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ToonFest: "Meet the Developers" Panel Details

Posted by The Toontown Team on May 15, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Step right up, Toons! With just a few weeks left until we kick off ToonFest: The Great Fanfair, it’s time to get the walking globe rolling! We have plenty of surprises up our sleeves, but now it’s time for a grand reveal. What are you waiting for? Let’s make like trapeze artists and swing right into it! 

This ToonFest will be unlike anything ever before, but we couldn’t have a ToonFest without all the Toontown Online developers who helped make this game possible! These game industry veterans made significant contributions to the development of Toontown, and we’re thrilled to have them in attendance this year. 

Get a good drumroll going; let your fanfares ring out! It’s time to announce who’s frequenting this year’s ToonFest! On Friday, May 24th starting at 8:00 PM CDT, the following developers from Disney’s Toontown Online will transport us through time with immersive and memorable stories about their experiences working on this beloved game:  

  • Jesse Schell - Creative Director, 2000-2005, CEO of Schell Games
  • Shawn Patton - Imagineering Intern, 2002, Design Director on Toon Parties, 2008-2009
  • Jan Wallace - Show Writer, 2000 - 2003
  • Mike Goslin - Vice President of Disney Online, 2000-2009

Whew, what an assortment of talented folks. We can hardly wait to learn more about their experiences working on Toontown! While there won’t be any fire breathing, doodle taming, or pie throwing (yet), it’s safe to say this is a panel you don’t want to miss!

Stay TOONed for more information about ToonFest: The Great Fanfair! In the meantime, keep a lookout for that pesky Flunky. That little guy is always up to something...

Submit Q&A Questions Online!

If you have burning questions about Toontown that you'd like to ask our guests, send them to us on Discord or via email to support@toontownrewritten.com! We won't be able to ask every question due to the limited timeframe of the panel, but we'll pick out some of the most interesting and popular ones to ask live on stage!

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Midnight said on May 16, 2024 at 12:16 AM
Wow, it's great to have all of these developers for the panel! Hearing them spill the beans about Toontown Online is one of my favourite parts of Toonfest. I can't wait to attend.

Gold Mouse Cool Toon said on May 20, 2024 at 7:59 PM
This will be so insightful and fun to hear!
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