Always said on January 15, 2015 at 7:54 PM
I would like to see guild name tags under your name. Once someone picks that guild name you would have to pick a different one and so forth.
I would like to see guild name tags under your name. Once someone picks that guild name you would have to pick a different one and so forth.
Koroshii said on January 15, 2015 at 7:58 PM
What if Chairman was part of Cognation? Who knows?
What if Chairman was part of Cognation? Who knows?
Official credentials said on January 15, 2015 at 8:01 PM
So I was just thinking, you guys don't really get paid at all for any of the work you do. What if you we're to open up a new part of the site that for a price people can send in maybe a design or picture for their toons outfit and, have it made and sent to them for a price.
So I was just thinking, you guys don't really get paid at all for any of the work you do. What if you we're to open up a new part of the site that for a price people can send in maybe a design or picture for their toons outfit and, have it made and sent to them for a price.
midnight phraze said on January 15, 2015 at 8:01 PM
I've been watching my computer like an hawk I'm so excited for this update tar is like life and life just got a whole let bester thanks to u TTR and u guys who work on the updates thanks can't wait :)
I've been watching my computer like an hawk I'm so excited for this update tar is like life and life just got a whole let bester thanks to u TTR and u guys who work on the updates thanks can't wait :)
Dippy said on January 15, 2015 at 8:01 PM
Yeah I feel that Disney originally made gardening a tedious chore because time=money for them when the game needed to be paid for.. Anywho if you could cut out the animations that should help tremendously and I think you guys should also make Laff Points never-ending. For instance (and I know this would be a major overhaul) but add random events into TTR. You guys said you are seeking a way to break up the monotony especially during late-game. What do I mean by random events? Switch stuff up maybe create a chance that some toon rangers are in trouble and need our toon's help in a "random event" street battle with stronger cogs than usual. Maybe when we go into a cog building we happen upon an SOS toon on the last floor of the building. Maybe during a VP session a toon (such as Lil Oldman) was undercover waiting for the 8 toons to arrive and he assists them in the battle. Maybe in the last floor of a building/mint/sell HQ run we find some "super gag" 10 layer cake or tsunami. If any of you are familiar with the popular PC/console game Fallout then you have an idea of what I'm talking about with the random encounters/events. And accomplishing some of these random events will reward us with laff points.
Yeah I feel that Disney originally made gardening a tedious chore because time=money for them when the game needed to be paid for.. Anywho if you could cut out the animations that should help tremendously and I think you guys should also make Laff Points never-ending. For instance (and I know this would be a major overhaul) but add random events into TTR. You guys said you are seeking a way to break up the monotony especially during late-game. What do I mean by random events? Switch stuff up maybe create a chance that some toon rangers are in trouble and need our toon's help in a "random event" street battle with stronger cogs than usual. Maybe when we go into a cog building we happen upon an SOS toon on the last floor of the building. Maybe during a VP session a toon (such as Lil Oldman) was undercover waiting for the 8 toons to arrive and he assists them in the battle. Maybe in the last floor of a building/mint/sell HQ run we find some "super gag" 10 layer cake or tsunami. If any of you are familiar with the popular PC/console game Fallout then you have an idea of what I'm talking about with the random encounters/events. And accomplishing some of these random events will reward us with laff points.
King Jake said on January 15, 2015 at 8:02 PM
Bring back doodles! Please!
Bring back doodles! Please!
Chunky said on January 15, 2015 at 8:14 PM
I would love to see a new building! Like there is field offices and original buildings, maybe a new one?
I would love to see a new building! Like there is field offices and original buildings, maybe a new one?
Captain Lollipop said on January 15, 2015 at 8:18 PM
This stuff is really cool! I think it would be awesome if cogs and toons were just a little more lively in battle. Right now, battles are kind of bland.
This stuff is really cool! I think it would be awesome if cogs and toons were just a little more lively in battle. Right now, battles are kind of bland.
sstsunami55 said on January 15, 2015 at 8:19 PM
Buff the cogs. Give them abilities that are similar to toons, or unique. Like cog up, something like sound, lure... At the start, choose two gag tracks, but one of them has to be throw and squirt. Inform the player of the abilities. More neighborhoods, maybe. A new gag track, level 8 gags.
Buff the cogs. Give them abilities that are similar to toons, or unique. Like cog up, something like sound, lure... At the start, choose two gag tracks, but one of them has to be throw and squirt. Inform the player of the abilities. More neighborhoods, maybe. A new gag track, level 8 gags.
Doctor Huddles Macjinx said on January 15, 2015 at 8:20 PM
I love this idea of tweaking TTR! I would like to see, if possible, catalogues coming sooner and deliveries coming faster. Ive been a member for a long time and I would love to see the game evolve into something greater!
I love this idea of tweaking TTR! I would like to see, if possible, catalogues coming sooner and deliveries coming faster. Ive been a member for a long time and I would love to see the game evolve into something greater!
Lutari said on January 15, 2015 at 8:31 PM
OH MY GOODNESS! I almost forgot! A Gag bank! Y'know, like a jellybean bank, but with gags! Its annoying, running to the gags shop and no even getting refund on the gags you don't want. Also handy for collecting your gag tree gags ;)
OH MY GOODNESS! I almost forgot! A Gag bank! Y'know, like a jellybean bank, but with gags! Its annoying, running to the gags shop and no even getting refund on the gags you don't want. Also handy for collecting your gag tree gags ;)
Daffodil Picklepretzel said on January 15, 2015 at 8:32 PM
I think it would be really cool if we could buy fish bowls/tanks to keep caught fish in our house, rather than having to sell them. :)
I think it would be really cool if we could buy fish bowls/tanks to keep caught fish in our house, rather than having to sell them. :)
Fancy Jumblepop said on January 15, 2015 at 8:43 PM
You should make holiday special houses like for Halloween you should make a haunted house! and for Christmas you should make like a santa thing and so on!
You should make holiday special houses like for Halloween you should make a haunted house! and for Christmas you should make like a santa thing and so on!
Robin said on January 15, 2015 at 9:00 PM
I'd love to see all of the changes suggested in the comments. Another gag track would be cool.
I'd love to see all of the changes suggested in the comments. Another gag track would be cool.
Gem jet said on January 15, 2015 at 9:00 PM
Bring back the doodles please! I love all the updates. Makes me feel like when I was younger playing Toontown Original. But I still miss the Doodles. Please bring them back! :(
Bring back the doodles please! I love all the updates. Makes me feel like when I was younger playing Toontown Original. But I still miss the Doodles. Please bring them back! :(
Christian said on January 15, 2015 at 9:06 PM
Add gifts already! Gifts should have been added long ago it's time you add gifts!
Add gifts already! Gifts should have been added long ago it's time you add gifts!
Toon said on January 15, 2015 at 9:11 PM
Don't tweak anything, everything is fine. If you tweak toontown from it's normal form, you are changing a part of everyone who has ever played, the game is perfect how it is now. If you change anything it will make it too easy, if anything make the game harder.
Don't tweak anything, everything is fine. If you tweak toontown from it's normal form, you are changing a part of everyone who has ever played, the game is perfect how it is now. If you change anything it will make it too easy, if anything make the game harder.
Pro. Ladybug Flipperflapper said on January 15, 2015 at 9:38 PM
Can you tweak: When you are sad and you go to a toonup in the playgrounds(snowflake,ice-cream,flower, ect. ) that you can pick it up if you have no laff.
Can you tweak: When you are sad and you go to a toonup in the playgrounds(snowflake,ice-cream,flower, ect. ) that you can pick it up if you have no laff.
Sugar said on January 15, 2015 at 9:49 PM
ooo, when will you guys add the Vp cog bldgs? :D also a tweak maybe toons can visit other toons estate, or two floor estates! Maybe some places toons can go to eat!
ooo, when will you guys add the Vp cog bldgs? :D also a tweak maybe toons can visit other toons estate, or two floor estates! Maybe some places toons can go to eat!
Super Wilbur Biggensticks said on January 15, 2015 at 10:22 PM
I just had a idea for a new friends list! Ok so how it will work is when you click on the right arrow it sends you to your friends who were on a few minutes ago and a few days ago. Click the arrow again and it sends you too your friends that were on a few weeks ago and a few months ago. Hopefully the TTR team will read this! :D Maybe you guys can put this into the game. Thanks for listening!
I just had a idea for a new friends list! Ok so how it will work is when you click on the right arrow it sends you to your friends who were on a few minutes ago and a few days ago. Click the arrow again and it sends you too your friends that were on a few weeks ago and a few months ago. Hopefully the TTR team will read this! :D Maybe you guys can put this into the game. Thanks for listening!
coffee / mocha said on January 15, 2015 at 10:38 PM
I have always thought Factory needed a basement.. for either Hollywood, or a minimum laff. Put some gnarly level 12 skelecogs or 2.0 in there so a Holly on a max run would only have to do 5-7 instead of 17 factory.. or even a way to get your boss suit instead of a front or middle.. just some ideas.. what do you all think?
I have always thought Factory needed a basement.. for either Hollywood, or a minimum laff. Put some gnarly level 12 skelecogs or 2.0 in there so a Holly on a max run would only have to do 5-7 instead of 17 factory.. or even a way to get your boss suit instead of a front or middle.. just some ideas.. what do you all think?
cool star megapounce said on January 15, 2015 at 10:52 PM
could you add the extra points on the streets for the throw, water, and toon up like in tto to make it better add in the rest of the gags, I liked having the extra boost
could you add the extra points on the streets for the throw, water, and toon up like in tto to make it better add in the rest of the gags, I liked having the extra boost
molly said on January 16, 2015 at 4:48 AM
sweet i love new updates u guys r great! :D
sweet i love new updates u guys r great! :D
ariana said on January 16, 2015 at 5:24 AM
:) coool
:) coool
KITTY said on January 16, 2015 at 6:30 AM
lilac said on January 16, 2015 at 7:20 AM
omg i love tt but i love ttr better! cab yiu add the pet shop next so we can get a doodle pls :D
omg i love tt but i love ttr better! cab yiu add the pet shop next so we can get a doodle pls :D
loopy lollipop sparklebubbles said on January 16, 2015 at 7:37 AM
It would be nice to have the cog radar not take so long to complete.. it would also be nice to be able to get our laff points higher just a little faster. and could you make an option to always be a small toon please
It would be nice to have the cog radar not take so long to complete.. it would also be nice to be able to get our laff points higher just a little faster. and could you make an option to always be a small toon please
Funny Quackers said on January 16, 2015 at 7:48 AM
It would be amazing if you could make it where if you went into the "House of Bad Pies", you could buy special throw gags, with a 2-3 point bonus, so that they're perfect for going into a harder building. It could be one of those things like "Hibernation Vacations". And eventually you can add more specific purposes to more buildings, like "Bakers Dozin' Donuts", you can go in and get or do something else. Because there are so many different buildings in Toontown that are never even used! I think that this would maybe help with the repetitiveness of Toontown, and it would add a special fun touch to the game.
It would be amazing if you could make it where if you went into the "House of Bad Pies", you could buy special throw gags, with a 2-3 point bonus, so that they're perfect for going into a harder building. It could be one of those things like "Hibernation Vacations". And eventually you can add more specific purposes to more buildings, like "Bakers Dozin' Donuts", you can go in and get or do something else. Because there are so many different buildings in Toontown that are never even used! I think that this would maybe help with the repetitiveness of Toontown, and it would add a special fun touch to the game.
Bandi said on January 16, 2015 at 7:54 AM
I'd love to see different toon species or at least colours.
I'd love to see different toon species or at least colours.
tom said on January 16, 2015 at 7:56 AM
would be cool if he had hq bossbot
would be cool if he had hq bossbot
Emma - The VERY Green Cat said on January 16, 2015 at 8:09 AM
I really hope you don't change too much on the graphics and make them look weird. One of the aspects I like most on toontown is the old-style graphics, and how TTR recreates those. So please, don't change the ENTIRE animation style. And you need to release doodles. Doodles are good.
I really hope you don't change too much on the graphics and make them look weird. One of the aspects I like most on toontown is the old-style graphics, and how TTR recreates those. So please, don't change the ENTIRE animation style. And you need to release doodles. Doodles are good.
Missy said on January 16, 2015 at 8:26 AM
I'm very excited to see what you guys come out with! :)
I'm very excited to see what you guys come out with! :)
Berry Blast said on January 16, 2015 at 8:28 AM
I think that once you max a suit you should be able to tp there, that would be a cool feature
I think that once you max a suit you should be able to tp there, that would be a cool feature
Bean said on January 16, 2015 at 8:30 AM
I'm soooooo excited to see what you guys are coming out with ^.^
I'm soooooo excited to see what you guys are coming out with ^.^
Princess Rainbow said on January 16, 2015 at 8:37 AM
Its a really great idea. So 1. please add old things again, i know it can take its time because its alot of work ( doodles,bossbot hq ,etc.) could add that when there is an invasion (example: flunky) and you summon that invasion while its running that it become a 2.0 invasion 3.please do more of your hard work that you did until now its becoming and is great and i love how you did it.
Its a really great idea. So 1. please add old things again, i know it can take its time because its alot of work ( doodles,bossbot hq ,etc.) could add that when there is an invasion (example: flunky) and you summon that invasion while its running that it become a 2.0 invasion 3.please do more of your hard work that you did until now its becoming and is great and i love how you did it.
Prince Bacon the Second said on January 16, 2015 at 8:45 AM
Good my suggestions are adding in some of the lost toons that were never added, adding more playgrounds, lowering the requirements for ALOT of missions 2000 cogs is just too much! also id love to see bossbot hq open this year as alot of people have reached that point but cant even do it, fix some of the crashing issues seriously this game crashes WAY TOO MUCH!!!, add some new gag types if you add a new playground my suggestion? well fire could be one but thats not a very good example for kids to see their toon play around with fire but im sure you guys can come up with something, new toon colors seems like a big one too
Good my suggestions are adding in some of the lost toons that were never added, adding more playgrounds, lowering the requirements for ALOT of missions 2000 cogs is just too much! also id love to see bossbot hq open this year as alot of people have reached that point but cant even do it, fix some of the crashing issues seriously this game crashes WAY TOO MUCH!!!, add some new gag types if you add a new playground my suggestion? well fire could be one but thats not a very good example for kids to see their toon play around with fire but im sure you guys can come up with something, new toon colors seems like a big one too
super fireball said on January 16, 2015 at 9:06 AM
maybe now you can get drop too! and i really want it cause i want to be awsome and no one kinda helps me with toontasks only my friends help so if i can then that will be great then i can get anyone to help! :)
maybe now you can get drop too! and i really want it cause i want to be awsome and no one kinda helps me with toontasks only my friends help so if i can then that will be great then i can get anyone to help! :)
Code Red said on January 16, 2015 at 10:00 AM
Loads of Toontasks in the game force you to do boring and tedious things like go back and forth between several shops on different streets, finding specific Cogs and defeating them, finding specific Cogs and RECOVERING ITEMS from them, defeating upwards of twenty Cogs or Cog Buildings, or even worse, a combination of all of the above. Toontasks should introduce new things every once in awhile rather than the same boring stuff over and over, give you new and interesting challenges, all of that stuff. The amount of Cogs and Cog Buildings you're forced to defeat should be limited to under 500 for Cogs and 50 for Buildings at the most. I'd also really love it if Toontasks introduced new plot elements and parts of the lore the further you progressed in the game; even if the tasks started getting a little grindy, giving us more story would keep people more interested and help things stay fresh in the midst of all the grinding.
Loads of Toontasks in the game force you to do boring and tedious things like go back and forth between several shops on different streets, finding specific Cogs and defeating them, finding specific Cogs and RECOVERING ITEMS from them, defeating upwards of twenty Cogs or Cog Buildings, or even worse, a combination of all of the above. Toontasks should introduce new things every once in awhile rather than the same boring stuff over and over, give you new and interesting challenges, all of that stuff. The amount of Cogs and Cog Buildings you're forced to defeat should be limited to under 500 for Cogs and 50 for Buildings at the most. I'd also really love it if Toontasks introduced new plot elements and parts of the lore the further you progressed in the game; even if the tasks started getting a little grindy, giving us more story would keep people more interested and help things stay fresh in the midst of all the grinding.
Christian said on January 16, 2015 at 10:07 AM
I know something you could add that would make it a lot better for your friends when they come over to your house. Something you could add is TAG in the estates as even a rental item. But this could make Toontown a lot more fun in the Estates.
I know something you could add that would make it a lot better for your friends when they come over to your house. Something you could add is TAG in the estates as even a rental item. But this could make Toontown a lot more fun in the Estates.
Brooklyn said on January 16, 2015 at 10:15 AM
This is awesome! Thanks TTR! This will make me play more.... A LOT more. Thanks so much for making TTR too! TTR, thank you so much!~ Brooklyn 30 something laff.
This is awesome! Thanks TTR! This will make me play more.... A LOT more. Thanks so much for making TTR too! TTR, thank you so much!~ Brooklyn 30 something laff.
Scooter said on January 16, 2015 at 10:17 AM
Crazy Winky Cheezyswirl said on January 16, 2015 at 10:18 AM
How about animate the ingame water? Only the waterfall at acon acres has an animation (I might be forgetting something) and the ingame rivers, ponds, etc. seem a bit strange because it's not animated.
How about animate the ingame water? Only the waterfall at acon acres has an animation (I might be forgetting something) and the ingame rivers, ponds, etc. seem a bit strange because it's not animated.
Code Red said on January 16, 2015 at 10:27 AM
Gag training is one part of the game that really makes it boring. When it takes more than three or four hours during an invasion just to get your Level 4 Gag to Level 5, it becomes tedious fast. There are several solutions to this issue: 1. Give more multipliers and higher ones for experience throughout the game, 2. Lower how many points it takes to reach Level 5, 6 and 7 in your Gags, or better yet just combine both of those solutions. There is a common complaint that lots of players in the game, particularly in the higher level areas, have too low level gags. Well, if it was easier to level up your Gags, more people would have Gags that are appropriate for the area. I'd like it if the gag multipliers for Cog Buildings were raised by +0.5 or +1 to help make things easier (and remove the limit for how many gag points you can get in a building). If Field Offices were added back in, the multipliers in there could be raised through the roof to make them good places to farm for experience (since otherwise those things are totally useless). Also, even though this has nothing to do with grinding, it should be made VERY clear in the game that Cog Headquarters don't give higher multipliers than buildings, because that was one of Disney's mistakes when they wrote that Player's Guide and I think it was a major cause for toons using factories and bosses to train their gags, at the expense of their teams.
Gag training is one part of the game that really makes it boring. When it takes more than three or four hours during an invasion just to get your Level 4 Gag to Level 5, it becomes tedious fast. There are several solutions to this issue: 1. Give more multipliers and higher ones for experience throughout the game, 2. Lower how many points it takes to reach Level 5, 6 and 7 in your Gags, or better yet just combine both of those solutions. There is a common complaint that lots of players in the game, particularly in the higher level areas, have too low level gags. Well, if it was easier to level up your Gags, more people would have Gags that are appropriate for the area. I'd like it if the gag multipliers for Cog Buildings were raised by +0.5 or +1 to help make things easier (and remove the limit for how many gag points you can get in a building). If Field Offices were added back in, the multipliers in there could be raised through the roof to make them good places to farm for experience (since otherwise those things are totally useless). Also, even though this has nothing to do with grinding, it should be made VERY clear in the game that Cog Headquarters don't give higher multipliers than buildings, because that was one of Disney's mistakes when they wrote that Player's Guide and I think it was a major cause for toons using factories and bosses to train their gags, at the expense of their teams.
said on January 16, 2015 at 10:52 AM
While I've never faced the horrors of maxing Cog Suits, I can tell that it is a nightmare once you get to the top level suits. Having us do 7 or 8 factories just to get a Laff boost from our suit is completely unreasonable and boring, and so is forcing us to do more factories just to fight the boss again. Multipliers in Cog Headquarters should be automatic instead of triggered by invasion, and perhaps can be further multiplied by invasions, but not by much, perhaps just increase it to 2.5x instead of 2.0x. The overall amount of Merits/Cogbucks/Jury Notices/Stock Options should be heavily increased across the board. There could also be an option to simply fight the boss without getting more Merits once you reach a certain level, like get to the first level top suit (Level 8 Hollywood, Robber Baron, Big Wig and Big Cheese).
While I've never faced the horrors of maxing Cog Suits, I can tell that it is a nightmare once you get to the top level suits. Having us do 7 or 8 factories just to get a Laff boost from our suit is completely unreasonable and boring, and so is forcing us to do more factories just to fight the boss again. Multipliers in Cog Headquarters should be automatic instead of triggered by invasion, and perhaps can be further multiplied by invasions, but not by much, perhaps just increase it to 2.5x instead of 2.0x. The overall amount of Merits/Cogbucks/Jury Notices/Stock Options should be heavily increased across the board. There could also be an option to simply fight the boss without getting more Merits once you reach a certain level, like get to the first level top suit (Level 8 Hollywood, Robber Baron, Big Wig and Big Cheese).
Sharkboy said on January 16, 2015 at 11:50 AM
Add friend codes!!!!!!
Add friend codes!!!!!!
Callie said on January 16, 2015 at 12:30 PM
for gag ups and restock SOS cards to not fill up your -entire- gag pouch. (excluding Professor Pete and gag-up all, since they evenly distribute gags already) I think they should fill maybe 25% or 30% of your pouch. Since really, nobody needs 15 fruit pies. They need a few of the big gags, and that's it. And if you're soloing or something, and you use a gag up throw once, you'll have a full pouch, and say in a few more rounds you're out of squirt and need a gag up squirt, then you will only have 2 or 3 squirt gags since your pouch is so full of throw already. I think it'll make battles easier, especially with soloing.
for gag ups and restock SOS cards to not fill up your -entire- gag pouch. (excluding Professor Pete and gag-up all, since they evenly distribute gags already) I think they should fill maybe 25% or 30% of your pouch. Since really, nobody needs 15 fruit pies. They need a few of the big gags, and that's it. And if you're soloing or something, and you use a gag up throw once, you'll have a full pouch, and say in a few more rounds you're out of squirt and need a gag up squirt, then you will only have 2 or 3 squirt gags since your pouch is so full of throw already. I think it'll make battles easier, especially with soloing.
Banana The Pie Master said on January 16, 2015 at 12:33 PM
I would prefer in Dreamland that every shopkeeper didn't offer a defeat 200 number crunchers or whatever. It would be nice to get the same reward but have to defeat like 2000 cogs of any type so I can work on my cog suit. Thanks for the game! :)
I would prefer in Dreamland that every shopkeeper didn't offer a defeat 200 number crunchers or whatever. It would be nice to get the same reward but have to defeat like 2000 cogs of any type so I can work on my cog suit. Thanks for the game! :)
Callie said on January 16, 2015 at 12:37 PM
Furniture that you can actually stand on. What's the point of a chair if you can only stand in front of it? I just want to be able to stand on a chair so things don't feel as crowded. And the ability to stand on other reasonable items, like desks or beds. I'm not saying to make a sitting animation for chairs or a laying animation for beds, because that's a bit too much, but just to be able to actually -stand- on things.
Furniture that you can actually stand on. What's the point of a chair if you can only stand in front of it? I just want to be able to stand on a chair so things don't feel as crowded. And the ability to stand on other reasonable items, like desks or beds. I'm not saying to make a sitting animation for chairs or a laying animation for beds, because that's a bit too much, but just to be able to actually -stand- on things.
Crazy said on January 16, 2015 at 12:38 PM
I'd say it's going good, but BBHQ And Doodles! Oh how I miss the doodles! Maybe teleport access to the HQs? Thank you for all your work!
I'd say it's going good, but BBHQ And Doodles! Oh how I miss the doodles! Maybe teleport access to the HQs? Thank you for all your work!
Big Yippie said on January 16, 2015 at 12:57 PM
Put in new types of buildings, and make it so you can switch between the stronger rods to weaker rods, because i like being able to catch heavier fish but my favorite rod is the twig one. Also for the higher up rods, give them experience meters and once you get enough experience it costs less to cast your line.
Put in new types of buildings, and make it so you can switch between the stronger rods to weaker rods, because i like being able to catch heavier fish but my favorite rod is the twig one. Also for the higher up rods, give them experience meters and once you get enough experience it costs less to cast your line.
Queen Violet said on January 16, 2015 at 1:08 PM
I agree with the idea about skipping clothing styles like going to each colour etc, and on the map you should be able to see which buildings are which and if they're taken over by cogs and whatnot. Also grinding can be a bit tedious, maybe make like 'training halls' in each playground where you can practice on cog dummies to level up your gags.
I agree with the idea about skipping clothing styles like going to each colour etc, and on the map you should be able to see which buildings are which and if they're taken over by cogs and whatnot. Also grinding can be a bit tedious, maybe make like 'training halls' in each playground where you can practice on cog dummies to level up your gags.
Cotton Kandi said on January 16, 2015 at 1:42 PM
If you would add a level 8 gag and then make the vp, cfo, cj and ceo battles tougher battles for toons with these gags and maybe exclusive to toons with level 8 gags.... something a little different in addtion to maxing the suits....
If you would add a level 8 gag and then make the vp, cfo, cj and ceo battles tougher battles for toons with these gags and maybe exclusive to toons with level 8 gags.... something a little different in addtion to maxing the suits....
Leroy Wackyboing said on January 16, 2015 at 1:50 PM
I cant wait till Toontown Retextured comes out! I've been waiting forever! It looks beautiful! It's something I have been wanting on this game for a long long time! Thank you TTR team!
I cant wait till Toontown Retextured comes out! I've been waiting forever! It looks beautiful! It's something I have been wanting on this game for a long long time! Thank you TTR team!
L.O.B said on January 16, 2015 at 2:02 PM
Try not too make toontown too easy, we need the challenge, but some tweaks sound just great!
Try not too make toontown too easy, we need the challenge, but some tweaks sound just great!
Kat said on January 16, 2015 at 2:02 PM
Don't lower the gag XP required to gain new gags and max. It's already easy. Invasion and 3+ story buildings=Easy XP
Don't lower the gag XP required to gain new gags and max. It's already easy. Invasion and 3+ story buildings=Easy XP
Rocksteady said on January 16, 2015 at 2:10 PM
I have a great idea. Add sports to toontown!
I have a great idea. Add sports to toontown!
Lady Daphne said on January 16, 2015 at 2:58 PM
Pets and easier for you to get the next gag level? Keep the updates coming! Thanks :)
Pets and easier for you to get the next gag level? Keep the updates coming! Thanks :)
Super Tropic said on January 16, 2015 at 3:06 PM
Ya know what I think would be cool? Wether forecasts! Like different weathers in different playgrounds could effect your strategy! Say it's rainy, your squirt gets a boost. Say it's foggy, and drop gags get increased accuracy! Maybe when it's windy sound gags get a decrease, and accuracy altogether decreases, but this only happens in certain districts! And like increased snowstorms in The Brrrgh at times, and even more clouds in DDL floating around the streets. Heck, even rain being stronger in Donald's Dock. Who knows, this is just something I've been thinking of for a while.
Ya know what I think would be cool? Wether forecasts! Like different weathers in different playgrounds could effect your strategy! Say it's rainy, your squirt gets a boost. Say it's foggy, and drop gags get increased accuracy! Maybe when it's windy sound gags get a decrease, and accuracy altogether decreases, but this only happens in certain districts! And like increased snowstorms in The Brrrgh at times, and even more clouds in DDL floating around the streets. Heck, even rain being stronger in Donald's Dock. Who knows, this is just something I've been thinking of for a while.
Tricky McDuff said on January 16, 2015 at 3:10 PM
That's awesome toon hall looks great
That's awesome toon hall looks great
Mr.McQuack said on January 16, 2015 at 3:10 PM
Excuse me, fine toons, but can you maybe re add those animated street objects? like the fire hydrants that dished out extra damage to cogs when near them, also pets would be SPECTACULAR along with parties , thanks :)
Excuse me, fine toons, but can you maybe re add those animated street objects? like the fire hydrants that dished out extra damage to cogs when near them, also pets would be SPECTACULAR along with parties , thanks :)
Mr.McQuack said on January 16, 2015 at 3:19 PM
Seriously though, not to be pushy or anything, because i really do appreciate the nice thing you are doing for sad TTO members like myself, but i really do miss the parties, i would ALWAYS celebrate my birthday with that system, DANCING like a rock star :) so PLEASE add parties again :)
Seriously though, not to be pushy or anything, because i really do appreciate the nice thing you are doing for sad TTO members like myself, but i really do miss the parties, i would ALWAYS celebrate my birthday with that system, DANCING like a rock star :) so PLEASE add parties again :)
Leroy Wackyboing said on January 16, 2015 at 3:30 PM
The answer will probably be no. But Is there a chance you could release an unfinished version for some people to test out? just as a content pack for now? Thank you!
The answer will probably be no. But Is there a chance you could release an unfinished version for some people to test out? just as a content pack for now? Thank you!
Crona said on January 16, 2015 at 3:36 PM
I think it would be a nice addition to be able to change the colors of the clothes that you buy out of the catalog, also a bigger wardrobe would be awesome. A new gag track would be even more awesome though :) I think that would make a lot of people really happy. Keep up the good work! I love TTR!
I think it would be a nice addition to be able to change the colors of the clothes that you buy out of the catalog, also a bigger wardrobe would be awesome. A new gag track would be even more awesome though :) I think that would make a lot of people really happy. Keep up the good work! I love TTR!
Sandstorm said on January 16, 2015 at 3:58 PM
I have some ideas. Doodles I miss my doodle Echo.... Flippy's shirt as a starter for boys and girls. When you adopt a doodle you get to design it. BBHQ difficulty levels for all toons so I can go in with my friends (I'm 55 laff). A new Fox toon. A new Wolf toon. and that's about it for now TTR Team thank you for remaking TTO I love it a lot. Toons of the world unite, ~Samdstorm 55 laff
I have some ideas. Doodles I miss my doodle Echo.... Flippy's shirt as a starter for boys and girls. When you adopt a doodle you get to design it. BBHQ difficulty levels for all toons so I can go in with my friends (I'm 55 laff). A new Fox toon. A new Wolf toon. and that's about it for now TTR Team thank you for remaking TTO I love it a lot. Toons of the world unite, ~Samdstorm 55 laff
Lightning said on January 16, 2015 at 4:14 PM
First, if you can, I would love to have the Doodles back! Then the growth of planted gags could go faster, in old toontown I waited 3 weeks for my planted level 7 gag to be fully grown! And lastly, we need to have the Bossbot Hq become a reality in this game! Thanks TTR staff you guys are awesome!
First, if you can, I would love to have the Doodles back! Then the growth of planted gags could go faster, in old toontown I waited 3 weeks for my planted level 7 gag to be fully grown! And lastly, we need to have the Bossbot Hq become a reality in this game! Thanks TTR staff you guys are awesome!
abbyhelpmeppp said on January 16, 2015 at 4:34 PM
This will be so fun once I've started! :)
This will be so fun once I've started! :)
prince pickles said on January 16, 2015 at 4:38 PM
This is so cool as for changes I would recomend new types of field offices and maybe the chairman. A few other ideas is maybe add more areas and cogs. Some other ideas that i personally would love to be added is the as said graphics update and maybe more interesting toontasks
This is so cool as for changes I would recomend new types of field offices and maybe the chairman. A few other ideas is maybe add more areas and cogs. Some other ideas that i personally would love to be added is the as said graphics update and maybe more interesting toontasks
Fireball said on January 16, 2015 at 4:56 PM
ttr can you add the BOSS BUILDINGS where you face bosses that would be awesome!
ttr can you add the BOSS BUILDINGS where you face bosses that would be awesome!
Crazy Winky Cheezyswirl said on January 16, 2015 at 5:14 PM
How about an estate furniture item that's like the nightlife umbrella stand replacement, which is a retextured version of the trashcan with a plant/leaves in it?
How about an estate furniture item that's like the nightlife umbrella stand replacement, which is a retextured version of the trashcan with a plant/leaves in it?
said on January 16, 2015 at 5:19 PM
Give Donald's Dock some rain.
Give Donald's Dock some rain.
Kippy said on January 16, 2015 at 6:07 PM
I kinda miss the Field Offices for easy SOS because you might get lucky and get a good one that you might have had to do a V.P. for! I also miss having a little doodle by my side at my Estate and again getting lucky and getting a free toon-up. They always made the game more interesting.
I kinda miss the Field Offices for easy SOS because you might get lucky and get a good one that you might have had to do a V.P. for! I also miss having a little doodle by my side at my Estate and again getting lucky and getting a free toon-up. They always made the game more interesting.
Butch said on January 16, 2015 at 6:11 PM
I like earning Laff Points by gardening, but it's so tedious. Make it so, you can water, pick and plant with one action!
I like earning Laff Points by gardening, but it's so tedious. Make it so, you can water, pick and plant with one action!
Butch said on January 16, 2015 at 6:13 PM
I love that you want to make updates to the game, but I would love it even more if you would work on stabilizing the game. I still get kicked out too many time and run into the same bugs over and over. Like trying to teleport to a friend and getting kicked back to the playground because the game thinks my friend was moving around even though he was standing still. Just one example, but in general I get kicked out too many times. Thanks for listening, and thanks for doing TTR!
I love that you want to make updates to the game, but I would love it even more if you would work on stabilizing the game. I still get kicked out too many time and run into the same bugs over and over. Like trying to teleport to a friend and getting kicked back to the playground because the game thinks my friend was moving around even though he was standing still. Just one example, but in general I get kicked out too many times. Thanks for listening, and thanks for doing TTR!
lolcats39 said on January 16, 2015 at 6:20 PM
this game is fun
this game is fun
Dynoflip said on January 16, 2015 at 6:20 PM
Dis is gonna be awesome!!
Dis is gonna be awesome!!
Puppy4life said on January 16, 2015 at 6:25 PM
I just started so im thinking to well I don"t really know but make it awesome I know u guys can do it! :-)
I just started so im thinking to well I don"t really know but make it awesome I know u guys can do it! :-)
[Blank] said on January 16, 2015 at 6:46 PM
Rosette said on January 17, 2015 at 11:09 AM
I would love to see bossbot HQ open, different toons, different toons soundtracks for each cog battle and every place we go, different cogs, Doodles.
I would love to see bossbot HQ open, different toons, different toons soundtracks for each cog battle and every place we go, different cogs, Doodles.
Silly Melody said on January 17, 2015 at 11:30 AM
I'd like to see doodles back. Would be cool if they all started out the same and as they leveled they evolved/changed. It would be great if they were easier and quicker to level up. The more you call it in battle the more quicker it levels up. It would be cool if the doodle had tune up and one other special power/gag that could be used during battle only. I have been playing TT since the beginning, thank you so much for first bringing it back to life and secondly updating it to make it better.
I'd like to see doodles back. Would be cool if they all started out the same and as they leveled they evolved/changed. It would be great if they were easier and quicker to level up. The more you call it in battle the more quicker it levels up. It would be cool if the doodle had tune up and one other special power/gag that could be used during battle only. I have been playing TT since the beginning, thank you so much for first bringing it back to life and secondly updating it to make it better.
Mizzencorn said on January 17, 2015 at 11:31 AM
It would be cool if there was an area in the game where you could play as a cog.
It would be cool if there was an area in the game where you could play as a cog.
Souly said on January 17, 2015 at 11:41 AM
Make the catcj-rate on certain fishes! That would be so cool!
Make the catcj-rate on certain fishes! That would be so cool!
Pixeltoon said on January 17, 2015 at 11:55 AM
How about custom gags? and maybe new cogs with hqs and also some more storyline maybe. that would be nice.
How about custom gags? and maybe new cogs with hqs and also some more storyline maybe. that would be nice.
Cotton Kandi said on January 17, 2015 at 11:57 AM
One more thing that would be really cool is if you could keep your small toon and also become invisable, or transparent or all while...that would be awesome...
One more thing that would be really cool is if you could keep your small toon and also become invisable, or transparent or all while...that would be awesome...
Cool Flippenfidget said on January 17, 2015 at 12:08 PM
I am really enjoying TTR! I'm really hoping there will be a toontastic surprise coming up! Like how Toontown original added accessories and parties!
I am really enjoying TTR! I'm really hoping there will be a toontastic surprise coming up! Like how Toontown original added accessories and parties!
Katerina said on January 17, 2015 at 12:55 PM
I wish there were Doodles.
I wish there were Doodles.
lovingmillie05 said on January 17, 2015 at 1:31 PM
Zed Leppelin said on January 17, 2015 at 1:37 PM
I say we should bring back doodles!
I say we should bring back doodles!
Supernerd said on January 17, 2015 at 2:02 PM
this might be a little weird, but : more achievements that gain us some kind of reward (like destroy x cogs with drop for something, idk :/ )
this might be a little weird, but : more achievements that gain us some kind of reward (like destroy x cogs with drop for something, idk :/ )
said on January 17, 2015 at 2:04 PM
Now im just taking alot of comments and puttinf it in to one number 1 offices like bossbot like maybe bossbot can give you fires maybe law can do summoning offices and stuff number 2 COG NATION boss: chairman And you can make level 50 cogs so pros dont rub it in jut because they are higher than others number 3 more cogs more cogs in the game would make it better and you can go in a office and get loads of cogs and the rewards number 4 Cats are black bears are white why not dogs and other creatures can become white at least we know cats have a huge amount of black number 5 HARDCORE MODE now you can just use loads of lures and not worry about it but Hardcore may make it miss more hope u enjoyed
Now im just taking alot of comments and puttinf it in to one number 1 offices like bossbot like maybe bossbot can give you fires maybe law can do summoning offices and stuff number 2 COG NATION boss: chairman And you can make level 50 cogs so pros dont rub it in jut because they are higher than others number 3 more cogs more cogs in the game would make it better and you can go in a office and get loads of cogs and the rewards number 4 Cats are black bears are white why not dogs and other creatures can become white at least we know cats have a huge amount of black number 5 HARDCORE MODE now you can just use loads of lures and not worry about it but Hardcore may make it miss more hope u enjoyed
Little Bongo Bumberfoot said on January 17, 2015 at 2:11 PM
Hey TTR! I have had a bunch of ideas for years, maybe they can get implemented into the game but i'm not expecting anything. Heres some of the ideas. 1. COG NATION/CHAIRMAN I need this update, I've waited so long for it and i'm excited that TTR is adding new stuff because this can be awesome 2. An 8th gag track OR getting your 7th gag track Yeah I've wanted this to happen for a long time, I've had some ideas for new gags like Roll which basically the toon rolls something at the cogs and it trips them or rolls over them. 3. A new playground I'd love a new playground for after the CEO and hopefully before Cog nation if we get one. It would be the perfect training grounds. Also thanks for soon adding TP to Cog HQs, I hated (And still do) walking to Cashbot HQ. Anyway that's all, hopefully you'll get some ideas from all the fellow toons ideas and I love what your doing with your own! Stay Toony :P
Hey TTR! I have had a bunch of ideas for years, maybe they can get implemented into the game but i'm not expecting anything. Heres some of the ideas. 1. COG NATION/CHAIRMAN I need this update, I've waited so long for it and i'm excited that TTR is adding new stuff because this can be awesome 2. An 8th gag track OR getting your 7th gag track Yeah I've wanted this to happen for a long time, I've had some ideas for new gags like Roll which basically the toon rolls something at the cogs and it trips them or rolls over them. 3. A new playground I'd love a new playground for after the CEO and hopefully before Cog nation if we get one. It would be the perfect training grounds. Also thanks for soon adding TP to Cog HQs, I hated (And still do) walking to Cashbot HQ. Anyway that's all, hopefully you'll get some ideas from all the fellow toons ideas and I love what your doing with your own! Stay Toony :P
Shine said on January 17, 2015 at 2:20 PM
What if there was an ultimate cog battle you could do after completing the suits of the four cog types. So this would be like a mixture of all the cogs and you fight them to get some sort of a reward.
What if there was an ultimate cog battle you could do after completing the suits of the four cog types. So this would be like a mixture of all the cogs and you fight them to get some sort of a reward.
Prof. Duke Pumpkinhopper said on January 17, 2015 at 2:34 PM
Miss Kit said on January 17, 2015 at 2:54 PM
Please don't make it too complicated! I love TTR's simplicity the most! But i vote for doodles, better tasks and rewards, all seven gag tracks plus maybe an eighth,(?) better graphics, and idk just - more creativity! THANKS TTR!!!! ~ Miss Kit
Please don't make it too complicated! I love TTR's simplicity the most! But i vote for doodles, better tasks and rewards, all seven gag tracks plus maybe an eighth,(?) better graphics, and idk just - more creativity! THANKS TTR!!!! ~ Miss Kit
Blue Berry Pie said on January 17, 2015 at 3:02 PM
I love this, The new toon hall is epic!
I love this, The new toon hall is epic!
Super Popcorn Thunderdoodle said on January 17, 2015 at 3:14 PM
If Cog Nation is added, there should be Acorn Acres tasks that prepare you for the challenge that lays ahead. It would be the perfect place to obtain the gag track you didn't pick, to prepare you. The task to get it could make you go to TTC and talk to Flippy and then go to Clerk Clara who will make you defeat each of the cog bosses and other stuff. Make it long, but not Lil' Oldman long. That would be really cool.
If Cog Nation is added, there should be Acorn Acres tasks that prepare you for the challenge that lays ahead. It would be the perfect place to obtain the gag track you didn't pick, to prepare you. The task to get it could make you go to TTC and talk to Flippy and then go to Clerk Clara who will make you defeat each of the cog bosses and other stuff. Make it long, but not Lil' Oldman long. That would be really cool.
said on January 17, 2015 at 3:19 PM
People stop suggesting doodles, BBHQ, parties, and all of the stuff from TTO that in not in TTR *YET*. TTR *IS* bringing them back. They're all mainly done but being released one at a time to keep people all hyped, because what's the point of releasing everything at one time then done? It'll just mean a bunch of bugs and pressure put on the TTR team as well. Instead of filling up the comments with the above and taking up comment space, give the team suggestions to add into the game (Tweaks as well) *Sorry if this sounded hostile or rude to anyone.*
People stop suggesting doodles, BBHQ, parties, and all of the stuff from TTO that in not in TTR *YET*. TTR *IS* bringing them back. They're all mainly done but being released one at a time to keep people all hyped, because what's the point of releasing everything at one time then done? It'll just mean a bunch of bugs and pressure put on the TTR team as well. Instead of filling up the comments with the above and taking up comment space, give the team suggestions to add into the game (Tweaks as well) *Sorry if this sounded hostile or rude to anyone.*
A Squid said on January 17, 2015 at 3:52 PM
Perhaps the addition of a new playground... a chatroom more themed one with small games in it.
Perhaps the addition of a new playground... a chatroom more themed one with small games in it.
Ranger Tom said on January 17, 2015 at 4:00 PM
I think you should add the ability to put fish tanks in your house. If I catch a Devil Ray I would definitely want to display it in my home.
I think you should add the ability to put fish tanks in your house. If I catch a Devil Ray I would definitely want to display it in my home.
Slate Red Duck said on January 17, 2015 at 4:03 PM
One cool think would be some cog have a building just for him, like Field Offices, an example, The Big Chesses have a building called Bossbots' Agents
One cool think would be some cog have a building just for him, like Field Offices, an example, The Big Chesses have a building called Bossbots' Agents
Slate Red Duck said on January 17, 2015 at 4:06 PM
One thing: New Toons types
One thing: New Toons types
mimzi said on January 17, 2015 at 4:20 PM
i 300% agree with sorting the clothing better. its always such a huge pain to have to scroll through ALL the clothes and then go back and forth to see which color you prefer. make it so theres 4 options: the styles of the shirt and bottoms, and then color options for both.
i 300% agree with sorting the clothing better. its always such a huge pain to have to scroll through ALL the clothes and then go back and forth to see which color you prefer. make it so theres 4 options: the styles of the shirt and bottoms, and then color options for both.
Captain Banjo Beanbrains said on January 17, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Maybe instead of saying the toon is busy when you try to teleport to them, and they're in the boss foyer, they should pop out at the door and they can walk in to VP, CFO, CJ, etc. Thanks for all your work ttr :).
Maybe instead of saying the toon is busy when you try to teleport to them, and they're in the boss foyer, they should pop out at the door and they can walk in to VP, CFO, CJ, etc. Thanks for all your work ttr :).
Prof. Blu Birch said on January 17, 2015 at 4:25 PM
Perhaps a way to practice using the cranes with the magnets without having to go to Cashbot HQ?
Perhaps a way to practice using the cranes with the magnets without having to go to Cashbot HQ?
mimzi said on January 17, 2015 at 4:28 PM
some other comments i agree with is 1. making the toontask building you need to visit grey if its a cog building; that would save us so much trouble and time when trying to find an open one. 2. more colors (maybe a color wheel?) and species for toons 3. and different cog faces as barney said with the repeated face offenders.
some other comments i agree with is 1. making the toontask building you need to visit grey if its a cog building; that would save us so much trouble and time when trying to find an open one. 2. more colors (maybe a color wheel?) and species for toons 3. and different cog faces as barney said with the repeated face offenders.
Mr. T said on January 17, 2015 at 4:40 PM
Having all clothes in the catalog as well as all accessory at all time would be nice and all the special toon events that give all toons the chance to get cog army outfit should come back around in the catalog as well and a price reduction on the things inside the catalog.
Having all clothes in the catalog as well as all accessory at all time would be nice and all the special toon events that give all toons the chance to get cog army outfit should come back around in the catalog as well and a price reduction on the things inside the catalog.
bloop said on January 17, 2015 at 4:44 PM
to not have the clothing gendered; i dont know if male characters can wear skirts, ect. bit if not they should be able to.
to not have the clothing gendered; i dont know if male characters can wear skirts, ect. bit if not they should be able to.
Miss Kit said on January 17, 2015 at 4:48 PM
Well, I would LOVE it if I could get a task for changing my name! Example: From 'Miss Kit' to 'Ruesen.' and no, just in vase your wondering RUESEN is NOT my real name! I don't even think it IS a real name! :)
Well, I would LOVE it if I could get a task for changing my name! Example: From 'Miss Kit' to 'Ruesen.' and no, just in vase your wondering RUESEN is NOT my real name! I don't even think it IS a real name! :)
Mousei said on January 17, 2015 at 5:01 PM
Oh boy, this is what I was waiting on. Tweaky Tweaky Tweak-Tweak, ~Le Ahem~ >All suggested ideas in article above are recommended. >Maybe an easier way to learn new gag tracks. >Bigger stock in LVL 7 Gags. >Learn all Gag tracks. >Redesigned Cog textures, more Hi def design. >Seasonal gags for the season, Snowballs, easter eggs, that's a funny idea for the near future. And that's all I have. :D
Oh boy, this is what I was waiting on. Tweaky Tweaky Tweak-Tweak, ~Le Ahem~ >All suggested ideas in article above are recommended. >Maybe an easier way to learn new gag tracks. >Bigger stock in LVL 7 Gags. >Learn all Gag tracks. >Redesigned Cog textures, more Hi def design. >Seasonal gags for the season, Snowballs, easter eggs, that's a funny idea for the near future. And that's all I have. :D
Clover said on January 17, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Hmm... Maybe cocoa and candy canes instead of ice cream and popsicles for laff-increasing items in TTC and estates during the winter season... New Toon colors... Maybe a DLC for a boss...
Hmm... Maybe cocoa and candy canes instead of ice cream and popsicles for laff-increasing items in TTC and estates during the winter season... New Toon colors... Maybe a DLC for a boss...
Noisy Graham WhiskerFlap said on January 17, 2015 at 5:26 PM
You should bring back the skip buttton for battles and make doodle training alot easer !!! :)
You should bring back the skip buttton for battles and make doodle training alot easer !!! :)
Miss Kit said on January 17, 2015 at 5:42 PM
1.Being able to show off a couple of your best catches in a bowl is a neat idea. 2.I think it would be nice if when you needed building for a toontask and it were a cog building then it would show up gray on the map.3.It can get really annoying when I need a certain cog for a toontask but I can't find that type of cog! So i spend 30 minutes on ttr without finishing anything! Please make it so you can always find thee right cogs for your toontask right away. THANK YOU! I know I keep on posting ideas but I REALLY want this stuff!!! THANK YOU!!! <3 ~ Miss Kit of 35 laff
1.Being able to show off a couple of your best catches in a bowl is a neat idea. 2.I think it would be nice if when you needed building for a toontask and it were a cog building then it would show up gray on the map.3.It can get really annoying when I need a certain cog for a toontask but I can't find that type of cog! So i spend 30 minutes on ttr without finishing anything! Please make it so you can always find thee right cogs for your toontask right away. THANK YOU! I know I keep on posting ideas but I REALLY want this stuff!!! THANK YOU!!! <3 ~ Miss Kit of 35 laff
Misty said on January 17, 2015 at 5:43 PM
This sounds great! A small thing could be adding a chat history. Since sometimes it happens where someone says something you didn't see, the chat history would make it so they don't have to repeat.
This sounds great! A small thing could be adding a chat history. Since sometimes it happens where someone says something you didn't see, the chat history would make it so they don't have to repeat.
Crazy dog said on January 17, 2015 at 6:07 PM
Wow awesome!
Wow awesome!
ozwaldo said on January 17, 2015 at 6:19 PM
thats so cool and maye you should add somethin that after you get your final suit you can do 1 more gag training so that you can have all 7 gags at the end idk lol
thats so cool and maye you should add somethin that after you get your final suit you can do 1 more gag training so that you can have all 7 gags at the end idk lol
Janessaa said on January 17, 2015 at 6:25 PM
i would like it if if could change our color once :) please :D i owuld love it os much
i would like it if if could change our color once :) please :D i owuld love it os much
Super Peppy Frinkleflip said on January 17, 2015 at 7:24 PM
The ability to trade in gag tracks for others you may have made a mistake on! like if you have level 6 or level 7 on trap, and you wanted to choose drop, you can trade that lvl 6/7 track for a lvl 3/4 new track!
The ability to trade in gag tracks for others you may have made a mistake on! like if you have level 6 or level 7 on trap, and you wanted to choose drop, you can trade that lvl 6/7 track for a lvl 3/4 new track!
Hot Cocoa and Cookies said on January 17, 2015 at 7:28 PM
I think you should make it where you start out with throw squirt and drop in the beginning of ttc so you can get all the gags. Just like original TTO.
I think you should make it where you start out with throw squirt and drop in the beginning of ttc so you can get all the gags. Just like original TTO.
Hot Cocoa And Cookies said on January 17, 2015 at 7:32 PM
Oh and new Clothing and Accessories, and to choose your own House.
Oh and new Clothing and Accessories, and to choose your own House.
Hot Cocoa And Cookies said on January 17, 2015 at 7:37 PM
Last but not least, fix the name tag glitches like the 2 toon HQs.
Last but not least, fix the name tag glitches like the 2 toon HQs.
Grin said on January 17, 2015 at 8:37 PM
I would love to see gardening made quicker by making the shovel move one instead of three times, HQ's always give double experience even when there is no invasion, and Ultra Rare fish requiring less than 5000 buckets to catch. It would be great if I could return to my friends in battle in a HQ or building when I crash due to no fault of my own. I am very excited to hear the TTR development team discussing improvements like this and I want to say YES!!! Changes like this will make this awesome game even better!
I would love to see gardening made quicker by making the shovel move one instead of three times, HQ's always give double experience even when there is no invasion, and Ultra Rare fish requiring less than 5000 buckets to catch. It would be great if I could return to my friends in battle in a HQ or building when I crash due to no fault of my own. I am very excited to hear the TTR development team discussing improvements like this and I want to say YES!!! Changes like this will make this awesome game even better!
Poppy Popcorn said on January 17, 2015 at 10:08 PM
Ooo, new toon hall! I'd probably add parties!
Ooo, new toon hall! I'd probably add parties!
McNugget said on January 17, 2015 at 10:36 PM
I have several suggestions to making maxing less tedious and time-consuming: 1) Replacing Merits et. al.: In order to level up one's suits, one must obtain merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options. The most efficient way to do this is to defeat an inordinate number of factories/mints/offices/courses. I understand cog battling is the central theme of toontown, but the tedious nature of maxing makes it un-alluring to many toons. As a
I have several suggestions to making maxing less tedious and time-consuming: 1) Replacing Merits et. al.: In order to level up one's suits, one must obtain merits, cogbucks, jury notices, and stock options. The most efficient way to do this is to defeat an inordinate number of factories/mints/offices/courses. I understand cog battling is the central theme of toontown, but the tedious nature of maxing makes it un-alluring to many toons. As a
Sir Trickalot said on January 18, 2015 at 12:03 AM
I think you should bring the Suprise, Furious, Laugh, Crty and Delighted back! It was there in Alpha, Where in Beta? and i cant stay stuck on Season 2 #6 for the cattlelog! We need Belly Flop, Banana Peel, Cringe, And the Trap, Squirt and Lure Clothes! What about them? Also the Think Animation! Because it was so long from Slpha and tto, if there are more i cant remember them. Cya guys
I think you should bring the Suprise, Furious, Laugh, Crty and Delighted back! It was there in Alpha, Where in Beta? and i cant stay stuck on Season 2 #6 for the cattlelog! We need Belly Flop, Banana Peel, Cringe, And the Trap, Squirt and Lure Clothes! What about them? Also the Think Animation! Because it was so long from Slpha and tto, if there are more i cant remember them. Cya guys
Beggin-Fora Treat said on January 18, 2015 at 12:03 AM
I think the ability to delete any ToonTask, whether it is Just For Fun or not, would be EXTREMELY helpful!
I think the ability to delete any ToonTask, whether it is Just For Fun or not, would be EXTREMELY helpful!
sheriff Gigglebumper said on January 18, 2015 at 12:10 AM
I would like to see a new gag tier besides the ones we originally had since the release of toontown in te beginning. maybe like trick gags or something unique. just a thought
I would like to see a new gag tier besides the ones we originally had since the release of toontown in te beginning. maybe like trick gags or something unique. just a thought
Hola said on January 18, 2015 at 12:14 AM
I would say possibly add an 8th gag or even another gag track to toontown which would be at 15000 skill points and nerf the level 7 gags so we can add more to training!
I would say possibly add an 8th gag or even another gag track to toontown which would be at 15000 skill points and nerf the level 7 gags so we can add more to training!
Zoshirox said on January 18, 2015 at 12:31 AM
We want to see cog field offices and i don't like toontasks where we have to defeat so many cogs, it gets really annoying having to JUST defeat cogs all day.
We want to see cog field offices and i don't like toontasks where we have to defeat so many cogs, it gets really annoying having to JUST defeat cogs all day.
Chocolate Rain Reindeer said on January 18, 2015 at 1:03 AM
I may have an idea, Where the doodles can be by our side when we are walking through the playgrounds! Like we have them on a leash, but they can go and play with other doodles, and when they do that the tricks they learned give stronger laff points :)
I may have an idea, Where the doodles can be by our side when we are walking through the playgrounds! Like we have them on a leash, but they can go and play with other doodles, and when they do that the tricks they learned give stronger laff points :)
Squeakity The Duckling said on January 18, 2015 at 1:06 AM
Oh! I have an idea! You can donate beans! Like if a friend says "Man I need beans, but the trolley is so boring!" You can say "Well want me to donate?" and do this thing or something!
Oh! I have an idea! You can donate beans! Like if a friend says "Man I need beans, but the trolley is so boring!" You can say "Well want me to donate?" and do this thing or something!
arttale7 said on January 18, 2015 at 2:57 AM
If you were to add doodles and you made them ride able to make your Toon go faster that would be amazing! Also I would love a new S.O.S. Toon that made all of the gags you used that turn organic. And the last thing I can think of right now are secret cog floors that go under instead of up and you can get special prizes from them or maybe a suit part!
If you were to add doodles and you made them ride able to make your Toon go faster that would be amazing! Also I would love a new S.O.S. Toon that made all of the gags you used that turn organic. And the last thing I can think of right now are secret cog floors that go under instead of up and you can get special prizes from them or maybe a suit part!
Bananaquack said on January 18, 2015 at 5:03 AM
In my opinion, I wish they would introduce a new type of cog, a new HQ, and a new Boss.
In my opinion, I wish they would introduce a new type of cog, a new HQ, and a new Boss.
Bubblegum said on January 18, 2015 at 5:06 AM
This is awesome and I would really appreciate it if you could bring doodles into the game! :D
This is awesome and I would really appreciate it if you could bring doodles into the game! :D
Ginger said on January 18, 2015 at 6:04 AM
Yay! Im really looking forward to the toon hall! Will there be a silly meter? :O
Yay! Im really looking forward to the toon hall! Will there be a silly meter? :O
Gabby Goldennoodle said on January 18, 2015 at 6:16 AM
I'd want to add maybe a bit less cogs to defeat in those defeat 500 cogs toontasks I've seen. Maybe whenever you defeat a cog building u get double skill points? That would be awesome! TY!
I'd want to add maybe a bit less cogs to defeat in those defeat 500 cogs toontasks I've seen. Maybe whenever you defeat a cog building u get double skill points? That would be awesome! TY!
Baron Crazy Cheezyflipper said on January 18, 2015 at 6:55 AM
I would love it if you guys did something where if someone had all maxed suits, then they could go fight the Chairman, who sent out higher than lvl 12 cog v2.0s to fight you.
I would love it if you guys did something where if someone had all maxed suits, then they could go fight the Chairman, who sent out higher than lvl 12 cog v2.0s to fight you.
melanielove12345 said on January 18, 2015 at 8:57 AM
i love the game
i love the game
said on January 18, 2015 at 9:05 AM
Oooh! I agree with Christmas Kitty's comment down below, you should definitely consider doing those ideas! :)
Oooh! I agree with Christmas Kitty's comment down below, you should definitely consider doing those ideas! :)
Brutus said on January 18, 2015 at 9:07 AM
Something that would be REALLY awesome would be if you gave toons the option to use the alt key to throw pies in the VP, evidence in the CJ, flip cards in the memory game, etc. Making us use the delete key makes it very hard for players who use Mac computers, because we have to press two buttons at the same time to use the delete key, making it awkward when you need to be moving around at the same time. This is why I love the Cog Thief trolley game, because you can use the alt key to throw pies.
Something that would be REALLY awesome would be if you gave toons the option to use the alt key to throw pies in the VP, evidence in the CJ, flip cards in the memory game, etc. Making us use the delete key makes it very hard for players who use Mac computers, because we have to press two buttons at the same time to use the delete key, making it awkward when you need to be moving around at the same time. This is why I love the Cog Thief trolley game, because you can use the alt key to throw pies.
TOONTOWN RULES!!! said on January 18, 2015 at 9:10 AM
might need more........ NOTHING IT ROCKS!!!!! keep up the good work but promise me you will NOT shut this one down. TOONTOWN=LIFE
might need more........ NOTHING IT ROCKS!!!!! keep up the good work but promise me you will NOT shut this one down. TOONTOWN=LIFE
Jawz said on January 18, 2015 at 9:12 AM
Please install bypass arrows for Mata Hairy instructions in the CFO. Just like what the VP has. Thanks
Please install bypass arrows for Mata Hairy instructions in the CFO. Just like what the VP has. Thanks
Clayton said on January 18, 2015 at 9:12 AM
a toon cog. this cog looks just like a toon but when you go up to it can be up to a lvl 12 cog
a toon cog. this cog looks just like a toon but when you go up to it can be up to a lvl 12 cog
silly daphne said on January 18, 2015 at 9:15 AM
my kids aND I WAS SAYING HOW AWESOME IT WOOLD Be to be able to get gags on the streets near hq.
my kids aND I WAS SAYING HOW AWESOME IT WOOLD Be to be able to get gags on the streets near hq.
Volcanolord said on January 18, 2015 at 9:27 AM
Jukeboxes in estates so you can choose to put any music from the game on in your estate. gardening in silence is boring.
Jukeboxes in estates so you can choose to put any music from the game on in your estate. gardening in silence is boring.
squigglecrash said on January 18, 2015 at 9:35 AM
I wouldn't tweak anything but I would add bossbot hq!
I wouldn't tweak anything but I would add bossbot hq!
Quackie said on January 18, 2015 at 9:42 AM
I would tweak the playgrounds. They are all too similar with no interactivity. I would tweak them by making them more interactive. For example in minnie's melody land I would have piano sounds play when you step on piano tiles. I would also add more mini games and gags.
I would tweak the playgrounds. They are all too similar with no interactivity. I would tweak them by making them more interactive. For example in minnie's melody land I would have piano sounds play when you step on piano tiles. I would also add more mini games and gags.
Harold Wiskerton said on January 18, 2015 at 11:10 AM
I thought it would be a good idea to put higher level, and harder to find cogs on streets leading to the cog hqs.
I thought it would be a good idea to put higher level, and harder to find cogs on streets leading to the cog hqs.
Torah said on January 18, 2015 at 11:11 AM
I have an idea, during the buying of an item. Maybe add a tab that gives you options, like what color you would like it? Maybe adding new toon colors, and a place to dye things. This seems like very colorful ideas, huh? Well, everyone loves colors at some point! I thought about a color panel, so you have asset of the rainbow colors, and you drag the dot to a section, and it's like that color. You know, when you don't have options, and you just gotta make a color? The last idea is pretty out of the way, but I think it would make customizing things cool, having a unique color for your very own toon! Anyways, I'm all about style, colors, and clothing! Thanks for reading! `Torah`
I have an idea, during the buying of an item. Maybe add a tab that gives you options, like what color you would like it? Maybe adding new toon colors, and a place to dye things. This seems like very colorful ideas, huh? Well, everyone loves colors at some point! I thought about a color panel, so you have asset of the rainbow colors, and you drag the dot to a section, and it's like that color. You know, when you don't have options, and you just gotta make a color? The last idea is pretty out of the way, but I think it would make customizing things cool, having a unique color for your very own toon! Anyways, I'm all about style, colors, and clothing! Thanks for reading! `Torah`
purple puppy said on January 18, 2015 at 11:31 AM
Can't wait you guys are doing Toontafic work! ;-)
Can't wait you guys are doing Toontafic work! ;-)
Melody said on January 18, 2015 at 11:35 AM
The one thing I would love to see is the ability to sell fish at your estate. Even if its just during bingo, it would be a huge improvement!
The one thing I would love to see is the ability to sell fish at your estate. Even if its just during bingo, it would be a huge improvement!
Lucario said on January 18, 2015 at 11:36 AM
Bossbot Hq Is Coming? :o
Bossbot Hq Is Coming? :o
Lucario said on January 18, 2015 at 11:39 AM
Put In Bossbot HQ, We Got Out Promotions And Stuff But We Want Our Pink Slips.
Put In Bossbot HQ, We Got Out Promotions And Stuff But We Want Our Pink Slips.
Toon said on January 18, 2015 at 11:50 AM
What about a little twist to things? We should have a playground where us toons can dress up as cogs and defeat other toons as a challenge? That would be funny and awesome! we could finally use cog gags and just have a little twist to things.
What about a little twist to things? We should have a playground where us toons can dress up as cogs and defeat other toons as a challenge? That would be funny and awesome! we could finally use cog gags and just have a little twist to things.
Melody said on January 18, 2015 at 11:50 AM
Another thing I would absolutely LOVE to see is group whisper. It's so tedious to say" _____ just said that they'll be here soon", or ask each of your friends one at a time to help. I would love to just say to all my friends " Anyone up for a 5 story boss?"
Another thing I would absolutely LOVE to see is group whisper. It's so tedious to say" _____ just said that they'll be here soon", or ask each of your friends one at a time to help. I would love to just say to all my friends " Anyone up for a 5 story boss?"
Little Poppy Wonderpop said on January 18, 2015 at 12:22 PM
Have music playing in the estates, bring back doodles and parties, and add new animals!
Have music playing in the estates, bring back doodles and parties, and add new animals!
Master Batty MacGlooop said on January 18, 2015 at 12:40 PM
I'm exited what's in store maybe Boss Bot HQ. yeah maybe not but it is exiting to see what's next and I'm totally going to keep track with the news until next time TTR
I'm exited what's in store maybe Boss Bot HQ. yeah maybe not but it is exiting to see what's next and I'm totally going to keep track with the news until next time TTR
Cool! :D